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Revision as of 01:20, 7 April 2014

{{ Logs | cast = Ion, Kay, Melinda | summary = Part of Perfectus TP | gamedate = 2014-04-06 | gamedatename = | subtitle = | location = <NYC> BoM Safehouse - Lower East Side | categories = Brotherhood of Mutants, Mutants, Humans, Citizens, BoM Safehouse, Perfectus, Ion, Kay, Melinda, NPC-Dom | log = Tucked away off a little-used side street in the Lower East Side, sandwiched between a youth drop-in center and a taqueria, this narrow three-story townhouse has very little to catch the eye. Boarded-up windows, a door peeling its paint, shabby grubby brickface; from the outside it does not look like much.

Inside someone has gone to great lengths to renovate the building into something more habitable. It isn't glamorous but it is comfortable, old furniture dragged in, the place generally swept clean. The first floor holds a large living room, a smaller dining room, a spacious kitchen, a half-bathroom. There are three bedrooms and a full bathroom on the second floor; the attic is just a large empty space crammed full of boxes with a window out to the large flat roof.

The basement, much like the attic, consists of a lot of empty space. A bare concrete floor, no windows, occasional poles running up to the ceiling. A tiny half-bathroom down here, too. Not a whole lot else.

Melinda has had a rough couple of days. First there were a bird squawking about a kidnapping, something she didn't understand at first. Everything became much clearer the next day when she heard who exactly was kidnapped. She rallied her strength and did her best to be helpful as people began organizing, heading out to get some groceries. Then she made some food and tried to feed people until she ran out of energy. Slinking off to bed, she stayed there until the next morning. Only after half of the day has disappeared does Mel finally hobble out of bed for a bathroom break. She's in there quite a while and when she leaves, she closes the door behind her, choosing to curl up on a couch in the living room for a break.

Kay has been a presence frequently visible, frequently /heard/ with his irreverently coyote-sharp voice and the unhesitating thump of his heavy boots, but rarely in any one place for terribly long. Much as his motorcycle would bring him some solace, prudence has left him swooping around the parameters in a rusted beater jeep instead, denim vest woefully /not/ his kutte, even if it harbors a small MMMC patch - skull and crossbones with fangs and horns and a crown of flames - at his breast pocket. The rest is usual; wallet chain, lank hair, fingerless gloves. Ridiculous bling, gaudy watch. Black bandana tied around one bicep.

When he comes up to the couch, he doesn't sit ON Mel. Even if he'd taken a sneaking run-up like he was about to administer a theatrical elbow drop onto her curled form. And instead he hoists a butt cheek up onto the arm rest alongside the woman, "How you doin, momma?"

Knock? Knock-knock knock? There's a knocking at the front door of the safehouse, a little timid, a little /puzzled/. Outside is a face that is not /un/familiar even if it does not /belong/; Dom, a young man who works at the taqueria next door and makes frequent deliveries over here especially late-at-night. He's holding a cell phone in his hand, still apron'd as though he's been working food prep. And fidgeting, a small frown on his face as he examines the door.

Melinda yawns large and covers up with a free hand. She blinks over at the sound of the voice and starts to pull herself up into a sitting position. "Um. Tired. Achy. Everything is achy. How are you? Any news yet?" She exhales moodily as she hears someone knock on the door and looks very much like she is going to get up and answer it, but she stops, one hand reaching around her belly to brace it. "Oy, oy. Okay. Staying put. Kay, can you go get that?"

"Lotta leads," Kay says, scrubbing fingers up the back of his neck, "Better than nothing." The prolonged agitation in the safehouse since the kidnapping means one or two of the mutants lurking protectively around the safehouse jump twitchily at the knock. There's a lot few tense exchanges of eye contact, and one young man begins to edge uncertainly towards the door, a trail of sharp spines begining to rise up at his back--

Until Kay lets out a semi-bemused 'hwagh' from behind him, patting a hand on Mel's abdomen like 'you just wait there unborn spawn' and striding right PAST the young man, hips swinging and hands open at his sides. He waves a casual hand to the other people in the livingroom, twisting up one side of his mouth, and, after a glance through the peep hole, he drags the door open, "Hey hey, /Dommy/. What'chu doing over here,

"{Kay, man, you have a phone call? Maybe you have a phone call? At least, /we/ got a phone call,}" Dom answers in rapid and /slightly/ bemused Spanish, "{and Ion just said to bring it over here, maybe. I think there's a time limit, he might be in jail? Could be for you. He said to give it to anyone, anyway -- oh, right. Phone call. For you. It's from Tennessee. Second time he called, man, he doesn't sound so good.}" He turns he phone over to Kay with no /less/ bemusement in his expression, still somewhat fidgety on the doorstep as he peers in through the doorway past Kay.

"Did someone lose their phone?" Melinda calls out from the couch, a confused look pulling at her features. "Um, glad you guys have leads." She settles back down on the couch, curling up.

Though it starts out crumpled, Kay's face erupts into a fixed, broad grin by the time Dom is handing forward the phone, "--{/No kidding/? Tennessee huh? Fuckin' Ion, right? Uh. Listen I'm gonna--}," he doesn't /snatch/ but once he's taken the phone he's curling it against his chest and pushing the door shut. "{Give this back to you in a minute. You're getting /such/ a tip next delivery, brother.}" CLICK. He pushes the door shut and walks away from it rapidly, smile vanished instantly, and pressing the phone to his ear. "Brother." His eyes are locked on Melinda.

Dom opens his mouth and shuts it again with a snap. Blinks at the door as it closes in front of him.

"{Oh my fucking God, firecracker.}" Ion -- /sounds/ like shit. Hoarse and thick and clearly pained, a little rough, a little strained. A /lot/ disjointed. "{I didn't -- get. I left. I don't even know where. Where I left -- where are you? I got wet I couldn't. Get.}"

'Brother?' Melinda mouths quietly, eying Kay and pulling hirself upward again, still confused. "Who is it?"

"{Easy easy, lightning bug}," Kay's scratchy tenor is throaty, even joyful-relieved, spoke through a smile -- a smile that is twisted up and clenched, a vein throbbing in his temple with eyes hidden behind a compressing palm. Breathing slowly. "{Don't gotta get nowhere now. Just sit- tight, yeah?}" He hand-spells to Melinda - ION - and his eyes are wide, glassy-fixed and then turns to pacing, "{Raspy told us. We're hunting 'em down, they're dead as dog meat walking. -- Where are you, bro?}" He has paced himself to... a wall. He presses his forehead against it and braces tight his teeth.

"{You alone?}"

"{/Jail/,}" Ion answers in a harsh barking /laugh/ that sounds just on this end of hysterical, "{Jail, brother, I think I died? I think I -- there was a hospital, now there's jail. It's okay, there's bed, there's. Fuck, Kay, I left Dusk. They shot him. I didn't -- mean to jump I just. I don't even know where the fuck I -- it's warm now. I left him -- near a --}" He hesitates uncertainly and then says: "{Mouse. Goddamn kids' place. With the freaky-ass mouse.}"

Melinda slowly gets to her feet moving over to where Kay is, her brow still furrowed deeply, leaning in close to hear Ion through the cellphone's speaker. She doesn't say anything though.

If Mel can navigate her way through Ion's spanish, Kay doesn't shrug away from her. He's still just grinding his forehead against the wall. "{Mouse- Like, Disney? Mickey Mouse? Huge fucking ears, little--,}" Kay gives up trying to find a word in Spanish, "/Hotpants/? {You saying you left Dusk with Mickey Mouse?}" He's kind of laughing, a morbid and snerking sound that fades into another deep breath, "{Fuck. Good to hear your voice again. You safe where you're at? Jail /where/, man?}"

"{No, no, not the Disney one, firebird, it's the. Pizza. Fuck. Creepy motherfucker. Big grey thing. Kids go play. They got skeeball.}" This last point, seized upon triumphantly, seems to be by /far/ the most relevant point to Ion. "{Was near there. Fuck. I don't know. /Tennessee/, dude, what the fuck is in goddamn Tennessee that's not even a real fucking place. They feed me, though. S'good.}"

"Hotpants?" Melinda looks confused. She isn't getting any of Ion's and Kay's Spanish, but she is relaxing a little at the sound of his voice.

Disney. Mickey Mouse. Hotpants. Melinda isn't getting much, and it's not improved with, "--Showbiz Pizza?" Watch out, Kay, you're dating yourself there, "Uh- {No, how was it-- Chuck E. Cheese?}" He presses the phone for one moment against his chest to laugh /again/, a ratty exhale, murmuring, "Christ, all we need is Dusk bleeding out and going on a bloodrage in a fucking kid's arcade." He puts the phone back to his ear, "{Good. What name they holding you under? What /city/ in Tennessee? Just sit /tight/ and don't give 'em a reason to mess up your pretty face, huh? What charges you getting held under?}"

"{/Yes/, cheesey, Chucky, that's the one.}" Ion crows this happily when Kay gets it, but immediately sets into a fit of coughing after this exuberant answer. "{Fuck, fuck. Fuck, right, fuck, I told them I was Julio Iglesias. B&E, man, I woke the hell up in some poor motherfucker's house. Didn't mean /that/. -- Fff. I don't. I don't know what this place is, Nox? Knocks? Knox. Ville. Something like that. I'll be tight I'll be --} /one/ minute, ay?" This heavily accented English is called to someone not-Kay. "{Shit, yo, they're all up in my -- look, these people are for /real/ for sure. They're not fucking around, man.}"

"Dusk is bleeding out in a Chuck E. Cheese? Fuck. Where? In New York? Shit." Melinda starts muttering, her hand rubbing at her belly as she continues to listen. The stress gets to her and she returns to her seat on the couch, frowning miserably.

"{Neither am I.}" Kay rasps. "{I'll get in touch soon. Stay cool, spark plug.}" And click. He hangs up the phone and stands for a moment, scrubbing his face. Breath in... breath out. And he turns, shaking his head with a snort, heading back towards Melinda, where he drops to his knees at her feet. Curls either hand around the globe of her abdomen and leans forward to just... touch his forehead against her stomach like he can siphon POWER from it. "No. I don't think so. Don't think /Ion/ knows. Taking on all his own fucking electricity... Ffff."

And, after a long moment, "...crap. And I took Dom's phone."

"Okay, okay. um. Okay." Mel lays a hand on Kay's head and exhales quietly. "So... We think. We take a moment and we think, and then we figure out what we need... and then we get people and then... well, you guys act." She goes quiet then, letting her mind turn what she knows over and over again. }}