Logs:Underground, Overwintering

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Underground, Overwintering
Dramatis Personae

Anole, Bug

In Absentia


Happy New Year!


<MOR> Anole's Sub-Terrarium - Morlock Tunnels

Less 'room' and more 'niche in the wall', this alcove has nevertheless been definitively staked out as Home. Branched off of a tunnel adjacent to the main gathering space, it is set halfway up the wall and accessible by dint of a little bit of climbing and a little bit of precarious balance on never-finished-construction. A small recess, it holds a beaten-up old mattress on the floor, a pile of blankets atop it, and a few hooks stuck out of its concrete wall. There's not enough space for most full-grown adults to stand up in here, though there's enough for a couple people to comfortably lie down. What bare concrete floor there is beside the mattress has been covered by a rug that was once a gaudy mix of orange and purple and is now mostly just coloured like Dirty. A few books are usually piled haphazard in the corner.

This section of the Morlock tunnels has generally been pretty quiet, with some of the occupants having designated a good spot to evade the existence of the season of winter. A single earbud runs from an old iPod to Bug's ear, the sound of white noise having been played on loop previously, now having long reached the end of the batteries' charge. While usually, his fuzzy component bugs have remained mostly inside, he is nearly blanketed with them now (though also blanketed with blanket). However, some occasionally beat their wings to contribute to the collective heat of the relatively enclosed space before returning to their collective snooze. A closed mason jar of his honeylike is in a nearby corner, though only a thin layer remains at the bottom now.

Tucked in beneath the blanket as well and curled up snug in a ball, Anole has been peacefully dozing to only the background noise of the intermittent movements of many tiny legs, occasional humming wingbeats. Now, though, he's stirring -- outside, below, distant, there's a cheer, a clinking of glasses, a general suggestion of merriment. He stirs, though not fully; a slow stretch of one green arm that shifts the blankets and nudges several bugs lightly with the backs of his knuckles. It's the shift of insect-forms beneath his fingers that actually cracks his eyes open more, but whatever he's sleepily mumbling is fully indecipherable.

Even without the blessing of understanding, Bug rouses just slightly and groans in response as he-- slowly, as if lifting a great weight-- rises up to a sitting position. He pats down his hair, which has become a mess and will do so again in short order, and then blearily crawls his way forward out of the shelter. He is stopped, though, as one of the celebrants has exited the festivities long enough to come out and offer a tray. Despite the lack of comprehension on his features, he nods and retreats back to the cozy zone and places the tray of snacks within reach of both the resting mutants. The most distinctive of said snacks are two cupcakes with sugar stamps wishing 'Happy New Year!'.

Anole's eyes have closed again as Bug moves. He's burrowing beneath the blankets further, just a little poky crown of spiked green shell peeking out the top. Bug's return prompts him to push his head out, squinting blearily at the cupcakes. A small pleased smile curls his face -- there's a quick thwip of long tongue, neatly targeted, and one of the cupcakes (paper wrapper and all) is vanishing fully into his mouth. "S'a good..." Cupcake? Year? Napmate? Maybe all of these things, because he's licking icing off the side of his lips and nestling back in for the long haul.