Logs:As a (Not-Quite) Thief in the Night

From X-Men: rEvolution
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As a (Not-Quite) Thief in the Night
Dramatis Personae

Bruce, Sung, Tony

In Absentia



"Random person with a vibranium-powered railgun is probably bad news, right?"


<PRV> Tony's Penthouse - Midtown Manhattan

Accessible only by private elevator, this home takes up the top four floors of Stark Tower. Three of them are residential, a luxurious sprawl of space equipped with state of the art technology and a wealth of comforts. Private gym, terraced pool room whose glass walls can be rolled back in summer to turn it into an outdoor balcony, full bar equipped with robotic-armed bartender, extensive home entertainment system. For all its opulence, the place is decorated tastefully, careful coordination through its wood-and-stone look.

The views, through many windows, terraces, balconies, might be the best part of all of it; from this perch high atop the tower, the city spreads out beneath.

The lowest floor of the home is less residential, more technologically bent; packed with a host of robotics, monitors, equipment. Where Tony does the bulk of his personal work, it may well be the real heart of Stark Industries' R&D.

It's growing late, but that doesn't mean much around here. Currently, the workshop below with all its high-tech gadgetry is mostly quiet, dim-lit and empty save for the many robots ready to help assist Tony with his latest insanities. Thankfully for the robots, Tony himself is currently one floor up and leaving his mechanical minions in peace.

Bruce doesn't get any peace; Tony's been going back and forth with him for quite some time. At least Bruce is getting fed for his troubles -- there's a large spread of Indian takeout scattered across the table here. Tony, casual right now in jeans and a Metallica tee shirt, is sprawlwe in an armchair in front of a holo-projection table that at the moment has several intricate designs and a host of calculations floating in glowing light above it. He's got a plate half-full still with some Hyderabad biryani and jackfruit curry.

He's currently set his spoon aside, though, in favor of gesticulating with the broken end of some kind of arcane piece of Brood ship machinery that maybe he shouldn't be waggling about so freely. Despite the intermittent ominous glowing flickering at the end of the complicated thing, it isn't currently lighting anything on fire, at least. "-- been looking at this the wrong way around. They'd found a deviation from Lorentz invariance, we just haven't pinned down yet..." He's frowning, here, and grimacing at the part he's holding. "Next time I should really hold off a minute. Sit down for a chat with these freaks' physicists before nuking them. Hindsight."

A desperate Sung, was on her way to Stark Tower grappling from rooftop to rooftop under the cover of darkness. Wearing an almost all black outfit, and the only weapons she was equipped with was her two pistols which kept on each hip and her fists.

She was on her way to Stark Tower to steal a certain device, one that could allow her to properly finish her most prized possession, her Railgun.

She arrived at Stark Tower soon enough, and scaled the building to a certain window. She was anchored on by line from her grappling hook, she then began sawing into the window with a small hand held heat cutter which was going to take a bit of time. “Come on baby don’t fail me now.” She said quietly to herself as she cut through the glass.

She wasn’t at all nervous about the mission, not even the height scared her at all. Sung was indeed tough as nails even at her age.

"Fury tried to get them to hold off," he points out, scooping up his baingan bartha with a piece of naan. "His takeaway is probably 'carry a bigger gun.' But even if you'd managed to hit pause on an armed tactical nuke in flight, how do you suppose you could have gotten one of those motherships down through a portal one thousandth its size without crushing what was left of Midtown?" He chews this over while he chews. "Though if your suit had more advanced sensor technology and you caught one of them engaging its FTL drive..."

He's still mulling this over when JARVIS speaks up from the unseen speaker system. "I'm terribly sorry to interrupt, Doctor Banner. Sir, there is an individual attempting to access your workshop from the outside of the building." Is that a note of exasperation in the AI's unflappable voice? "By cutting through the glass. Shall I notify security?"

"Suspect we'll get some bigger guns by the time FitzSimmons is through playing with their haul. I personally --" Personally what, we may never know, because Tony is sitting up with a quiet huh at JARVIS's announcement. "May as well," he's saying offhand as he rises, "doubt we'll need 'em, though."


It does take a fair bit of time; whatever custom glass Tony Stark's windows are made of they're more resistant than most would be to the cutter. Not fully resistant, though, and slowly but surely Sung's tool has cut her an opening.

On the other side of that opening there are several skittery spidery robots, some kind of custom Sentinel prototype that isn't yet seeing use on the streets. There's also Tony, leaning against a workstation, a half-finished mango lassi near at hand. He's idly adjusting one of the gleaming cuffs around his wrist and giving the window a deeply unimpressed quirk of his brow. "Before you turn around and go just, ah, indulge me a second. Paint me a picture, how exactly did you see this next part going?"

Sung, who was still anchored to the side of the building sighed as she saw Tony and the little spider bot’s and sighed. “Rhetorical question, can you just give me what I was coming for?” She asked as she kicked in the now severed glass.

“Super conductor, about ye big?” She made a quick gesture indicating the device was small. “If not I can always try again in a few weeks.” Sung’s accent was very think but her words pretty clear.

The small screen on her grappling hook when from a static blue to a blinking red, from where Tony was standing he couldn’t tell what was on the screen.

Bruce is standing beside Tony with his arms crossed over his chest. Somewhere along the way he's put his lab coat back on, for some reason. He looks the woman up and down, and then from one gun to the other, then back up to her face. "Actual question, why do you need a...super conductor?" His stance has gone a bit stiffer and he glances aside at his friend with obvious anxiety.

Tony glances back to Bruce, but there's no anxiety in his expression, just a deep (deep) skepticism. While he might not be able to see what's on Sung's screen from where he's standing, several of the spiderbots are fanning out -- in front of the window, hovering in the air behind the woman -- and probably they have a 360° view. Tony's sophisticated A.I., JARVIS, meanwhile, is quietly probing for what Sung might be doing (or attempting to do) on that device. "You really think this is going to go better for you in a few weeks? Chutzpah, I guess." He doesn't sound any more impressed than he looks.

“I may or may not have a high capacity Vibranium powered Railgun, and said raigun, that may or may not exist needs a super conductor to stop it from burning me…again.” She explained with a slight smirk on her face. “For now though I will be seeing you, bu-bye now.” She hits a button on her grappling hook and a jet hover’s up to the window from below.

She quickly throws a smoke pellet down casing the area in a cloud of thick smoke and jumps out of the window and into the seat of the jet, the capsule then closes as she settles into the seat.

As the smoke clears Sung could be seen waving at them from inside the plane with a cute smile and small wave.

Bruce wrinkles his nose at the smoke, waving it away from his face as he squints through it to the jet outside. "Wow. That was ah...random." He frowns, looking at Tony. "Random person with a vibranium-powered railgun is probably bad news, right?"

Tony is turning away too early to see that wave; there's already robots skittering out to start measuring the window for repairs. "Bad news for Fury, I guess." Tony plucks his lassi up, head shaking as he slurps down a mouthful, starting to plod back upstairs. "Bad news for us is our would-be thief didn't even have the decency to give us an entertaining show and our dinner's gone cold."