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(Created page with "{{ Logs | cast = Spencer, Remi | summary = "What's your mutant magic?" | gamedate = 2023-02-07 | gamedatename = | subtitle = | location = <XS> Spencer and Remi's Dor...")
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{{ Logs
{{ Logs
| cast = [[Spencer]], [[Remi]]
| cast = [[Spencer]], [[Remi]]
| mentions = [[Jax]], [[Shane]]
| summary = "What's your mutant magic?"
| summary = "What's your mutant magic?"
| gamedate = 2023-02-07
| gamedate = 2023-02-07

Latest revision as of 16:52, 1 July 2024

Jumping to Conclusions
Dramatis Personae

Spencer, Remi

In Absentia

Jax, Shane


"What's your mutant magic?"


<XS> Spencer and Remi's Dorm - Boys' Wing

This is a double occupancy room with a brightly colored blown glass mezuzah mounted vertically in the doorway, quite generously sized by dorm hall standards. Only one side is currently occupied, though the other side is starting to creep over bit by bit. The decorations in here are extremely eclectic: here a dogeared neon pink zine, there a beautiful oil painting of a stark alien landscape, a few playbills and a few more posters, a replica of Captain America's shield, several framed photographs (and several unframed ones) featuring people, pets, and landscapes from startling angles, a pair of rainbow glass candlesticks by the window, and a large locked trunk that calls to mind nothing so much as a pirate's treasure trove.

After an awful night's sleep on the floor, Remi's back and neck were stiff. He had had been to the Admin with every intention of giving them a piece of his mind but instead simply ended up describing the problem with the same weak-willed smile he usually wore and said it was no problem. He was directed to a new room and all he wanted to do was lay down on a bed he could call his own.

He knocked on the door and there was no response. Though, they did tell him that his new roommate wasn't here all the time so if he didn't answer then Remi should just let himself in. He placed the key in the door and let himself in, just in case he called out "Hello? Sorry for the intrusion!" in a cheery yet apologetic tone. Seeing no one was there, Remi looked around the room, not minding one bit that he seemed to have a little bit less space than his roommate. Placing his luggage down on the bed he considered just going to sleep there and then but he decided no, if his roommate did come back it would be weird to see a somewhat passed out person who hadn't unpacked.

He tied his lengthy hair up in a bun and began putting his clothes away in the chest of draws he was provided with. He didn't care much for organisation right now, so he just dumped everything in the draws and got onto the exciting part. The decorating. He pulled out his bedding and began making his bed, slowly beginning to bleed his pastel persona onto his side of the room.

A moment ago, Remi was alone in the room, the next --

-- there's a boy flopped on the other bed. Spencer looks exhausted, his brown hair (overdue for a trim) flopped all askew, his kippah (styled as a bright yellow sunburst) hanging by one clip, his clothes (a red t-shirt with a black circle around the Hebrew letter Aleph, black jeans, red low-top sneakers and, notably, no jacket) all rumpled. And is that a bruise starting to raise on one cheek? It's hard to get a good look because he's leapt up with an undignified yelp and --

-- he's suddenly across the room, kneeling behind his desk, gray eyes wide-wide. "I have a new roommate?" His voice is cracking, but even in the course of the sentence he is shifting from startled to excited. "I have a new roommate!" he repeats before Remi has a chance to reply. He straightens up and tries (fails) to straighten his kippah, too. "Hey! I'm Spence!" Then, awkwardly yet very insistently adds, "Spencer Holland."

Remi was casually humming along to himself as he straightened out his bedding, he heard nothing when Spence poofed into the room but when he started exclaiming Remi's about jumped out of his skin. "Fuck!" his voice cracked as he leapt onto his bed like a cat, turning to face the source of the noise. At the sight of what was obviously his new roommate his facial features relaxed and he cleared his throat and climbed off his bed, pulling down on his skirt. "Please godsI hope I just didn't get my entire ass out in front of my new roommate." he prayed to himself.

He bowed politely and then all formality went out of the window. A bashful smile spread across his face as he introduced himself. "Hi! My name's Remi! New to the school and mutant-hood alike!" he chuckled before his face went into deep thought. "Wait... Holland like, 'the' Holland family?" his mouth slightly agape, frozen as his hands slowly reached into a pouch around his neck, pulling out a lollipop, unwrapping it and placing it in his mouth before he took his hand and physically shut his jaw.

"Welcome to Mutant High," Spence chirps kind of automatically. Then, less automatically, "Welcome to Mutant Kind! I'm like, extremely experienced at mutating, and yeah." He rubs his cheek. Winces. Yep, that's definitely going to bruise. "The Holland family." His eyes narrow -- not suspiciously exactly, but definitely intent -- at Remi. Drop down the to lollipop. Up to his eyes. Skate away to the pastel decor. Back to the lollipop. "Uh. Jax is my dad."

"Thanks very much." His tone changes. "I'm sorry about your dad, i'm sure it's hard without him at the minute, but i'm not gonna talk about that unless you want to. I'm sure you're sick and tired of people bombarding you about it already." Remi notices Spence checking him out essentially but only focuses on the wince. He observes the bruise beginning to welt on his cheek. "I can help with that you know. Take a seat and let Nurse Remi fix you right up!" Remi flung open his suitcase and pulled out a ridiculously large first-aid kit. "I know I have something for bruises in here, it's real good...." rummaging in what seemed to be Mary Poppins' first-aid bag, Remi pulled out a jar of gummies and a tube of ointment. "Here, Vitamin C gummies will help with the inflammation, The Arnica will help with swelling. Two gummies per day and you can apply the Arnica about three times per day too" he said placing the gummies down on his dresser in front of spence and approaching Spencer while dabbing some ointment on his finger. "May I?" he said, asking if Spence was ok with being touched essentially.

Spence -- maybe was going to start to reply? But then he's watching Remi unpack his first aid bag with a kind of baffled fascination. "Oh! Thank you -- uh --" He blushes, then laughs, then winces when the laughter pulls at his cheek. "Yes you may thank you" kind of comes out without regard to punctuation. "Sorry for um. Jumping to conclusions it's just been a day you know."

Remi smiles softly and nods as his attention focus on the bruise. He applies the ointment extremely gently, having to apply pressure in certain areas. "Sorry if it smarts a bit! And i know it kinda smells funky but you should only need to apply this to any bruises you have for a few days and they'll start to go away pretty quickly."

Remi pulls back and wipes the remaining ointment into his hands before placing his first-aid kit at the foot of his bed. "I'm sure it has been. I've had a pretty hectic weekend so while I can't understand your situation exactly, I know what it's like to go through a whole bunch in a short period of time!" he said as he sat down on his own bed.

Spence holds still and doesn't -- mostly -- wince again. "Thanks," he says, less strained this time. "You're a pretty awesome nurse, Remi. Is that French? Your name I mean." He picks up the vitamin C gummies and studies the label absently. "This kinda stuff...it blows over. People will mostly forget." He sounds pretty jaded about it, but can't quite keep the tone up with, "But right now, people are being jerks about it." His shoulders tighten, but only briefly. He looks back up at Remi and smile. If it's lopsided it's surely just the swelling. "Why's your weekend been hectic? Like, coming to the school and stuff?"

"Thanks a whole Bunch cutie!" he smiled, happy that Spence called him a nurse. "My mom is a nurse but she's sick right now so I asked her to teach me what she knew is all. Umm, i'm not actually sure! My mom picked the name, she's American, Dad's Japanese." he sucked on his lollipop for a moment before continuing.

"It's just cause it's fresh right now, you're dad's a badass and that's what you gotta focus on!" he chuckled, deciding that he needed to get comfy. He took off his top and pulled out a huge, lilac snuggie covered in a love heart pattern and donned it."Yeh..." he sighed, tugging the snuggie over his head. "I put a kid in a coma by accident and then they came and brought me here basically. Did some tests to check what I can do, blah blah. Nothing nobody here hasn't been through so it's nothing to complain about I suppose!" he tried his best to keep the smile plastered on his face. He couldn't waste his time with sadness when Spencer was the one going through the hard stuff.

"I'm sorry your mom's sick," Spence says earnestly, "I hope she feels better soon. It sounds like she a great teacher, and good with names." He frowns. "No wait I think that's when you don't forget people's names. Good at names? Good namer." He settles on that one and sits down on his bed. "He is a badass. And it's not like the other kids don't know him he's a teacher here!" He takes off his kippah, musses his hair until it's...about the same level of muss, actually, and clips it back on. Then almost forgets to put his arms back down, eyes gone wide again. "Oh no! Is the kid -- are you -- I mean --" He scrubs the uninjured side of his face. "Wow. That is a whole bunch in a short period of time. What's your --" He closes his mouth firmly. Then immediately pivots to, "How are you holding up?"

It was just then that he realised that yeh, maybe he was going through a lot. But he'd get through it, he always did. "Don't worry, I have every faith my mom will get better. As for the kid, i've been told he's gonna be ok, so that's great. I'm doing ok, don't worry about me, i'm always ok! As long as I smile, nothing can bring me down!" he chuckled. "If there's something you want to ask me, it's totally ok. I've already tenderly touched your cheek. What harm can a question do, right?" he winked cheekily at Spencer before bursting into laughter.

Spence smiles, too, though it's maybe a little rueful. "It's ok to not be ok, too. But yeah, you know like, you have to go with what works for you." Maybe he had further pearls of wisdom to dispense, but he's blushing at Remi's comment, and then blushing harder at his laughter, though he does laugh, too. "Oh man you might regret encouraging me to ask questions," he warns. "I'll try not to go mad with power. Where're you from?"

"Honestly, I feel likei've started my whole life again just as a mutant so i'm totally down for talking with someone who gets it. Ask as many questions as you need to. Though I may have some of my own in return!" Remi eagerly scooted forward to the edge of his bed, looking over at Spence, slightly confused as to why he was blushing. A wave of panic washed over him, was he sat in an awkward position or something? Maybe Spencer could see his underwear or something! His hands rushed to not so discreetly check that his snuggie was covering all that it needed to, thankfully it was. All clear.

"I'm from right here in New York actually. Though dad originally is from Okinawa. We lived there for a few years but ended up moving back here. What about you? Sorry, I know your family is famous but I don't feel right googling information about celebrities and stuff online. It feels kinda creepy. If i already knew everything about you from the internet i'd feel like some weird stalker." he slipped off his boots to get comfortable as he awaited a response intently.

"Wait, so like, when did you manifest?" Spence tilts his head slightly, studying Remi's...hair? As if that might clue him in on how many mutant years (months?) (weeks??) old he is. He tilts his head the other way when Remy starts patting himself down, though if he was wondering what that was about he's very quickly sidetracked with "Oh you're from New York too I'm from Queens!" He does, in fact, stop to take a break before tumbling right on into "Jamaica Estates originally though I lived in the East Village for a while and oh now I'm in Ridgewood, well and here thank you for not googling us though!"

Remi took a moment to think about it. "Well, I suppose I only "manifested" he included in air quotes. "A few months ago but I didn't have any idea about it until... Saturday. I spent my whole life living as a human, then they diagnose me with diabetes. Turns out, not diabetes at all!" he looked up to the ceiling for a moment. "What did they call it?.... Glucokinesis. A weird word I know but basically, I do things with Sugar. That's how I put the kid in the coma apparently. They told me that I drained most of his blood sugar so he entered a hypoglycaemic state leaving him in a coma." he sighed and then quickly interjected. "I promise I won't hurt you though! They're gonna help me learn to control it, I never wanna hurt anyone I promise, like, for real!" he began to stutter and mumble before he breathed deeply and stopped himself. "So, what about you anyway! What's your mutant magic? Appearing out of thin air and sending people into states of panic?" he chuckled.

Was Spencer excited before? Maybe that was just him being polite but either way he's definitely excited now. "Oh wow! Pa also has -- not actually diabetes but powers that mess with blood sugar, so they thought he had --" He breaks off, sitting fully upright again and looking extremely serious. Maybe he is concerned about ending up in a hypocglycemic coma? But no, what he asks, low and conspiratorial, is "Do you photosynthesize, too? I mean I guess you're so new who knows! What what else can you do with sugar? Anyway I'm not," he adds, "worried you're gonna hurt any..." He trails off, frowning.

"Sometimes, accidents happen and people get hurt. I hope that doesn't happen with you! Anymore. But sometimes..." He shakes his head, smiling. "It's good to learn control, and I'm not afraid of getting uh...hypoglycemed. Unsweetened? Easy to fix, just add sugar. And we have like two whole entire doctors." He smiles bright. "And a pretty great nurse right here, even without mutant magic. My magic is...actually yeah basically that!" He looks down at his feet. Lifts them off the floor. The sneakers abruptly vanish from them and reappear at the foot of his bed. "I teleport. It's pretty awesome but, took a long time for me to learn how to do it safely."

Remi gets extremely giddy and jumps off of his bed and crosses his legs, sitting on the floor. "Wait so you can just....go wherever you want? That's awesome!" he took a moment to think about the photosynthesis comment. "No, but I can steal blood sugar from other people. They told me that whenever I use my abilities to make something I pretty much use my own blood sugar levels and then I can get really feint. That's why I always have snacks on me" he used his thumb to point to the small pouch he'd left on his bed.

"Right now, the only thing I actually know how to do is this..." he holds his palm closed and closes his eyes for a moment, focusing. Moments later, when he opened his palm, a small, almost crystal looking hard candy laid in his open palm. "It's nothing special but this is all I know how to do without fear of you know, sugar crashing someone!" he chuckled awkwardly, holding his hand with the hard candy out. "Wanna try it? I promise it's just a normal candy!"

"You're like a sugar vampire?" Spence sounds inordinately pleased with this. "That's amazing! I mean. Unless it's stressful in which case I'm sorry!" He pulls his legs onto the bed and turns around to lie with his elbows braced on the bed, peering down wide-eyed at Remi's demonstration. The eyes get bigger still. "Whoooooa. Thanks and I am -- actually so curious, but I'm pretty sure that's not kosher." He frowns. "Probably. I'm gonna ask my rabbi. And also the Internet, when the Internet calms down about my pa and Steve." His expression starts to collapse, then brightens again with a will.

"But yeah! I can go pretty much anywhere. Which was kind of a problem when I was younger and couldn't control it. I can take people with me, too!" He puffs up a little with pride, to slightly comical effect given his prone position. "Sorry I shouldn't brag. Anyway I don't know what it'll be like when you learn to gluco...kinese better. Like, make yourself super strong or conjuring sugar palaces 'Let It Go' style or what. Who knows, like you literally just manifested!" He smiles wider, encouraging. "But you're dealing with it great! A lot of kids freak out when they find out they're freaks even if they didn't find out a really dramatic way. Oh man you should really meet my pa I bet you would hit it off."

"Oh! You're totally right i'm so sorry!" he closes his palm over the candy and re-absorbs it back into his body. "Sometimes I get carried away and forget people have different food rules, my bad!" he makes a mental note to spend some time tonight before he sleeps to research different food restrictions.

Shaking his head with a slight chuckle he smiles. "No, please! Brag all you'd like, it's all incredibly interesting to me and these things take time and effort to master right? So you should be proud of your hard work! I'm proud of your hard work so never hold back with me Spence--is it ok if I call you Spence. Sorry if not!" his eyes light up with a chaotic idea. "We should go on a trip one weekend, ya know? Like poof into a little cafe somewhere, roommate date!" he laughed at how strange it sounded.

"Oh no you are so valid!" Spence says brightly. "A lot of stuff is treyyyy -- not kosher. I would probably carry snacks around like you do, except I can just like, jump home if I'm hungry. I can't really take all the credit for getting so good with my power, though. So many people have helped." His smile is suddenly a little less intense, but he doesn't seem displeased. "Yep! Spence and Spencer are both fine and we should definitely poof into a café my brother owns Evolve --" Though here he cringes. "Uh...maybe not Evolve right now but there's other ones with foods I can eat though probably not a great idea to poof into most of those cuz people get freaked and kick you out." He sits up again, as if getting ready to poof right then and there despite what he just said. "Speaking of which I'm gonna go grab a snack from the kitchen." His smile pulls very crooked. "I might need a nurse again after."