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Latest revision as of 02:39, 23 November 2014

Dramatis Personae

Ion, Jack, Laura




<NYC> Central Park North

Central Park North is slightly quieter than its southern counterpart, being further uptown and slightly out of the bustle of the City - insofar as one can escape the bustle of the City even here, in the acres of green and blue that make up Central Park. The reservoir is in the northern half, providing miles of jogging and biking trails along the clear water, as well as benches for people to sit and rest.

Laura is out on the ice, its a warm day for such activities and she has shed her jacket in exchange to enjoy. Without her notice Laura had been skating, then a flicker of movement as if the real of film she was being played upon ran too fast for half a second, then back to normal. This happened a couple times with a couple people starting to point and notice, she got a beeping from her watch and quickly moved to the side of the rink to leave before she drew any more attention to herself, and there she finds herself pulling her skates off and looking from side to side with a nervous glint in her eyes.

Ion has a glint in his eyes, too, but in his case it's more /bright/. Eager, excited, /gleam/, there's an almost /manic/ wired energy to him moreso than /nervous/; it carries over into his posture (exuberant-energetic-/bounce/) and the bright smile hanging on his face. There's a very large Italian sausage in his hands, dripping with spicy mustard and onions and peppers and he's nomming on it with relish, kind of enjoying it, kind of just leaning on the barrier at the edge of the rink and watching the skaters with as much interest as though he were spectating an actual /event/. "You see this?" He's /saying/ this -- happily! -- to Laura as she leaves, friendly-casual in a /thiiiick/ accent. Some kind of Latino. Heavy. "Blades, ice, zoom." His tone is sort of 'what-will-you-people-think-of-next'. He's dressed biker-casual, heavy jeans, taaaall (expensive!) shitkicker boots, leather jacket over denim shirt with a small patch on the jacket that says MMMC underneath a skull-and-crossbones logo (though the skull is rather inhuman, fanged and horned and twisted, and the crossbones are in reality a jagged pair of lightning bolts.) Beneath the sleeves of his jacket a rather /ostentatiously/ glittering ridiculously gaudy /very/ diamond encrusted watch is glinting.

Someone definitely didn't come to skate today. Jack's got no clue how to skate unless its on a board and even then just barely. But the rink is a decent spot for gathering a few more wallets. Or at least the cash inside them. He tends to drop wallets nearby after taking them so their owners can find them again. Of course that's no even mentioning the whole 'find that one guy's house and bring his wallet back to him' thing he did after feeling guilty over stealing his registration card. Still dressed in his old hoodie, dirty jeans, stolen gloves, and now with an equally 'borrowed' scarf around his neck under the hoodie, he's scouting targets. Hood up as usual to hide his lack of face, light glinting off something catches his eye and he glances over in Ion's direction. The watch gets a moment of attention from the teen before his unseen eyes fall on the sausage Ion has. The baked goods he got last night from Happy Cakes were good but they ran out quick. He silently wonders if he'd be able to pull off a lunch-theft, slowly moving closer but not yet seeing Laura. Food is distracting.

Laura looks back to the man speaking to her and gives a nervous smile, "Yea... something like that." she glances over her shoulder to be sure no one is pursuing her or deciding to toss things at her for what must have been an embarrassing slip of powers. She gives pause to look at her watch and make an adjustment to a couple buttons.

Ion slurps a green pepper off his sausage, licking mustard off the corner of his mouth after he's eaten it. "I never try. I do, I be. Two-fucking-second, I think." A casually indicative wave of his sausage-bearing hand towards the rink dislodges a couple onions to splat to the ground. "Fall down. Splat. How many bruises you get, learn this?" Not that he seems a stranger to them; for all the glinting watch and expensive jacket and boots his waving hand is scuffed up badly, knuckles torn and scraped, and when he shifts against the barrier to turn and face Laura a little better there's a definite stiffness of motion, a small wince, that seems indicative of soreness or injury hidden somewhere beneath clothing. "Fun, though. Looks fun. Yeah?" He glances to her watch, glances back over her shoulder, too, in the direction she's looked. "You late?"

Those onions splattering on the ground get such a frown from Jack. Not that anyone would ever see it. He keeps moving closer, eventually taking a spot against the railing to fake looking casual. He wasn't too interested in the talk about skating but as he was studying Ion and trying to decide on his best course of action, the invisible teen noticed Laura. He was surprised, wondering just how he kept running into her and hoping she didn't end up thinking he was some kind of creepy stalker.

Laura thinks about it, "Probably allot," she seems to be relaxing as the questions are of a mundane nature and she starts unlacing her skates. She watches him for a moment, "Late, oh no... I just... little picky about the time I guess." She dosn't seem to pull Jack out of the crowed of other bundles of cloths and double checks her jacket to be sure it wasn't stole in the course of her skating. "You going to give it a try?"

The sausage seesaws back and forth indecisively in the air. Bounce-wobble. "{Maybe-maybe-maybe.}" The reply comes first in cheery Spanish. "I like fast. Things." Ion's eyebrows bounce up -- excited! -- at the mention of The Time. It's with a /flourish/ that he stretches his wrist out to look at his Incredibly Gaudy piece of Expensive Bling (the diamonds are set into kind of a /rainbowy/ background. It's possible the strap is alligator skin. Possibly.) "Oh, yeah." His tone is caaasual despite the flourish of the motion. "Yeah me too." Though for anyone paying attention the time currently displayed on his watch isn't actually even set correctly. "Try, maybe I try. You have fun? I'm looking. Ways to top last year's winter sport. Need something better than zombie-hunting."

Jack's debating whether or not to cancel the plan and run for it when he sees the bouncing and wobbling. That draws his attention back and he tenses. Seeing Ion start checking his watch, Jack sees an opening. He turns and his brow creases as he focuses his telekinesis. A gloved hand is held out and Jack tries to telekinetically steal the sausage away from Ion. If he's able, it'll be time to run for it.

Laura catches sight of the watch, her eyes going wide with envy, "Oh my... thats beautiful." her own watch being a garmen forerunner, pink with a rubberized band. She then turns her head a bit to the side, "Um... I think its off by... allot."

"Yeah? Pretty sweet, huh?" Ion's gaudy monstrosity is a Jacob & Co tourbillon piece that probably costs significantly more than most people's houses. It disappears back beneath the sleeve of his jacket as he drops his hand, his other one lifting -- puzzled -- as he pokes with sudden /mystified/ curiosity at the suddenly floating sausage that is moving away from him. "Hey-hey-hey-hey-hey you see this? You see this what this magic happ --" He's /following/ the Flying Sausage with an almost childlike wide-eyed wonder that suddenly turns into a startled "/hey/" when the sausage ends up in Jack's hands. /Given/ the boots, the jacket, the /stupid/ watch, it's uncertain why a $3 sausage is worth the indignant coyote-yelp, the way he's /sprinting/ after the teenager. "Who steal a sausage man."

Jack scowls at himself when his use of power is seen. He really needs to work on his speed with his TK. But once he's got his target in that gloved hand, the hooded teen takes off. When he glances back and sees that he's being chased, Jack yelps as well. He did not expect chasing! Cursing under his breath, he keeps running. He doesn't say it but he's silently wondering 'who chases someone over a sausage'.

Laura looks at the sausage and seems confused by what she see's. "Thats not an every day event." When she spots who it is that is receiving the pilfered food she calls out in a not so loud way, "Hay now, we talked about this," though likely wasn't heard by the fleeing teen. Laura stays seated where she was, lacing back up her shoes as she watches the two take off.

"/CHE/ ey dude I was fucking --" Ion, oddly, is /grinning/, still, when Jack glances back, bright and just as cheerful as he ever was before. Speaking of working on speed he seems to have a lot of it -- kind of a surreal amount, in fact. Or maybe he's cheating? because he definitely was behind Jack just a second ago but his fingertips brush light against one park lamppost and pretty much exactly no time later he's in /front/ of the fleeing teenager, an odd crackle-pop and a faint ozone-tinge scent to him. Same bright /smile/ never leaving his face but now his arm held out strong and solid set to /clothesline/ the kid he was half a second ago just pursuing.

Jack's pretty quick on his feet. He used to play football and it's obvious with how he moves and avoids people. He's got plenty of experience dodging guys trying to slam into him. What he isn't prepared for at all? That'd be someone appearing in front of him so suddenly. Doding big guys in pads you can see coming is one thing, evading super speedy guys who pop up in front of him unexpectedly is another. He only has time to get out half a curse before the clothesline connects and he goes down with a THUD. His hood falls back as he's hit to reveal...well nothing. It certainly looks like his head was taken off since it's not there. And the poor stolen sausage has been dropped as well.

Laura is standing beside the two men as Jack is knocked to the ground, she drops her coat over the face of the invisible boy and offers, "Carefull, don't want to be seen loosing your head." Wait... Jack ran, Ion did what he did and Laura is there after its all over as if she had been standing next to the end of the chase instead of the beginning.

"Eyyyy, chabon," after all this, Ion is holding out a hand to Jack -- offering a hand /up/ like he wasn't just the one who took him /down/. His eyebrows have hiked up when the hood falls back, one eye squinching up in a squint. "{What in the fuck, where'd you -- I just get robbed by a motherfucking /ghost/, of course I did, just my damn luck. Zombies now ghosts it's just this time of year.} -- no wait you pretty-damn-solid boy." The glib Spanish slides back into more choppy English, Ion's lips pulling back in another amused smile. "You want a thing, huh, you ask, right? -- is bit late for /that/," he adds to Laura's comment, looking down at the -- distinct lack of /head/ there.

Jack's head might not be visible but there's definitely a head shape once Laura's coat cover it. Jack groans on the ground for a moment. "Ow," he blinks a few times when all he can see if coat. Reaching up to pull it off his face, he shoots a mildly annoyed but unseen look at Ion. Sitting up, he quickly pulls his hood back up and glances at Laura. "Thanks," he mutters. The ofered hand is considered for a few moments before Jack hesitantly takes it. "Yeah, I've had so much luck with going up to people and just asking them to give their food to the dirty, homeless guy with no head..." he trails off, holding Laura's coat out to her.

Laura looks back at Jack and takes her coat back to slip it over her shoulders, "I don't know, it worked atlas once." She gives a look about the place as she considers the situation and says, "I think we should probably find somewhere else to be, I don't know who saw me on the rink, but to think no one saw this is asking a bit much."

There's a very /tiny/ brief zap when Ion's hand meets Jack's -- nothing big, it feels rather like the brief twinge of a discharge of static electricity. He grins, head shaking. "Then maybe-maybe, you pick a better targets? Maybe you run faster? Maybe you steal faster? Maybe I take you somewhere, get a new sausages, some beer, work-some on --" His fingers snap together. "Practice. Steal better next time." He throws his arms out wide, head tipping back up to the sky. "Who saw?" He doesn't ask this like no-one-saw, he asks it like a lively amused /who-cares/. "He be invisible, I be gone. Anyone got a fucking problem, let 'em."

Jack gives a little yelp when zapped but its more from surprise than anything. "I didn't ask so much as you offered," he replies to Laura. "Thanks again for that," he adds. Tugging his hood, he frowns. "I didn't think you'd chase me over a hot dog," he mutters in reply to Ion. "Wait...take me somewhere?" he blinks. "Where?" skeptical and wary now.

Laura is also a bit taken aback by the mention that Jack would be taken somewhere, "Hay now... it was just a hot dog, there's no need to do anything drastic or harsh, come on..." She seems to be under the idea that where Jack is going to be taken may be to his untimely end.

"Course I chase you over a damn hot dog man first meal I eat all day." Ion shrugs, hands shoving into his pockets. "The fuck you on about, woman?" He's giving Laura a look like she /might/ possibly be crazy. "/I'm/ getting me a new dog." Right now, evidently. The invitation for Jack to come along -- or not -- seems implied; Ion's already kind of wandering off. Presumably in the general direction of more sausage.

Jack's giving Ion a similar look at that answer. He glances at Laura, appreciating the concern but carefully following after Ion. "I'm fine on stealing, it's avoiding guys who pop out of nowhere I need to work on," he murmurs, stuffing gloved hands in his pockets. He's only following since he's pretty sure he's been invited to get a hot dog but he's more on edge and ready to if things go south again.

Laura gives a pause as she seems to have made a couple mistakes, "Oh... sorry I just thought..." She goes an interesting shade of red, "Just ignore me please."

"Eh?" Ion raises his brows at Laura, shrugging off the apology. "Think there something drastic about sausages? I don't know. They better than plain hotdog that's for sure." He's still heading away, the same wired energy to his pace as he talks to Jack. "You steal more quieter, more faster you don't get chased to start, nobody pop out nowhere. But that take some practice maybe? Maybe. I don't know. Anyway the sausage, that's obvious, you get the cash then you buy /twenty/ fucking sausage yeah? Sausage all day long." Ion doesn't have far to wander to find another stand where he can pick up more sausages. In contrast to the bling he wears the wallet he pulls out of his pocket is beat up and old, no ID in it, no cards, not much of anything really past a paltry amount of cash that he uses to get a fresh pair of Italian sausages. "Or burger. Or /steak/. Or what-fucking-ever. You be invisible, you ghost around thing with your wizard-magic, maybe-maybe you can step on up out of half-eat-sausage."

Jack tries to give Laura a sympathetic look. He understands the caution, still on guard himself. "Most people don't chase over hot dogs," Jack sighs. He agrees on the speed though, knowing he needs to get a little faster with his telekinesis. "The food seemed like an easier target at the time," he added. The teen falls otherwise silent, just watching the sausages bought and taking note of Ion's beat up wallet since it doesn't seem to match the rest of what the man has on him.

Laura dosen't seem interested in leaving the two, or atlas not Jack, at the moment and stays with them as the purchase of the hotdog takes place. She inches closer to Jack commenting more to herself than exactly to the other two, "Sometimes speed isn't all its cracked up to be."

"Most people they probably know where's their next meal coming, yeah?" Ion shrugs, putting his wallet away and offering a fistbump to the hotdog vendor when he gets the food. He gives a sausage to Jack and moves aside, hopping up to sit on the back of a nearby bench, boots thunking down onto its seat. "Life move fast. Gotta keep up, huh? World don't just leave you behind it'll leave damn /tire/ track on your face."

Nodding faintly to Laura, Jack arches an unseen brow at Ion. "Wait, are you saying you don't know where your meals are going to come from?" he asks Ion as he accpets the sausage handed to him. He moves to sit on the bench too and lets out a wry little laugh. "World'd have to find my face first. It already zoomed on by me, didn't even see me..." he mutters, waiting just a moment before biting into his food. To anyone paying close attention, it'd look like the sausage was just disappearing into thin air in bites.

Laura dosn't sit but stands near the other two as they continue their conversation. She does watch the act of Jack eating, "Thats always so interesting," she comments again talking to herself. She then looks back to Ion, "So, what would you do? Just reach out into the world and take it for all its worth, without any regard for who you may hurt in the process."

"A-hah-hahah." Ion doesn't seem mocking but genuinely delighted by the disappearing-sausage-act, eyes wide and wondering once more. "Holy shit, ese, that's some magic trick. -- I don't know always. Some weeks yes, some week no. Life like that, yeah? Up-down. /Sideways/. Inside-fucking-/out/." His bright smile flashes again, this time towards Laura just before he takes a large bite of sausage. "Damn fucking /right/. This world it don't think twice about taking me, I take it right-the-hell-back, for sure. It ain't never cut me no slacks." He shrugs, gesturing towards Jack's sausage. "Some weeks you got, then you give some. Some weeks you don't got /shit/, then you take some. Is just how things are, huh? I got plenty fucking regard, though. I take care my family. The damn /world/, though, it can take care its own damn self."

Really, Jack is a little irritated by the interest in his eating. It just reminds him more of the whole 'no one can see me' thing and he invisibly frowns as he eats. He doesn't say anything though. No, he just bottles it up. "Did the magic trick too well if the magician disappeared first," he tries to cover with a joke of course. Then its right back to quiet as Ion and Laura talk, Jack observing silently as he eats. He can honestly say he feels the same about the world sometimes. About how he should just take what he wants and the rest be damned. But his conscience is always quick to kick in and kick him in the rear. By the time Ion finishes speaking, Jack's a little more than half done with his sausage and looking to Laura to see her reaction.

Laura must have caught the irritation in Jack's face or tone and looks away from him rather than continue to stare. "Were not animals," she answers Ion's statement, "we survive because we can look after one another, because we can take care of one another in families. Even wolves hunt in packs, no matter what the loan wolf might think."

"Wellp," is all Ion says to Laura, easy-amused as he devors his sausage (kind of ravenous! kind of wolflike!) "feel like I don't barely need to get to church this week, got /all/ my damn preaching in already."

Jack finishes off his sausage in silence. He takes care to wipe his face clean so there's nothing floating there and then lets out a breath. He's tense and the talk of family and packs just has him in a bad mood. He reaches up idly to make sure his hood is still covering his non-face to his liking and then starts to stand. "It was good to see you again," he offers to Laura. "and thanks for the hot dog," he says to Ion. Normally he'd apologize for stealing the first one but he's going with the clothesline covering that. "I should get going before any cops come through," he says, stuffing gloved hands into his pockets.

Laura sets her face with what she takes as an insult. "I'm not preaching, then again I'm not taking from people at random just because I want something. Look I understand what it feels like to be kicked so hard you can only think of pulling others down with you but it dosn't mean I give in to it."

"Who the fuck you talking to, eh? Five goddamn minutes in a park and you think you know something about anyone?" Admittedly, Ion doesn't sound much /bothered/ by this. Mostly amused, as he polishes off the last of the sausage and rolls on up to his feet. He crumples up the wrapper of his hot dog, tossing it -- score, yay! into a nearby trashcan. He holds one fist out towards Jack. For a /knuckletap/. "Yeah, no problem. You stay safe, chabon."

Jack taps his knuckles against Ion's after a moment of consideration then nods. "I always try to. You two should too," he adds. The invisible teen lingers for a moment before starting to talk away. Does he know where he's going beyond 'out of the park'? Nope. But he'll figure it out as he goes.