ArchivedLogs:One Of Us

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One Of Us
Dramatis Personae

Hive, Jackson, Jim, Melinda, Micah, Shelby


Loud Hivemind is loud.



(Following the scene/texts here...) <Borg> Someone is thinking VERY LOUDLY in a SOMEWHAT CRANKY okay mostly just kind of FREAKOUTTED voice because he can't do angry verywell: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE. <Borg> Someone stirs from a bored study of biology text. << Is someone sexing again? >> <Borg> Someone stirs; a quiet ripple of /definitely/ cranky in everyone's minds because oh man does /he/ do cranky well. Whatthefuck oh god c'mon Jax at least be pissy properly. <Borg> Someone can lend you some pissy for real you need practice dude. <Borg> Someone says, "<< NO nobody is sexing and I am NEVER SEXING AGAIN okay? >>" <Borg> Someone says, "<< Fuck is this some dumbass Lent thing again freaking Catholics. >>" <Borg> Someone predicts this resolution will last until approximately five minutes after the next time you see Micah, man. <Borg> Someone says, "It won't help anyhow. Apparently Hive is writing fanfic now." <Borg> Someone is the only one not getting any. <Borg> Someone says, "Aside from SHELBY." <Borg> Someone says, "<< NO okay okay yes okay it's true I ruined the Lent thing but c'/mon/ Micah is /so sweet/ and /so pr -- OMG NO WAIT HE CAN HEAR ME okay okay look but this time it's serious Hive WHY did you show Doug us HAVING SEX?? >>" <Borg> Someone says, "SHUT UP! I can get some if I wanted." <Borg> Someone says, "<< IN THE SHOWER too we've never had sex in the shower (omg sex in the shower would be nice) (NO WAIT THEY CAN HEAR YOU) WHY did you MAKE UP us having sex in the shower JUST to show DOUG??? >>" <Borg> Someone has been getting /plenty/ with this Borg thing so there. <Borg> Someone says, "I told you. FANFIC." <Borg> Someone says, "Wait. So if we're hived, does that mean Jax getting laid is ALL of us getting laid?" <Borg> Someone says, "<< Do you want to be getting any, Shelby, cuz I bet there's plenty of guys who'd be down. Or just slap some liquid latex on Bastian I bet he'd be willing. >>" <Borg> Someone says, "<< YEAH it kind of does, you can feel it if you tune in right. Not. That anyone's encouraging doing that. >>" <Borg> Someone ugghs TEENAGER sex. The clumsiest sex of them all. <Borg> Someone << Don't even fucking talk about Bastian, /off limits/, dude. Let's talk more about Jax-sex. That stained glass thing is /awesome/, man. >> <Borg> Someone settles back into cranky. << We never showed Doug you fucking in the shower anyway, dude, what the fuck. >> <Borg> Someone says, "<< Making out, sure. No sex though. If he said that he was just TRYING to upset you. >>" <Borg> Someone says, "<< ! >> << >: