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(Created page with "{{ Logs | cast = Kyle, Nessie | summary = "Not good with art on a timetable ya know?" | gamedate = 2017-09-13 | gamedatename = | subtitle = | location = <XS> Art R...")
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Latest revision as of 04:30, 14 September 2017

Dramatis Personae

Kyle, Nessie


"Not good with art on a timetable ya know?"


<XS> Art Room - FL2

Smells of paints and chalks and turpentine mingle freely in this room, well-used, well-stocked. Natural light flows in, plentiful through the large windows. The long counter-like tables are speckled with spots of color, and half finished projects often stand on easels or propped in corners. The many cupboards lining the walls are crammed full of art supplies.

It's late into the night -- not quite /complete/ insomniac territory, but definitely a lot of the mansion is in bed or heading toward it. There's still a light on in the art room, the door cracked just a sliver open. Off near the back end of one of the long tables, Nessie is -- definitely not on a stool. Just standing at the counter, a sketchbook in front of her and one arm (that she is leaning on) curled half around the notepad. There's a pencil in her other hand, with which she is very busily and industriously sketching.

The door to the art room would crack open and the sounds of footsteps could easily be heard entering, and there stands Kyle. With a notebook in hand, he sees Nessie and pauses, giving her a warm smile. He approaches to greet her with a bow of his head "Ello again lass. It's good ta see ya Nessie." he looks ath er sketchbook a little bit "Late night drawin'" he asks, wondering if its the same reason he's there.

Nessie's eyes widen, tail swishing reflexively at the opening of the door. She closes the cover on the sketchbook quickly, only after that looking up to see who has entered. "Just Nessie is fine." There's the very faintest hint of a smile that tugs at one corner of her mouth. "Not lass. And yeah um. Just trying to wind down before sleep, I guess. Are you um --" She waves a hand around the room. "In any of the art classes?"

Kyle smiles to Nessie a little bit "Nessie. Apologies'." he says sorry for calling her lass. though he is curious as to what she was writing when she shuts stops what she was drawing immediately. at her question, he nods and shakes his head "Nah..I like ta come down 'ere to do a little bit o' drawin' 'fore I go ta bed ya know? 'elps clear the 'ead, 'specially when ya can't sleep." he shrugs a little bit. "May I ask what ya were workin' on?"

The smile pulls into just a little wider of one. "That was easy." Nessie's head ducks, elbow propped on the table now and her fingers cupping the smooth top of her head. "Yeah, I feel that. Has sleeping been hard?" Her fingers curl against her hard carapace, nose scrunching slightly. "A picture."

Kyle smiles faintly, and nods a few times when she asks him "Yeah...bad dreams." he rubs it off as such, opening his sketchbook to continue free-drawing what looked like a wolf-head. at her answer to what she was drawing, he laughs "a picture o' what?" he smiles warmly.

"Apologies." Nessie winces at that. "That's never any fun. I hope tonight some good dreams find you. Classes are hard enough without sleep deprivation on top." She just shakes her head at the question. "Just a picture." She sets her pencil down on top of the sketchpad, hands both dropping to fold her arms against the table. "Do you think there's anyone here who can fix dreams? People get all kinds of powers."

Kyle takes off his beanie to run a hand through his wild hair, but puts it back on afterwards. at Nessie's apologies and wish for goodwill for his sleep, he smiels to her with a warmth "Thankya Nessie..means alot." he writes more detail mainly with the fur of the wolf head, and touches up on the eyes a little. Thankfully, it doesnt look too bad. "It's possible yeah. I dunno if there is one and I jus' 'aven't met 'em yet." he shrugs a little "I'll be fine I think, just need ta do some drawin'" he shrugs "See if itll help me fall asleep."

"Cool. I mean, not /cool/," Nessie's cheeks tint darker brown, "not that nightmares are cool /that/ sucks I just -- I hope drawing helps. Settle your brain some. I know it helps mine." She picks up the sketchpad, hugging it to her chest. "That's pretty decent." She nods toward the sketchpad. "I mean pretty good. Maybe you should take some of the classes, I bet you'd do good."

Kyle turns his head to Nessie even when she starts fumbling over her words some and she explains herself "I understand yer meanin' Nessie. He does smile to her warmly when she compliments his work "Thanks Nessie. I don't think i'd do too well yeah? Art classes in the past 'ave neva been too good to me....not good with art on a timetable ya know?" he shrugs a little. a poor excuse as they go, but a reason why he doesnt like art class!

"That's fair. I guess doing things on /assignment/ kind of takes away from the relaxing, huh?" Nessie scrubs a hand over the top of her head. "Anyway good luck with the. Dreams. And the sleeping. I should try some of that myself."

Kyle chuckles faintly "just a wee bit." he nods to her a little "Thank ya for tha chat, Nessie. Sweet dreamin' and all that." he waves at her lightly with a kind smile.