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"/Hah/, shit, there /anyone/ in this town you ain't sunk your teeth in, hermano?" Ion tumbles out of the tower atop Kay, the pyro earning a small zapzapzap for his troubles as the other man lands on him. "{We found our own havoc while his pilot light was out. Had to /build/ it though. Lots of fists and lots of booze and he had some /sweet/ --}" Ion's tongue click-click-clicks in time with waggling GUNFINGERS up at Dusk like Kay was some old-timey gunslinging cowboy. Panting for breath, he rolls off of Kay and onto his back, pushing curls off his face and sparing a /long/ look up at the gargoyle looming over them. There is, for a moment, a softening in the perma-/manic/ planes of his face, a slower breath sucked in, a slower drift of eyes over reconstructed wings, reconstructed /face/, muscles lean and strong and not /wasting away/. "All came back," he finally says, sharp-grinned once more with one arm slung across his forehead. "{Shit, me? Mine came in like the fucking /lightning/, how else. One second I'm home, the next --}" His fingers snap, a small spark flashing in the air with the motion. "{Fuck knows where I am. Four cities away, no idea how I got there. No warning. That was the first of it. Does flame really get you /off/ dude you /would/ have dreams about making love to a bonfire.}"
"/Hah/, shit, there /anyone/ in this town you ain't sunk your teeth in, hermano?" Ion tumbles out of the tower atop Kay, the pyro earning a small zapzapzap for his troubles as the other man lands on him. "{We found our own havoc while his pilot light was out. Had to /build/ it though. Lots of fists and lots of booze and he had some /sweet/ --}" Ion's tongue click-click-clicks in time with waggling GUNFINGERS up at Dusk like Kay was some old-timey gunslinging cowboy. Panting for breath, he rolls off of Kay and onto his back, pushing curls off his face and sparing a /long/ look up at the gargoyle looming over them. There is, for a moment, a softening in the perma-/manic/ planes of his face, a slower breath sucked in, a slower drift of eyes over reconstructed wings, reconstructed /face/, muscles lean and strong and not /wasting away/. "All came back," he finally says, sharp-grinned once more with one arm slung across his forehead. "{Shit, me? Mine came in like the fucking /lightning/, how else. One second I'm home, the next --}" His fingers snap, a small spark flashing in the air with the motion. "{Fuck knows where I am. Four cities away, no idea how I got there. No warning. That was the first of it. Does flame really get you /off/ dude you /would/ have dreams about making love to a bonfire.}"

"Just growled. No biting. Think he's shit-scared of me. I took him to coffee to make up --" Dusk shrugs a wing, shoulders shaking in silent laughter as Ion and Kay come pouring out. His wings flex behind him, a luxurious-slow roll like just reveling in their /existence/. "Uh -- {I got sick, actually. That was most of it for a while. Like my whole immune system fucking /crashed/ and I got pulled out of school and was mostly in and out of hospitals for --" He shrugs. "{Turns out it was because no blood.} Only started to catch on when my teeth began growing in. Wings took a fuckton longer." They shift behind him again, the fangs in question glinting in a sharp smile. "{Hell, no, he has dreams about making love to a bigass pyre. Down at the White House, maybe. Maybe HAMMER headquarters. -- /shit/.}" With this last he is hopping down off the tunnel opening to land beside the others, huge wings curling down to SCOOP the puddle of tangled Mongrel into them for a very fierce fuzzy-limbed hug that just comes with another, slightly sharper: "Shit."
"Just growled. No biting. Think he's shit-scared of me. I took him to coffee to make up --" Dusk shrugs a wing, shoulders shaking in silent laughter as Ion and Kay come pouring out. His wings flex behind him, a luxurious-slow roll like just reveling in their /existence/. "Uh -- {I got sick, actually. That was most of it for a while. Like my whole immune system fucking /crashed/ and I got pulled out of school and was mostly in and out of hospitals for --}" He shrugs. "{Turns out it was because no blood.} Only started to catch on when my teeth began growing in. Wings took a fuckton longer." They shift behind him again, the fangs in question glinting in a sharp smile. "{Hell, no, he has dreams about making love to a bigass pyre. Down at the White House, maybe. Maybe HAMMER headquarters. -- /shit/.}" With this last he is hopping down off the tunnel opening to land beside the others, huge wings curling down to SCOOP the puddle of tangled Mongrel into them for a very fierce fuzzy-limbed hug that just comes with another, slightly sharper: "Shit."

Perfect timing for an intruder, right? But with the door left open, it's only natural that someone might come through and someone /does/--except it's Violet, who's already been here. Of course, she's acting as if this were her Very First Time in the common house, peeking inside at first before eeling in over the threshold to look around tourist-style. Big ears, big eyes, all agape and aghast and innocent, she is. She's dressed urchin-style, a pair of cut-off khaki BDUs lashed with rope at the waistline to keep them on her hips, and her layered grey and white t-shirts showing more holes than fabric. Feet? Bare, naturally. "...oh wow, this is the /playhouse/," the self-cast ingenue declares. Then scurryscurry, she's darting over to begin scaling the structure from the outside.
Perfect timing for an intruder, right? But with the door left open, it's only natural that someone might come through and someone /does/--except it's Violet, who's already been here. Of course, she's acting as if this were her Very First Time in the common house, peeking inside at first before eeling in over the threshold to look around tourist-style. Big ears, big eyes, all agape and aghast and innocent, she is. She's dressed urchin-style, a pair of cut-off khaki BDUs lashed with rope at the waistline to keep them on her hips, and her layered grey and white t-shirts showing more holes than fabric. Feet? Bare, naturally. "...oh wow, this is the /playhouse/," the self-cast ingenue declares. Then scurryscurry, she's darting over to begin scaling the structure from the outside.

Revision as of 17:51, 6 July 2014

Dramatis Personae

Dusk, Ion, Kay, Violet

In Absentia




<NYC> Harbor Commons - Common House - Lower East Side

Accessible to all residents of the Commons via electronic keycard, this three-story building holds a number of facilities freely available for the shared use of all Commons residents. The stone-floored foyer is high ceilinged -- balconies on the two upper floors look down into this entrance, leaving just the wide skylit ceiling three stories up to trickle light down through the whole of the house. Through wide wood-and-glass doors the spacious dining area is visible on the left; on the right, heavier doors beside the elevator lead to the similarly large kitchens. Though a wide staircase runs all the way up, there is also an elevator tucked to one side. For the adventurous, though, there's another way up through the house -- through the center of the house where the balconies look down, an enormous climbing structure has been erected, solid wood platforms softened with carpeting, held together with strong spiderwebbed steel cables. Interlaced in an intricate maze that spirals up through the whole of the house and down to the basement, it provides a crazily winding path to duck and wriggle and worm through, with exits -- if you can /find/ them -- dispensed out onto each upper balcony and into the basement below.

The entrance to the Common House is probably not supposed to be ajar, the installed security associated with the high tech key card entry gone dark, dead and unresponsive to the illicit FREESTYLE shenanigans currently invading the premises. Invading and... ascending. In Kay's case, this involves, from the moment of what is technically breaking and entering to the point in which he takes in his environment, first three words: "You're kidding me," then a sudden urgent-faced break into SPRING. A flying leap, latching onto the snarly-cabled STRUCTURE and beginning to haul himself upward, "The /fuck/!" His vulpine shrill-raspy tenor echoes upwards towards the ceiling three stories above.

Probably not /supposed/ to be, and /yet/. Ion carries a very faint ozone tinge to his scent as he enters behind Kay -- breaking and entering should probably be stealthier, no? But he's /bounding/, hands swinging at the end of rangy-lean arms to clap calloused hands together once. "Oh/shit/dog they move-on-/upped/." His accent is thiiick, somewhere distinctly far /south/ of the U.S. Even after dark has fallen his dark curls still cling damply to his forehead, white t-shirt grungy beneath his kutte (along with its flagrantly large Mutant Mongrels insignia it now bears a pair of bleached-out handprints mirroring each other on either flap of the leather vest at his waist.) His teeth flash bright white, eyes /lighting/, and he leaves the door wide open behind him as he hurtles over towards the structure. Not leaping but slithering belly-down into an entrance to worm his way inside. "{What the fuck,}" is echoed in excited Spanish. "This ain't a house is a playground."

It would appear that the boys have wandered directly into a meme: one story above the manically climbing Kay, through a gap between platform and rope netting, a kitty face appears. It's ceiling cat! Or maybe just Violet, whose face is rather more human in spite of the feline marks of fur and slitted pupils. She looks every bit as startled, staring and disapproving as her progenitor, however. Those pupils, they be dilated, but there are no pinned back ears, no growlyhiss. Surprised. Interested? And eventually amused as tremors in the structure work their way up to jostle the platform she is belly down upon. "...ya'll playin' hooky? 'Cause you surely can't be /grown-ups/ actin' this way." What? She's not a hypocrite; she's a cat.

"Oh shit, there's someone here!" Rather than warning, Kay apparently finds this /awesome/, like maybe we'll get THROWN OUT or PLAY WITH IT. He's mongoose-slithering up and trying to squeeze into the inner side of the climb structure the...HARD way. It involves one long leg just jutted out and kicking, hands drag-drag-scraping like a fox in a trap. Grabbing for Ion's ankle or the back of his belt, save me bro, or I'm taking your fucking PANTS. His own kutte, Mongrel signia matching a all battered and singed and hanging off one shoulder, is worn over a black t-shirt with both sleeves cut off and the neck cut out considerably wider to show one naked shoulder with what looks like a second tighter-fitting black tank underneath. Skinny jeans and a wallet chain that jangles and jingles enthusiastically. "Gata, I was /born/ grown." Sprung FULLY FORMED from the womb.

"Ahhhh is this /your/ playground, nina-ah-ah-ah," Ion's last word turns into a drawn out /yelping/ as he is grabbed from the outside of the structure, yanking back against the steel cables and yipping in a breath of sharp laughter. /Helpful/ as he is, he responds to this by flail-kicking a boot out -- shoo-shoo-shoo -- to try and knock Kay right /off/ the side of the tower. "Wassa? We look like hockey players? This one, sure, he'll throw down with fucking /anyone/. Not the season for it though."

"Fella, you gotta grow /out/ as well as /up/ t'be grown," is Violet's pert retort to Kay. After delivery, her head pops back behind the edge of the platform. The swaying that follows is rather more gentle than that caused by the bikers. A moment later she reappears, a shadow slipping onto the curvy floor just above their position. Boop, kitty head is back. It turns slightly back and forth, back and forth, sizing the pair up. "Hooky. Hooky, like ya'll are actin' like twelve year olds. S'kinda cute." Because that's what every leather-clad, road-rangy, hard-scrabble style biker hoodlum wants to hear, right? That they're cute. "S'pretty sweet though, yeah? Someone left a window open upstairs, it goes all the way up!"

"I'm more a /shower/ than a grow-AUGH!" Kay finally does topple, though Ion's pants probably suffer their position about his HIPS for the loss. There's a thumpclatter, landing heavily on his ass, then an ominous moment of silence -- before there's a very frantic NEW swaying where Kay dives through the proper portal Ion had taken and begins to rapid-scramble after him. Or just climb right UP Ion while talking breathlessly, "Noshit, you went up the side the building? Who the hell are you?" He sounds /impressed/. Also kind of strangled. Glk-grin! And reaching out a little HOOKEY paw of his own like hey. Hey KID. KID HELP.

"Ha-ha-haaa," Ion is reaching for his jeans, tug-tug-/tug/, though it's hard from his flat-down position sandwiched between two platforms to yank his jeans back /up/ very expediently from where they've pulled down to expose a few boring inches of grey plaid boxers that, admittedly, had already been half showing /before/, as low-slung as he was wearing them. "Ahhhh shit you come in a /window/ wassat you don't live here?" He sounds a little incredulous. "You broke /in/?" For /shame/. "Ay-yay-/yay/." He's scrambling now, too, quick and twisty, weaseling his way up through a narrow gap in planks, and crawling, thump THUMP, until one of Kay's arms is upon him.

Aaaaa it's like clinging to a ship in a storm. There is a quiet sound of claws puncturing carpet as Violet digs in with four pointy ends to keep from being slung around. "Vi--" Swaaaay. "Let. Violet. Don't live here, I just..." Wait, did she break in? She has to stop to think about it. "Don't think it's breakin' in if there was an open window, yeah? More like prowlin'. But s'cool, I know the folks here." Orange eyes go half-lidded when she returns to surveying the chaotic twosome just below. " /you/ live here?" she asks all thoughtful and interested like--because this will determine her mood in the immediate future. But before they can answer, and without explanation--because cat--Violet turns tail. Literally. She turns and her tail flips briefly over the edge of her platform before she goes skittering up higher into the structure. Ono maybe she's gone to call the heat down on them!

"I /totally/--OUF," Kay is a mess of bony elbows and knees yet he's somehow managed to hurt HIMSELF on Ion's freaking body, "-like, know someone that definitely lives - uff! - here." It's like a race! And neither of them have motorcycles in here. (YET.) "Man," he pauses his rapid advancement, glancing to Ion. Eyes narrowed as if the answer were in the other Mongrel's tanned deviant /face/, "...Open window, nah, guess s'not totally not breaking in they're like just higher up doors... holy /fuck/ this shit does go all the way up. THe hell was Hive smoking why don't we have one of these back home?" On the ISLAND.

"Ahhh no we was breaking the fuck /in/, gatita." Ion relays this as cheerfully as though he hadn't just been accusing the woman of doing the same. Shake shake wriiiiggle, Ion finally breaks /free/ of the narrow twisty passages into a tiny cubbyhole /nook/ one story up, jutting out and looking /over/ the lobby from behind a cage of wires. He seems delighted at the little perch he's located, fingers twisting themselves through the cables. "Dude's got cancer man don't they give you like the. The /good/ shit to smoke for that?"

Down below, a shadow darkens the open Common House door. Not a particularly large shadow, admittedly, lean and wiry but the huge batwings make it a pretty identifiable shape. Dusk's face, short-scruff of beard, tousled dark hair growing a little too shaggy, is illuminated by the light of a tablet in his hands, brows knit together in frustration and a toolkit against his hip. His fingers tap over the keys, keycard removed from his pocket to tap against the defunct reader before he looks at his tablet again. Sighs. He's starting to reach for the toolkit when he tips his head, dark eyes gleaming in the dim entryway as he looks past it into the building. "... what the fuck." And then, a brighter sudden /excitement/ in his voice: "What the /fuck/?"

"OH SHIT," yelps Kay's vulpin voice from SOMEWHERE in the depths of all the tangled cables and swinging platforms. The sound of rapid scuffling ensues, "OH SHIT DUSK." There's just this -- HAND. That pokes out. And a second wide-eyed face is peering out alongside Ion's, grinning like a bad omen down at Dusk. "DUSK WHAT SHIT'S HIVE GOT." No context for YOU!

"Ayyy, Darkwing, come up come /up/ come up you got a /tower/ in your tower. We conquered." Ion's hands SHAKE vigorously at the metal cables. "{You looking /good/, bloodsucker. Your door it maybe have a problem? Maaaaybe?}" Behind the cables his teeth flash bright.

"{Yeah, this shit's broke with the -- /oh/ you /fucker/.}" Dusk is vaulting towards the tower himself, now, ditching his toolkit and his tablet in a corner as he /leaps/ towards the structure. His wings flap out with a /whoosh/ of air, claws curling in against the metal to latch on and pull himself up. He's dressed much as he ever is, baggy cargo shorts hanging low on narrow hips, no shirt. A very /fetching/ boxy black electronic monitor prominently strapped around his ankle. A few new bleach-blond streaks in his dark hair. Bare feet curling toes in against the metal as he climbs, wings flexing to pull him towards the others rapidly. "{What the shit? Hive's got a fucking assload of pessimism.}"

"{Pessi-} - oh, FUCK," Kay had been about to use context clues to figure out that particular world (not like the spanish version is all that /different/) but he suddenly has BATS to deal with. Or one bat. And he deals with it by feeding his hands through the swaying cables and DRUMS HIS PALMS on Dusk's bare abdomen like he's making a drumroll, "Yeaaaaaah now he's got it! Miss us? We're helping you find your security flaws y'welcome." B-D-D-D-Dpatpatpat! So helpful! "I'm gonna blow the door off next time see how long it takes you guys to respond. We coulda robbed you BLIND man!"

"You got /yourself/ some bling, boyo." Ion's fingers flick sharp towards the monitor strapped around Dusk's ankle, something manic gleaming bright in his eyes. "{How good /their/ security, huh? I zap it, how long's it going to be before some pig comes and checks up on you?}" He's /not/ zapping it, thankfully, but there are faint sparks shivering down against the cables where his hands cling. Prooobably giving tiny little twitch-jerk spasms of /jolt/ to Kay and Dusk, that metal is pretty /conductive/. "I'mm'a rob you blind right in the /kitchen/ where your /beer/ at?"

"They check up on me every, uh. So often -- I don't know the usual dude's a /cock/munch /please/ don't summon him out here he's just dying for an excuse to put me in for-real jail so he doesn't have to come deal with freaktown anymore." Dusk's muscles tense hard beneath the drumming, his talons clenching in harder against the wires as his long thumbclaws wiggle through, poking down towards Kay's head. "{You have no fucking /idea/ --}" There's a /sharp/ grin on Dusk's face, bright and fanged, when he answers the 'miss us?', but somewhere under it there's a rougher growling note that breaks through briefly. "{The fuck are you gonna steal, our /chairs/? There's fuckall in here right now. Booze is at /my/ place.}"

Kay tips back his head and chomps his stained-bad teeth up at Dusk's lil' hookey thumb claw. Fingers /twitching/ a little where electricity zips up his muscles and puts his hair on end. That's alright, the metal expanding from where his own hands are locked on the metal is growing steadily warmer. "How long's it gonna be now?" He's leaving warm-feeling handpats on Dusk's belly, clambering over-onto-past Ion like a clumsy kitten to head further up the platform seeking even /higher/ ground. "Y'know. We hit the courthouse, police station, we could give 'em something else a little more on /fire/ t'worry about than your winged ass..." Crawl-climb-thump. "You see Ion's gropemarks?" The white prints on his kutte, which have rapidly become Kay's new ION-HANDLES.

"/Everybody/ been feeling for a piece'a me." Ion boasts this proudly; there's not quite enough room on this nook he's found for himself to stand so he kind of crab-sprawls backwards on all fours before tucking his knees down so he can lift one hand, tugging /proudly/ at his newly decorated kutte. Two mirror-image bleachy handprints stamped on either side of the vest at its waist. "Kay, man, he think that's like, /grope-here/ sign." Ion's crooked smile doesn't suggest he's much /bothered/ by his new TARGET. He flips back over onto his belly, slithering up a different path from Kay towards the next floor -- or trying to, anyway, though one turn and another eventually brings him face to /face/ with Kay again. FROWN. "Fuck's this thing a joke?"

"It's a /maze/, dog." Despite the warmth of Kay's hands, Dusk shivers; the quiet breath he pulls in at the other men's banter is almost like /relief/. The twitch-tension of his muscles calms as Ion's SPARKY hands leave the metal, and his wings click-rattle against the cables as he, too, scales higher. Much more swiftly than the others, no maze to climb through, just an easy pull up the outside of the tower to the next floor where he settles in his typical gargoyle perch on the lip of one of the tunnels that spills out onto the balcony. "Who /wouldn't/ want a piece of you. Did you seriously just dip your hands in /bleach/ to tell people where to feel up?" His head is craning down, peering upside-down into the opening to squint in and try and keep track of the others. "... not going to say I would /mind/ a few more pigpens going up in flames."

Scramble-rushing like it's a RACE, when Kay finds himself meeting Ion head on he lets out a coyote 'yark!' sound of surprise and apparently his PRIMARY reflex is 'tackle' because he plows right into the other Mongrel, arms locking awkwardly around Ion's torso to mindlessly GATOR ROLL him on his way to scramble past, "Man, Ion kidnapMUGGED a -hff!- kid for his handprints." Making a break for the second story exit at mach... well 2, with heavy thumping turbulence, Kay is panting through his feral grin, "Can arrange that, bro. {Fire is my /friend/ again.}" He's gonna make it. He's GONNA MAKE IT.

"Ghhaah!" Ion topples over backwards, toppled over beneath Kay as he is steamrolled en route to the exit. "No-no-no is this kid. Bleachy kid. That's where I strap him on my bike and he hang on for /dear li-i-ife/." His words are drawn out as he hurls himself after Kay, inches behind as he clamber-crawls towards the exit. He doesn't actually catch up to Kay so much as /fling/ out a ropey arm to grab on to an ankle like he's just going to COAST out the exit in Kay's tailwind. "{He /says/,}" he adds this in brightly cheerful tones, pounding a fist up at the underside of Dusk's perch, "{some vampire motherfucker had some beef with him. There a /colony/ of you bloodsuckers now? -- Whole fucking /world/ is /your/ friend,} cracker." Maybe at one point that last /might/ have been /fire/cracker BUT.

"{Ahhhhhh no way.}" Dusk is looking mooore than a little sheepish when the others make it to the balcony, rubbing a wingtip against his dark hair. "/Billy/? I might have, uh. Gotten a little feral at him the other day. {And if it were possible to /infect/ people then yeah I would have a /huge-ass/ fucking colony by now.} -- Fuck." His grin stretches bright. "I'm glad you got your fuel back, man."

"You /bite/ 'im?" Oh shit they didn't think this through. Like Jacob clutching Esau's heel, the Mongrel's are birthed together in a tangle of limbs and kuttes and MC patches onto the second floor, Kay probably on bottom with a whuff of air knocked out of him, wheezing through his grin. It shows off a gold tooth where the last raid had knocked the original loose, "{You're not /kidding/, bats. I'm not me if my world ain't on fire.} Never thought I'd be so happy to wake up t'my bed smoking." Probably woke Ion up along with it. "I'd say it was like being blind but uh." Kind of absently trying to get Ion in a choke hold on the ground, he jerks jerks a chin at Dusk like MAYBE he knows a little more about blindness than a neutered firebug. "Came back like gettin wet dreams again."

He lets loose the rough housing to ask abruptly, "How'd you two's freakfactors kick in?"

"/Hah/, shit, there /anyone/ in this town you ain't sunk your teeth in, hermano?" Ion tumbles out of the tower atop Kay, the pyro earning a small zapzapzap for his troubles as the other man lands on him. "{We found our own havoc while his pilot light was out. Had to /build/ it though. Lots of fists and lots of booze and he had some /sweet/ --}" Ion's tongue click-click-clicks in time with waggling GUNFINGERS up at Dusk like Kay was some old-timey gunslinging cowboy. Panting for breath, he rolls off of Kay and onto his back, pushing curls off his face and sparing a /long/ look up at the gargoyle looming over them. There is, for a moment, a softening in the perma-/manic/ planes of his face, a slower breath sucked in, a slower drift of eyes over reconstructed wings, reconstructed /face/, muscles lean and strong and not /wasting away/. "All came back," he finally says, sharp-grinned once more with one arm slung across his forehead. "{Shit, me? Mine came in like the fucking /lightning/, how else. One second I'm home, the next --}" His fingers snap, a small spark flashing in the air with the motion. "{Fuck knows where I am. Four cities away, no idea how I got there. No warning. That was the first of it. Does flame really get you /off/ dude you /would/ have dreams about making love to a bonfire.}"

"Just growled. No biting. Think he's shit-scared of me. I took him to coffee to make up --" Dusk shrugs a wing, shoulders shaking in silent laughter as Ion and Kay come pouring out. His wings flex behind him, a luxurious-slow roll like just reveling in their /existence/. "Uh -- {I got sick, actually. That was most of it for a while. Like my whole immune system fucking /crashed/ and I got pulled out of school and was mostly in and out of hospitals for --}" He shrugs. "{Turns out it was because no blood.} Only started to catch on when my teeth began growing in. Wings took a fuckton longer." They shift behind him again, the fangs in question glinting in a sharp smile. "{Hell, no, he has dreams about making love to a bigass pyre. Down at the White House, maybe. Maybe HAMMER headquarters. -- /shit/.}" With this last he is hopping down off the tunnel opening to land beside the others, huge wings curling down to SCOOP the puddle of tangled Mongrel into them for a very fierce fuzzy-limbed hug that just comes with another, slightly sharper: "Shit."

Perfect timing for an intruder, right? But with the door left open, it's only natural that someone might come through and someone /does/--except it's Violet, who's already been here. Of course, she's acting as if this were her Very First Time in the common house, peeking inside at first before eeling in over the threshold to look around tourist-style. Big ears, big eyes, all agape and aghast and innocent, she is. She's dressed urchin-style, a pair of cut-off khaki BDUs lashed with rope at the waistline to keep them on her hips, and her layered grey and white t-shirts showing more holes than fabric. Feet? Bare, naturally. "...oh wow, this is the /playhouse/," the self-cast ingenue declares. Then scurryscurry, she's darting over to begin scaling the structure from the outside.

"Just fucking /balls/ deep in the twisted metal and burning wreckage of humankind," Kay all but purrgrowls, so outwardly casual and jocular except that he lets out a sudden sharp exhale in the midst of it like something small and painful has released him, and his impossibly warm wiry body thuds chest to chest with Dusk, arms locking hard around him. It's kind of like being hugged by a brick wall that's been baking in the sun. "Fffuck, hermano. Been hell of a fucking year, huh?" This is a little quieter, muffled briefly against Dusk's shoulder. And when he pulls away again he leaves a proprietary hand behind on Dusk's arm. Claim'd. S' brother is HIS. Found 'im. Got 'im. "Y'got cats." Added just casually, as the structure so daintily begins to sway with Violet's kitty weight. It apparently requires him to toss his other arm across the back of Ion's shoulders as well. Just THROWN his weight around while watching the furry infestation. "Y' need help?" It is impossible to tell if he MEANS it.

"Think he shit-scared the whole-fucking-world, yo. Issok. I try and teach him out that? Put a little booze in him, a little fight in him. Maybe one day we get him a bike." Ion nudges Kay in the ribs with an elbow. "{It's like the story of your whole fucking --}" He breaks off as he's abruptly /gathered/ into sudden giant wings, and though this comes with its usual complement of static-jolt it comes, too, with a hard strong vice of limbs that, together with Kay's hug just leaves /yet another/ tangle of Mutant. THUMP, one hand solid and firm between Dusk's wings before he moves back to hop up and take the spot Dusk vacated, perching atop the tunnel-exit onto the balcony with legs straddling the wood, "Playhouse, gatita, whole bright /world/ is that."

Dusk leans into the (too-warm) (too-hard) embrance, teeth clenched and his fingers gripping either man at the shoulder for a moment until he releases them from the enveloping mantle of wings. One wing stays unfurled to drape loosely around the pyrokinetic's shoulders. "{You didn't say how your fires got kindled.}" Since unlike Ion /he/ kind of missed the reigniting after the raid. "We /did/ plant catnip in the garden, it's a hazard?" He leans up against the balcony, peering down as Violet begins her ascent.

"Ya'll are lookin' so Hallmark right now, I might cry." Never mind that Violet hasn't come high enough just yet to get all of the details of the tangle. She sees a little and that is enough to pass judgment! Multi-tasking, since she is also climbing, fingers and toes employed to hook and pull and at one point propel her into a hop that leaves her almost on a level with the fellas. The eyes that peep through the mesh at them are not at all teary. Just curious. "Day I need help climbin' is the day I turn in my tail and give up bein' a cat...hey, Dusk. Who's your friends?" Because she has totally never seen them before in her whole entire life, including the previous twenty minutes of it. The innocent act continues--until it doesn't, with one Halloween tinted eye closing in a slow, solemn blink at Ion. Playhouse indeed.

"{You know how to kindle a fire}," Kay puts two fingers together and LICKS them at his brothers demonstratively. Then mellows some, tipping back his head and leaning into Dusk's wing with eyes mildly closed. "Mneh. Felt it first. Like seeing warm. Kinda like your uh," he taps the front of his throat at Dusk, "Noise." BATvision. Oh snap, there's a kitty getting up here - he leans over to try BATTING at her. Swipe! Grin! Still talking! "Then it all went up like a housefire; could make it before I could control it. Just a fucking walking fire insurance /nightmare/. Ended up in juvie." Auugh KITTY SWIPE! Adds brightly, "{Fucking luck the labs weren't around back then! Mighta been it right then for old K. M. Hesse.} -- 'M Kay. Smiling devil over here's /Ion/. Don't fall for him, bastard'll forget to put the milk out by second day."

"{Darkwing, you light everybody's damn fire.}" Ion's booted heels thud against the sides of the tunnel he perches on, palms rattle-thump drumming down against it. "I start with a lightning, he start with a /whoosh/. You what. You start in your damn sickbed, boy, that's a shit. {But you turned it in into /blood/ and passion I guess you can't always tell from the first few chapters huh?}" He jerks his chin upwards to Violet. "Eyy, is not so bad. I'll remember the /beer/ for sure."

"If he doesn't drink it all himself." Dusk's wing makes a good /leaning/ spot, strong and soft -- at least it /would/ make a good leaning spot if he weren't jostling in at Kay's shoulder, flicking a claw downwards to scratch-muss-tousle at hair. "I seem to remember just the other /night/ a bit of, uh, rooftop -- messy scramble -- near five-story fall. These --" He stretches out his other wing to bap over at Ion's shoulder, "motherfuckers are here to get in my hair and make life hard. We pick up a lot of strays."

Swiping at invites swiping /back/, with Violet thrusting both arms through the mesh to smack and slap at Kay's hands. She miiiight not be retracting her claws all the way back, because when you play with fire it is good to play all the way. "Awww, ya'll playin' show me yours? Break out those beers, makes the game better." Yes, yes, she's convinced they're adorable. Arms are yanked back so she can scrabble higher, this time flopping down above their heads--and reaching through once more to continue smacking at the firestarter. But efforts at drawing blood--or at least pulling Kay's hair--stop with Dusk bringing up /that/. He gets a sniff. "Pft, would've caught on. /Did/ catch on. Just...the kid was in the way. His arm good?"

Aside from a reflexive little 'agh!' sound of surprise when he gets swiped back at, Kay seems to approve of Violet's use of her /spiked/ ends, and a nicked finger is stuck into his grinning mouth once it gets tagged a few times. With his hair being wing-mussed and tugged at by bat and cat equally, he has to wrinkle his nose and scrunch up his eyes, "Blood, Fire and Lightning is the name of my new grungerock band." He extends a fist towards Ion to tap and BLOW IT UP with while eyes switch back Violet, "How 'bout you, Puddy Tat, you a born fuzzball or you only later start gettin' /hair/ in places?" Too much standing still. He turns to begin CLIMBING Dusk to get up higher on the structure.

"/Beers/, fuck, Dusk which fucking house it's even your? I need the beers." Ion leans down to DAP fist against Kay's and then just keeps leaning, tumble-falling in ungainly collapse off from his perch. He rolls on over to /shake/ at the bars of the balcony railing like AUGH he's suddenly just REALIZED he's imprisoned himself on the second floor. Far away from raiding /all/ Dusk's beer. "Show, pff, {these motherfuckers} got nothin' I ain't seen."

Dusk's ruffling-mussing doesn't cease through all the swiping back and forth. "Sweet, I'm on bass," he lays claim to, before this ends in a sharp growl, a sudden snap-shift of wings as he's being /scaled/. "Khhgah --" And yet in spite of this he abruptly folds a wing up beneath Kay to SHOVE it as it unfolds -- boosting the other man higher up very suddenly. "Oh, yeah, Shane? He's alright. Had way worse. Heals quick. You go toe to toe with him some Friday he'll pay you back with interest, I'm sure." He kind of leaves him to find his own handholds and latch on or tumble back to the balcony, because he's moving off to /scoop/ Ion around the waist and simply vault down over the balcony with the other man in tow to the floor below, wings flaring as he descends. WHUMP. "Just wander into the courtyard and THINK really loud, my house'll be the one Hive yells at you from."

"I think I like gatita better than puddy tat." But this is Violet just being reflective. No judging. Really. As for herself, she manages to start an answer: "Was born this.." And then people are going /up/, people are going /down/, and she has prime real estate from which to observe all of the activity. With interest. So much to /see/, her head is turning this way, it's turning that way, and her tail begins to flick behind like a metronome. "All ya'll do this Friday thing?"

"Fuck y-ea-eah!" Kay says it with a kind of wobbly 'woahwoahwoah' in his voice as he finds a clinghold onto the scaffolding cables, and is then left to DANGLE there. "Y'should come. Ask anyone around here n' you'll be good for it. Teach you the ropes. But uh --" He looks down kind of speculatively, to the drop to the ground floor, "Uh. Til then I gotta see a horse about a guy. DUSK. I'm COMIN' DOWN." If Dusk seems intent on looking up and looks prepared to HANDLE it, Kay will probably just let go from his clinging spot to be /caught/ by the man below. Otherwise it's probably reckless scramble-descending. "See ya, kitten!" He blows Violet a sweet little kiss even! "Man I haven't seen Hive in a while…" This said presumably on the way out the door. He might be trying to cozen a piggy back ride off Ion while he's at it. Away!

"Aieeeee." Ion throws his arms out wide during this abrupt descent, stretching them out like it's /his/ wings bearing them to the ground. "Yeah Fridays is -- sometimes you just need? To throw /down/ huh? With fuckers who can /take/ it -- Fffah. You get your eyes check, pyro, this ain't no /horse/." He is clapping Dusk heartily on the back with this before a /sudden/ widening of eyes like OHSHITHEMEANTME-- he's turning to /brace/ himself for an incoming collision of heat and gangly limbs, tzapping a brief inadvertent shock to Kay's muscles before scooping the other man off off OFF! Into the night.