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| location = <NYC> [[East Harlem]]
| location = <NYC> [[East Harlem]]
| categories = Deanna, Gabriel, Ash, Cage, Mutants, Friends of Humanity, Civilians, East Harlem
| categories = Deanna, Gabriel, Ash, Cage, Mutants, Humans, Friends of Humanity, Citizens, East Harlem, Heroes for Hire
| log =  
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Latest revision as of 20:45, 16 December 2013

Snow Job
Dramatis Personae

Deanna, Gabriel, Ash, Cage

In Absentia


Community service, no thank you!


<NYC> East Harlem

With the highest violent crime rate in Manhattan and a failing educational system, it is easy to overlook the charms of El Barrio. Amidst its problems, East Harlem is a place thriving with culture. Salsa dancing has a rich history in the neighborhood, and in the open-air markets a wide assortment of goods can be bought from the West African community there.

It's cold, in East Harlem today. Damn cold. The only blessing at this point is that there isn't any /new/ snow falling at this point. However, the streets in Harlem are buried under snow. Even when the snow plows get through this part of the city, they just sloppily pile snow up on the sides of the street, inadvertently blocking many people into their homes. Most can probably dig themselves out, but many still can't, either because of age, or infirmity.

Cage is out and about today dressed in a white snow suit overall, and a parka, with crampon boots which allow him to get good grip in the icy snow. He's also wearing a bright orange work vest with the HFH logo on the back. He's here shoveling walks and stairs. He's also got a dump truck full of sand which he shoves around when needs to move it again. He spends some time shoveling, clearing as much as he can at any given house with what looks like a reinforced snow shovel made from a cut-down portion of a bull dozer scoop. Then he spreads some sand out to add a little group.

Unbeknownst to Cage, he is currently working on the brownstone belonging to one Deanna Freeman. Hers was the next house on the block, and Cage is here doing his thing.

Walking down the street towards Cage, is Gabriel, dressed in a puff coat, boots, and thick jeans, holding a regular shovel himself. Covered in snow, Gabriel has been volunteering around Harlem to help dig up the snow, when he bumps into Cage. "Oh, hey, need any help?". Gabriel doesn't recognize Cage /yet/, as he grins, holding the shovel up with his hands. "Four hands are better than two.".

The door to the brownstone opens; Deanna is bundled boots, gaiters that cover her pants from the knees down, a warm leather jacket, hat pulled down over her long dreads, scarf. She has a snow shovel in one hand, and she leans on it heavily, its end stuck into the snow piled on her front walkway. "You know," her deep voice is soft, almost gentle as her eyes sweep up and down over Cage, "it's only charity if it's voluntarily accepted. What you're doing, is trespassing. Sounds like par for the course for you, though."

There's a quiet rumbling in the street, louder than a car, but quieter than a full on plow. It grows steadily closer and closer until the small frame of a compact track loader makes its way around the corner and on to the street. Inside the cab is a figure that is dark against the light background, the form obscured by the large hard hat he is wearing and the hefty noise cancelling ear protection he is wearing. He pretty works quietly at one end of the street, helping to form up some of the snow drifts created by the city and make breaks in the banks where driveways exist. When the bobcat makes a turn, a couple shovels and bags of salt become evident in the back.

"Could use all the help I can get," Cage says cheerily when Gabriel greets him. Apparently Cage doesn't think to introduce himself. "I cleared the snow off a these already. You wanna scoop some sand on them? Got some in the truck there." Cage is then just in the middle of scooping up a huge pile of snow at the base of Deanna's walk when she emerges. He stands back at her rebuke and nods. "Sure thing, lady. My bad." He steps back from her walk, and waves to Gabriel in case he didn't hear. "Needta skip this one, buddy." When the Bobcat rolls into view Cage pauses and leans on his shovel to peer at it, pushing his sunglasses up onto his fuzzy hat. "Huh, that ain't a municipal." He waves at the Bobcat to get the driver's attention. Cage, ever the recruiter.

Gabriel pauses, recognizing Cage. "Oh, I know who you are. You were at that Open-Mic night where the DJ passed out, right?". Well, partially. He's heading to the truck, stopping when Cage calls over to him. "Alright then.". Gabriel looks up to Deanna, analyzing her. "You were at Home yesterday, weren't you? Hey.". And then he's pausing completely when the Bobcat comes over, waving.

"I was," Deanna confirms, "and you seem to consistently pick unsavory company. -- I've already reported you for tresspassing," she adds to Cage, "though the law doesn't seem mean much to you." The smile she gives is thin and as icy as the snow around them. "Pick your next houses carefully, Mr. Cage. Not everyone thinks you're as much of a hero as you seem to believe."

The figure inside the front loader scowls when he sees people flagging him down, but the expression lifts quickly as he dumps the load of snow he has and turns the tracks on his vehicle toward the waving figures. He doesn't pull directly up to them, but chooses to slide into an empty street parking spot that someone lovingly carved out of the snow to get to work, before he pops open the cab and lets all the warm air out. He turns the Bobcat off and climbs out, pausing halfway to look the two men and one lady over before asking, "What's the trouble? Got a vehicle stuck?"

Cage's expression is amused at Gabriel's recollection of a chance meeting, but still doesn't seem to recognize who he actually is. It looks like he's about to say something to the guy, when Deanna lays into him further. He makes a forced smile from where he's standing on the sidewalk, and gestures as if to reinforce the fact that he is indeed off her property. "You're right," he says in the strained tone of somewhat putting every effort into remaining polite. He's obviously tired, and caught off guard by the exchange. "You're right, I shoulda asked first. And I'll be sure to ask at the next house. I hope you have a nice day." Cage's smile becomes somewhat more genuine when Ash rolls up. "Oh hey, nothing's stuck that I know of. I just figured we'd all be more productive if we coordinated." He gestures up and down the street, of which he's cleared about a quarter of the walks on his own. "This kind lady here pointed out that we oughta check with the residents before doing any kind of work. So I figure if we get several in a row who want help, your Cat could make one big scoop along the sidewalk before I start scooping the stairs. And then this guy can come along behind with the sand? Whaddya think?"

Gabriel's face turns into a grimace when Deanna mentions reporting Cage for trespassing. "Now, you didn't have to do that. He was just trying to help.". When she calls Cage by his name, he turns to Cage, making an 'ohhhh' face. "Oh, you're Luke Cage. How did I not recognize you?". When Ash comes out, Gabriel waves, nodding. "Yeah, I could do that. Happy to help. Gabriel's the name, by the way."

"New York has seen enough of Mr. Cage /trying to help/." Deanna watches somewhat stonily as Cage departs her property, eyes remaining on him for a long steady while. Eventually she shakes her head, tugging her shovel out of the snow to continue shovelling her own walkway in silence.

Ash looks distinctly uncomfortable when Cage immediately starts trying to include him in his project, his brow furrowing and his lips disappearing into the line he presses them into. He glances over at Gabriel and then back to Cage. He opens his mouth to speak, but Deanna's words put a pause on his thoughts entirely. Blinking, he turns back to Cage. "Aww... Gee, here's the thing. I'm not really equipped to do that. For one, I've got a scooper on right now. I'd need a snow blade to plow sidewalks. Besides, anyone who does use heavy equipment like this on the sidewalk needs to have clearance from the city as the weight of the vehicle and the angle of the blade or scoop could do a good deal more damage to the concrete underneath than is appreciated. Plus, I'm looking at a forty two inch length on the bucket and probably a little wider to get the vehicle through. Have you measured everything to make sure that I could fit down the sidewalk?" He lowers his head as he appears as though he'd very much like to scuff his toe on the ground, but resists as he is definitely a full grown adult. "I'm so sorry, Mister. I'd offer to go back and check the routes and get a blade, but this is only my lunch break and I'd never get back in time."

Cage allows the tiniest of grateful expressions onto his face when Gabriel stands up for him a little, but holds up a hand to discourage any more argument. He clamps his jaw at Deanna's final barb, but doesn't engage her any further. Finally, when Ash explains why he can't help out, he waves away all stated concerns and says, "You know what, I could use a break anyway." He gestures back at his dump truck parked in the street. "I got a big thermos of coffee and and a box of those shitty grocery store cookies, but I'm happy to share if either of you wants some." He shoulders his big shovel and walks towards the truck in question, ready to serve some refreshments.