Guerrilla Garden

From X-Men: rEvolution
Revision as of 06:44, 3 January 2014 by Topoisomerase (talk | contribs)
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xxxxxSituated on the lot directly adjacent to the distinctive sleek form of the Mendel Clinic, this space was once abandoned. The chainlink fence around it is still rusty, dilapidated, and the signs affixed to it still unwelcoming -- rusty as well, reading KEEP OUT, and PRIVATE PROPERTY. For those who venture into the slitted gap cut out of the fence, though, the yard within tells a different story.

Neat and cleaned of any garbage and weeds, the once-abandoned lot has been rebuilt. Packing crates have been broken down for their wood to create raised beds full of rich soil, each bed neatly tilled and tended. Stakes label the different plants growing -- a wealth of vegetables growing three seasons of the year in the carefully tended soil. Around the edges of the lot, smaller beds have had brightly coloured flowers planted, lending even more cheer to the little hidden garden. Very eclectically mismatched seating has been brought in; old packing crates, chairs scavenged from curbs, though it's all been brightly painted.

Notes & Trivia
  • Technically illicit in that this garden was just PLANTED unpermitted on Someone Else's Property, it along with many other such lots around the city are largely left alone because they are far better than the trash and weeds that they replaced.
  • While planted originally together with several other sites around the city by Micah and Jackson as a food supply for the Morlocks, anyone is welcome to help tend the garden and take crops from it. Probably frowned on to take ALL the crops from it, but it's not like it has guards.
Important Events

xxxxxAnything particularly noteworthy happen in this spot? Note it here!

Guerilla Garden
Neighborhood Lower East Side
Type Garden
Mutant-friendliness Friendly
Date Title Cast Mentions
  • (2020-09-17)
Responds Well Jax, Spencer
  • (2019-11-09)
Meet Nature Halfway Akihiro, Noah
  • (2019-06-19)
Smart Marrow, Samara
  • (2019-05-31)
In Which Mutants Plan A Future Episode Of The Captain America Show While Discussing Other Less Weighty Matters Flicker, Steve, Ted