ArchivedLogs:Nothing Ever Goes Right

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Nothing Ever Goes Right
Dramatis Personae

Iolaus, Ivan, Jane, Rasa, Shelby

In Absentia


Rasa and Shelby's weekend plans get crushed by impending doom - otherwise known as a phone call from Ivan


<NYC> Iolaus's Apartment - East Harlem

Down a hallway and overlooking a open air market in El Barrio, Iolaus' apartment is not particularly a large one. It is three rooms - the main room shaped like an L with kitchen at one end, a small bedroom large enough for a full bed and a dresser, and a bathroom barely large enough to fit the bath inside it. The walls are a light yellow in the main room, with a large bookcase sitting against one wall and occupying much of the space, stuffed with books as it is. Two couches sit across from it, pressed up against the corner of the L shaped room. The kitchen is separated only by the transition from wood floor to grey tile and is sparsely filled with food and cookware both, and the bathroom is equally sparse of accouterments. In fact, were it not for the full bookcase and the clothing hanging in the closet, it would look almost as if the occupant had moved out and left some few things behind in a hurry.

Jane is kind enough to disarm the alarms on the window the girls wish to hang outside of. It is a very safe window to hang around as it has a fire escape that is firmly bolted to the building, which provides fresh air for the girls to pollute. Rasa is already outside and has a pair of cigars resting on hir knee as ze gets comfortable, keeping hir back to the warm stone face of the building and hir feet outstretched in front of hir. She has Shelby's beer and hir glass of juice on the step above hir, fingers fumbling with a pack of matches as ze gets ready to light up hir cigar.

Shelby is only slightly tardy in joining Rasa. Iolaus is a very efficient doctor! As she climbs out onto the fire escape, she is stuffing a scrap of paper into the rear pocket of her jeans and already reaching for the beer. "Clean bill of health," she assures her roommate with a grin and a wiggle of eyebrows. "He says I'm gonna live. Logan's really got you hooked on these things, huh?" Once the bottle is secured, she ducks her head back in the window to call out, "Hey Doc! If you wanna cigar, we're lighting up!"

Iolaus steps out of his bedroom and glances towards the window. "I'm alright, thanks." he says, flashing the two teenagers a warm smile. He comes over and sits down on one of the couches, as far away from the open window as possible, flopping down at the end of the overstuffed couch. He reaches forward and pulls a laptop onto his lap, opening the screen and tapping away at it merrily.

There's no time to light up! Rasa's phone interrupts it! It's Ivan, so the phone's display claims. If a phone could be urgent, it would be making seriousfaces. Alas, it is a phone, so it's just /going/.

"I wouldn't say really hooked, but every once in a while, they're a nice treat." Rasa admits, handing Shelby a cigar, end already clipped. "Besides, it's kind of an exercise in sneakiness to see if I can grab one or two when he's not looking." That said, ze takes hirs into her mouth and pulls out the match, carefully cupping it as it lights and applying it to the end of hir cigar. Puff puff puff bbzz bzzz bzzz... Rasa pulls hir cigar from hir mouth, mostly unlit (it takes a while with these things) and hands the matches over. "Okay, you first." Then ze pulls out hir cell phone. "Huh. It's Ivan." Ze takes a deep breath then holds it to hir ear. "Hey, Ivan."

"We seriously need to get you some bad habits, dude. You're gonna make the rest of us feel guilty." Shelby grins at the man as he gets settled, then ducks back out onto the escape. She settles on the grated floor, cross-legged. The offered cigar is taken and popped between her teeth so she can bob it up down. Up, down, up, down, updownupdownup. "...sure, I got this." And she does! A match is pulled out, scratched and flares into life. She is less interested in Ivan-calling than in puffing away to try to get the cigar to catch. Alas, with the open window, that distinctive smell is probably going to drift back inside...

Iolaus' smile is wry, and he gives a quick glance up to Shelby. "You have no idea." he mutters, eyes twinkling mischeviously. He shakes his head and looks down at his computer, that same smile still sticking to his face.

Seconds pass before the phone has something to spit back at Rasa. When the voice on the other end finally does reply and proves to be Ivan, it's /forced/ not to be quiet, and thus comes out a bit monotonously instead. "Hello, Rashka. Have y--" He stops. Then, "How are you."

Rasa rolls hir eyes at Shelby and opens hir mouth to retort, but there's noise on the other end of hir phone. Ze takes another deep breath and puts a smile on hir face because ze is talking to Ivan. Smiles are required, whether he's in front of hir or not. "I'm okay, Ivan. We're having some fun here. You should come next time. This doctor friend of Shelby's cooks really tasty food." Ze pauses and leaves Ivan time to speak.

"HI IVAN!" Shelby's greeting is unnecessarily loud, considering how close she's sitting to Rasa. Now that her cigar is lit, she shakes the match out and tosses it off the side of the fire escape, like a good citizen. "Man, these things taste like dried dog shit wrapped in leaves. Why are we doing this again?"

"I would like to. It sounds n-- hello, Shelby." Ivan's voice continues, and he may sound like he's smiling /just/ a little bit in return. The next sentence is spoken with some amount of worry sounding through, though. The kind of worry Rasa would have last heard prior to a certain trip into the sewers. "Peter is gone. Again."

"What?" Rasa's brow furrows and hir entire countenance grows dark. "What do you mean, Peter is gone, again?" Even though ze just said it, the metamorph looks over at Shelby seriously and frows. "Peter is gone." Rasa's cigar? Forgotten. Ze is terrible at being addicted to things.

"Wait, what?" Not that it would have taken much to get Shelby to stop smoking the cigar, given her opinion on its taste, but...yeah, she stops. And raises her voice (of course). "What the fuck does he mean, he's gone again? We just got him back! What happened?"

At the commotion happening out on the fire escape, Iolaus looks up warily from his work. He leans forward a little bit, trying to get a better glimpse of what is happening out in the smoking section. Jane, too, glances up, only for a moment. Iolaus stands up and walks over towards the window, nose wrinkling up at the smell of the smoke. "What's going on?" he asks, softly.

"He is gone." Comes Ivan's voices again, a little quieter this time. And a little more blankly with every word. "He has not responded to his messages. Or his calls. He is gone. Again." Buzz. Buzz? There may be some bees with him, there.

"Peter is a friend of ours. He.. seems to be drawn to trouble like a magnet. He got grabbed by a monster in the sewer before and he got stabbed on a roof and I don't even know what kind of trouble he is in now, but if he is not answering any of his messages, it is indeed trouble." Rasa exhales after hir explanation, focusing very much on hir breathing and trying to stay calm. "He is the reason why I train. He always needs so much... I don't even know. He just finds trouble." Another deep breath. "Okay, Ivan. Calm down. Do you know where he was supposed to be this weekend? Have you called his aunt and uncle?"

Shelby stubs out the cigar, inadvertently snapping it in the middle with the force of her hand grinding it against metal. "He gets in more trouble than /me/," she adds for Iolaus's sake. Her tone suggests that this is indeed something, though her level of trouble involvement has been minimal of late. She also sounds more pissed off than concerned, and her expression matches this tone of voice. Scowl. "He fucking needs us to chip him with GPS or something. Shit. It better not be the sewers again. That shit was /nasty/."

"Has someone told the school, yet? They should be able to track him down." Iolaus says, softly, reaching out to squeeze one of Shelby's shoulders. "The school will take care of it. They have people trained in that kind of rescue." he says, glancing sideways at Jane. "I'm sure they can take care of him."

Perhaps sensing eyes on her, Jane looks up. She sighs, once, and puts the papers down on the couch next to him. "What's going on?" she asks, gruffly. Iolaus gives a quick summary - Peter, vanished, again again.

Ivan simply states, "I am calm." This doesn't come out the way people usually say it when they are not actually calm. It isn't 'I /am/ calm'. He actually does sound it, through the concern. The bees in the background, however, /BUZZ/. "I have called them. It is okay. I will wait. He will probably, maybe, come back. I will wait." He sounds a little apologetic, now.

"Ivan..." Rasa looks around at the people watching hir on the phone. Ze turns away a bit and whispers. "There's buzzing. Ivan, please say you haven't taken over any hives. Please? Just a few bees, not too many?"

"I dunno. It's Rasa's Ivan, he's kind've...he's, uh..." Shelby fails at adjectives and settles instead of a frustrated shrug. "He's /really/ Russian." Not that she knows any other Russians but. When Rasa turns away, the ginger's brow furrows and she leans subtly into the support offered by Iolaus' hand. Cue a whisper. "He gets pretty weird when things go screwy and things are /always/ going screwy around Peter, they're like the worst bromance /ever/."

"Ivan." Iolaus frowns for a moment, and then his face brightens. "Oh, yes. I think I met him, once, actually. In the kitchen." he looks upwards, staring off into the distance. "I seem to remember he had some package from his parents. Some unidentifiable juice that we were never able to figure out." He looks down at Shelby, shrugging. "It tasted terrible." "Not too many," replies Ivan from his side of the phone, just as the buzzing starts to subside. There's a -tak- of something hollow, wood on wood, and then a click. Silence. Followed by, "Thank y-- good bye. I will wait."

"Ivan..." Rasa squirms uncomfortably and frowns. "Okay. Wait it out. Call me if anything happens. Good bye." Hir skin has been darkening during the course of the entire conversation, so by the time ze says good bye to the phone it is pitch black. Ze turns back to look at the others, clearly unhappy, jaw set.

Shelby glances up at the doc, wearing a brief smirk. "That sounds about right, yeah." How quickly that not-really-a-smile fades though. She looks back at Rasa, studying her roommate's skin, hir expression and then sighing. "C'mon. We can get you on a train back to the school, you can be there in like an hour, tops. Sounds like he's kind've in a bad way, huh?"

"The subway to the train is a quick trip." Iolaus says, sympathetically, stepping back from the window to let the students back into the apartment. "It won't take you long to get to him. If you'd like, I can call ahead and see if Hank can check in on him." he offers, softly, glancing over Rasa's face.

"He's got bees." Rasa confides in Shelby. "..." Ze is not in any hurry. "I guess I'm the only one who can talk him down now."

Shelby climbs through the window first, then reaches back to help hand Rasa inside. Ze might not be in a hurry but at the word "bees", the girl is not inclined to dawdle. "...I swear to God I dunno why they let him fuck around with those things after what happened /last/ time. Could you call Dr. McCoy, Doc? That'd be a /huge/ help. If Ivan's gone all spazzy with the bees, they probably wanna know. I bet he's in the garden."

"Yeah, I'll give him a call." Iolaus says, pulling his phone out of his pocket. He takes a few steps away from the others, back into the kitchen, as he dials a number. A few moments later, his voice can be heard, speaking into the phone. "Hank? It's Iolaus. Listen, we have a bit of a problem, I think." he starts, before trailing off into murmuring quietly.

"It's not like they can stop him. He'd still find bees. He just needs to be more responsible." Rasa takes Shelby's hand as ze goes through the window, the cigars likely forgotten. Ze is still black on black, hir eyes disappearing now. Ze stays close to Shelby for a moment, silent.

"Thanks, Doc." Shelby sighs, looping her arm around Rasa's shoulders once ze's inside. "He needs to stop being a /dumbass/ who hides with /bugs/ when something /bad/ happens," she opines, in her lovable Shelby fashion. "And I swear to God we need to put a bell on Peter. We need smarter guy friends, Rasa. C'mon. We can get your stuff. Maybe we should take the beer back..."

Rasa gathers hir things and begins the process of disguising hirself again. "Thank you, Iolaus, for dinner. I'm sorry we couldn't stay. You're likely safe from whatever movies we were going to pick and us getting sick on your carpet." Ze is tucking the hijab around hir face now and obscuring hir features, shirt already in place. "Maybe I'll see you again some time." To the beer, Rasa says nothing. Ze is gathered and ready to go.

"/Ze/ might've gotten sick on your carpet," Shelby corrects, groping for a thin thread of humor. She gets her shoes on, her backpack, but the rest of her stuff is left. "I, um. Might be back. I wanna...check in on the twins. After. Maybe. If you're cool with that," she says to Rasa as she steers her friend towards the front door. "Swear to fucking Christ nothing can ever go right around here..."