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Revision as of 21:41, 21 July 2013

Mo Morlocks Mo Problems
Dramatis Personae

Marrow, Jim, Shane, Sebastian, Peter




<MOR> Below New York

Buried beneath the bustle and noise of New York's busy streets, the world underneath the city is a quieter place. Quieter, but far from deserted. Occasional ladders, often rusting, ascend to the city above and are evidence that at /one/ point these tunnels had been in use, or had been planned for it; perhaps by way of maintenance, or access to subways or sewers. These stretches have been abandoned by civic infrastructure for some time now, though, but occasional scraps of evidence -- discarded food wrappers, piles of tatty blankets or moldering old mattresses, sometimes voices carrying echoes through the dank concrete -- give evidence that /someone/ still uses these tunnels. The rumbling of subway trains sounds frequently through the walls, many of the train routes accessible through various doors and openings.

This stretch of tunnels is daaaark. Dank. SMELLY. Pretty sewerlike! The twins brought lights down with them; they brought /snacks/ down with them -- each has a whole /backpack/ full of things mostly to be foisted off on Anole. Neither of /them/ has their lights on, though; their eyes manage -- not /perfectly/ in the dark but well enough that they aren't overly bothered by it.

Sebastian keeps a hand on Peter's shoulder, though.

Shane's claws scritch-scritch-scritch in light trailing against the wall. Scrapescrapescratch; they aren't being overly stealthy but they're really not /trying/.

"-- Do you think those monster things are here?" Sebastian is sniffing, though -- with his keen senses he's not really too pleased every time he does. Mmm, sewers.

"Mmnh," Shane answers. "Do /you/ think we have enough food not to starve to death when we inevitably get lost as fuck?"

Peter has brought things too! A backpack stuffed full of /meats/, along with -- an extra pair of webshooters! And a flashlight for himself, although he's also not using it. Largely because he has TWINS to lead him about. He is maybe-being a little more careful about picking his way through the tunnels because he does not come equipped with low-light vision.

Peter's clad in a red hoodie and blue jeans -- two black 'panels' poke up from the shoulders of his hoodie, where he has recently carefully sliced holes to allow them to exit! They are making a very /tiny/ whirring noise, barely audible above the sounds that engulf the sewerscape. "I brought," Peter informs Shane, "enough food for /everybody/. Um. Meat-wise, anyway. Monsters? /More/ monsters?"

The trio of interlopers have been relatively subtle by non-Morlock standards, but not subtle enough to evade the notice of Marrow. She's been tagging along behind the group for a while now, but mention of enough food for /everyone/ is enough to finally make her speak up. "Dicknuts yah fancy sharing any of that food before you blunder into one of the traps up ahead and get yourselves killed?" The Sewer Knight is sans armour today, but is hefting a rather nasty looking serrated bone sword. She's not quite close enough to help herself to the contents of Peters backpack, but she's close enough that she isn't having to raise her voice.

The twins are turning in tandem, more at the sound of someone coming up behind them than at the voice; it's quick but it's not threatening, a guarded shift that puts Sebastian /just/ a little in front of Peter. Sniffsniff.

"-- The food's actually for sharing," Sebastian says, once scent is weeded out through the noxious cocktail of sewersmells.

"S'plenty for everyone," Shane adds, "but the salami's for Anole he loves that shit."

"-- Cookies, too. There's -- a lot of cookies." Jax might have /prepped/ them for this trip. "Are we really about to die?" Sebastian sounds more curious than worried.

"I hope not, if we drop all the cookies into the /muck/ that'll be good cookies ruined." Shane eyes the /bone/ sword with more curiosity than worry, too.

"--ahh," Peter exclaims, but it's a tiny, unconcerned sound; more like 'oh' than 'aiieee!'. He turns shortly after the sound of the voice -- prompted by the turning of the twins -- and /peers/ at the outline of Marrow in the dark. Particularly at that bonesword. Tinystep. Back. Further behind Sebastian. Because he cannot really see down here!

"You have /traps/?" Peter asks, and this too is less fearful, more excited. "Oh jeez you guys are turning the sewers into like, a dungeon encounter. Do you play D&D down here that would be so meta--" A much more intent peer at Marrow, as Peter tries to adjust his vision to the darkness. And: "--wait. Were you--have I met you? I think--back--in the cages. When we thought Sebastian was--" More quiet. Slight step /forward/, now, closer to the twins.

"It's literally a fuckin' miracle you haven't walked through any yet," Marrow points out with a narrow smile, tapping her foot. "Or been shot by a patrol. We ain't open for tourists at the minute with all the shit-head pigs out for blood." She spits a glob of something onto the floor. "That creepy fuckin' school of yours know you're down here?"

"She was in the cages," Sebastian agrees, quietly; Shane says with a /fiercer/ smile: "We fought her before then, though."

There's something almost wistful in Sebastian's quiet laugh at that. "Yeah -- that was. In the snow. A long --" He shakes his head. "Why would the school care, it's Sunday."

"Also summer," Shane points out.

"I think in this version of D&D you die," Sebastian says to Peter, softly.

"We're not sightseeing," Shane says, "we're lizard-hunting."

"--you have patrols? With guns?" Peter asks, a little tentatively. Creeeeeeping closer toward the twins, now; hands reaching out for shoulders. "I'd be able to tell," Peter says, with just an /edge/ of pride, "if we were about to blunder into a trap." Sniff! Like this is reason enough for them to BLUNDER INTO ALL THE TRAPS. "--but yeah we're just. We wanted to make sure Anole's okay we got some stuff for him."

Marrow shakes her head. "Yeah along with monkeys that shoot fire outta their asses," she retorts, tossing the sword from one hand to the other. "Well, if you're so good at avoiding traps... Far be it for me to spoil your fun. Although I guess I should point out this tunnel will eventually empty out into the bay.." She stabs the sword into a crack in the wall and begins to roll what might well be a joint. "I'd have thought your school might care after Dicknuts there almost died down here?"

"Pa met a bird that spits out acid a little while ago," Sebastian muses, "I wouldn't even really be /surprised/ --"

"You say 'empty out into the bay' like that's a thing that would /bother/ us," Shane says with a snort. "We didn't --"

"-- really have much of a plan we figured if we wandered around long enough," Sebastian admits sheepishly,

"-- one of you motherfuckers would stumble across us. It's a fucking maze we don't have a /map/ yet." Shane shifts back a half-step, claws trailing down against the wall to drop his hand to his side.

"Though Anole promised he'd show us around enough not to get lost. But then he kind of." Sebastian frowns.

"Vanished," Shane finishes for him. "Heard he's back, though. So -- food. We also," he says this like a bribe, "brought smokes. Not for him. Just figured there'd be people down here --"

"-- happy to have some." Sebastian shrigs a shoulder. He's still kind of staying between Peter and Marrow though less guarded, now, and more habitual.

"I am /awesome/ at avoiding traps I will avoid all the traps," Peter just kind of /announces/, before adding -- a little more quietly! -- "uh what kind of traps? Also wait -- am /I/ Dicknuts?" He looks between the twins, as if for confirmation of this.

Sebastian ducks his head as Peter looks between them. Shane /grins/.

"Well I sure as fuck ain't talkin' bout myself when I say that," Marrow points out, putting the finishing touches into her joint. "You like swimming in raw sewage? Gills full o' shit sounds like a world of fun.... Now you mention having some /smokes/?" Her ears do not quite perk up, but she is definately paying more attention. "Look I'm not gonna tell you where the traps are or what they are. Because otherwise what is the god damned point of having them?"

The sound of Jim approaching isn't trying to be secretive; thin squeals of strained wood, heavy weight coming down on either foot, the rustle of foliage. You might not immediately recognize the sound as a /person/ coming - unless you /knew/ that down here in the tunnels, even the trees walk around freely.

"If you gotta ask, you probably already know," scratchy smoker's voice comes from an apparition from a horror movie, all rough-faced and split by a deep gnarly scar that runs down the front of a cheek, twists through a series of parallel lines denting the side of his eye socket. Also - his arms are... it looks at first like he is maybe crossing them over his chest, /firmly/. Until a weak glow of light showcases deep smeary drags through them, smushing them together like clay. Where it might screw up his balance, he's evened it out with an outreach of various weighted branches, dragging blue eyes over the ensemble. "Yo, bitch," he jerks a chin at Marrow, eyeing the twins, "/You/ two." This is even presumably pleased to see them. "Finally moved bottomside, huh?" He pushes forward an elbow for - ELBOW-tap, to either.

"Well, I mean, the traps aren't for /us/, right?" Peter says. "I don't want to like -- disarm them and stuff and then you have to go back and set them up and oh geez the traps aren't like /fatal/ are they? Because that could be really dangerous, um... Oh. Oh! /Oh/," Peter exclaims, eyes widening at the sight of... JIM.

"Treebeard," Peter murmurs, kind-of-quietly; his eyes are soon dropping to those -- smeared up arms, though. Brows crunching together as he steps back -- and toward! Jim. Post elbow-taps to the twins. "/Dude/ it's me oh wow are you okay you look. Kind of tree-y. Still." FROWN. "I mean, more tree-y. I mean -- is that okay? I mean it's kind of cool but, uh, your arms are, uh..." Glance. Stare. FLUSH.

"-- Maybe the point is -- keeping out people who -- /actually/ mean harm?" Sebastian suggests, very tentatively.

Shane snorts. "Nah, the point's swaggering around like a badass feeling better about yourself. Whatever. Anole'll show us, I bet." His face is lighting up with grin at the sight of Jim -- elbow tap is returned in /tandem/, two small blue elbows shifting forward to bonk! Lightly.

"-- Jesus fucking /Christ/ man what did you --" Shane is starting,

"-- Anole's scary old uncle," Sebastian murmurs, after some studying of Jim's arms. "Can that -- um. Is there an /undo/ button?"

"We brought smokes," Shane says, "but I'm holding them fucking /hostage/ till someone gets us to the fucking /lizard/."

"We brought a lot of things. Not -- so much as Pa does. They're -- mostly things Anole likes," Sebastian admits with a blush.

"But it's way enough to share."

Marrow pulls out a cheap little lighter and click-clicks it until it sparks. "Ahhhh that's the stuff," she proclaims, before putting the sword out from the wall. "If you go the right way there aren't any traps. Pretty god damn stupid booby trapping your own doorstep." She blows out a smoke ring. "Shit, you get prettier every time I see you. What'dya do this time? Try fuck a garden strimmer? Or ask Masque if he'd like to join you for some sexy time?"

Jim blows a raggety kiss Marrow's way. "You like it. Some guy came down t'wander the tunnels a few days ago," doubleSHARK tap, Jim leans forward to prop an elbow on either twin's sharkShoulder, "stopped old uncle Masque from rearranging the guy's face. We hadda little lover's spat afterwards. He'll get over it." He says this with a vague jostle of Sebastian's shoulder. Shane's shoulder gets a more /insistent/ jostle after (because you have to keep the twins EQUALLY jostled or it tips the cosmos), "-psst. Sst. But you'd let a /cripple/ bum a smoke, right? What kinda things does the lizard like?"

He swings a look to Peter, the scar twisting in his cheek when he pulls back the side of his mouth, "The fuckin' Spider. I /am/ a god damn tree. How the fuck /did/ you convince 'em to let you out. Hold any trains up lately?"

"I brought," Peter announces to Jim post-twins, "/meat/-sticks. Um, slim-jims. No smokes, though." He eyes Marrow a little carefully at the glow of that cigarette, before glancing back to Jim, eyebrows darting up! A little more sheepishly, then: "Uh oh um. No, I didn't -- my ankles are better, now," he states, lifting a foot up as if to /wiggle/ it at Jim. "I brought thwippy things for Anole. OH!" he quickly adds, eyes widening: "These ones /don't/ explode so don't worry like. I put that into my /new/ ones but not the ones for him I mean that would be terrible."

Sebastian's eyes widen under sudden elbowprop; kind of uncertainly, he bolsters himself up higher (not very /much/ higher at his height, sadly) underneath it.

Shane in counterpoint slouches, with a snort. "Sure, gimpy. But only if you take us where we need to be, /Skeletor/ just keeps snarking about traps and being totally unhelpful."

"-- We just wanted to visit Anole," Sebastian says bashfully. "There's other things. Fruit -- um. Some -- one of the gardens had a lot of. Veggies. They'll probably need to get cooked soon though. Cuz -- fresh."

"He likes books," Shane adds. "And this really gross not-actually-juice shit."

"And soup in cans. The chunky beef kind. Or chicken with noodles. We have --" Sebastian shrugs. "Does get over it mean he'll undo it, cuz --"

"-- cuz don't you need arms? For -- things?" Shane waves one of his demonstratively!

Marrow takes another lungful of smoke. "What, you think I'm your fuckin' tour guide?" she asks with playful scorn. "We're on lockdown, which means no visitors without special permission. You think far enough ahead to have left a message at a drop point so people knew you were coming? As for Masque, just gotta remember to bring a metal blade or a gun. Without physical contact he can't do shit, so just kneecap him and /then/ have your argument." She smokes her way through about half the little joint, then offers it round all friendly like.

"Fuckin' Masque," is what Jim has to say undergrowl, on the subject of ARMS. Ooo, smoke. Jim leans towards Marrow, clicking his teeth bite-bite and opening his mouth for her to put it in his mouth. Having no hands at the moment. Feeeed meeee. He's furrowing his brows at Peter as he does, "Long as he doesn't go around shootin' them near the exits. Last thing we need's for the little guy to make people think we got the Spider fuckin down here." His lurking lean makes for easy conspiratory posturing, kind of like they're /also/ keeping secret the fact that the Spider /is/ currently fucking down here.

"Sorry, biz is tight - shit's real ticklish down here, all hands on deck. We can't afford a lot of random fuckin' elements running around. Even your old man took it on himself t'give Nox a piece of his mind during a supply run and it damn near fucking /broke/ her." He sniffs. Thinking. And looks across to Marrow, "What'dyou think. They had an escort?" Are you volunteering, Jim?

"--holycrap you people are scary," Peter decides, rather suddenly, at Marrow's mention of KNEE-CAPPING Masque. Also at Jim's explanation of his current lack-of-arms. He /does/ quirk a grin at Shane's mention of 'Skeletor', though. "Um. Maybe /you/ can show us in?" Peter asks, stepping forward to reach out and -- tentatively pat! At one of Jim's extended branchy-things. "Either way, we'll eventually -- um I mean Nox or Anole or /someone/ I'm sure will -- show up or something." The mention of Jax giving Nox a 'piece of his mind' gets Peter's nose wrinkling, but otherwise -- he does not comment!

"--let's go, this place creeps me out," Peter comments, back to the twins -- then, back to Jim! Tug, tug tug. "You can help us, or maybe Marrow, or like both of you or--let's just go. Give this stuff to Anole."