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Latest revision as of 02:40, 16 May 2023

Dramatis Personae

Bug, Nessie


"Maybe they got pictures on the MySpace or something, too."


<MOR> Welcome to the Freakshow - Morlock Tunnels

Wider and more spacious than many of the surrounding nooks and niches, this chill cavern is the central hub of the Morlock's underground network. With tunnels branching off in many directions, it takes a while to learn to navigate from here to where you want to go, but there's generally plenty of more experienced people around to teach newcomers the ins and outs of the pathways. Here, though, is a safe place to come and relax, for what value of relaxation can be found among moss-covered walls and the occasional stagnant puddles on the floor. There's been furniture brought in, a mismatched assortment of crates, mattresses with busted springs, a few broken and subsequently repaired chairs, a folding table in a corner. Shelves along a wall hold entertainment; books, a smattering of board and card games, sometimes snacks. There's even electricity, wiring none too safe and visible in places where the wall has been broken open; the naked light bulbs flicker often and the lone outlet has had so many power strips attached it is undoubtedly a fire hazard.

Even though the sun is not shining down in the tunnels, the springtime brings a marked increase in the amount of energy that Bug has. Considering that he is usually positively buzzing, this has led him to taking on all manner of activities in the tunnel. A couple of his component bugs are on the table, these ones larger and with even more intimidating stingers than most. He is holding his often-present clipboard with a pad of paper on it, a pen attached to it with a string. "This season, I want to expand! Two new nests," he says, pointing towards the bugs with the tip of the pen. "And you two are going to be in charge of development. I know you're nervous, I'm nervous too, but we gotta buck up. We're counting on us!" One of the red fuzzy insects starts to brush its antennae with its forearms, while the other flaps its wings a few times without taking to the air. His mouth turns into a tight frown, his segmented eyes not giving much insight into his emotions otherwise. "Hmm, good point. Good point, I'll note that down."

It is a Monday, so maybe Nessie shouldn't be down in the Tunnels, what with things like Classes and all. But classes seem kind of optional these days -- at least, plenty of her schoolmates are skipping them! -- so what's one more, really? On that count here is one scorpionkid, ancient leather satchel on her broad back, threadbare grey button-down shirt, clickclickclicking her way down the tunnels to make her way to what kind of passes as a living room here. "Bug --s!" One of her middle pincer-arms is waving -- to Bug's main body first and then the smaller bugs on the table. "Hi, great, you're great -- uh, here, you're here. I mean, you're also great, that too."

Bug looks over at the sound of the clickclickclicking and he smiles brightly, his crooked teeth visible, and both of the large table bugs wave their forelegs in a greeting display. "Hi! You're great too! And also--" He gestures down with his pen, his brow furrowing in thought a bit more. "--here. Is there some kinda holiday today at your school? What kinda holidays they have now? I bet a fancy school has extra, secret holidays! They can afford 'em and everything!"

"Yeah!" Nessie affirms with a quick bob of her head. "Or, well, a bunch of my classmates are missing, so I feel like that's --" Her brows pull in. "It's not a holiday it's kind of bad. But it's like a holiday? In that people are out of school. I thought maybe they were having an adventure but it's been a while. Last time, we were in a terrible genocide dimension so maybe they're on another adventure that sucks, you know?"

"Oh. Missing persons day is not a good kinda holiday, no," says Bug. "I hope if they're on an adventure that it's a good kinda one, but I think most adventures actually end up sucking." Rapid wingbeats from one of the table bugs affirm this statement, and he continues. "I am glad that you're not missing, though! But if friends of yours are missing, maybe it's best if you keep laying low. Did you see any weird stuff or anything?"

"I didn't see anything weird!" Nessie sounds slightly put out by this. "I mean not weirder than usual. I see so much stuff around there, seeing weird stuff is like, my whole job." She sinks down low, legs folding up under her. "There's only so low I can get. But I was kind of hoping that maybe you could -- I don't know -- keep some eyes out? For weird things? Or a bunch of missing people? You have like, thirty trillion eyes, and that's probably gotta help. Nobody knows anything but you know a lot of things."

"Oh, yeah, I have seen lots of stuff!" agrees Bug, "I got no idea what your classmates look like or anything, though. Usually when I see someone I don't really know if they're missing or not." His eyebrows furrow in thought and he tilts his head to face towards the floor. "I do see a lot of weird stuff in the city, though, there are like. So many weirdos out there."

Nessie's mouth purses and twists to the side as she considers this problem. "You have a lot of bugs," she muses, "but it would still take a while to ask everyone if they're missing. I guess also most people don't speak bug." Her tail swishes slowly overhead. "But I can get you pictures, we have pictures. I didn't bring my yearbook or anything -- oh, I guess some of the kids are new, I'll have to dig some up. I'm sure I can do that. And if you see any weirdos you can let me know." Another frown. "Ideally weirdos who have my friends."

"Unfortunately not," says Bug on the subject of people speaking bug. "I could maybe make letters in the air or something, but that is not really. Easy at all, that's a lot of precision flying, which is..." He waves his hands next to his head and a buzz emits from his body. "But pictures are something I can use. Then I will at least know what to look out for out there! I'm pretty good at recognizing people and things and stuff! Maybe they got pictures on the MySpace or something, too," he offers helpfully.

"Ummm..." Nessie regards Bug with a degree of sympathy for a long moment, biting down on her lip, and hesitates on the very precipice of saying something. She takes a breath -- lets it back out. "Yeah," she agrees, reassuringly, "Maybe on the MySpace. I'll get you some." Her fingers drum against one of her many knee joints, thoughtfully. "They disappeared from Westchester, but that was like, ages ago, they could be anywhere by now. How far can your bees go? Woah, can they put the word out on some kind of whole -- bee network?"

"I dunno how far they can go. Pretty far, I guess, there's all kinds of me all over the city," says Bug thoughtfully. "I can sorta talk to those other guys, like whatever bee you might see, but they're not real smart. I can mostly tell 'em like, don't hurt me and I will not hurt you. Not a picture... but hey, actually, if you want to take one of these guys to your school, then I'll get extra eyes in the sky!" He points at the two table bugs, one of which turns away and starts washing its antennae again, while the other turns to face Nessie.

"Thanks!" Nessie looks down at the table bugs, holding a hand out at table-level to them. "You're a lifesaver!" Her hand drops before the bugs actually have any time to climb on, though. Her shoulders sink, her barbed tail curling downward. "... at least, I hope you're a lifesaver. I mean..." At her midsection, her clawed pedipalps are clicking against each other anxiously. "What if you aren't. What if we aren't -- I mean. What if we came back from that terrible world just for some regular this world creep to abduct them to his, like. Perv basement or their bus crashed into the ocean or the cops just beat them up and covered it up or --" Her shoulders curl in tighter. "What if we don't find them."

The bug that was facing Nessie jumps towards her hand, while the other continues minding its own business and trying not to be noticed for this group project. With Nessie's hand falling, the first starts to fly to try instead of land on her shoulder. Bug's mouth falls into a frown, and he steps towards Nessie to give her a hug. He speaks reassuringly, "Hey, it's gonna be okay. We're gonna do our best for 'em, and I bet there's all kinds of other people who care about them who are doing their best, too. We'll figure out, okay?"

Nessie lifts her hand slowly, one finger resting lightly in front of the first bug when it lands on her shoulder. Just a gently little brush up against its forelegs. She steps foreward, bops her forehead heavily against Bug's buzzing chest. Her shoulders are still curled tight, and her breathing isn't entirely steady. When she pulls back, though, she's got a firm smile on her face. A firm nod, in answer to Bug. "Right. Right! We'll figure it out. You've got your bugs and I've got..." She bites down at her lip, tail swishing. "-- there's all kinds of people. We'll figure it out."