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(Created page with "{{ Logs | cast = Billy, Jack | summary = Random lakeside passing set from sometime before Christmas. | gamedate = 2014-12-25 | gamedatename = | subtitle = | locatio...")
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| subtitle =  
| subtitle =  
| location = <XS> [[Lake]]
| location = <XS> [[Lake]]
| categories = Billy, Jack, Mutants, Xavier's
| categories = Billy, Jack, Mutants, Xavier's, XS Lake
| log = Bright, bright, bright; the lake glitters wide and expansive here, stretching off into the distance. Sunlight, moonlight, starlight, it catches them all. Lapping at the rocky shore, its deep waters are frigid in winter and cool even in summer. A stone pier stretches out a ways into the water, wide and smooth, though often icy in winter.
| log = Bright, bright, bright; the lake glitters wide and expansive here, stretching off into the distance. Sunlight, moonlight, starlight, it catches them all. Lapping at the rocky shore, its deep waters are frigid in winter and cool even in summer. A stone pier stretches out a ways into the water, wide and smooth, though often icy in winter.

Latest revision as of 04:41, 26 December 2014

Lakeside Brooding
Dramatis Personae

Billy, Jack

In Absentia


Random lakeside passing set from sometime before Christmas.


<XS> Lake

Bright, bright, bright; the lake glitters wide and expansive here, stretching off into the distance. Sunlight, moonlight, starlight, it catches them all. Lapping at the rocky shore, its deep waters are frigid in winter and cool even in summer. A stone pier stretches out a ways into the water, wide and smooth, though often icy in winter.

The water teems with life nevertheless, home to myriad species of fish that provide for ample fishing or just lazy watching on a slow summer day, for those who want to take a boat from the boathouse out to the center of the lake, or perhaps lounge on the pier and try their luck.

It’s after dark over winter break, leaving the usually abandoned places even lonelier and making it the perfect time to explore. Billy isn’t exploring, rather revisiting old haunts. Wearing all white as he is prone to do, the young student teacher stands out quite a bit at the end of the pier. With his clothing reflecting the moonlight shining down from above, the platinum-blonde looks pearlescent and possibly downright ghostly. White scarf floating up behind him in the breeze, he stares out over the water with his brow furrowed and plunges two gloved hands into the pockets of his peacoat.

Exploring is exactly what Jack is up to tonight. He's been meaning to come down and take a look a the lake for awhile and now seemed like the perfect time. Clad in faded jeans, an Xavier school hoodie, a borrowed jacket, and a pair of gloves, he's got his hood up as he approaches the water and the pier. He pauses when he spots Billy out on the pier. For a moment he wonders if he is seeing an actual ghost but as he gets closer, he gets a better look at the man by the water and relaxes. "Hey," he greets, lifting a gloved hand to wave.

Shoulders hunching inward, a shiver of surprise jolts through Billy as he’s pulled out of his head. Still quite obviously deep in thought, he turns and stares over at the other ghostly figure. It takes a moment for him to smile and when he does, it’s just a twitch. In the hallways while school is in session, he’s ordinarily much more warm. “Hey,” the blonde mirrors, white-gloved and and all.

The apologetic smile that Jack offers is unseen when he recognizes that surprised little jolt. He causes that often in people. The lack of warmth in that smile gets Jack tilting his head slightly. "Sorry if I interrupted...uh...something," he offers.

"I was just brooding," Billy mumbles, shaking his head, "When I was a kid, I used to come out here to think." He gestures behind him with the jerk of a thumb. "Jack? Right?" The lack of friendliness soon eases away into a more sincere smile, "What are you doing out here?" He breathes out a laugh, rubbing his arms for warmth as he turns to face the invisible boy fully.

"Oh, sorry I interrupted that. We all need some brooding time," Jack replies with an unseen smile. The empty hood nods. He keeps it up for a few reasons but it also helps to indicate where exactly his head is. "That's me. I just came to check out the lake. Heard a couple of the others saying it was a cool place so I thought I'd come see it."

Billy pulls his other gloved hand out of his pocket to gesture towards the lake like Vanna White. "In all of it's creepy, freezing cold glory," he shakes his head, "It's a little more impressive when it's warm out. And daylight. Unless you're immune to extreme temperatures? And can see in the dark?"

"Doesn't seem that creepy to me," Jack replies in an amused tone. He steps a little closer to the water and looks out at it as far as he can see in the dark. "Definitely too cold for a swim," he agrees. "I'm used to getting around in the dark though," he adds with a tiny smile. "It does look nice though. Better than the rivers I've seen anyway. Is there a lot of activity out here during the warmer seasons?"

"Totally," Billy smiles, "It's a regular summer camp. Y'know, without the 'regular' part." He looks down into the water as well, "And even if you don't like swimming. It's always kindof a nice place to just sit and chill out. So, you adjusting alright here? Gettin' along with everyone?" The blonde frowns suddenly, eyeing Jack, "...Is that hoody your only winter coat?"

"I guess I have something to look forward to for the summer then. Haven't been swimming in a long time," Jack replies. He makes a mental note to get a pair of swim trunks sometime but that can wait. He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly at the first pair of questions. "I'm adjusting pretty well I think. Going to be starting classes once break ends so there's that. And I'm uh...mostly getting along..." he trails off, frowning down at the water. The question about his clothes gets a little laugh though. "Yeah. I don't have a lot in the wardrobe department."

Billy nods sympathetically, making a mental note. "Mostly, huh?" His hands return to his pockets and he shivers. A visible puff of breath floats out into the cold air when he talks, "Met your roommate yet and all that?"

Letting out a sigh, Jack nods. "Yeah, we've met..." he trails off. "Even though I pretty much never see the guy. I mean when he's here...he left for break but...he avoids the room whenever I'm there. Only times I ever see him are when he's coming in to sleep," he frowns at this, shoulders slumped.

Billy juts a shoulder out as if to nudge Jack, though he doesn't actually. "Why so glum?" He raises his eyebrows high into his forehead, "That sounds like the perfect roommate to me. When I went here, my roommate like, totally sucked. He was this jocky, sloppy, shi- ...jerk."

Jack chuckles a bit. "I dunno. I never had a roommate before. I figured if I'm going to be living with this guy for however many years, I'd like to get along with him instead of just avoiding one another," he shakes his head. "I tried talking to him but I think I just ticked him off," he adds. The sudden word change gets a little chuckle. "It's alright, I've heard a lot worse. I'm from New Jersey after all," he tries to joke.

"Well, give it time," Billy reassures, "Everyone here has had a different experience, but what most of them have in common is that it hasn't been exactly ideal. Some people just hold their cards a little closer to their chest. And I'm sorry. About you being from New Jersey. That place smells like an armpit." He shivers again, sniffling, "I think I'm gonna head in. Have to drive back to the city, soon. You gonna be cool?" He smiles.

"Hope you're right," Jack murmurs. He laughs at the comments about New Jersey though. "Oh, that's being mean to armpits. At least you can do something about their smell," he laughs. "Yeah, I'm gonna head back in myself. Maybe do some reading. Drive safe out there, TV said the roads were wet and nasty," he replies with an unseen smile.

Billy shrugs, shaking his head, "Trust me, I drive like a freakin' grandma, anyway." He grins toothily with too-white teeth as he casually makes for the school, "Hey, I'll check around my apartment. I'm sure I have an old coat lying around. As long as you don't mind that it's white. You can't go walkin' around like that, you're going to get like, really sick."

Starting back towards the school as well, Jack is surprised by that offer. "Wow, thanks," he blinks a few times. "White's a good color," he confirms. There's a chuckle from him a moment later. "Yeah, you're probably right but at least I haven't gotten sick yet."

"Yeah, of course. If I don't see you, I'll hang it on your door next time I come back," Billy holds up a hand, swatting, "If I had any money, I'd be all, 'Let's get this invisible kid a coat!' but I don't." He certainly dresses like he has money and drives a nice car but that's mostly his father's doing and student loans.

Once the two make it up to the main building, Billy veers towards the parking garage. "Have a good night! Happy holidays!"