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| gamedatename =  
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| location = [[Happy Cakes Bakery]]  
| location = <NYC> [[Happy Cakes Bakery]] - TriBeCa
| categories = Mutants, Citizens, Happy Cakes Bakery, NPC-Jayna, Ash
| categories = Mutants, Citizens, Happy Cakes Bakery, NPC-Jayna, Ash
| log = Happy Cakes Bakery is a cheery little spot of vintage charm amidst the hustle and bustle of the Manhattan neighborhood, a refurbished pair of row homes that hardly resemble their previous selves - the front walls are almost entirely gleaming glass, with the logo of the bakery painted onto the top, and rainbows of cupcakes dancing along the edges. Eclectically styled, it seems homey and welcoming - if the cross stitched sign by the door wasn't obvious enough - "All are Welcome!" it reads, with the "All" underlined in a sparkling bubble gum pink and yellow dotted line, with the logo of the bakery, a cheery smiling pink and white cupcake, beneath the lettering.
| log = Happy Cakes Bakery is a cheery little spot of vintage charm amidst the hustle and bustle of the Manhattan neighborhood, a refurbished pair of row homes that hardly resemble their previous selves - the front walls are almost entirely gleaming glass, with the logo of the bakery painted onto the top, and rainbows of cupcakes dancing along the edges. Eclectically styled, it seems homey and welcoming - if the cross stitched sign by the door wasn't obvious enough - "All are Welcome!" it reads, with the "All" underlined in a sparkling bubble gum pink and yellow dotted line, with the logo of the bakery, a cheery smiling pink and white cupcake, beneath the lettering.

Latest revision as of 23:02, 9 September 2013

Fine Art of Flirting
Dramatis Personae

Ash, Jayna

In Absentia


A gentle let down, flavored with coffee.


<NYC> Happy Cakes Bakery - TriBeCa

Happy Cakes Bakery is a cheery little spot of vintage charm amidst the hustle and bustle of the Manhattan neighborhood, a refurbished pair of row homes that hardly resemble their previous selves - the front walls are almost entirely gleaming glass, with the logo of the bakery painted onto the top, and rainbows of cupcakes dancing along the edges. Eclectically styled, it seems homey and welcoming - if the cross stitched sign by the door wasn't obvious enough - "All are Welcome!" it reads, with the "All" underlined in a sparkling bubble gum pink and yellow dotted line, with the logo of the bakery, a cheery smiling pink and white cupcake, beneath the lettering.

Once inside, the walls of the combination bakery and coffee shop are covered in crisp clean white ceramic tile, with the occasional randomly placed tile with an color engraving of a tropical flower, or tile made of reclaimed China. Ambient music reminiscent of the Big Band era plays through the shop, loud enough to be heard, but not loud enough to make conversation difficult. Tables and chairs in a variety of sizes, colors, and styles fill one side of the room, none of them quite matching each other, but all of them seeming to work together. The other side of the shop is a long series of gleaming glass and chrome bakery displays, filled with colorful sweets and treats of every description. To one end of the counter is a gleaming chrome espresso machine with far more tubes and bobbles than is really necessary, but producing excellent espresso beverages. At the other end is the old style cash register, a chrome and cherry wood relic from a bygone age that dings cheerily with each sale. The wall behind the counter is covered in photos of a tropical island, as well as a pair of shops that look like a smaller version of this one, several including a pair of dark haired women.

Early in the morning on Monday, while the sun is not all of the way up and the buildings cast long shadows across the New York streets, Ash makes his way into the bakery, lunch box and thermos in hand, his hardhat trapped under an arm and against his chest. He is likely one of the first customers of the day, coming in shortly after opening. He looks around quietly before approaching the coffee counter, looking around the large equipment for the twiggen haired nymph. He's dressed in jeans and a tee shirt as normal, but also has a red and blue plaid flannel over the top, an attempt to keep the morning chill off his arms before he starts working enough to warm himself. He puts on a bright smile and calls out with a hint of hope in his tone, "Good morning!"

This early in the morning, the cases are bare, and the overpowering smell of baking breads, pastries, and freshly brewing coffee overpower those entering the shop in the wee hours. For once, it is not Hanna who answers the called out greeting, but instead Jayna, emerging from the double doors to the back with a bright smile, returning the greeting, “Good morning!” There’s a slight pause, “Ash, yes? What can I get for you today? I’m afraid we don’t have the cupcakes out and ready yet, but we have some wonderful breakfast pastries this morning. We do have coffee, though. New roast blend I’m trying out today, should be wonderful.” The excitement in her voice when she talks about the coffee is almost palpable, and she even bounces slightly on the balls of her feet while standing there.

The brown apron she wears over her crisp white sundress is speckled with patches of flour and the faint sparkle of decorative sugar. Her hair has been meticulously wrapped in soft cotton the colors of autumn leaves, creating a dreadlock style complimented by the foliage visible between layers of cotton. Unlike earlier in the year, when her hair was fresh and springy green, the leaves are beginning to darken and fade, with some of them already fading to shades of gold and red. Her eyes are still the bright leafy green as she looks at Ash, patiently awaiting his order.

"Oh, that's fine really. I mostly came for the coffee. But, now that you mention breakfast, my stomach has informed me that food is a very good idea. Do you fill thermoses? I have a thermos for some black coffee, but was also maybe thinking a cappuccino could be a great idea, you know, to maybe go with some of the breakfast? I would love to try the new blend," Ash's words tumble forth with the same brilliant smile, his eyes scanning Jayna's form, from the way she wraps her hair to the way the apron hangs over her shoulders and the top of her dress. He does not look any further down than his shoulders, a small blush creeping into his cheeks. "What's it like? Earthy? Fruity? Smooth - I'm sure. Medium roast? I actually haven't tried any of the light roasts or blonde roasts because coffee's got to have some kick, you know, which is a silly thing for me to say because I like a medium roast above all, so I shouldn't discriminate against things I haven't tried."

He pauses and looks about to say something else, but closes his mouth a second later, the intensity of his smile lowering into something a little more peaceful and happy. "Good morning, Jayna. How was your weekend?"

“Sure - no troubles filling a thermos - just usually charge the equivalent of a medium cup of coffee, unless it is an unusually massive thermos. Then rates may vary,” she offers with a chuckle, leaning against the coffee counter besides her monster of an espresso machine. “Cappuccino is easy enough, sure. Excellent way to start the morning. I can get that started for you, and you can pick out a pastry while it brews, ‘kay?” Jayna says, even as she turns to start the espresso pull, “Just one shot, or did you want a double? And what sort of creamer? We’ve got a decent selection of dairy and non-dairy - I think we’ve got soy, rice, and coconut milks at the very least, possibly some almond milk, if Hanna’s gonna be baking almond cookies this week.” She rattles on, glancing over her shoulder at Ash, offering a smile at the question about the new coffee, “It’s actually a medium to light roast. Nice and earthy scent, with some light cinnamon undertones. Can’t say much about the presence or lack of kick, but I can pour you a little sample cup, if you wanted to test? Otherwise, I’ve got my standard dark roasts, and a pumpkin spice medium that we were sort of planning to hold for fall.” There’s a slightly accusatory glance at her autumnal dreadlocks as she continues, “But I say fall is getting close enough, and I’m the barista - I get to say when we crack into the specialty coffees.”

"Oh, well." Ash draws in a deep breath and considers. "The thermos is 32 ounces, so feel free to charge accordingly. It's got to keep me going all day, so it's worth it if it's a good brew. It gets to a point in the day where bad coffee starts to feel like the motor oil that keeps you moving and working, but isn't actually pleasant in the mouth." He lifts the Stanley Steel thermos and rests it on the counter for her perusal. It's a bit beat up, the red enamel scuffed up from dirt, but it's still in good shape.

"I'm fine with cow, say 2%? Double shot, definitely. And a sample of the new brew sounds lovely. Do you have any breakfast pastries with jalapeños? I find a cheesy bit with pepper makes the best breakfast." His daring to maintain eye contact falters when she doesn't pick up on the more social portion of his conversation. Instead, he shuffles sideways to the pastry counter to stare into the case at the offerings.

"Well, breakfast of the solid variety, anyway."

“Mmm, 32 I might need to charge you for a large. We’ll see,” Jayna offers with a shrug and a grin, setting the milk to steaming as she hears the request. There’s a little bit of a giggle at the motor oil comparison as she pours a mouthful worth of the freshly brewed medium roast into a little sample cup before offering it to Ash with a smile, “Here. Give this a try. Let me know how it is - I can only go off the smell of it - flavor tends to be a bit different, once brewed.” She leans against the front counter to look in the thermos and make sure it is clean before setting it back down, and saying quietly, “Yeah, since you’re being a guinea pig for my new roast, I’ll let you have a full thermos for a medium, if you like it.”

“We’ve got a decent selection of danish type things - I think Hanna’s been experimenting with some of the more savory ones? Nothing incredibly spicy, but I think we’ve got a cheese danish made with pepper jack? It’s got a little kick without being melt your face off hot. I think we might have some jalapeno cheddar bagels - and if you want fresh peppers on anything, I can raid the fridge in the back. It’s slow enough - I’m willing to be a bit flexible with breakfast fixings,” she explains, pointing at one of the cheese danishes with a grin.

“And sorry, got tied up in coffee talk. My weekend was decent enough. Spent most of it here, playing with the roasting set up and working, per usual,” she says in response to the faltered eye contact, not intending to be rude, “Yours?” As she asks the question, though, she’s sidling back over to the espresso area to pour the cappuccino carefully into a cheery little porcelain cup on a mismatched saucer, tongue sticking out of her mouth slightly in concentration as she manages to do a little leaf design in the cream on top. “Hah!” she exclaims with a little bit of a proud grin, “Here you go. One double shot cappuccino, 2% milk. Want cinnamon or anything on that?”

"You can only taste the beans?" Ash asks curiously, accepting the small cup gingerly against his fingertips, the smile returning to his eyes first, then spreading downwards to the curve of his lips and the hint of white teeth beneath his lips. He draws the cup close and draws in a deep, long breath, eyes closing as the aroma fills his nostrils. He considers for a moment then takes a sip, letting the hot liquid spill across his seasoned tongue. There is a light hiss of air as he sucks it in to cool the coffee just a touch more. He looks thoughtful for a half second, but a melty smile and dreamy expression follows soon, the cup held a little closer to his torso. "Mmmmmm. That'st lovely."

It takes him another moment to realize that Jayna has moved on to the topic of food, He looks just a touch sheepish as he tries to catch up. "You know, this may become part of my routine, so... I don't know if you want to make so many exceptions for me." He grins a little brighter. "I'll take one of each and see which one I like best, you know - of the ones you mentioned. The danish is going to be sweet and spicy, right? I find that most Americans don't seem to do that as much as my family did. But - well, Mexican Chocolate was a staple around the house, as well and chili infused fruit preserves. I've found some people have ghost pepper infused honey and that's an absolutely incredible idea." He finishes off his sample before taking the cappuccino. His smile grows warm again, looking from the leaf design up to Jayna's hair. "This your signature?"

“Mm… I actually developed a rather nasty allergic reaction to ingesting caffeine in my late teens. So even though I love the smell of coffee, and the art of preparing a good cup of coffee for someone else, I can’t actually drink it,” Jayna explains with a slight shrug and a guilty smile, “So I end up living vicariously through my customers. It’s why I like encouraging people to try all sorts of odd beverage combinations. I can’t, but I’m curious how it tastes.” His reaction to the experimental roast gets an excited smile, and perhaps even a little bit of a gleeful bounce, “Oh! Awesome! Glad I didn’t manage to scorch the things, or make it taste like some sort of horribly bitter motor oil. Still getting the hang of actually roasting beans, and, well, that was the first batch Hanna was actually willing to let me try out on customers.”

She gives a cheery thumbs up, before bouncing over to the pastry cases, fishing out first the danish, setting it on a large china plate, and then the bagel, which is perfectly pre-sliced. “Did you want your bagel toasted, and didja want some cream cheese on it, too? I think we might have a pepper cream cheese, too, if you’d like another flavor to go with breakfast,” there’s a smile, and a shrug, as she waits for an answer, “I don’t object to you coming back. Repeat customers are awesome, and you obviously know your way around a cup of coffee.” There’s a slight pause at the question about the danish, and she glances at it curiously, “I think, maybe. It’s got the glaze on it like most of them, but I don’t think there’s that much sugar in the filling. So should be sort of spicy in the middle, sweet on the outsides. Hanna’s from Hawaii, so a lot of her cooking has that sort of flavoring - they get the sweet and spicy from the Asian influence on the Islands, I think she said, so occasionally she’ll do pineapple and pepper based confections, but they don’t always go over quite so well around here.” The way she is bouncing around and explaining everything, it is a little hard to believe she can’t have caffeine. A slight earthy blush colors her cheeks at the comment on the design and she nods with a sheepish grin, “Sort of. It’s also the easiest design to start with, so I tend to do that one most often. Just so happens to match my hair, too, so it works out.”

"Oh, I am by no means an expert. I just - well, I like a good earthy flavor." Ash picks up the mug and brings it to his lips, sipping lightly at the cappuccino to gauge its temperature. "Couldn't even tell you where the bean came from regionally or what its inherent properties are." He gives a small shrug so as to not jostle the contents of his mug. "Oh. Yes. Toasted and plain cream cheese, with jalapeños, if that offer is still on the table."

He takes another sip and his shoulders relax, definitely drawn into the comfort in his cup. "Pineapple and Pepper? Well! I know where to come now when I have a birthday. I should have a couple extra to make up for previous years, but at the same time, I'm not sure my roommate is really into parties, so I'm not going to bring it up. I could have a private party for myself with something like what you just mentioned. Jim's gone a lot, so I'll have the apartment all to myself - I think, and .... dang. I may have to do that this weekend." He takes another sip as his eyes go out of focus as he plots.

"Oh." He refocuses and finds himself staring at the counter. "Your hair is lovely, by the way. I like the way you wear it." His voice drops a little quieter when he compliments her. "Sorry. You must get that a lot."

“Pfft, very few people can do that sort of thing. In this city, I’ve just come to appreciate it when people don’t complain about a dark roast or more robust flavor. Starbucks has ruined coffee for so many people,” Jayna says with a disdainful edge to her voice, sending the bagel through the toaster and pulling a dish of cream cheese out of the fridge beneath the counter. While the bagel toasts, she takes a moment to fill the previously mentioned thermos from the fresh pot of coffee, closing her eyes and inhaling the steam as it rises while she pours. “If you have any particular preferences for baked goods, Hanna’s open to suggestions, and I can pass along any thoughts you have for recipes to try. She loves a good challenge, especially one she hasn’t thought to try before,” Jayna says with a grin, capping the thermos tightly and setting it back on the counter for him. In a fairly graceful movement, she retrieves the bagel, smears it artistically with cream cheese, and sets it on a plate with the danish.

“Well,” she says, handing over the plate of pastries, “If you want something for the weekend, it wouldn’t be any trouble to put a batch of pineapple pepper cupcakes into the schedule. Hanna’d like a challenge, and it’ll be a nice break from the massive number of wedding cakes she’s been dealing with.” The dryad wrinkles her nose a bit and leans against the counter, “I swear. Couples come in, taste all the freaking amazing pastries Hanna makes, and then go with boring old white cake with white icing. No adventure, no creativity.” The compliment, however, makes her draw up short, and she blinks at Ash for a long moment, a slightly greenish blush coloring her cheeks, “Oh. I… thank you. It was a friend’s idea - far more comfortable than wearing a hijab all the time. Most guys don’t actually comment - it’s usually the women who ask.” She falls quiet, still leaning against the counter, “I should let you eat your breakfast, though, before the stuff gets cold.”

"Not sure I can really be counted on for good taste. I spend a number of years eating the blandest food in the world. Now I just want flavor slathering my tastebuds. I swear sometimes I find myself chowing down on some pretty crazy flavor combinations just to taste it... before I realize the bowl is half empty and I didn't actually enjoy it." Ash looks sheepish again, hesitant to step away from the counter. "Asking me for recipes is like asking Jackson Pollack for a realism painting." He brings a hand up to scuff lightly across the back of his head. He smiles warmly, but the smile is shy. "Sometimes it's hard to compliment someone that you're attracted to, you know? Even with society telling us guys that it's our job, there's still the feminist movement letting everyone know that there's a time and a place for such things and we should be aware that it's kind of intimate and intimidating for both sides, and to be respectful of the receiving party, because that's the point of compliments anyway, right?"

He slips his thermos under his arm and grabs his plate and saucer, carrying their contents with practiced ease. "Which is why I really shouldn't be hitting on you at work while you're working because you're paid to be nice to me in order to keep your store running and I completely understand that, so I'm going to go over here and eat my breakfast with my back to you so that you can continue working without worrying about me." He is just about to step away when he suddenly sets everything down once more, hardhat and lunchbox included. "Oh. How much do I owe you?"

All commentary about food and taste is lost on Jayna as Ash launches into his compliment and comment - the faint greenish blush that had started to color her cheeks spreads and darkens as he continues. “Oh. Ash, I,” she stumbles over the words, struggling to find a response, a few times glancing back towards the kitchen door, as though expecting Hanna to bustle through the doors with a tray of cupcakes right in the middle of this speech. She takes a deep breath to collect herself, offering a slightly nervous smile as she does, “Thank you. That is incredibly sweet, and you are an absolute darling,” there’s a pause as she tries to find the words, desperately trying not to sound too patronizing or dismissive, “I’m sort of involved with someone right now.” The sideways glance of her leaf green eyes towards the kitchen comes with another blush, “But, I appreciate your honesty, and the sweet compliment. Truly. And, in different circumstances, I’d...” her voice trails off slightly as she loses what she was going to say. That greenish tinge to her cheeks hasn’t started to fade, either, and she stutters again when he asks about the price, blinking for a moment, “Oh, right. It’ll be about 10ish, but you can pay when you’re done eating, no need to rush.”

"Oh! Really? You and Hanna?" Ash has the good sense to keep his voice down while he makes his exclamation. "No, that's great. It makes total sense once you say it." He pauses then adds, "or, don't say it." His grin comes back, no trace of embarrassment on his face. "Well, I still mean it. You're an attractive person and I'm happy you've got someone in your life. I hope my compliments are just a high point in your day and nothing more." Since he's already got his wallet pretty much out, he slips three fives out and lays them on the counter and starts to put himself back together, wallet first, then hard hat and lunch box under his arms, then takes up his plates. "Have a great day, Jayna. I'll probably see you again tomorrow." He gives her a nod of farewell, as his hands are full, then turns away toward a table to settle down to eat.

“Yeah,” Jayna responds quietly, the blush fading from her cheeks as she smiles shyly, as though confessing to some closely guarded secret, “Thank you. Really.” She quickly makes change for him, and slides it back across the counter to him, having trouble meeting his gaze. “You have a good day, too, Ash. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow,” she says, finally looking up with a sincere, cheery smile. As he sits down, she returns to cleaning up her espresso machine, priming it for the early morning customers making their way in at last. The faintest glow of a blush remains on her cheeks throughout the day, and she’s perhaps even just a little bit bouncier and cheerier than she normally is.

Ash leaves the change where it is. Nice tips make up for oblivious social blunders, no?