
From X-Men: rEvolution
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xxxxxOverview of your character goes here.


xxxxxCelestine is a 5,9 white transgender female with blond hair that she has in a pixie cut, her hair was originally brown but she dyed it while she transitioned. She has a thin looking frame but she has developed a bit of muscle from a bit of gymnastics in her early childhood and living on the streets. She has green eyes as well as a few freckles dotted around her face. She doesn't wear a lot of makeup as she mostly just wears some eyeliner and lip gloss on most days. She also has a few piercings one on her septum and one on each ear. She can usually be seen wearing a few rings on each hand, as well as a few necklaces.


xxxxxWhat (if anything) might others have heard about your character? It's okay if this is 'nothing'. This can also be specific to their faction (maybe they're class clown at their school!) or specific to a niche field (maybe you'd have heard of them if you know a lot about particle physics or cross country skiing, but not otherwise!)


xxxxx Celestine didn't have a great relationship with her parents when she was growing up as she never could make the expectation they had set for her so as she grew up she became distant with them. Things only got worse when she developed her mutant powers when she turned thirteen as both parents believed the other to be carrying the mutant gene. Because of this they would constantly get into fights with each other leading them to getting a divorce. As each parent believed the other to be a mutant they both would insist that Celestine would live with the other parent and would send her back and forth constantly. Because each parent didn't want to care for a mutant child they both gave up as parents. While they would maintain appearances on the outside and in public, behind closed doors as an entirely different story. They would only do the bare minimum as their legal guardians such as giving the cheapest food and clothing. After two years of this Celestine had enough and planned to leave home to live on the streets. Fortunately there were plenty of places that would be willing to pay under the table for less money so she was able to have an income. As for living she would stay at homeless shelters and homeless camps while she worked for the year. While she lived at these camps she would meet other kids who ran from home many of them part of the LGBTQ community. While she was with these other kids she would learn more about herself and eventually discover that she herself was Transgender and a Lesbian. In addition to working for food she would also get access to Hormone therapy through a planned parenthood. One day while in a homeless shelter she heard a few older mutants talking about a school up in New York that was secretly a place you mutant youth to be safe. When she asked them about it the told her it was called Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, After hearing more about it she decided to visit it and see if they were right. She then saved up a bit more money and bought herself a train ticket and headed up to New York and then a Bus to North Salem.


xxxxxDescription of your character's powers.


xxxxxDescription of your character's non-mutation-related skills.



  • Coming soon.


  • Coming soon.

And everything in between

  • Coming soon.
  • Random facts you think are worth knowing about your character.
  • And more random facts!
  • And more.

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Full Name
Codename None
Birthdate None
Birthplace None
Species None
Affiliation None
Alignment None
Powers None
Occupation None
Registration Status None
Faceclaim None
RP Hooks
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
Date Title Cast Mentions
  • (2024-05-24)
Prom on Ice Avi, Celestine, Gaétan, Nanami, Tok
  • (2024-05-19)
S: Pt reports a feeling of worry about the future and uncertainty as to what she will do. Denies recent history of COVID; reports history of desensitization to smell (congruent with observed behavior.) Celestine, Zack
  • (2024-05-11)
Accidentally: / can mean by chance, mistake, or / as a by-product Celestine, Natsumi, Spencer Jax, Ryan, Tag, Sriyani, Taylor
  • (2024-04-15)
Opening Moves Celestine, Roscoe