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Revision as of 00:29, 20 July 2015

Ultimate Mutant Frisbee

"Ultimate what now?"

Dramatis Personae

Billy Jack Lulu Matt


Students vs. Professors in an innocent game of ULTIMATE FRISBEE.


<XS> School Grounds

Xavier's School is situated on grounds as luxurious as the mansion itself. The tree-lined drive brings you up to the lush green sweep of front lawn and the wide front porch with its bench swing, often frequented by students studying in pleasant weather. The large oak tree in the front yard is home to a tire swing, installed long ago beneath the sturdy old treehouse.

The lawn rolls out all the way down to the thin rocky pier at the edge of the glittering lake. The water stretches huge and wide off into the distance, the boathouse a small blip at its shore. Along its bank, forest stretches dense and shady to one side; to the other cliffs start to rise, high and rocky, providing trails for hiking or climbing, for the adventurous.

Time to see if Lulu's efforts will have paid off! After all, it would be a shame to spend summer time without serious bonding, sportive activities and lots of laughters and fun! At least, that's what Marilou has been trying to promote...

... And Marilou also loves all those sports.

Knee high rainbow socks, blue shorts, pink tanktop, teal sport-bra and red bandana over her head, Lulu literally flashes on the school ground.

She has high hopes and borrowed a few pinnies from school to make up the teams, along with flags and frisbees -- all into a box she carries over the open field. She looks up at her watch: it's time.

She lifts both hands to her mouth and shouts, "Alright! Come over everyone! We're gonna start a game of ultimate frisbee!!"

Jack hasn't come to play but he has wandered outside again. Dressed in just shorts, a school t-shirt, and some old sneakers, he's making his way up from the direction of the lake when he notices all the people gathering. Hands in his pockets and shoulders a bit slumped, he hums a little. "Ultimate what now?" he mutters, curious.

Matt waves, jogging up the drive toward the lawn. He wears a red t-shirt with Calvin and Hobbes riding the Millennium Falcon, gray cargo shorts, and white running shoes with incongruous sparkly-pink laces. "Hey! I made it!" This with a cheerful grin. "Haven't played this in forever." He apparently just caught Jack's question, quiet as it was. "It's basically touch football with a frisbee. It's a lot of fun!"

Rubbing his arms and face with a thick coat sunblock, Billy isn’t that far away. He responds to the call to arms with a cheer. Quite the opposite in both appearance and enthusiasm to Marilou, the young teacher wears all white, as he always does, and is hardly dressed appropriately for athletics. In a pink and white short sleeved gingham shirt and crisp, white chino shorts, he doesn’t look like he’s seen a grass field in his entire life. ...although the likelihood that he was guilted or roped into this only after arriving on grounds is high. Beside him in the shade, his tiny white purse-dog is attached to a lead that’s been staked to the ground. As Billy makes his way forward with a wary, lopsided smile, the dog prances along as far as the lead allows before stopping and whimpering. “I thought this was just regular frisbee, though?” He clasps his white-gloved hands together, rubbing anxiously.

As people slowly gathers up around, Marilou gestures her hands over, "Alright folks! For everyone not knowing me, just call me Lulu!" She glances at the various teenagers of different size and shape who have shown up and she says, "Remember to play nice and friendly, we're here to have fun,"

Marilou decides to make up the teams, taking up the pinnies and handing them out to random people in an attempt to balance out the potential teams.

"It's easy -- the goals are that way for the shirt-less," She points over to a large tree, "And over there for the pinnies," Lulu points out to the other side of the school yard, "There has to be three pass minimum before you can score -- You can't move with the frisbee in your hands. Contact is prohibited,"

She glances over to Matt and Billy, a wide grin on her lips, "Everyone's allowed -- you guys are in?" She grins widely. Moving over to Jack, "You in? Come on, it'll be fun!"

Jack glances back over his shoulder as Matt arrives, t-shirt twisting a little with the movement. "So frisbee football, huh..." he trails off, humming thoughtfully. He is interested but he's lacking that good mood he was in the last time he saw Matt. A sleeve lifts as he lifts a hand to wave to Billy. "Naw, regular frisbee is just throwing it with no goal," he says with a shrug. He falls silent until Lulu comes up. "I think I'll pass today, sorry. I'm just not feeling it."

"I'm in!" Matt is stretching, too quickly to do a whole lot of good. He looks over at Billy, grinning wider as he snags a pinnie from Lulu. "Being the only Big People, we probably shouldn't be on the same team? Height advantage and all." A bit of concern finds its way into his enthusiasm at Jack's reply. "Hey, that's okay. It *is* pretty oppressively hot, anyway. Everyone remember to stay hydrated!"

"Aww! Would you mind keeping Taylor company then, Jack? You don't have to but he like, loves you!" As Billy says this, the guinea-pig sized dog strains to reach for the invisible boy, rising up on its tiny haunches. The blonde smiles in response to Matt, bringing up a hand to rub the back of his neck bashfully. "I should warn you guys as a safety precaution," he makes a two-fingered gesture along his exposed skin, "My perspiration can be an irritant." Or you know, cause blood curdling screams. "I don't know how much of an advantage I'm going to be." He offers a perfect, bleached smile.

Lips curling into a wide grin, Lulu says, "Awww! It'll be fun! Anyway, if you want to join in through the game, no problem!" Marilou takes a few steps away.

She grins at Matt and shakes her head, "Nope! Adults vs. teenagers, for the ones we got... Extra motivation, if you see what I mean, especially against teachers," Lulu says, winking in Billy's direction.

"You can use a pivot if you have the frisbee -- you have 5 seconds to throw the frisbee, the person guarding you counting out loud... If you fail to pass the frisbee, it'll go to the opposite team... If there's an interception of the frisbee, the game continues..." She grins, fanning herself with the frisbee as she glances at everyone, "I'm gonna referee, but also play in pinnie-less team..."

She moves over and gives Billy her last pinnie, "Glad you're with us, professor, heheh," she glances over to Matt and she throws the frisbee in his direction, "Pinnie starts with the frisbee, games of five points.." She points over their tree, "You guys start over there, and we start in our zone," She shows the whistle in her hand, "And I blow the whistle, we go!"

"Matt -- you're team leader," She grins wickedly, "Hehe, make it work," She says, pointing her two fingers in her eyes and then back at Matt -- she'll be watching him.

"I don't mind," Jack replies. He glances at the tiny dog and nods to the rest of them. He listens to all the rules and how it’s being set up and chuckles a little. "Maybe going all against the teachers is why you have trouble getting any of them to give you permission to leave campus," he jokes a little to Lulu. Stepping back, he moves to sit in the shade with Billy's dog. "Don't try to make a snack out of me," he murmurs to the puppy.

"All right!" Matt flips the frisbee from one hand to the other, as if testing its weight. "Oh! Full disclosure, I'm going to be teaching here in the fall, too. Won't hold it against any of you for trouncing us, though." He pivots and makes eye contact with his teammates. "We all ready here?"

Billy is ready get distracted. Planting a hand on his hip, Billy pops his head to the side in true blonde fashion. "Oh, you are? What do you teach?"

In the foreground, Taylor addresses Jack with his small, black, soulless eyes and pounces at the toe of his sneaker. The dog does try to make a meal out of the boy, seeming to have developed enough problem solving ability to know that the delicious human toes are /inside/ the shoe.

"Really?" Marilou asks, arching a brow, "That's great! Ahah, don't think it means I'll go easy on you for that!" She glances up at Jack as she slowly backsteps, gesturing with her hand dismissively, "Nah, it's part of my charm,"

Once Lulu and the pinnie-less team is in place, Marilou gestures for them to whisper a few things to them, to give them some strategy and, once she's done, she glances about over the other team, "Ready? Okay!" She takes her whistle and blows it, "Go!" And once it's done, the teenagers dash off toward the other team to intercept and block them.

Jack sighs a little as he gets pounced. He watches his shoe get chewed on and reaches out to carefully scratch the tiny dog's head. "That probably tastes bad," he remarks quietly. His attention turns to the game going on and he leans back. "Good luck," he offers in general to both teams.

"I'd be sorely disappointed if you did!" Matt calls across the field to Lulu. "I'll be teaching French Literature and Defense Against the Dark Arts." His voice is deadpan, but he can't really suppress the mischievous grin. "Okay, not really, but I will be teaching Paganism Through History if there's enough interest in it!" He flashes Jack a thumbs-up by way of thanks as the whistle sounds, and flicks the frisbee deftly to Billy.

"Oh, no! The Dark Arts teachers always-" There is a flinch as the frisbee is released his way, as if it was shot and not, y'know, flicked. Thankfully, Billy actually is quite tall. It only takes a passing effort to move forward and with a languid movement, reach out with a long arm and grasp the disk. He grounds his feet, wrinkles his nose to keep his glasses from sliding down the bridge of his nose, and tosses to one of the other, less popular teachers or whoever. As soon as he releases the frisbee he lets out a little sound of regret, already not very confident in his abilities.

"Twenty buck you're not staying here next year then," Marilou replies teasingly. The group of pinnie-clad team advances toward their goal until the pinnie-less team finally approaches, each teenager going to cover up someone, trying to block them and make their passing opportunities harder.

Someone leaps up to attempt to intercept Billy's pass, barely grasping it but enough to deflect it, making the other teacher unable to catch the frisbee right off. He still manages to grasp it off the ground, and Marilou shouts, "Frisbee touched the ground! Pinnies are still the attackers, passes reset to 0!"

The teacher with the frisbee pivots with it, before passing it to someone else, sending it to someone who's not marked yet.

Jack arches a brow at the talk of dark arts. He was thinking it could be an actual self defense class with a joking name of course. At least until Matt clarifies and Jack shakes his head. Leaning back, he settles in to watch the game quietly.

Regaining the disc, the teachers advance against the horde of teenagers. Though their efforts are heroic, most of the adults clearly have not thrown or caught a frisbee in quite some time, and cannot match their students for agility. Perhaps the younger team is also motivated by showing up their teachers (and teacher-to-be), and advance to victory handily. In the end, though the afternoon sun seems as likely to defeat everyone save the spectators wisely remaining in the shade.

Panting between gulps of water from his water bottle (which features a plump, smiling badger wearing a yellow and black scarf while riding broomstick above the words 'Hufflepuff Quidditch'), Matt looks remarkably happy for someone who has just suffered ignominious defeat. "Good game!" he declares, draining the rest of his water. "I say we get inside and raid the kitchen for lemonade! Come on!"

After losing his glasses mid-game, and leaving a streak of stark white in the clean, green lawn where he fell, Billy’s efforts in the game plateaued early. Panting, he struts over to Jack to collect his bag and the end of Taylor’s leash, “Thanks. And thanks for not playing against us, that would have been cruel.” He smiles, thumbing in Matt’s direction and the promise of lemonade, “Coming?”

Jack stands up as Billy approaches, handing over his bag. "No problem. You guys did pretty well at least," he offers. The invisible teen hums a little when asked if he's coming and then shrugs. "Sure, I could use something to drink."

The 'student' team was definitely more numerous : younger players might have had a rougher time, but the older players made up for them. As for Marilou, she tried her best to make sure every player would get a chance to touch the frisbee and enjoy themselves.

She claps her hands once the match is over, getting the pinnies back, "Alright folks, remember to come on next week! Hope you had fun!" Holding a box under her armpit with the pinnies, Lulu lifts one hand to rub off some sweat from her forehead.