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Latest revision as of 14:28, 19 December 2017

Real Winter
Dramatis Personae

Ion, Ryan, Skye


"You want to see some of this magic you only gotta ask, boy."


<NYC> The Rink at Rockefeller Center - Midtown

The famed historic ice rink draws huge crowds during the fall and winter months, and is a prime spot not only for skating but people-watching. Even on weekdays, there are always dozens of skaters gliding (or wobbling) on the ice beneath the watchful gaze of the huge golden statue of Prometheus, soaring unbound and holding the flame he stole from the gods. Behind him towers an immense Christmas tree densely trimmed with many-colored lights, while gold-and-silver flags ring the entire arena, fluttering in the breeze.

Even though it's only mid-afternoon on a Monday, there are already plenty of skaters here, ranging from carelessly graceful to gracelessly careful. Skye doesn't seem to have very /much/ care or grace, though she's at least managing to stay upright and mobile. She's wearing a black canvas jacket heavy with safety pins and assorted patches, mostly but not all band-related, and boot-leg jeans, her hair sticking out haphazardly from under a purple-and-lavender striped cap and a red scarf streaming out behind her as she executes a perfect swizzle turn. She whoops in triumph, and then promptly loses her balance, arms pinwheeling wildly to keep from spilling. "Oh man you're right, this is /way/ more fun after a few drinks."

"Aren't most things?" Ryan's laughter is just-a-bit-too-bright, just-a-bit-too-warm, and infectious in more than the usual way, a cheerful giddy flutter of delight buzzing through those nearest him as he speaks. Half an hour ago or so he was leaning more toward the careless-grace end of the spectrum, but pleasantly full of rum-filled hot chocolate he's now kind of just /leaning/, up against the wall of the rink with a smile as lopsided as his stance. He is quick to pull himself upright, though, steady enough as he lifts a hand to brace Skye in the middle of her back with her sudden wobble. He is hatless, silvery denim jacket and skinny black jeans heavy on zippers, green scarf lazily half-draped around his neck. He's managing, well enough, to ignore the (frequent) snaps and flashes of cameras turned in his direction, focusing instead on his companions. "It hurts less when you fall, anyway."

ZOOMTHUD. Ion is hurtling top-speed in the others' direction, wild grin on his face and no evident sign of slowing. He seems underdressed for the weather and the activity -- jeans, grey and blue plaid flannel shirt over a black v-neck tee, MMMC kutte over top. He /doesn't/ slow, crashing heavy into the wall with a whumph of breath, spilling halfway to the ground but catching himself with one arm hooked over the barrier, skates skid-scraping purchase-less against the ice. "Is like bumper cars on /ice/ you don't need no booze to make that all the fun." Not that he's said /no/ to a large share of his own, though.

Skye leans hard into Ryan's hand for a moment before regaining her balance. "Woah th --" she bites the tip of her tongue and dragging out the sound before correcting to "Gracias!" She laughs, catching Ryan's mirth. Or maybe Ion's. "I /know/ right? I haven't been ice skating since I was like uh..." Her eyes scrunch up, and the pause lengthens. "Well, since I was a kid, anyway." She glides past Ion, waving him along. "You actually new to this? You doing great!"

"Bumper cars is definitely one approach." Ryan sounds cheerfully approving as Ion hurtles toward his crash. He does lift a hand, reflexive, to try and stay the other man's fall -- not quite quick /enough/ at Ion's speed, though. He settles instead for offering the other man a thermos out of the inside of his jacket. "Well, I'm glad to help break your dry spell." He's lazy about catching up to Skye, a languid glide. Oh man there's so many great places to skate around here. And honestly -- until you've been ice skating at least once, built a fucking /nonsense/ snow fort, and been hot tubbing in the snow is it even really winter?"

"{That some kind of Chicano magic? We just avoid all that shit and hold off winter forever?}" Ion stays fetched up against the wall a moment after getting his feet back under him, popping open the thermos to gulp at it. "Yeah yeah, is new, I would of done earlier but I thought ice would be damn cold huh? I should bring the goblin they would love." He is kind of scrabbly about catching up to the others, poking Skye in the shoulder with the thermos once he clumsily manages. "He is /not/ fucking around about the snow forts either."

"Well, I haven't had a real winter in years, then." Skye spins around and skates backward a little unsteadily. "In fact, I'm not sure I've ever done all three in the same year, and some years I've struck out completely. We've got one out of three handled this time, at least. And, ice /is/ cold, but here it's all down below our feet, not falling on us, and we are fortified with booze and cocoa and exercise." She takes the thermos and sips from it, her feet sliding wider apart as her attention wanders. "Woah!" She recovers, not very gracefully, and passes the thermos back to Ryan. "You an expert snow architect? I've got things to learn, the last snow fort I built was more like a snow…/mound/."

"You want to see some of this magic you only gotta ask, boy." Ryan takes the thermos with one hand, hooks his other arm through Ion's to spin the other man around -- thankfully kind of /firmly/, holding him partly up through this manhandling and pulling the younger man to his side. "One winter I got caught sneaking into this kitschy hotel out in Boulder at night to sleep. The whole-ass rest of winter I had to work it off keeping their yard tourist-ready. Snow forts, snow sculptures, snow castles, it's wild out there." He uncaps the thermos, gulps deep. "Better than jail though. We ever get a /real/ snowfall you come by the Commons. It gets pretty intense."

The grin Ion gives Ryan is bright. He coasts on the musician's momentum, rocking hard into Ryan's side and letting himself be pulled along for a time. "He /got/ a hot tub, real snow come you could swing by the Common cross two off at once. I'm sure they teach you some-or-two thing about --" His hand waves in the air. "{Proper snow defenses.}"

"Alright, I am down for /all /that." Skye spins herself back around smoothly and pushes off hard, gliding forward past the two men. "Defensas...something something? I'm not totally sure what they're gonna teach me, but I'm sure it will be /epic./"