Logs:Operation: M.E.A.N. E.Y.E.

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Operation: M.E.A.N. E.Y.E.

Maniacally Excessive Armaments Not Encouraging. Yahoo Extraneous.

Dramatis Personae

Hawkeye, Black Widow, Sung

In Absentia



"We're here about a railgun."


<NYC> The Bureau - Staten Island

This is an underground bunker. From the outside it's a giant concrete slab on the ground which opens with digital keys, although it can be hacked with sophisticated enough equipment. Once the big doors open upwards (like a box) it leads down via a staircase or driveway. Once inside it opens up into a massive rectangular shape and the walls are littered with weapons and gadgets with lights behind on the walls behind them. Off in a separate room is a small hangar where the plane is stored. In the middle of the large right room there's a larger table in the middle. Schematics, book logs, and notes can be found scattered around on the table. There’s a large screen with a map on it of New York, there are also places highlighted. Hospitals, police stations, schools, and even the train stations and routes. Also dates of future shipments from various companies, Stark Industries is one of them.

There are no signs of forced entry, and from the outside at least everything is as Sung left it last. But down in the bunker itself, there are two people more than there should be. Hawkeye is dressed in sleek, no-nonsense tactical black accented in purple and gray, from wraparound goggles to surprisingly lightweight combat boots. He has a black-and-purple recurve bow with some unusual hardpoints on its stout riser clamped to the full quiver on his back, a small handgun in a drop-leg holster, and probably a few knives, but who's counting. He looks up from the documents on the table to squint critically at the map screen. "This is a weird selection of places to railgun." He doesn't sound very concerned about the prospect. "Train station, sure. But you really don't need that kind of penetration for a hospital."

"Do you need that kind of penetration anywhere in the city?" Black Widow is all in tactical black as well, but hers is pretty un-accented. Just now she's been looking through some of the notes, taking numerous pictures for perusal later, but she drifts back towards the screen to quirk an eyebrow up at it skeptically. "Maybe those cancer kids really have it coming."

Sung, who was on her way back to the Bureau with take out, entered the park where the bunker was and in roughly five minutes was just outside. Black Widow and Hawkeye had been inside the bunker for about 7 minutes already when they soon heard the large doors up from above. The opening and closing process was very loud and screechy like an older style garbage truck. Around a minute later tho Sung arrived down inside now being about 50 feet away from both Black Widow and Hawkeye.

She was dressed in her usual attire, a tattered off-white lab coat, green collar shirt, blue jeans and Chuck Taylors. “Who are two? And give me one go reason not to shoot you here and now.” She said with an irritated look on her face, now holding a pistol in one hand and her food in the other. Her voice having constant thick Korean accent.

The loud screechy garbage truck noise may not have tipped off Hawkeye, and his goggles may not have known what to make of it, but his partner's signal serves well enough. He doesn't actually bother taking cover, but does put the table between himself and the bottom of the stairs in case he needs to, for some reason. He deploys his bow in a leisurely fashion and selects an arrow in likewise leisurely fashion, during the minute that it takes their unwilling hostess to arrive, and by the time Sung is making incomprehensible mouth noises in his direction he has an arrow fitted to his bow though not yet drawn back. "We're here about a railgun."

Black Widow has, unsurprisingly, alerted her partner at the first signs of noise from above. She also seems eminently unbothered by their incoming company, or by the pistol. She's still kind of unhurriedly poking through the map screen, which she's cloned to a sleek small tablet of her own in order to attempt digging further into the files on this system. "-- came here about the railgun. Kinda curious about these hospitals now, too."

“Nuh uh, my house my rules, I asked first. Name’s and reasons now.” She said more calmly, as they were clearly not intimidated in the slightest by her. Still holding her gun and food, she stepped closer to a wall that was full of small gadgets, throwable gadgets. “And if you give an answer I don’t like say goodbye to these pretty faces.” She said with a slight smile and wink.

When Sung moves, Hawkeye draws his arrow back, slow and deliberate. "Is she threatening us?" He asks Black Widow conversationally. "I assumed she was threatening us, but now the wink and the smile are kind of throwing me." His aim shifts minutely, though he doesn't look any more concerned that Sung is now standing next to a wall of gadgets she has no free hands to use.

'She's trying to threaten us', Black Widow isn't saying this aloud but signing it back at her partner, this affirmation coming as casual as if she was discussing what's for dinner later. She's considering the wink and smile with an assessing scrunch of her brows. 'Maybe she's trying to lean into the psycho villain trope.' As her own tablet finishes its work in cloning the files -- someone at SHIELD will be going through this later -- she disappears the device out of sight. She is still looking at the original map screen, at least, as she muses (aloud, again), "Why Staten Island?"

“Well how many weapon dealers do ‘you’ know that live in Staten Island.” She said with a light hearted chuckle. “The hospitals are where I avoid causing chaos, I want to avoid more casualties than is needed. As for the police stations and subway routes, you can guess that.” She drops the magazine out of the pistol, and put the gun on the table along with her food. “You two clearly didn’t come to fight, plus I don’t feel like cleaning up. So why are you interested in my gun? You don’t seem like the press or potential buyers.” She asked pretty casually, even dragging over a chair and kicking her feet up onto the table. “Don’t tell me you were trying to steal from me?”

Hawkeye is watching Black Widow more than Sung, now, as his partner interprets the other woman's spoken words into sign. He undraws when Sung unloads her gun and sets it down, though he does not put away the bow. His expression changes several times through the explanation, mostly circling the region of perplexity. "What casualties are 'needed', exactly? No matter where you're based, dealing weapons means you sell the weapons, not blow up the subway." He gesticulates vaguely at the map before tucking the arrow away. "Why do you even have a railgun? That's bunker-busting tech." He darts a baffled glance at Black Widow. "Granted, you are kinda living under a rock, but not knowing who we are is an insult to our publicist, and I don't like anyone insulting him."

Black Widow is very much eying Hawkeye's drawn bow as she interprets didn't come to fight. -- "What casualties are needed?" This is almost in time with Hawkeye. "I think anyone who's genuinely concerned about minimizing casualties doesn't become an illegal arms dealer. What's the railgun for, it seems kind of, overkill for --" Though there's not actually windows to gesture to here, Black Widow is tipping her eyes upward toward the ceiling and, presumably, the posh Staten Island neighborhood above. "-- the Silver Lake set."

“The railgun, is my lifes work, plus I don’t plan on using it on every single enemy.. just when I need to.” She says then opens up her food, chicken nuggets, fries and a drink, she eats like a child. “Casualties aren’t a necessity, but if people don’t move the first time I ask then well…” She said then flashed a slightly annoyed looked before eating a nugget. “Look I don’t kill unnecessarily. Sometimes monsters can’t be tamed or reasoned with, and just like an animal with rabies ya..” She made slash across her neck as if something dying.

Hawkeye is kind of staring at Black Widow's as she signs, then looks back at Sung when she breaks out her dinner. After a moment, he finally manages, "I think there might be a language barrier here, Ms. Sung. You see, I'm a bit hard of hearing, so bear with me. What exactly do you mean when you say 'railgun'? From my limited knowledge, it's an artillery weapon that launches projectiles at something like the Mach 8 range, and can punch through just about anything--ships, buildings, small mountains, you name it."

"Now, I've never encountered an individual enemy I can't take down with one of these..." He pulls an arrow from his quiver and waggles it indicatively without raising his bow. "...or several of these, at most. What do you need that kind of firepower to fight, and where do you plan on fighting them?" He hesitates briefly, twirling the arrow between his fingers, before continuing. "I agree some enemies can't be reasoned with, but personally, 'not moving the first time you ask' seems like a pretty fast and loose way to identify those."

For a moment there's been a very brief hitch in Black Widow's interpreting, like she's trying to make quite sure she's been correctly relaying the other woman's words. There's a small easing in her stance, though -- a curious tilt of her head, a small thoughtful pull at her mouth that isn't exactly a smile but does hint at one, her head dipping in a slow nod at what Sung says. "Yeah, we've met a few of those types." Her head jerks over toward Clint as she speaks, though she's still looking at and addressing Sung.

"The work you're in, I'm sure you've got plenty of stories, huh? Crime's been getting worse and worse." Black Widow is wandering towards the railgun where it hangs on the wall, peering at it with a close interest. "Seems like you put a lot of work into this. Where do you plan to use it?"

“Where would you use it?” She said then took a swig of her drink. “The advances of science never stop, we just have to keep up. I am simply a bit ahead, and what better way to use that technology and science then for a hand held weapon of mass destruction. Now that sounds bad, but I am also not stupid. That is only going to be used when absolutely necessary, and bow guy try Mach 9.” Sung looked from Widow to Hawkeye, with a quick raise of her eyebrow then returned to her food. “Anyway,” she grabbed and ate a nugget. “you never answered my question. Who are you?”

Hawkeye had started frowning, but as Black Widow finishes interpreting Sung's explanation, his brows smooth out in comprehension. "Oh, I get it now." He's addressing his partner but waving the arrow in his hand at Sung. "Haven't had one of those types in a while." Turning back, he studies Sung more closely. "I wouldn't use a railgun anywhere," he replies, deadpan. "Not a fan of the part where it keeps going after it blows through your target, then whatever's behind it, then whatever's behind that, and so on. Seems untidy." He shrugs one shoulder and twirls the arrow nimbly between his fingers. "I'll take my 300 feet per second over your Mach 9 any day."

Now he returns this arrow to his quiver, as well, and comes out with yet another one, strange and bulky. He pulls something from the arrowhead and clips it to his belt, then aims straight up. "Nothing good around here," he laments to his partner as he lets the arrow fly, trailing a fine cable behind it, "but let's grab a bite when we get back to civilization." When the arrowhead hits the roof/door, it splits open and fires anchors into the concrete. "And a stiff drink." He curls one arm around Black Widow, who needs no prompting to hold on tight herself. The two of them zip up into the darkness, so fast that Hawkeye's voice dopplers when he calls down, "I really prefer 'arrow guy' if you're going for the obvious!"