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Latest revision as of 05:16, 27 October 2015

In Which Slightly Silly Halloween Decorations Are Sought And Found
Dramatis Personae

Daiki, Jack, Shane, Taylor


<< Clearly, we need three. >>


Halloween Store

The evening is growing chilly, a mild afternoon turning more biting with a blustery wind nippy and cold through the tall buildings. Despite a very packed weekend out of town and a very full day of classes, Shane is undaunted by what has, so far, been an /also/ busy stint of /shopping/; he's already got a large backpack hanging off his shoulders, though the much taller youth beside him (Daiki is dressed in neat dark peacoat, slacks, long silver-trimmed blue tunic) seems to be playing the part of pack mule with the three bags /he/ holds.

Possibly because Shane seems to be flagging a little, here. Slightly sniffly, stopping outside this store (one of those chintzy seasonal megastores that in another week will be swiftly replaced with All Things Christmas) to take a swig from a thermos of tea, shiver and pull his own coat tighter around himself. "... need, like, a whole army of bats. That shouldn't be hard to find, right?"

Taylor looks rather like a puffy lumpy doughboy, out here in the city; tentacles wrapped and twined around and around himself under a long trenchcoat, his doesn't look like squid so much as just /large/, clothing bulky over the rolls and rolls of extra flesh. It gets him some looks, admittedly, though of a /different/ sort; most of the real horror and hostility is deflected. He raises his brows, holding the door open. "Uhhh. In theory, no. You okay, dude? Should've bundled up more you look like a sharksicle."

The cold doesn't seem to have prompted Jack to get into the heavier gear just yet. In jeans, a thicker hoodier, and some worn sneakers, the invisible teen has his hands in his pocket and a plastic bag hanging off one wrist. He tugs his hood up slightly when there's a breeze and pauses when he notices a familiar group ahead. Speeding up his walking, he gets close enough just in time to hear Taylor's comment. "They actually make pops shaped like sharks," he speaks up, nodding his hooded head in greeting. "Hi."

"Oh, hey, good, Jack, you're here. Hi! Hey. Look, very important, exactly how many skeletons do you think constitutes a battalion?" Shane has turned to ask Jack this very earnestly as the other boy approaches.

Daiki just gives Jack a small wave, a small smile (which, as ever, comes with a faintly increased flush of the ever-present /warmth/ that his charismatic mutation surrounds him in), geeently pressing a hand to the small of Shane's back to steer him inide. "As many as the store has, clearly."

"None of that fake spiderweb shit, though, it's such a fucking bitch to clean up. Do you think you could get it, like, biodegradable? /Cotton candy/ spiderweb? Maybe something a /little/ more durable." Shane pauses, stifling a small cough and then taking another sip of tea.

"Can we just /get/ cotton candy? Not for spider web. For eating." Taylor follows the others inside. He stops near the entrance, eyes widening at a small statue-trio of cherubs who would otherwise be rather angelic-looking if not for their vampire fangs and bloody hands and bloody faces, hands clasped in prayer as they are kneeling in a circle on the floor. << What the shit what the shit, >> his voice in the others' minds sounds equal parts horrified and amused. << Who the hell did they even just slaughter who MAKES these things? >> All that manages to come out out loud is a slightly strangled: "Oh my god."

Perking up slightly at the greeting from Daiki, Jack offers him a nod too. Shane's question catches Jack off guard and he glances at Taylor and Daiki before his head tilts to the side. " least twenty. And they'd have to have some kind of...boss skeleton so twenty-one total," he says. "Isn't that fake spiderweb stuff just like...giant cotton balls?" he asks, following the others just because. Taylor's reaction to some of the decorations gets Jack looking over quickly and then snickering. "You okay?"

Daiki pauses, drawing in a breath as he levels his gaze on the statues. His expression is very solemn, though there's a brief flicker of shock -- swifly replaced by a brighter ripple of amusement settling over his mind. "I imagine they slaughtered whoever you choose to lay in their midst. << Clearly, we need three. >> He adjusts the bags he holds, continuing on past the doorway to grab them a cart. And load the bloody angels up into it.

"Oh my god," Shane agrees, though he sounds delighted. "He's fine he's just in awe. Yeah I'm pretty sure it's just cotton like. Fucking. Stretched all over your trees and shit but it gets all tangly and ugh! No fun. I think it's fine on railings and things if it's not going to blow away too much." Shrug. He drops his backpack into the toddler seat of the cart, meandering off further to start trailing down the aisles.

"I'm fine." Taylor has recovered! Totally recovered. His knuckles press against his lips; he hurries off after Shane down the aisle. "Just no scarecrows, okay, those things are /extra/ freaky. Plus I like birds. Oh /man/ what's gonna be the boss skeleton? Do you think B has any ridiculously badass skele-monsters sitting around? Some kinda skeleton warrior to lead the charge." He lifts his hands, fingers curled down into claw-shapes as he makes stiff-armed zombie-motions after Shane down the aisle.

"What about pirate skeletons?" Jack suggests. He considers the statues for a moment before shaking his head at them and examining a bag of the fake webs. "What about that silly string stuff? It's bio degradable and I bet we could like...mess with it to put it in web shapes," he says, trying to be helpful. Scurrying with the others, he ducks under a few plastic props that lean into the aisle and hums. "So you're looking for bats and skeletons...anything else specific or just whatever jumps out?" he pauses a beat. "Possibly literally."

"Monsters versus pirates? Or pirate skeletons versus regular not-skeleton monsters?" This is Important Clarification, because Shane has stopped in front of a yard-decoration of some kind of twisted green tentacle-monster thing, oozing and lumpy. "Nothing specific. Just stuff that's Halloweeny. Literally is also okay. I'm pretty sure at /least/ a couple of the others around will be happy to be jumping-out-scaring people. Oh shiiit this one year Geekhaus totally convinced their neighbour his house was haunted for /real/ with their abilities. It wasn't even Halloween!" His grin at this is bright.

"They apologized after," Daiki does take care to inform Jack, just in case there was any misconception that they /left/ the unfortunate neighbour with thoughts of Ghosts.

"Pirate skeletons versus robot monsters. That might be a little too much work to sling on short notice," Taylor allows with a grimace. "Pirate skeletons verus space -- hey, your playground's already a space station! Oh shit, pirates versus Reavers." He's kind of scowling at the tentacle monster. KIND OF laughing. He doesn't bother to DIGNIFY Shane with an answer to it, just dumps it in the cart. "Best part of silly string is shooting it at each /other/, really."

"I'll be sure not to bother that neighbor," Jack jokes. "Maybe space pirate skeletons?" the invisible one replies as he examines a few motion sensor activated hissing cat ornaments. When he spots the tentacle creature, he glances at Taylor to see his reaction but doesn't bring it up, just snickering a little. "I wouldn't really know...never used it before and only seen it used in a...not so fun way," he shrugs it off though. "What about this...smoking cauldron thing? Make some spooky fog?"

Shane hisses right /back/ at the hissing cats, somewhat reflexively. Startle-hiss. His gills flutter, head bowing a little sheepishly after this. He turns aside from the cats with a small cough that soon becomes a more serious one, covering his mouth with the sleeve of his coat. "Hell yeah, fog," he agrees, once the coughing has passed. "All the better for jumping out of. Where would silly string be in a place like this anyway? Obviously we'll have to buy it /all/. Have ourselves a battle. The /fun/ kind." His tone is light, even if there's a flash of angry protectiveness that crosses his mind at Jack's offhand comment, shrugged off or not.

Part of Taylor's lumpy coat shifts oddly as he automatically /tries/ to reach for the cauldron with one of his tucked-away arms. Shifts uncomfortably, puts it into the cart with his hands instead. "Dude, when was the last time you even got sick? After this is done, it's soup and a monster movie marathon in your common house. That TV is the shit." He squints one way and then the other after wandering to the end of the aisle. "Uhhh -- maybe that way?" It's as good a guess as any. There is sure to be more ridiculous horror regardless of what direction they wander.

Jack's face remains unseen but concern and protectiveness flash across his thoughts as well when Taylor brings attention to how sick Shane is. "I'm up for whatever you've got planned, man," he tries not to let the concern show, following along to help pick out goofy decorations.