ArchivedLogs:From Rooftop to Room

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From Rooftop to Room
Dramatis Personae

Ivan, Rasa

In Absentia


Ivan awakes, and everything will be fine. (Part of Infected TP.)


<XS> Roof

The view from up here is phenomenal, a panorama of the expansive Xavier's grounds, forest and lake and rocky cliffs alike. Even without the view outwards, the rooftop itself holds its own delights, in the form of the tiny jewel of a flower garden tucked away up here, tended by one of the school's teachers. From the edge of the roof, with a veeery careful jump, it looks like it just might be possible to reach the treehouse in the old oak tree.

As the afternoon wears on, Rasa has managed to eat most all of the supplies in backpack that Peter brought. There are still some stacks of granola bars at hir side, and a small pile of airheads and one candy bar at hir other. Two out of three of the bottles of water have been consumed, as slimjims are rather full of salt. The wrappers for the rest of hir conquests have been stuff back into then bag. Now ze is rifling through the other pockets for other trinkets or helpful items. The food has given hir back energy, making hir hair fuller and changed it to a bronze shade that is a little bit darker than hir skin tone. Ze is still dressed in hir pajams from the day before and is finally beginning to truly smell bad.

Who'd have thought mentally pelting fifty thousand bees at someone could exhaust someone's brain quite as quickly as Ivan's was, just before he was dragged up here. It's only now that he starts to stir, eyebrows giving a twitch before his mouth opens for a sharp intake of air, followed shortly by a dry cough as he rolls onto his side and then - as shakily and uncertain as it is hasty - pushes himself up and /away/ from the nearest animate object - which just so happens to be Rasa.

"Blyad!" The word hoarsely leaves Ivan's mouth without much thought, as he stands wobbly and stunned and wide-eyed, before several more follow with only a modicum more brain process involved-- "Pizda- okhuyet- /mmmudak/." And then, finally, just, "... Fuck."

Rasa turns hir attention back toward Ivan when he starts cursing, hir mouth still in the process of biting off a hunk of a granola bar. The bite ze selects is smaller and chewed quickly as the bar itself is pulled away before ze can speak clearly. Ze raises hir hands in surrender, bar still caught between the fingers on one hand. "Whoa, Ivan. It's me, I promise. Peter came and took care of Kendre and brought us to the roof where we should be safe. You're okay, I promise."

Despite the chunk missing from his ear and more superficial injury on his cheek, Ivan frowns when Rasa reassures him of his own well-being. His eyes pick over hir in his half-daze. "I...?" He starts, swallowing as he waits for his brain to catch up. "/You/." He takes a slow step forward before more hastily reaching to wrap his arms around hir. "Are /you/ okay?"

Rasa leans into the embrace, closing hir eyes and pressing hir face to his neck and shoulder. "Depends on how you're asking. Physically, I'm getting better and that's scary." Ze sniffs to contain emotion rather than stifle sickness. Hir fingers curl into his shirt. "Otherwise? No. Everything is bad."

"It is fine." Ivan states matter-of-factly, in his somewhat usual quiet confidence. Despite circumstances. The sniffle prompts a kiss against the side of hir head, over an ear, before he sinks down onto the roof, next to hir. "There-- was... Kendre." He suddenly seems to remember, pulling back a little to look Rasa's face over. His own eyes still wide, but further expression sorely lacking. "... Was dead already, yes?"

"Yes. If she was like Daiki, there was no person inside her body," Rasa confirms, settling into a comfortable position with Ivan, returning the kiss to his neck. "Shane said that they smell dead and move like they are dead, too, but it's hard to just come out and say it."

If the news of people being dead and walking and being /right here/ and the implications of what might happen to Rasa have gotten through to Ivan at all - he's not showing it. In fact, he just sort of ends up almost casually rubbing his face, then looking at his arm. No bugs! For now. "... It is the bad people who die in these movies." As if a 'right?' should have been tacked onto that, he studies Rasa's face again.

"It's bad for people to be in these movies, Ivan. Everyone usually dies." Rasa studies him right back, shifting a little to get a look at his ear and cheek, hir fingers lightly tracing around the circumference of the wounds. "I'm sorry, sorry... I couldn't keep you from being bit. We should go into the med lab and get it cleaned up." Hir thoughts are interrupted by static when ze gets stuck on a word, a loss of thought and control in those brief seconds. Ze exhales.

Ivan's head turns slowly into the touch rather than away from it, though one of his shoulders juts slightly higher in a wince. His own mind is racing, discarding so many more ideas that pop up in his head than are actually held onto, then pushed away almost too fast to even notice. Gotta do /something/. "I have..." he starts, the link of Rasa's touch making it all too clear that the static in hir mind brings him nothing but concern. "I have a first aid kit. In the dorm room. Because of Peter getting hurt some times, when he- still came back in the evenings. I keep it full. We can go /there/." Then, with a twitch of an eyebrow, "Is Peter okay?"

"Yes, we can go there," Rasa concedes, flashes of concern about Ivan getting lost in his bugs and forgetting about hir keep resurfacing, but quickly get drown out by the question about Peter. Ze is horribly concerned, running through the conversation ze had with him earlier, but doing so in a nonlinear fashion. "Yes. For now. He was bitten. He and the twins are going to the c... cit... city" static "to find Daiki and some cop named Eric who is supposed to help them fix everything. I do not know how long they will be okay, but they are heading directly to the clinic," so maybe that's okay. << I couldn't stop him from leaving us, couldn't bring you with. >>

Ivan's own last memories of Peter flash through his mind - the ones just before he passed out. But they're quickly shoved aside, in favour of reaching to cup his hands over Rasa's face, fingers pressing lightly into hir skin. << Rashka. {It's not time yet}. But it is time to get up, and I will help you. >> As he starts to get up, reaching simultaneously for the bag and reaching his other arm out to Rasa, there's a lack of bugthoughts in his mind flowing over into hirs, beyond the occasional ping of /awareness/ of them being around. It is eclipsed by the need to have Rasa off of this roof and into a /room/. Safe. For the time being.

"Yes... Inside." Rasa is still reluctant to move, but does so as Ivan does, scooping up the useable food and water as ze grips Ivan's arm to steady hirself as ze rises. "Vanya. We should get more supplies from the kitchen if we're going to hide in your room for a while. Do you want me to go get them and meet you there, so you can take care of your wound, or would you like to set out for supplies after you are bandaged?"

Ivan keeps hold of Rasa, wrapping an arm around hir back as he carefully turns to walk back them both toward the attic window, "I am fine." Besides a slightly scratchy throat and, just maybe, a bit of running-on-fumes denial. "We can get food first, then- then back to the room. It is- it does not hurt. Yet. Adrenaline." He nearly trips over this word, mind preoccupied now with filtering out the bad - even worry takes taken place to /acting/. Doing /something/. "We will be fine."

"Sure we will," Rasa tries to manufacture the positivity that the situation lacks. "Peter and the twins will bring back the cure and we'll be okay." Ze definitely doesn't believe it, but is going to keep repeating it until ze does.