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"Unfortunately. And I'm not in the habit of wearing gloves and a scarf over my face." Kaine nods slightly, tugging a tie from his wrist and securing his hair in a man-bun. "So, they send you over this way because you're a mutant, or because you were on somebody's shi- crap list."
"Unfortunately. And I'm not in the habit of wearing gloves and a scarf over my face." Kaine nods slightly, tugging a tie from his wrist and securing his hair in a man-bun. "So, they send you over this way because you're a mutant, or because you were on somebody's shi- crap list."
"Right, that's me," Jack offers. "Oh, I hope I don't look the same. I finally cut my hair," he replies, head tilted to the side. He really did actually cut his hair not that anyone can see. "Yeah, had some trouble with cops before I ended up here..." he trails off quietly. "Or did the guy in charge ask a favor?" he adds onto Kaine's questions.
"Right, that's me," Jack offers. "Oh, I hope I don't look the same. I finally cut my hair," he replies, head tilted to the side. He really did actually cut his hair not that anyone can see. "Yeah, had some trouble with cops before I ended up here..." he trails off quietly. "Or did the guy in charge ask a favor?" he adds onto Kaine's questions.

Latest revision as of 22:44, 21 April 2015

How to Not Get Shot
Dramatis Personae

Eric, Jack, and Kaine

In Absentia


Jack and Kaine stop by a booth Eric sets up at Xavier's.


<XS> Great Hall

The largest room at Xavier's, the Great Hall is designed to hold all of the mansion's residents and then some. Built for the mansion's bigger functions, it serves as the school's dining halls on ordinary days, and ballroom when needed. On school days, long trestle tables stretch across the hall, high-backed chairs with plush cushions offering seating for the students.

It is not all that unusual for there to be a booth alongside one of the walls of the Great Hall around lunch-time. Student groups can get permission to set up tables to recruit members, sell baked goods, or whatever else might need doing. There is such a table setup today -- two chairs on either side, a spread of pamphlets on the table, a hand-written sign hanging on the front. The sign, which says "The NYPD and You: How Not To Get Shot" is unusual, to be sure, but more unusual is the person sitting behind it. Snacking on a sandwich and occasionally brushing some crumbs off of his navy pants is Eric, dressed in a well-starched blue uniform with the police department badge shined to a gleam. His hat is resting on the table in front of him, and a smile is spread on his face as he watches students walk past, giving a few a wave. The papers in front of him are an odd collection of generic anti-drug NYPD pamphlets -- mostly on one side -- and a few of Eric's business cards scattered over the table. There is even a McGruff the Crime Prevention Dog plushie sitting on top.

"I'm telling you Jack, I don't think peaceful or violent protests are going to work. Damned if we do, damned if we do- look at that shit over there." Kaine says to the invisible teen he's tagging behind, breaking forward to go look at the pamphlets, offering Eric a two-fingered salutes. He's dressed in a pair of skinny jeans and a Pennywise band tee. "Afternoon officer." he greets, motioning towards the table. "So, how do we not get shot? Stay inside, don't break the law, and don't look at the cops funny if they raid where we're staying?"

"When do violent protests ever work? Aren't they just riots?" Jack asks. He makes a small confused noise when Kaine tells him to look at something and is as surprised as empty clothes can be when he sees Eric. He didn't expect to see him much less any cop at the school. In worn jeans, sneakers, a t-shirt bearing the Nightwing logo, as well as a red zip-up hoodie, he follows after Kaine. "Hey," he greets, lifting a sleeve for a quick wave of greeting.

Eric looks up at the two teens who wander over and raises a hand to return the salute, roughly. "Heya, guys." His smile slants, bemused, as he glances over the empty clothing, brow crinkling for a moment before a brighter smile breaks out across his face. "Heya. Jack, right? You don't look the same, but... you don't look exactly different either."

The police officer shrugs his shoulders. "All good points so far, definitely. Best thing you can do for yourself is not breakin' the law -- because a lot a' cops are going to stop you just because if you're visibly a mutant, and you don't want to give 'em any excuses. No question there. But even if you're not, mutants got more to worry about than other people when dealing with the police."

"Unfortunately. And I'm not in the habit of wearing gloves and a scarf over my face." Kaine nods slightly, tugging a tie from his wrist and securing his hair in a man-bun. "So, they send you over this way because you're a mutant, or because you were on somebody's shi- crap list."

"Right, that's me," Jack offers. "Oh, I hope I don't look the same. I finally cut my hair," he replies, head tilted to the side. He really did actually cut his hair not that anyone can see. "Yeah, had some trouble with cops before I ended up here..." he trails off quietly. "Or did the guy in charge ask a favor?" he adds onto Kaine's questions.

Eric laughs and shakes his head, grinning at Jack. "Oh, of course. How could I have missed it?" His smile crinkles at the corners of his eyes, and he nods at Jack. "Little of column A, little of column C." He nods I am a mutant." Eric pushes one of the business cards forward towards Kaine. "I lead the Mutant Incident Division, and we're all mutants. We're in charge of all mutant-related crime in the city. And as far as my boss knows, I'm here lecturing you on drug safety.""

"Good excuse, it is national smoke out day. At least, as long as you can do it without the headmaster automatically knowing." Kaine says with a sigh, taking one of the cards and looking it over. "I know I'd be really bummed out if I got shot and they didn't kill me."

"It's the hood, totally the hood's fault," Jack remarks, lightly tugging the hood he's got on. He waits for Eric to finish explaining his job and then offers a small, unseen smile. "He's the first cop I met that I didn't really dislike," he offers. He chuckles at Kaine's comment about the smoking, shaking his head. "Never touched the stuff myself and I'm not just saying that because there's a cop right here," he admits. "I think bummed wouldn't be an intense enough reaction."

Eric turns an incredulous smile onto Kaine. "Yeah, definitely your /headmaster/ you have to worry about knowing you're tokin' up on 420, not the /active-duty police officer/ sittin' in front of you." The police officer snorts and shakes his head. "Well, as much as I ain't like to say it, gettin' shot ain't the worst thing that can happen ta a person. But there're other things ya got to keep in mind -- like, when you're over 18, that police run people through the registry search when they've stopped ya. It's only a fine if you're not registered, but if a police officer /knows/ you're a mutant and you come up as human? Ain't gonna be a good day for you."

"That law, is it effective now that I'm seventeen, or can I wait until my birthday to register?" Kaine asks, brow raising. "We didn't have an office near me in Alaska, lived out in Barrow. And I'm waiting for it to be legal before I start. Only five or so years at the most to worry about it, since they'd sooner legalize pot than get our rights straightened out."

Jack gives a faint snort. "Getting stabbed hurt more," he remarks with a shrug. "Not even sure how that registry thing is supposed to work for someone like me. Like would the whole...technically being a runaway thing make it even more of a hassle than it'd already be?"

"You are required to register within a month of your eighteenth birthday," Eric explains. "In terms of registration... they don't really care /where/ you are, or who you are, or anything. They don't do a background check on you or anything when you register. All you need is some address that they can reach you at -- or, failing that, they'll tell you to come back and pick up your registration once it’s been processed in a couple of weeks." Eric leans back in his chair, studying the two teenagers. "Look, they do their best to make registration as painless as possible. Really. They /want/ people to register. Whether you decide to or not... I can't give you advice on that. But I'll tell ya, I ain't suggest lyin' to them. That'll not go well for ya if you're ever caught."

"It's like being affiliated with the mutants that tried to attack the political heads." Kaine says. "You'll be in deep shit if they catch you." It takes him a second to realize he slipped up, and a faint blush touches his features. "Sorry about that. But yeah, except that way they'll have your address when the crap hits the fan in a couple of years. I know it'll be a pain for me to get registered to own a rifle once I graduate, you wouldn't guess it looking at me but I'm a hunter. Prefer big game."

"Great..." Jack trails off. "Not caring is pretty typical," he shrugs it off though, falling silent. Hands get stuffed into his pockets and Jack frowns invisibly. He's still undecided when it comes to registering but isn't voicing it with a cop right there. "Be better off not getting caught or stopped in the first place."

"As I said, I can't give you my opinion 'bout whether you should register or not. All I can do is tell you not to lie." Eric shifts in his chair, uncomfortably. "Yes, a gun permit might be a problem."

"That'll suck pretty hard. Guess I'll just have to sell my rifle when I get ma and pa to ship it down." Kaine grumps, arms folding over his chest. "But, have any other tips for us? Like Eazy-E once said, 'you be good to me, and I'll be good to you. And we can both ride home in my automobile'. Just without the riding home part."

"Yeah, figured getting any permits would be hard for guys like us," Jack remarks. "Like getting a driver's license. People don't see me behind the wheel and there'll be reports of a ghost car," he jokes in attempt to lighten the mood. "Are you just handing out pamphlets or will there really be some kinda lecture?"

Eric chuckles and peers at Jack for a moment. His clothing, anyway. "Yeah, I'm not sure how they'll take the picture for your license. Though technically, I'm not sure they can deny you one. Legally, anyway." Eric shakes his head, once. "Nah, nothin' as formal as a lecture. I just wanted to come here and remind ya'all that not all police are out ta get ya, and that we --" Eric gestures to the department insignia on his shoulder. "-- We investigate crimes /against/ mutants just as we do crimes committed by them."

"They can send people like you all they like, it doesn't change the fact that we're in a situation the country hasn't seen since the big civil rights movements. Except the police don't just kill us. Sometimes they drag us off the street to be put in cages and /kill/ other mutants. And if I were you, I'd have left the force after something like that." Despite Kaine's words, he doesn't sound angry. More like a scholar ready for a debate.

"I know, they'll never get my good side," Jack replies with an unseen smirk. "I should probably learn how to drive before worrying about that sort of thing anyway," he chuckles. He hums a little as Eric speaks about the police, taking his hands out of his pockets. "Well, got proof there's at least one good guy in uniform out there," he offers with a little nod towards Eric. "Other than that...I'll stay wary and take it case by case. Haven't had much good luck with cops in the past, no offense," he says, rubbing the back of his neck. He stares a moment when Kaine speaks and then sighs, shoulders slumping. Starting a debate like that with an on duty cop doesn't seem like a good plan to him.

"The people involved in that are in prison... or dead." Eric's smile fades, leaning forward and fixing Kaine with a hard look. "And for the record, I was one of the officers involved with dismantling that fuckin' hell. Would ya prefer there ain't no mutant police? What do ya think happens then, next time some kid loses control of her powers in Manhattan? Hmm?" Eric shakes his head, dismissively. "You'll understand when you're older, the world ain't all black n' white." Eric's eyes flash for a moment before he leans back into the chair and gives Jack a thin smile. "That's the best thing you can do. We ain't all good, but we all wear the same uniform, eh?"

Kaine raises his hands defensively. "Not what I'm saying. I meant I'm more worried about the cops that aren't mutants. I'm more disappointed that more safe guards weren't put in place by the government at that. We need a mutant Reverend Sharpton, but that actually makes a difference and doesn't just puff their chest out and make noise."

Jack stays silent while Eric replies to Kaine. "World's a mess of gray and other colors in there too," Jack murmurs. He doesn't like it but he knows it. He smiles back even if it can't be seen. "Some better than others," he says. He pauses a moment later as it registers with him that he said it and quickly looks away. "Pretty sure the cops don't have much to do with spokespeople like that, Kaine."

Eric shrugs his shoulders. "Sure, sounds good ta' me. I ain't make the laws; I just enforce 'em." The police officer flashes Jack a bright, thankful smile, before turning his eyes back to Kaine. "I'm not gonna tell ya that all police are good ta' mutants - or even fair ta' us. But that's why I'm here, today. Even outside'a my department, not all of us are bad. Some, yeah. Maybe many. But not all."

"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind. But I'm not in the city too often anyway." Kaine shifts his attention over to Jack, "Speaking of which, I need to get my tongue done next. Maybe a set of tapers for my ears too." He reaches up to lightly adjust the ring in his nose. "Oh yeah, any self-defense courses you could recommend?" This is asked of Eric. "Could just use my abilities, but that's illegal. And frostbite is a bitch, er sorry. Again."

There's an unseen blush on Jack's face at that smile, the teen still a little embarrassed he slipped like he did. "Wouldn't mind meeting some of the other mutants with badges sometime...seeing if they're worth trusting too," he remarks. Piercing talk makes Jack shudder a bit but he nods. "I'll come with ya when you want to go," he offers. He'll wait outside but he'll come along.

"Probably the ones here," Eric says, shrugging his shoulders non-committally. "I ain't sure you really want to sign up for a physical contact sport at a lot of the places in the city. I dunno, though. Your teachers might know better'n me; I trained back in Georgia at the force academy, n' now I use the department gym." Eric scratches at the tip of his nose, thoughtfully. "You'll see us 'round Evolve, probably. We spend a lot'a time there between calls. We're the ones with the uniforms and the guns." The police officer grins and winks.

Kaine nods slightly. "I can't really fight, but I can hit just about anything I'm aiming at. So when in doubt, snowball to the face." he settles, fingertips slipping into his pockets. "Also, I don't know if I've stressed this yet, but I love being able to wear something other than pajama pants, jogging pants, or shorts. Was getting annoying."

Nodding, Jack makes a mental note. "Well, guess there's another reason to visit Evolve. Man, love that place," Jack replies, rubbing the back of his neck again. It really is his favorite place to eat in the city. "Think we're supposed to avoid fighting if we don't have to, Kaine," Jack remarks...mostly since they're in school and Eric is right there. The comment about pants makes Jack think for a moment then facepalm. "Oh man..."

Laughing, Eric snorts and rubs his forehead with two knuckles. "Snowballs aren't quite in season anymore, I think." The police officer crosses his arms over his chest, raising one eyebrow. "You mean, you could hit just 'bout anythin'... in self-defense, with a reasonable amount of force. Yeah?" His smile isn't /quite/ a smirk, but it's in the ballpark.

"Why I said a snowball." Kaine flashes Eric a wink. "Could have said ice ball, or ice spikes. But it's safer to throw a snow ball at them, especially when it's hot out. They wouldn’t know what to think."

Jack gives Kaine a quick nudge with his elbow. "Of course neither of us would be throwing anything unless it was in self-defense. And only if forced to so we could get away, right, Kaine?" he says, hoping his friend catches on.

Eric rolls his eyes and shakes his head, bemused. "Uh-huh. I'm sure it's all as innocent as the Virgin Mary herself. You'd certainly never be responsible for somethin' illegal. I bet ya don't even jaywalk, hm?" He lets out a chuckle and waves his hand once dismissively, grinning. "Yeah, yeah. I'll take ya' word for it."

"I have the kind of luck I'd get hit by a bus if I tried to jaywalk." Kaine gives his head a slight shake. "And so far, so good on not breaking any laws. Except that one time we stopped at a pond when we transferred flights, and I went for a swim. But I didn't consciously use my mutation." He taps at his gills, which flutter slightly. "Just my body stopping me from drowning."

Jack stays quiet on the subject of law breaking. "Definitely have to use the crosswalk in my case. Jaywalking is asking to get hit for a guy no one can see," he jokes a little more.

Eric's grin widens and he winks at Jack. "Yeah, definitely. Plus, I can imagine the case now: 'But Your Honor, he was /invisible/." The chuckle becomes almost a cackle. "Good, good on you. Look both ways n' all that, Jack. And don't hang around any girls named Jill, yeah?"

"Just stay away from names that sound like it to be safe. Especially stay away from them at the teacher's roof garden." Kaine grins towards Jack, gaze moving down at the other pamphlets on display.

Jack laughs at that. "Be one hard case for all involved," he says. "Wait, there's a garden up there? Huh, didn't notice it..." he trails off after Kaine mentions what's on the roof. "Don't worry, I'm avoiding Jill, beanstalks, and candlesticks," he adds.

Eric giggles, a decidedly high-pitched sound for his large frame. Leaning back so his chair tilts onto two legs, Eric glances past the two teenagers around the room at a whole - and then picks up his sandwich once more. "And probably anyone named Aesop, yeah?"

"It's about that time, isn't it?" Kaine says aside to Jack, checking his phone. "Yeah, should change soon so I don't have to before yoga. Though, I have time to wait." He seems to debate with himself a moment, "But the pants I wear to yoga are more comfortable. I'll just change before I got to the class before it."

"Definitely. Aesop's nothing but trouble," Jack chuckles. The question about time has Jack jumping slightly. "Yeah, almost time for us to have to get going," he says. "Sorry," he asides to Eric.

"No problem. If you guys ever need our help and are in the city, just give us a call." Eric gestures to one of the business cards on the table. "Or, 911 and tell the dispatcher it's mutant related. We'll get the call. S' what we're here for." His smile is warm, and he tosses the two teens a loose salute. "Have fun in class. Better you n' me."

Kaine taps out a two-fingered salute. "Alrighty, you have ah good day."

Jack makes sure to take one of the cards and slips it into his pocket. "Have fun out here," he offers with a nod. He pats Kaine's shoulder and starts towards the stairs. "Let's get going."