ArchivedLogs:Zombie Plans: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{ Logs | cast = Shane, Peter, Sebastian | summary = | gamedate = 2013-11-06 | gamedatename = | subtitle = | location = Daiki's Room | categories = XS Dorm, Xav...")
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| subtitle =  
| subtitle =  
| location = Daiki's Room
| location = Daiki's Room
| categories = XS Dorm, Xavier's, Mutants, Shane, Peter, Sebastian
| categories = XS Dorm, Xavier's, Mutants, Shane, Peter, Sebastian, Infected
| log = Daiki's room looks much as it always does. Impeccably neat, carefully organized. Books alphabetized on the shelves over his desk, laptop still on though its lid is shut. His bed is unmade, though, possibly left in this state of disarray for the first time ever.
| log = Daiki's room looks much as it always does. Impeccably neat, carefully organized. Books alphabetized on the shelves over his desk, laptop still on though its lid is shut. His bed is unmade, though, possibly left in this state of disarray for the first time ever.

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"They will if I tell them I want to come home," Peter responds, a little exhaustedly -- he steps back to give Sebastian the room he needs to move. "--which, I kind of do. But -- they'd want me to get a ride. I'll tell them I'm... I'll figure something out." He glances at the door, rumbling, before adding: "Need to get supplies for Rasa, check on Ivan, first. But then -- I'll be good to go."
"They will if I tell them I want to come home," Peter responds, a little exhaustedly -- he steps back to give Sebastian the room he needs to move. "--which, I kind of do. But -- they'd want me to get a ride. I'll tell them I'm... I'll figure something out." He glances at the door, rumbling, before adding: "Need to get supplies for Rasa, check on Ivan, first. But then -- I'll be good to go."

Shane nods. "I'll call Pa." He looks at the thumping door, too. And then darts in -- no danger sense, this time, just a quick tight hug, arms flung around Peter with a single brief sob hitchen in his throat before he flees back to his own room.
Shane nods. "I'll call Pa." He looks at the thumping door, too. And then darts in -- no danger sense, this time, just a quick tight hug, arms flung around Peter with a single brief sob hitched in his throat before he flees back to his own room.

"-- okay." Sebastian just sounds a little glum. "See you -- soon, then."
"-- okay." Sebastian just sounds a little glum. "See you -- soon, then."

Revision as of 20:00, 6 November 2013

Zombie Plans
Dramatis Personae

Shane, Peter, Sebastian

In Absentia




Daiki's Room

Daiki's room looks much as it always does. Impeccably neat, carefully organized. Books alphabetized on the shelves over his desk, laptop still on though its lid is shut. His bed is unmade, though, possibly left in this state of disarray for the first time ever.

The hallway in the boys' dorm isn't quite quiet. There are hushed voices, intermittent footsteps. Strange intermittent THUMPING from behind a couple of the doors. This door is not actually closed, just almost-closed. Inside the only things out of place are a plate with a half-eaten roast chicken on it and a pair of tiny blue sharks, identically dressed in Xavier's tees and sweats, nestled up in a small ball together on the floor at the foot of the bed. Shane is sleeping, or appears to be, eyes closed, tucked in against his brother. Bastian is not, chin tucked atop Shane's head, fingers stroking at the side of the other boy's gills slowly -- Shane isn't wearing his usual collar though at the moment his gills lie flat.

Peter's scent comes first; not through the door, but through the window -- there's a faint tapping there, brief and quick -- a glimpse of something dark against dark -- a masked face. And then it's gone, along with Peter's scent...

And then there's a knocking, steady and sure, at the door -- along with an attempt to open it. Behind it, is Peter -- clad in black. Black hoodie, black sweatpants, black socks, black gloves -- and his unusual black mask. With respirator and unusual eye lenses. Peter's wearing something else beneath the uniform, too -- the twins could catch the scent. Kevlar, along with webbing, plastic -- the unusual cooling suit Peter and Sebastian designed. Except it's gone through some more modifications since Sebastian last saw it.

The door swings open easily, though when it does Sebastian looks up with a low growl and a tightening of his arm against Shane. "Go away," is all he says in greeting, pulling Shane tighter agains his chest.

Shane opens his eyes. His gills flutter against Sebastian's fingers. He doesn't say anything, though.

Peter cannot, for a moment -- tell the difference between the twins. The mask hides his expression, but his scent exposes that sense of bewilderment, along with the throbbing, pulsing sense of worry -- and determination. A lot of determination.

"Are you both okay?" Peter asks, before: "I'm putting people on -- the roof, right now. People who aren't -- the school's not really safe. Maybe you two should go... into the lake. Or..." This thought trails off, evaporating into nothing. The determination's there, but it's got no place to go.

"Go /away/." This time it comes from Shane and not Sebastian.

"Why are you putting people on the roof." Sebastian's words come out too flat to sound properly questioning.

"So they can freeze and starve to death and then fall off onto the grounds once they've reanimated," Shane supplies.

Sebastian shrugs a shoulder, his arms still tight around Shane. "I don't know if you watch much news, but it's not safe outside the school either."

"--we'll find somewhere safe, okay? Look, they can't get me. I'm too fast. Maybe with your help -- we can get..." Peter pauses, his eyes drifting over the length of the room, wandering. "...I can't leave you," he finishes, his voice growing heavier. His scent changes, determination shifting into desperation and weakness. "--I can't -- Ivan and Rasa are on the roof. One of the students attacked them. I need to go get them supplies. Shane --" Peter starts, a slight tremble building in his voice. "--you told me once you knew somebody who could... if one of you guys died. Are they here?"

"There /is/ nowhere safe. Not around here. What are we going to do, ditch the city altogether? I'm not leaving --"

"-- Pa or my brother or --"

"-- /anyway/ we're already sick. So's Rasa. Anywhere we go --"

"-- is already unsafe. Because we're there."

At this point the twins' words kind of run into each other, not entirely /relevant/ as much which is speaking. Shane does shift to -- not quite sit up but turn, still nestled back against Sebastian but with a better view of the door now. "We're fast," he points out. "We can get you."

"Which means you don't want to be with us when we die." Sebastian's fingers return to Shane's gills in absent slow petting.

"And you can't live on the roof it's not even hard to get to. And has no supplies. And you have to go back into the school to resupply anyway." Shane closes his eyes under the petting, gradually relaxing.

"What difference does it make?" Sebastian's eyes narrow on Peter. "There's too many people to bring back."

At the mention of Shane and Sebastian being sick, Peter takes a visible step back; something hitches in his voice: "--n..." And then there's a long, twisted shuddering -- a sharp, harsh breath. "No. We'll figure out -- you..."

Then, as if something just snapped in Peter, he hunches back up against the door frame, propping himself against it -- thud. Leaning heavily. " can't be -- no. Goddammit." Now he's scrabbling at his hood with both hands, yanking it down -- dragging the mask off of his dark, chitin-clad face -- pulling it out of the USB connection that attaches it to the suit. Eyes wet. "/Fuck/. We can -- maybe if -- /fuck/," he just repeats.

Shane looks up at the wetness in Peter's eyes, and a shudder passes through him. He turns his face upward to hide it against Sebastian's palm.

"Been sick for a while," Sebastian affirms. "-- Might have been who brought this thing to school from the city -- the city --" He frowns.

"Would've got here eventually anyway. People are back and forth a lot and the city --" Shane's words are muffled against Sebastian's hand. "S'pretty well overrun itself."

"They're working on finding a way to fix it." Sebastian doesn't sound overly hopeful though.

"They took Daiki." Shane just sounds -- hollow.

Peter closes his eyes; he leans back up hard against the doorframe, his head swinging back to bop it. Not hard, but hard enough; it makes a knocking sound. "--cure," Peter murmurs, before: "Where? When -- /if/ -- you two go, it's going to be..." His voice catches, again; he squeezes his eyes shut. "--hard. To keep you down. Where did they take Daiki?" he asks, then, his voice creeping up a little more sharply -- something tense and thoughtful entering both his tone and posture.

"I could still feel him. Daiki. His -- pull. If we're still /us/ after --" Sebastian shakes his head, shivering slightly.

Shane uncurls himself so that now /he/ can curl his arms around /Bastian/, pulling Sebastian in close against his chest. "It'll be bad," he agrees. "... Pa's sick, too."

Sebastian squeezes his eyes shut, turning his face in against Shane's shirt.

"The clinic," Shane eventually answers. "The new one. That Hive built."

"Desi's there, too. Not dead. Sick though. She went to --" Sebastian frowns. "They're trying to find a cure. They need people to look at."

Shane grimaces, adding, "She has less aversion to being a labrat than some of us."

"Shane. The person who can bring people back. How many times can they do it?" Peter's straightening, now; his back arches off of the wall, his eyes popping open, peering at the twins. He /still/ doesn't know which one is Shane, but it doesn't seem to bother him; the question might as well have been directed to both of the twins. "I can get them to the clinic. Help Daiki. Maybe--" He shifts, then, his expression hardening. "--when they have the cure, bring it back to you. You two should..." His mouth twists, becoming a hard, sharp line. "--when it starts getting bad, you'll need to be restrained. Seriously restrained. Until we can -- fix it."

"I bit Isra," Shane announces. "Today. And he --" He looks towards Bastian now.

"-- almost bit Pa. I think it's already getting bad." Sebastian continues to burrow in against Shane's chest.

"No times. I mean, it's not that simple." Shane frowns uncomfortably.

"Doesn't just bring people back. Needs someone to /take/," Sebastian explains, his gills fluttering restlessly.

"Yeah. It's not just -- giving someone life it's. Taking life to give to someone." Shane pets down lightly against Sebastian's gills. "And even then it drains her pretty bad. Can't usually get through more than one or two without needing a break and that's --"

"-- only if she has enough people on hand to manage it. Um. But. It kills --"

"-- most people. We can survive it." Shane's tone has returned to hollow.

"... Eric could probably survive it forever," Sebastian muses slowly.

"Then we get Eric," Peter responds, as if this was the simplest thing in the world. "And I take her to the clinic, and--" Peter's mouth goes thin, now, stretching sharply as he eyes the twins carefully. "--and, I take you both with me. In case you -- start to get bitey."

Shane just frowns at this, deeply. "The city isn't safe," he says simply.

"The city isn't safe, and the clinic's locked and guarded," Sebastian offers more pragmatically.

Shane's lips press thinly together. "And if we start to get bitey, we could kill you."

"I've been running and jumping on rooftops ever since I was fifteen," Peter counters. "The city might not be safe, but if I don't want something to catch me, it won't catch me. And I can get into places that I'm not supposed to get into." The comment about Shane killing him though -- /that/ gets Peter to become quiet. Though, by the look on his face, he has been thinking about it -- he just doesn't like what his solution might be.

"I know," Peter says, voice very soft. "That's why I think... I should web your mouths, and we should... break your claws. So you can't bite and claw. We can sign to talk until..." He trails off, not finishing the thought.

"You're /sixteen/," Shane says bluntly, "that's not reassuring."

Sebastian doesn't say anything. He hisses at the suggestion of breaking their claws, /launching/ himself towards Peter (claws out!) in a sudden snarling pounce.

Peter sees it coming an instant before it happens; his body tenses -- right before the words leave his mouth -- and when Sebastian rushes forward, Peter /springs/ back -- one hand holding the door frame, pivoting himself around it to the other side, across the corner -- but not before firing two weblines at Sebastian's torso, aiming to hit and /pull/ him -- hard -- out into the corridor as Peter pivots. To try and force him to overextend that leap, and slingshot him into the wall opposite the door in the hall -- at which point Peter's other hand would be firing shot after shot of web, attempting to /plaster/ him to that wall. "Ohfuck," he whispers.

"Bastian no --" Shane's reaching for his brother even as he starts his leap but it's the webbing that gets Bastian. Sebastian snarls, startled or pained now more than aggressive as he's slingshotted out.

From behind the door he's plastered to, there's a heavier thudding. Thump THUMP thump THUMP THUMP THUMP. The door rattles behind him.

The webbing of Sebastian, though, snaps Shane's posture from defensive to hostile in a heartbeat. Even as Peter is slingshotting Bastian outward, Shane is leaping for Peter, too, with a deep angry snarl. Claws extending, teeth chomping down.

"Ohfuckoh/fuck/," is all Peter manages to get out -- because a moment after he's webbed Sebastian, his danger sense is already screaming, warning him of the /next/ thing he's got to deal with. Peter's fast -- but not fast enough to dodge the teeth that /snap/ down into his arm, biting hard into the sleeve -- and finding that the fabric underneath gives, but refuses to yield -- a mouthful of scaled kevlar plating.

The claws rake against Peter's flank, tearing through the fabric of his hoodie to expose the dark blue and red of the armor underneath; Peter grunts, swinging his other arm out and around to try and /slam/ his palm against Shane's throat -- and then use it to /slam/ him into the wall in front of him. "{STOP.}" Peter says, in Vietnamese -- even as he tries to pull off the arm Shane's chewing on and use it to web the seam of the door that's starting to shake with a quick series of THWPs. "Ffffnn--"

The thumping continues heavily from behind the door. THUMP THUMP THUMP.

Sebastian has stopped struggling in anger and is now just struggling in panic. "-- {Stop let me /go/ let me go let me go /don't hurt him/.}"

Shane just rolls with the slam, dropping downwards -- but not in a fall, just in a hard sweep out against Peter's legs, the claws on his foot long as well. It's Sebastian's words that stall him, dropping back to all fours to look, wide-eyed, at his brother and then Peter. Blink. Blink, blink. "... ffffuck oh god I'm sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry."

The sweep catches Peter as he steps back; the claw /rips/ through his sweatpants -- gouging a long, rigid tear through his armored shins -- and then Peter's on the ground, hitting the floor hard, wrists popping up to take aim at Shane--

--when the danger sense stops screaming. Peter's face is flustered, colored a dark violet; he's breathing /hard/, brows wrinkled, eyes wide, panicked and fearful. He pauses as Shane drops down to all fours -- still scarcely even sitting up, wrists aimed at him. "--nnghohfuck," he says, a little weakly, panting hard.

Shane digs the heels of his hand in against his eyes. His shoulders twitch with each shudder at the door Bastian is webbed to. "-- Unglue him." He sounds none too pleased about this. "We're going to the city."

"Nnngh..." Peter breathes, heavy and hard, for several moments -- before he rises to his feet, slowly approaching Sebastian -- warily paying attention to his danger sense -- and lifting his webshooters to do precisely that.

Sebastian doesn't seem inclined to attack, anymore. He just drops down to the ground once he's released, nose twitching at the scent of vinegar, and /scrambles/ away from the thudding door. "... who's room is that now." Though he doesn't actually sound like he /wants/ to remember who has been assigned there.

Shane shakes his head. "Doesn't matter. Get changed. Will your folks sign you out home, Peter? Because this is easier if we don't have to /sneak/."

"They will if I tell them I want to come home," Peter responds, a little exhaustedly -- he steps back to give Sebastian the room he needs to move. "--which, I kind of do. But -- they'd want me to get a ride. I'll tell them I'm... I'll figure something out." He glances at the door, rumbling, before adding: "Need to get supplies for Rasa, check on Ivan, first. But then -- I'll be good to go."

Shane nods. "I'll call Pa." He looks at the thumping door, too. And then darts in -- no danger sense, this time, just a quick tight hug, arms flung around Peter with a single brief sob hitched in his throat before he flees back to his own room.

"-- okay." Sebastian just sounds a little glum. "See you -- soon, then."

Peter is caught by surprise -- but before Shane retreats, he manages to get one arm around him, following it up with a crude, savage, rough kiss to the side of Shane's face -- before the sharkboy retreats with that sob, Peter briefly looking weak in the knees, eyes wet. He looks back to Sebastian -- and bites down on his bottom lip, nodding his head. Retrieving his mask -- before /bolting/ down the halls, on all fours.

On the ceiling, because Peter's just weird like that.