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Sebastian --> Shelby: i love dancing 2. where do u go? we pretty much only go to evolve or my dad's club if he's working. yea no hive is cool. just sometimes creepy whats he doing now??
Sebastian --> Shelby: i love dancing 2. where do u go? we pretty much only go to evolve or my dad's club if he's working. yea no hive is cool. just sometimes creepy whats he doing now??
Jax --> TWINS: Seriously, leave you two alone for ONE MINUTE. You ok, Bastian?
Shane --> Jax&Bastian: He's great. You'd be great, too, if you joined us!
Sebastian --> Jax&Shane: haha im fine they're PEER PRESSURING me dad. dare warned me about this.
Shane --> Jax&Bastian: Bullshit, we never did DARE. I'm peer pressuring, though. You, too, Pa. C'mon. All the cool kids are doing it.
Shane --> Jax&Bastian: You know you don't want to be the OLD FUDDY-DUDDY. Jim's already ON that.
Jax --> TWINS: Hah. I wouldn't want to DEPRIVE YOU. You guys staying in tonight?

Shelby --> Sebastian: sweeeeeeeeet! ur dads clubs best NEwher else n i get creepd on u kno? mebbe w/ 2 hot guyz w/ me i wuldnt tho rofl hez just telin evry1 our busnss bet hez jellus n wants 2 smok up 2
Shelby --> Sebastian: sweeeeeeeeet! ur dads clubs best NEwher else n i get creepd on u kno? mebbe w/ 2 hot guyz w/ me i wuldnt tho rofl hez just telin evry1 our busnss bet hez jellus n wants 2 smok up 2
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Shane --> Shelby: Shit, I've got his jacket.
Shane --> Shelby: Shit, I've got his jacket.

You paged Sebastian with 'nah hez totes jelis cuz i had burgers w/ him yestrdy n now im gona go dancin w/ u lol
Shane --> Jax&Bastian: We were going to go dancing.
Jax --> TWINS: Both of you and Shelby? Where?
Shelby --> Sebastian: nah hez totes jelis cuz i had burgers w/ him yestrdy n now im gona go dancin w/ u lol

Sebastian --> Shelby: ohhhh does he like u? LIKE-u like u?
Sebastian --> Shelby: ohhhh does he like u? LIKE-u like u?
Shane --> Jax&Bastian: Yeah. Evolve, I guess. Though you should come? And Hive? Dude is Hive into Shelby?
Shane --> Jax&Bastian: She could be his BEARD.

Shelby --> Sebastian: dont think so sed hez not into datin or wutevr n hez liek hez nevr creeped on me skinda nice u kno? but still TOTES JELLIS'
Shelby --> Sebastian: dont think so sed hez not into datin or wutevr n hez liek hez nevr creeped on me skinda nice u kno? but still TOTES JELLIS'

Shelby --> Shane: nah ur dad tatld on u told him it wuz tore up. u eat it? n i can ask him but hez all h8 @ me
Shelby --> Shane: nah ur dad tatld on u told him it wuz tore up. u eat it? n i can ask him but hez all h8 @ me
Jax --> TWINS: I don't think Hive's into Shelby. OR FLICKER.
Jax --> TWINS: It'd be better if you stayed home. I'll cook you something. Evolve's open tomorrow, too.

Shane --> Shelby: Bastian helped! I can't help it. CORDUROY. It's made for scratching.
Shane --> Shelby: Bastian helped! I can't help it. CORDUROY. It's made for scratching.
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Sebastian --> Shelby: i bet he wud he lets me boro his clothes all the time. hes got great stuff. is every1 comin back here?
Sebastian --> Shelby: i bet he wud he lets me boro his clothes all the time. hes got great stuff. is every1 comin back here?
Shane --> Jax&Bastian: Sure, cool, we'll go out tomorrow. You gonna join us?

Shane --> Shelby: I wouldn't want to see HIM dance, either. Old-man-paunch. Moobs. FUCK, this haunting is hilariAWFUL. Ian's showing me. SO BAD.
Shane --> Shelby: I wouldn't want to see HIM dance, either. Old-man-paunch. Moobs. FUCK, this haunting is hilariAWFUL. Ian's showing me. SO BAD.
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Shelby --> Shane: also comin down w/out teh grownups lite em up
Shelby --> Shane: also comin down w/out teh grownups lite em up
Jax --> TWINS Nah. I'll bake foods. JEEZ, MOOBS??


Revision as of 19:39, 2 February 2013

Responsible Dead Adult People - The Texts
Dramatis Personae

Sebastian, Shane, Shelby and their phones

In Absentia

1 February, 2013

The texts exchanged during the peanut gallery and the roughhousing.


Sebastian --> Shelby BUZZBUZZ TXT MSG: shelby whats up u busy this weekend?

Shane --> Shelby TEXT MESSAGE ALSO: Yes, of course you're busy. Now. Ignore Sebastian he'll probably want to study. We should go dancing instead.

Shelby --> Sebastian WHEETEXT: baaaastian omg i herd u been baaaaaaad. whassup w/ u telin folks ther apt haz gosts? rofl so mean dude im watchin a sayans??? rite now no plans 4 teh wknd cept stayin warm u?

Shelby --> Shane: SLOW TXT is SLOW: wtf ur bro jus txtd wassup? mebbe we culd tak him dancin? studyin is shit also UR SO MEEN rofl

Sebastian --> Shelby: no way i mean yeah but that was shane. i just didnt correct him. what's a sayans? you should come over. not for studying honest.

Shane --> Shelby: We should totally take him dancing. He doesn't remember how to have fun sometimes. What're you doing tonight? I'm not mean. Just entertaining.

Shelby --> Sebastian: liek when u talk 2 ghsots u kno? teh dude shane wuz pikin on i totes kno him n his roomie. u wan me 2 cum ovr 2nite? ur dad's here rite now

Shelby --> Shane: lol watchin sum folks try 2 talk 2 ur gosts cept teh gosts r hives roomies. ur fukin hilareos but still mean thees guyz r nice

Sebastian --> Shelby: oh wow lol really r there ghosts?? we werent serious i dont think its haunted here. WAIT r u at flickers place???

Shane --> Shelby: Ahaha, are you at Hive's place? Shit. I didn't think they were going to have a seance for REAL. That's fucking priceless. Ian's the ghostiest motherfucker.

Shane --> Shelby: You should come over after. When you're done hanging out with my DAD.

Shelby --> Sebastian: lol 1 of hives roomies is teh gost teh shadow dude. yup. candls goin out now roflmao i feel kinda bad! teh chik wuz gonna do my hair. hey ur bro is txtin me 2 he sez we shuld go dancin'

Shelby --> Shane: rofl fuk u dude ur dad is liek supr cool but sur i cn cum ovr. shuld i sneek in?

Sebastian --> Shelby: yea he just wants to get high tho :( shell probs still do ur hair theyre gonna tell her the truth after right??

Shane --> Shelby: Yeah, actually he's super cool. You don't have to sneak. I mean quietish, I guess, my little bro's sleeping. My dad won't care though.

Shelby --> Sebastian: u dont liek getin higH? dude u gotta try it w/ me sumtim huh? sfun w/ teh rite peeps. im gona cum ovr aftr we can toke up k? duno wut tehyr gona tell her ur dads all we shuld tell n i kinda think hez rite'

Shane --> Shelby: I guess you could sneak if it makes the whole thing feel more badass, though. But the front door's open.

Sebastian --> Shelby: dunno haven't tried. shane's got some stuff though. he likes it. i bet pa will tell he worries. hopefully they think its funny? Shelby --> Shane: man no fun i gess ill get ur dad 2 bring me NEway. bastian sez u got sum good shit?

Shelby --> Sebastian: srsly? sweet ur gona luv it! trust me k? wont let NEthin bad hapen 2 u. anwyns kinda lookin freeked out. ian dus good gost.'

Sebastian --> Shelby: uuuuuummmmmmmm i guess. do u do it a lot? i dunno u sure itll be ok?? are we goin out dancin too? :/ yeah ian's freaky. hes so nice tho. they all r even hive. mostly.

Shelby --> Shane: fuk hive jus bustd us b4 i culd ask i cn try tho? if hez gona b cool bout it. Y U GOTA B TAT WAY HIVE I KNO UR PEEKIN sry 4 all caps dude

Shelby --> Sebastian: wen i can scor stuf sure! dont alwys hav teh $$$ tho. u wana go dancin? i luuuuuv to. :D u dont think hives nice? hes prty cool cept for liek RITE NOW.

Shane --> Shelby: Haha. Whups. As long as I stay away from hard shit he doesn't usually care, but only if I stay home.

Shane --> Shelby: I guess he worries about people doing bad shit if I'm not home?

Shane --> Shelby: Or maybe worries about me doing bad shit. Hm. HI HIVE. CREEPSTER.

Sebastian --> Shelby: i love dancing 2. where do u go? we pretty much only go to evolve or my dad's club if he's working. yea no hive is cool. just sometimes creepy whats he doing now??

Jax --> TWINS: Seriously, leave you two alone for ONE MINUTE. You ok, Bastian?

Shane --> Jax&Bastian: He's great. You'd be great, too, if you joined us!

Sebastian --> Jax&Shane: haha im fine they're PEER PRESSURING me dad. dare warned me about this.

Shane --> Jax&Bastian: Bullshit, we never did DARE. I'm peer pressuring, though. You, too, Pa. C'mon. All the cool kids are doing it.

Shane --> Jax&Bastian: You know you don't want to be the OLD FUDDY-DUDDY. Jim's already ON that.

Jax --> TWINS: Hah. I wouldn't want to DEPRIVE YOU. You guys staying in tonight?

Shelby --> Sebastian: sweeeeeeeeet! ur dads clubs best NEwher else n i get creepd on u kno? mebbe w/ 2 hot guyz w/ me i wuldnt tho rofl hez just telin evry1 our busnss bet hez jellus n wants 2 smok up 2

Shelby --> Shane: dad aggro inc! hey we gota go dancin 2 i got bastian on board

Shane --> Shelby: My dad sucks at aggro he says he won't join us because he wouldn't want to deprive me. Hive can smoke up, too, if he wants. S'cool.

Sebastian --> Shelby: i d unno about jelis he smokes plenty. shanes inviting him i think. maybe itll be like a party.

Shelby --> Shane: wuld hav 2 ditch jim unles u think u can get him 2 try growin sum bud? hes liek all pine tree rite now

Shane --> Shelby: Man, he could save me so much cash. Fuck pine trees he should make this shit grow. Jim's not gonna be boring or anything is he?

Shane --> Shelby: Shit, I've got his jacket.

Shane --> Jax&Bastian: We were going to go dancing.

Jax --> TWINS: Both of you and Shelby? Where?

Shelby --> Sebastian: nah hez totes jelis cuz i had burgers w/ him yestrdy n now im gona go dancin w/ u lol

Sebastian --> Shelby: ohhhh does he like u? LIKE-u like u?

Shane --> Jax&Bastian: Yeah. Evolve, I guess. Though you should come? And Hive? Dude is Hive into Shelby?

Shane --> Jax&Bastian: She could be his BEARD.

Shelby --> Sebastian: dont think so sed hez not into datin or wutevr n hez liek hez nevr creeped on me skinda nice u kno? but still TOTES JELLIS'

Shelby --> Shane: nah ur dad tatld on u told him it wuz tore up. u eat it? n i can ask him but hez all h8 @ me

Jax --> TWINS: I don't think Hive's into Shelby. OR FLICKER. Jax --> TWINS: It'd be better if you stayed home. I'll cook you something. Evolve's open tomorrow, too.

Shane --> Shelby: Bastian helped! I can't help it. CORDUROY. It's made for scratching.

Shane --> Shelby: You could ask. Shit, ALL these people can't come dancing though. GOD can you imagine Jim dancing? Maybe we should get high tonight. Dance tomorrow.

Shane --> Shelby: It'd make Jax happier anyway. He's not saying NO but I know he worries if I'm doing shit out. Lot of creepers.

Shelby --> Shane: sokay sounds good 2 me ill see if i can get him 2 go in halfsies n grow us sum rofl dont want him seein me danc NEway

Sebastian --> Shelby: aww yea hes not a creepster just snarky. hes nice if hes jelis he shud cum

Sebastian --> Shelby: errrrrrrrrrrrr come. like down here. not like ew.

Shelby --> Sebastian: ok so liek we're ALL getin high 2nite then u n shane takin me dancin 2morow lol think ur dad wuld let me borow sumthin nice 2 wear? ROFL durty mind

Sebastian --> Shelby: i bet he wud he lets me boro his clothes all the time. hes got great stuff. is every1 comin back here?

Shane --> Jax&Bastian: Sure, cool, we'll go out tomorrow. You gonna join us?

Shane --> Shelby: I wouldn't want to see HIM dance, either. Old-man-paunch. Moobs. FUCK, this haunting is hilariAWFUL. Ian's showing me. SO BAD.

Shelby --> Sebastian: think so aftr teh gost stuff. so mean theyr super freekd. sendin in teh bat dude now.

Shelby --> Shane: fuk shane dont evr say moobs agin. EVR. FUK NOW I CANT STOP THINKIN IT N HIVE IS HERE U ASS

Shane --> Shelby: Moobs moobs moobs moobs. Jiggling moobs. Dancing moobs.

Shelby --> Shane: h8

Shelby --> Sebastian: omg bite shane 4 me

Sebastian --> Shelby: SO FREAKED. its so bad. dusk isn't even scary he gives the snuggliest hugs. k bitin now.

Shane --> Shelby: OW!

Shelby --> Sebastian: <3 u

Shelby --> Shane: u fukin deserv it

Shane --> Shelby: >:\

Shane --> Shelby: MOOBS. Ahah ohshit. Fuck I hope they don't scare these people out of the building he actually seemed chill.

Shelby --> Shane: ur such n asshole if tey move its UR FALT

Shelby --> Shane: also comin down w/out teh grownups lite em up

Jax --> TWINS Nah. I'll bake foods. JEEZ, MOOBS??