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Leslie is a melancholy and generally sees the worst in things before the best. He tends to mull over things, and overthinks his interactions with other people. If given enough time, he can and will convince himself that someone secretly hates him. Although reluctant to do anything, if someone he cares about is in danger he will do what he can to help, even if he'll complain the entire time.
Leslie stands at about 5'4", and is very gaunt and skinny. His skin is a dull green and appears to be tight around his body similar to a mummy. His nose and lips have both rotten off, giving him a ghastly appearance. There are dark circles around his eyes, one iris is bright yellow while the other is a darker red. His hair is thin and grey, with one long bang in the front and the rest of his hair kept short. Throughout his body, he has stitches at his joints to keep them from falling off. Generally, he wears a ragged worn red t-shirt with ripped jeans and wraps on his feet and hands.
No reputation yet!
Leslie was born to Donovan and Hannah Adams, one a moderately successful real estate agent and the other a work-at-home mother. He was well taken care of, and lived a happy childhood up until he was around 8 years old when his mutation began to manifest itself. At first, it was simply green-grey patches of skin that they wrote off as psoriasis. But, the patches grew and grew, and his brown hair was graying rapidly. Both his parents were in denial about what was happening, and continued to act as if it wasn't a big deal. He had been enrolled in a private school up until that point, and people were beginning to grow weary of Leslie and suspect he was a mutant, but that was not something you would say lightly, so they continued to treat him cordially. Until the summer, a few days before the end of the school year. He was 10 now, and most of his skin had turned a ghastly green color, and there were only small streaks of brown left in his hair. He went to raise his hand to answer a question, when, his entire arm fell out of its socket and to the floor. There was no blood, only a loud thud from when his limb hit the ground. His friends ran from him in fear, and Leslie himself didn't know what was going on. He picked up his arm and ran out of the school, everyone too stunned to stop him. Later on, he contacted his parents and they picked him up, and they knew they couldn't deny it anymore. Their son was a mutant.

Leslie was taken out of school, out of everything, and essentially forced to live in his room. He had online schooling and wasn't ever allowed to leave the apartment under any circumstances. The windows in his room were blocked out to prevent anyone from seeing him, and the only contact he had with the outside world was whatever came on the news. He was miserable, but, all this time in isolation allowed him to better understand his mutation. His parents didn't allow him to explore his mutation, but they couldn't enforce that when they were gone.

He was 15 when his parents didn't come back to the apartment. He didn't notice at first, but when it had been a week, he knew something was wrong. Calling them resulted in nothing, so he decided that the only option he had was to leave to try and find them himself. He hid himself the best he could and began making his way to his dad's office. On the train, someone had bumped into him aggressively, and he fell on the floor. However, his forearm and hand were still attached to the pole he had been holding onto. The subway cart went into a panic, and two men took it upon themselves to "defend" the cart from the mutant menace. Leslie attempted to reason with them, but, they wouldn't listen, and they ripped him apart joint by joint and threw him onto the tracks below the subway platform. It took a long time to find all his body parts since most of them had been dragged by trains all over the city, but he did. Disoriented, lost, confused, he postponed his search for his parents because he knew in his current state he wouldn't be able to search for him. He lived in an old maintenance closet in the subway, eating rats, and whatever else he could scavenge. Through word of mouth, he heard about the Morlocks -- a society of mutants for those who were scorned by society. And he knew, knew he had to search for them.

Leslie can dislocate and completely remove body parts. This does not cause him pain, and it doesn't cause him to bleed. While removed, he still has full control of said part. And, just as easily as they can be taken out, he can put said body part back in place like nothing had happened. For example, he can take out one of his eyes and place it on a table. He can still see out of that eye perfectly fine, and can put it back in it's socket. A side-effect of this is that his limbs and other such parts are loose and can fall off/out by accident, which happens a lot. No matter how far away the body part is from him, he can still use it/move it. Another aspect of his mutation which he does not know about is that he can attach other people's body parts to him and use them as if they were his own.

He also does not have any blood flowing through him, it has all dried up. Most of his organs have also whittled away, meaning he does not have to breathe or eat, but he tends to do so out of habit. His sense of smell and taste are significantly weak. Leslie is not actively decomposing despite his appearance, his mutant ability keeps him in a form of stasis.

He's acquired significant survival skills from living in the subway systems for a while


  • Coming soon.


  • Coming soon.

And everything in between

  • Coming soon.
Leslie doesn't like being called Frankenstein or similar names, he is still in somewhat denial about his mutation.

He loves playing video games, mainly open-world RPGs such as Skyrim or Dragon Age.

Full Name Leslie Adams
Codename Zombie-Kid
Birthdate December 5, 2003
Birthplace Queens, New York
Species Mutant
Affiliation None
Alignment Melancholy
Powers Detachable, fully controllable body parts.
Occupation None
Registration Status (currently n/a)
Faceclaim None
Art by Monty!
RP Hooks
Pickpocket - Leslie resorts to pickpocketing and stealing to get money to buy things, often using his mutant ability to carry these out.
Gamer - Leslie loves video games and will certainly talk about videogames with people!
Sewer Rat - Leslie lives in the subways and often goes to the sewers, so it's not unlikely you'll see him there.
On the Search - Leslie is currently trying to find out what happened to his parents, which may lead him to try and spy on people he feels may have knowledge about it.
Date Title Cast Mentions
  • (2020-09-08)
In Which A Hand Is Returned, Some Rat Food Is Obtained, And Some Eyes Do Not (Quite) Fall Out Of Their Face Leslie, Scramble, Taylor
  • (2020-08-18)
Hand Up, Not Hand Out Leslie, Shane, Spencer