ArchivedLogs:Superheroing In Heels

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Superheroing In Heels
Dramatis Personae

Lia, Rasa, Ghost

In Absentia

30 January 2014

What happens when high schoolers wake up in superhero costumes... (Part of the Morpheus TP.)


<XS> Rec Room – FL2

School this may be, but life for Xavier's students certainly isn't all studying. Outside classes, this is a popular spot to find students in their downtime. An enormous tribute to slacking off, this room is a wealth of fun and relaxation.

Comfortable armchairs, couches, and beanbags offer plentiful seating scattered throughout the room, and the cushioned windowseats by the high windows offer a cozy nook to curl up and look out on the grounds.

The room is often filled with the noises of gaming -- whether it comes from the big-screen television (tall racks of DVDs beside it, if nothing can be found on the multitude of cable channels), tricked out with consoles from retro to the latest releases, or the less electronic clatter and thump of the pool table, air hockey, or foosball. For those a little more subdued in their gaming, the cabinets hold stacks and stacks of board and card games, ranging as classic as chess and go to as esoteric as Dixit, Catan, and Gloom.

More days than not, there's some variety of snacks to be found on a table beside the gaming cabinet -- quite often in the form of fresh-baked desserts.

Lia is /rushing/. Her high-heeled boots clack loudly in the quiet early-morning hall as she makes her way into the Rec Room, which is the next stop on the Late for Something (But What?) Tour. For some reason, she appears to have dressed this morning as a sort of dancer-cum-magician. A satiny black leotard is mostly covered over by a tight-fitting tuxedo shirt and silver suspender vest with matching bow tie. The boots are fortunately tall enough to provide /some/ warmth in the chill weather, her legs otherwise bare except for a pair of fine fishnet tights. Her shiny-black ladies' tailcoat billows out behind her cape-like as she moves, one white-gloved hand holding a black silk top hat over her unruly brunette waves. She comes skidding to a stop, actually employing the white-tipped black cane in her hand for balance as she does so. Her eyes scan the room, head tilted to one side and expression a little perplexed.

Where Lia only has tail coats that are somewhat cape-like, Rasa has a cape. It is long, blue and not especially billowy at the moment. Ze is standing at the window, hir hair gone, with a crop of green skin in its place. Ze turns when ze hears the footsteps coming to a stop in the room behind hir, an eyebrow ridge rising as ze takes in Lia's appearance. "Oh, man, you too?" Ze then grins. Hir face is recognizable as hir own, despite the lack of eyebrows and the red tinge to hir eyes. "It's all manner of awesome and yet kind of freaky, isn't it?"

Unlike the others, Ghost has nothing cape-like at all in her outfit. A dark green pajama like onesie, with a light green lantern symbol in the middle, her feet and hands showing, with her right wrist holding a large power ring-esque bracelet. Looking around, she spots the other two, as she approaches. "Oh man, what the hell is going on? Do either of you have any idea? Or why /I/ got the anthro dog?" Ghost frowns at this, but holds up her bracelet. "Though, this costume is pretty amazing and comfortable /AND/ has no forced boots or anything, so, eh.".

"I think I am late," Lia informs Rasa with a small frown, the cane tap-tapping in front of her. "I got into my costume. But I fell asleep. I hope it's only a dress rehearsal. I can't remember the show, but I learn fast." She nods at the other's outfit, assuming she must be dressed for the same production. "I am not even sure where I'm supposed to be right now, to be perfectly honest. Where /are/ we meeting?" When Ghost speaks, Lia's head tilts back the other direction. "Good morning. You are still in pajamas. They said pajamas are for rooms and for sleeping and not for wearing to class. But this isn't class, either."

Rasa listens for a second, but when Lia mentions she's late, hir face falls. "OH. Shit. I'm late. Sorry! I should go!" and with a rush of billowing cape, ze disappears.

"Uh...what are you talking about? You do know these are /superhero/ costumes, right?". Ghost /proudly/ flashes her power ring. "You're Zatanna. That's easy. Best magician in the DC comics universe. Mine..required Google, and apparently I'm an anthro dog Green Lantern.". She again frowns at this, as she looks at the cane, and then her bracelet. "And the weird part? It doesn't smell like anyone put this on me. I can only smell myself on it. I just, /woke/ up in it, as did many other students. Like, I think the entire school is wearing costumes like this.".

"Rasa, wait! Where are we meeting for...?" Lia's lips twitch to one side in frustration when Rasa rushes out. Then Ghost is saying...things. "I'm not a superhero. This is a dance costume." She swings the cane out a bit, setting it to the floor with a satisfying clack, feet moving through a quick step before one tights-clad dancer's leg moves in front of her, toe sliding smoothly before the heel of the boot clacks similarly beside the cane. "No one would go superheroing in heels. Dance, yes. Crimefight, no." She only looks more perplexed the more Ghost has to say. "What's an anthrodog? You're not a dog. You're in pajamas." Her body pulls back into upright standing as if by a puppet's strings, the cane lifted to twirl idly through the fingers of one hand like a baton. "I woke up in this, too. I don't remember putting it on or where my rehearsal is. I don't...even remember the show. But sometimes I forget things about me."

"No, I am in a Green Lantern costume. Anthromorphic dog. These are definitely not pajamas, though they are comfortable enough to be a pair and I /totally/ rock the vest." Ghost sighs, trying to find a way to phrase this that Lia would understand. "In the comic books, Zatanna was kind of a dancer too, she was a magician and performed on stage and knew magic. That is 100% her costume. I've seen the cartoon enough times. It's called siblings." Ghost sighs, before thinking. "Maybe Xerox did thi- no, I don't think Xerox can just make things appear on you..uh, hmm..."

"Oh. Well, you are wearing green. And thing could be a lantern...drawing. Sort of." Lia squints at the symbol on the costume as if this will /help/ such a thing to appear better. "Oh. They look like pajamas. I suppose you can have costume pajamas, too. Like Wendy and Michael and John in 'Peter Pan'." Her eyes then widen slightly, the contrast rather extreme from her previous squint. "Like a dog-person. In green lantern pajamas." She nods, cane continuing its twirl as if she's simply forgotten it there in a default spinning motion. "I'm playing a magician? That's fun! I don't know any /stage/ magic. I /could/ make the dolls dance with me. And be a magician with dancing magic dolls!" Tickled, she pulls the cane into both hands, twirling /herself/ around once on the /very/ pointy toes of her boots. "What's called siblings? I thought that meant brothers and sisters."

"I uh..what?" Lia's last statement just /confuses/ Ghost, as she begins heading back for the door. "Okay, I'm going to ask someone /sane/, like a teacher, about what's going on. Whilst I'm gone, try and learn what reality is, thanks?" Ghost grins, before leaving.

"You /said/ 'it's called siblings'. I just wanted to know what 'it'. Since...there aren't any brothers and sisters. I don't think." Lia takes her cane up in one hand again as Ghost leaves. "Well, they weren't in the dance classroom or the music classroom. I am going to try the auditorium. There are only /so many/ places one would rehearse a dance." The other hand goes to her top hat in preparation for dashing off once more, in a billowing of shiny coattails and unruly hair and clacking of heels down the hallway.