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Revision as of 21:42, 16 September 2013

Save a Seat
Dramatis Personae

Ivan, Rasa, Sebastian, Shane




<XS> Great Hall

The largest room at Xavier's, the Great Hall is designed to hold all of the mansion's residents and then some. Built for the mansion's bigger functions, it serves as the school's dining halls on ordinary days, and ballroom when needed. On school days, long trestle tables stretch across the hall, high-backed chairs with plush cushions offering seating for the students.

Breakfast at Xavier's! It's not a terribly busy affair, considering the size of the school, but for Ivan? It's just busy enough. He sits in one of the far end corners, dressed in some plain, boring jeans and a dark grey shirt with 'a city built on rock and roll would be structurally unsound' printed in lighter grey, a half eaten bagel (with lox! thanks, tree friend Jim) in front of him. The rest of his table is largely empty-- save for some books, some open, some closed. Learning! It is a thing that Ivan enjoys. But right now, he's /looking/. At all the people. Just sitting perfectly still and staring, aaalmost without blinking. What? It's good times, observing.

Very much NOT sitting still are Ivan's bug friends. Today it seems to mostly be arachnids from the nearby forest. Some spindly and tall, wandering across his clothes and skin in long strides, and some short and jittery in their paths across anything but his face and hands. Nevertheless, there are a BUNCH everywhere else on him today, as has been the case of late -- maybe that is why the rest of his table is empty.

The twins have been scarce for the weekend, as is their wont; it isn't until Monday morning comes that they even return to campus, driven back to Westchester by their father when /he/ needs to return for class. The twins are easily distinguishable, today -- Shane in vest and slacks, dark grey with pinstripes, and a dress shirt with sleeves cuffed up above his elbows; Sebastian has a sunny yellow pleated skirt paired with pink tank top and pink knee-high socks.

The pair of them beeline for /food/ when they arrive, stocking up on eggs and enormous piles of breakfast meat; /their/ meandering scan of lunchroom tables does not net them a whole lot of faces eager to be joined by wandering shark. It's Ivan's largely-empty table, therefore, that Shane ends up nudging Sebastian towards; he heads over to drop his tray down across from Ivan. "YO." His head lifts in a nod to Ivan.

Sebastian is quieter, hanging back behind Shane's elbow though he takes a seat, too, once Shane does. His smile is small and tentative-shy. "Morning. Are you, um." He peers at Ivan's staring.

"Staring at everyone like a fucking zombie? Man I do too until coffee happens." Which Shane has gotten himself a large mug of! Black. Unsweetened.

Rasa appears near the table a little while later, a tray of food between hir coffee brown hands. Ze is wearing a green wrap top and loose blue pants and seems to be a little thicker around the torso than normal. Upon hir plate are pancakes and sausage links, with onion and pepper laden homefries, everything liberally covered in maple syrup. Ze also has a cup of coffee, a cup of tea, a large glass of apple juice and a bottle of water to round out hir breakfast.

Ze eyes the table before setting hir tray down, careful of Ivan's bug friends. Ze then nods to the twins when they settle in, carefully lowering hirself onto a seat as well. "M'ning Vanya. Hey Bast'n. Shane." Ze greets them all sleepily, hands moving to pull back the damp curls around hir neck and tie them back with the hair tie from hir wrist.

There is a /slight/ delay from Ivan when he is greeted by Shane, but only a second's worth or so. When his attention does properly switch from random student #11 to not one, but /three students/ he's actually talked to before, the spiders on and around him instantly freeze as he lifts a hand in waving and cracks a timid smile. One that shows much clearer in his eyes as well, when they land on Rasa. And then... all of hir food. The sheer amount of it has him blinking a few times, as some of the arachnids make his way into his shirt, as though to fleee from this sudden social interaction. When he looks up again, Ivan offers, simply and flatly, "Good morning." And then-- oh. Books. They get reached for so he can stuff them back into a backpack he's got beside him.

"Jury's still out on /good/." Shane wrinkles his nose, stabbing at a sausage on his plate with one long claw rather than a fork. "But it's morning, for sure."

Sebastian does pick up his fork, slicing off a small bite of sausage and scooping up a mouthful of eggs to go with it. "Hi, Rasa." His smile warms, slightly, when Rasa joins them. "How was your weekend?"

"We spent Saturday fucking drowning in small children." Shane's grimace continues. He reaches over to dip his next sausage into Rasa's maple syrup. "You don't look awake," he adds cheerfully to Rasa, "maybe you should --"

"-- /start/ with that coffee." Sebastain watches Ivan's books as they disappear. "Your spiders are shy."

"Mrr." Rasa replies with elloquence. Ze starts fiddling with hir utensils before moving hir foot to press up against the side of Ivan's legs, the contact desired even if the clothes they are wearing keeps it from being telepathic. Ze does indeed take up the coffee, sweetened with syrup and creamed into a light brown color. Ze sips quietly, then nods to everyone. Ze takes the small plate out from underneath hir tea and sets it aside. "Did you eat already, Vanya? I may have grabbed too much." There is still some delayed reaction, but ze does focus on Sebastian after a moment. "Ross is back. I stayed in our room a lot."

Scoot. Scoot. There is now an Ivan slightly closer to a Rasa, spiders bunkering down and holding on TIGHT as he moves about. But though he looks at hir if only to quickly nod a few times in response to hir question, his attention drifts back to Shane with a furrow of his brow. Small children? Okay.

As for the spiders? They skitter about slightly less hastily after they're brought up, some perching just atop their ride's shirt collar to peer at Sebastian. Jumping spiders, in particular, linger to staaare. "I think it is me." Ivan ponders aloud - as 'loud' as an Ivan usually ponders, which isn't very. "People usually means they need to be hidden. It is automatic."

"I'd hide from people. If I were smaller." Sebastian shrugs a shoulder, and forks more bites of eggs and sausage hungrily into his mouth.

Shane's shoulders tense at Rasa's mention of 'our room', glaring down at his plate. "Fuck is that crazyass motherfucker doing back? I thought we'd got rid of her."

"I think she was getting therapy." Sebastian's eyes are focused on his plate, now, too. "Maybe she's -- better."

Shane snorts, clearly unconvinced. "You should come out to the city next weekend," he tells Rasa and Ivan instead. "Not, uh, that anyone is less crazy there."

"Sorry, Shane." Rasa apologizes immediately and draws in a deep breath. Hir fork moves mechanically, chopping up hir sausages and transfering half of the food to the small plate, regardless of Ivan's response. Ze stifles a yawn and grabs up hir coffee again, slurping this time. "Yeah, well, maybe. Maybe the city. I don't know. Need to see what homework is like." Ze then turns back to hir cutting and starts in on the pancakes, reducing everything to bite sized pieces before eating.

Ivan will take foods. This is no problem. He seems perfectly content to accept it despite having eaten already, sitting up straight as he stares first at it. Then at anyone who's talking, in turn. "I forgot." Oh no. Suddenly his smile wanes, as if this thing that he forgot is Very Important, eyes darting to Shane. "That you invited me." To a THING. It may have been a while.

"Pfft, not your fault. Fucking administration here --" Shane shakes his head, stabbing a little more violently at his sausages with his claw.

"You can do homework in the city, too," Sebastian points out, quietly.

Shane's brows hike upwards at Ivan's waning frown. "/Pfft/," is more dismissive still, this time, "that was summer who the fuck remembers things from summer. Anyway it's every Friday so you can come /any/ weekend."

The tinyplate receives a load of pancake bits, but no potatoes. Apparently there are not too many potatoes. Still sleepy, ze turns hir attention to stacking hir bits now that the dividing and cutting is done. Ze makes sure that there is a stack of sausage, cake, and potato on hir fork before consuming the deliciousness. Ze chews quietly then nods. "Sure. That makes sense. Sorry. Missed my run this morning and everything's slow. What do you mean, drowning in children?"

From one thing to the next; Ivan's semi-worried look now flits to the plate in front of him, then to Rasa. Calmly, hands in his lap, he watches. Stares. And slowly, all of the spiders on his shirt and the few on the side of his head... they move and find perch-spots to stare too. Except for maybe one stubborn one that appears determined to make a teeny little web just behind an ear. 'Cause why not.

"Little brother turned eight," Sebastian answers, his smile brightening a touch.

Shane's expression slips into a grimace in counterpoint. "Just got goddamn swarmed with -- small things. Everywhere. So loud." He represses a shudder, chomping at the food.

"Why'd you miss your run?" Sebastian asks, while Shane offers: "You could still go. Fuck first period does anyone actually go to that?"

Sebastian winces. "... most people go to that, Shane."

Shane looks highly skeptical of this claim. He slumps forward to rest an elbow on the table. "Your spiders are staring," he points out blandly. "What /do/ you do with your Friday nights?"

Rasa is rather oblivious to Ivan's staring at this point. (This may be a side effect of dating him.) Ze continues loading up little bites and chewing carefully. "I dunno. I just overslept and felt tired. I may be coming down with something. I'll probably run after classes." Ze looks over at the twins as they begin discussing the weekend. "Oh, you didn't get a chance to invite over friends for your own sanity? I knew a couple of kids when I was younger that used to do that when their kid sibling had a party." Ze pops in another mouthful, then transfers hir attention from Shane to Ivan when he mentions the spiders. Ze finishins off hir coffee then grabs hir tea and stares back.

Is there a conversation going on? Ivan doesn't seem entirely aware. Even the observation about his spiders only gets head-tilt, before... very slowly, the spiders go back to crawling. Who knows where or why, they never seem to stray far. The stare back, however, earns an idle observation in return: "You are very hungry." Then, first glancing to Sebastian, then Shane, "... Friday nights are special?"

"What friends," Sebastian answers, quietly neutral, words tipped down towards his plate. He's wolfing down the rest of his meat and eggs, making the massive pile vanish in short order.

"We got rid of all our sanity long ago anyway." Shane is more cheerful about it, taking a little more time than his brother with cleaning up his own plate. "Friday nights we beat each other up. S'fun."

"It's useful." Sebastian seems noncommittal as to 'fun'.

"If you're sick you should /definitely/ skip first period," Shane encourages brightly. "Come out to the woods. We'll climb trees. Go visit Pa's giant flying steed. You want a dragonfly ride, Ivan?"

Sebastian just wrinkles his nose at this offer.

"Oh. Wait. No friends? what are you talking about? Classmates don't qualify?" Rasa wakes up a little quicker as ze glances between the pair. "We're your friends," ze decides flatly, for Ivan and hirself, with only a half look toward hir partner. "Um. I don't know about skipping. I... maybe for lunch break?"

Whatever brought Ivan's glance over to Rasa seems to momentarily be forgotten. Because /dragonfly ride/. His smile instantly returns upon the mention of it. As for being friends? He has absolutely no objections to Rasa deciding for him, on that one. Though he does, very briefly, shoot Sebastian a glance with what might just be a brief, guilty /twitch/ of his eyebrows.

Sebastian doesn't say anything on the matter of friends, just reaches over to nab a sausage off of Shane's plate once his own is empty. "Dragonfly ride at lunch break, then." This is quiet. He slips out of his seat, taking his empty plate with him. "/I'm/ going to first period."

Shane scowls at that. "Ghh. /Fine/." He finishes the rest of his food rapidly. "Have to feed her at lunch anyway. I guess I'll see you guys then?"

"See you later, Bastian." Rasa waves to hir roommate as he starts to leave, turning hir attention to the other sharktwin. "You want me... to take notes for you in class then? I mean, I am going to take notes anyway, but I can make a copy for you afterwards if you aren't going to class with me." Yes, hir eyes do grow a little bigger as ze stares at Shane, the invitation to class obvious. Ze then grabs a tupperware out of hir bag and stuffs all of hir leftovers into it, including whatever Ivan didn't want from the small plate. Ze then downs hir tea, giving the juice a harrowing look.

"-- Gah, those eyes." Shane scowls at Rasa, /too/, but this doesn't stop him from leaning over to drop a KISS to hir forehead, the very brief contact bringing little from him past a pleasantly sated mmmbreakfast feel. He scoops up his empty plate and full coffee mug. "Alright fine I'll be there I need a fucking shower though, save me a seat." He gulps down the coffee as he wends his way back through the kitchen, stopping near a neighboring table to STEAL a crisped piece of bacon off of Ines's plate, too, and dodging out of the way of her answering SMACK with a fierce toothy grin. Then off! To put away his used dishes and (/sigh/!) go to CLASS.