ArchivedLogs:One Of Us: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{ Logs | cast = Hive, Jackson, Jim, Melinda, Micah, Shelby | summary = Loud Hivemind is loud. | gamedate = 2013-03-26 | gamedatename = | subtitle = ...")
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(3 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
Line 6: Line 6:
| subtitle =  
| subtitle =  
| location = BORG COLLECTIVE
| location = BORG COLLECTIVE
| categories = Hive, Jackson, Jim, Melinda, Micah, Shelby, Telecommunications
| categories = Hive, Jax, Jim, Melinda, Micah, Shelby, Telecommunications
| log = (Following the scene/texts [[Logs:Collision Courses|here]]...)
| log = (Following the scene/texts [[ArchivedLogs:Collision Courses|here]]...)
<Borg> Someone is thinking VERY LOUDLY in a SOMEWHAT CRANKY okay mostly just kind of FREAKOUTTED voice because he can't do angry verywell: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE.
<Borg> Someone is thinking VERY LOUDLY in a SOMEWHAT CRANKY okay mostly just kind of  
FREAKOUTTED voice because he can't do angry verywell: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE.
<Borg> Someone stirs from a bored study of biology text. << Is someone sexing again? >>
<Borg> Someone stirs from a bored study of biology text. << Is someone sexing again? >>
<Borg> Someone stirs; a quiet ripple of /definitely/ cranky in everyone's minds because oh man does /he/ do cranky well. Whatthefuck oh god c'mon Jax at least be pissy properly.
<Borg> Someone stirs; a quiet ripple of /definitely/ cranky in everyone's minds because oh
man does /he/ do cranky well. Whatthefuck oh god c'mon Jax at least be pissy properly.
<Borg> Someone can lend you some pissy for real you need practice dude.
<Borg> Someone can lend you some pissy for real you need practice dude.
<Borg> Someone says, "<< NO nobody is sexing and I am NEVER SEXING AGAIN okay? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< NO nobody is sexing and I am NEVER SEXING AGAIN okay? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Fuck is this some dumbass Lent thing again freaking Catholics. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Fuck is this some dumbass Lent thing again freaking Catholics. >>"
<Borg> Someone predicts this resolution will last until approximately five minutes after the next time you see Micah, man.
<Borg> Someone predicts this resolution will last until approximately five minutes after  
the next time you see Micah, man.
<Borg> Someone says, "It won't help anyhow.  Apparently Hive is writing fanfic now."
<Borg> Someone says, "It won't help anyhow.  Apparently Hive is writing fanfic now."
<Borg> Someone is the only one not getting any.
<Borg> Someone is the only one not getting any.
<Borg> Someone says, "Aside from SHELBY."
<Borg> Someone says, "Aside from SHELBY."
<Borg> Someone says, "<< NO okay okay yes okay it's true I ruined the Lent thing but c'/mon/ Micah is /so sweet/ and /so pr -- OMG NO WAIT HE CAN HEAR ME okay okay look but this time it's serious Hive WHY did you show Doug us HAVING SEX?? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< NO okay okay yes okay it's true I ruined the Lent thing but  
c'/mon/ Micah is /so sweet/ and /so pr -- OMG NO WAIT HE CAN HEAR ME okay okay look but  
this time it's serious Hive WHY did you show Doug us HAVING SEX?? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "SHUT UP! I can get some if I wanted."
<Borg> Someone says, "SHUT UP! I can get some if I wanted."
<Borg> Someone says, "<< IN THE SHOWER too we've never had sex in the shower (omg sex in the shower would be nice) (NO WAIT THEY CAN HEAR YOU) WHY did you MAKE UP us having sex in the shower JUST to show DOUG??? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< IN THE SHOWER too we've never had sex in the shower (omg sex in  
the shower would be nice) (NO WAIT THEY CAN HEAR YOU) WHY did you MAKE UP us having sex  
in the shower JUST to show DOUG??? >>"
<Borg> Someone has been getting /plenty/ with this Borg thing so there.
<Borg> Someone has been getting /plenty/ with this Borg thing so there.
<Borg> Someone says, "I told you.  FANFIC."
<Borg> Someone says, "I told you.  FANFIC."
<Borg> Someone says, "Wait. So if we're hived, does that mean Jax getting laid is ALL of us getting laid?"
<Borg> Someone says, "Wait. So if we're hived, does that mean Jax getting laid is ALL of  
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Do you want to be getting any, Shelby, cuz I bet there's plenty of guys who'd be down. Or just slap some liquid latex on Bastian I bet he'd be willing. >>"
us getting laid?"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< YEAH it kind of does, you can feel it if you tune in right. Not. That anyone's encouraging doing that. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Do you want to be getting any, Shelby, cuz I bet there's plenty  
of guys who'd be down. Or just slap some liquid latex on Bastian I bet he'd be willing. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< YEAH it kind of does, you can feel it if you tune in right. Not.  
That anyone's encouraging doing that. >>"
<Borg> Someone ugghs TEENAGER sex. The clumsiest sex of them all.
<Borg> Someone ugghs TEENAGER sex. The clumsiest sex of them all.
<Borg> Someone << Don't even fucking talk about Bastian, /off limits/, dude. Let's talk more about Jax-sex. That stained glass thing is /awesome/, man. >>
<Borg> Someone << Don't even fucking talk about Bastian, /off limits/, dude. Let's talk  
<Borg> Someone settles back into cranky. << We never showed Doug you fucking in the shower anyway, dude, what the fuck. >>
more about Jax-sex. That stained glass thing is /awesome/, man. >>
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Making out, sure. No sex though. If he said that he was just TRYING to upset you. >>"
<Borg> Someone settles back into cranky. << We never showed Doug you fucking in the shower  
anyway, dude, what the fuck. >>
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Making out, sure. No sex though. If he said that he was just  
TRYING to upset you. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ! >> << >:| >> << ! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ! >> << >:| >> << ! >>"
<Borg> Someone will never sleep with that racked going on >:(
<Borg> Someone will never sleep with that racked going on >:(
<Borg> Someone says, "<< He said GLORIOUS SURROUND SOUND 3D me and Micah shower sex. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< He said GLORIOUS SURROUND SOUND 3D me and Micah shower sex. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Less sleep, more sex. Seriously, studying is killing me with boredom. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Less sleep, more sex. Seriously, studying is killing me with  
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Fuck you dude this racket has been every fucking day for the past decade suck it up. -- We're serious, though. Never showed Doug you two fucking. Tempted to now, though. He was just yanking your chain. >>"
boredom. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Also, Micah's going over to Jax's tonight. Dinner. Might be you'll have some studying-distraction. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Fuck you dude this racket has been every fucking day for the past
decade suck it up. -- We're serious, though. Never showed Doug you two fucking. Tempted  
to now, though. He was just yanking your chain. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Also, Micah's going over to Jax's tonight. Dinner. Might be  
you'll have some studying-distraction. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< HEY! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< HEY! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Sweet! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Sweet! >>"
Line 42: Line 60:
<Borg> Someone ...and does NOT KNOW WHY he's just drinking coffee and reading the news >:|
<Borg> Someone ...and does NOT KNOW WHY he's just drinking coffee and reading the news >:|
<Borg> Someone says, "<< That's it. You're all evicted. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< That's it. You're all evicted. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Isn't there some way to like draw a privacy curtain in this thing come ON guys oh man everyone is the WORST I am NEVER HAVING ANY SEX EVER AGAIN. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Isn't there some way to like draw a privacy curtain in this thing  
come ON guys oh man everyone is the WORST I am NEVER HAVING ANY SEX EVER AGAIN. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "I can I just... not know about sex, please?"
<Borg> Someone says, "I can I just... not know about sex, please?"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... sorry micah :( >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... sorry micah :( >>"
Line 48: Line 67:
<Borg> Someone says, "<< OH.  I'm not Micah. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< OH.  I'm not Micah. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Shuttup, you're all Micah. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Shuttup, you're all Micah. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Oh god Mel I cornered her in her bedroom I'm not going into a woman's apartment again. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Oh god Mel I cornered her in her bedroom I'm not going into a  
woman's apartment again. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Do it again! Seriously. She needs ALL THE KISSES. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Do it again! Seriously. She needs ALL THE KISSES. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Oh good lord. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Oh good lord. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< -want to but I shouldn't I should just read this fucking paper I'm too old for this shit. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< -want to but I shouldn't I should just read this fucking paper  
I'm too old for this shit. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ! >> << You kissed Mel ohgosh. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ! >> << You kissed Mel ohgosh. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Mel did you like to be kissed if you both like to be kissed I encourage all the kissing. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Mel did you like to be kissed if you both like to be kissed I  
encourage all the kissing. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Kissherkissherkissherkissher. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Kissherkissherkissherkissher. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Nobody is too old for LOVE! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Nobody is too old for LOVE! >>"
Line 68: Line 90:
<Borg> Someone says, "<< How are we cockteases if you're getting to observe sex? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< How are we cockteases if you're getting to observe sex? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< You said ME! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< You said ME! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Hive you said ME omg can I give you a hug is there a way to HUG through this thing?? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Hive you said ME omg can I give you a hug is there a way to HUG  
through this thing?? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Not everyone is into watching dudes bang. Sorry to tell you. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Not everyone is into watching dudes bang. Sorry to tell you. >>"
<Borg> Someone is thinking warm fuzzy happy thoughts REALLY LOUD right now. HUGHUGHUG. Care Bears may be involved.
<Borg> Someone is thinking warm fuzzy happy thoughts REALLY LOUD right now. HUGHUGHUG.  
Care Bears may be involved.
<Borg> Someone has the Care-A-Lot song stuck in their head now, thanks.
<Borg> Someone has the Care-A-Lot song stuck in their head now, thanks.
<Borg> Someone says, "<< What. In the fuck. Jegus fucking christ man. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< What. In the fuck. Jegus fucking christ man. >>"
<Borg> Someone is RADIATING gruffness (to hide the little 'aw... christ').
<Borg> Someone is RADIATING gruffness (to hide the little 'aw... christ').
<Borg> Someone says, "<< No but no you were WE for so long and now there's LESS of you in here and we ALL LOVE YOU okay and you said ME and I MISS YOU please keep being ME. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< No but no you were WE for so long and now there's LESS of you in  
here and we ALL LOVE YOU okay and you said ME and I MISS YOU please keep being ME. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... I mean keep being YOU oh gosh. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... I mean keep being YOU oh gosh. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Guys pronouns are confusing. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Guys pronouns are confusing. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< I am not sure if it mattered if I liked Jim's kisses.  It took THREE PEOPLE who maybe all had feelings for each other for me to get a single kiss.  How often is that going to happen? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< I am not sure if it mattered if I liked Jim's kisses.  It took  
THREE PEOPLE who maybe all had feelings for each other for me to get a single kiss.  How  
often is that going to happen? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... had feelings for each other? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... had feelings for each other? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... OMG Jim did you kiss HIVE too??? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... OMG Jim did you kiss HIVE too??? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Maybe. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Maybe. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Maybe when THREE PEOPLE aren't all shoving it to happen - I'M NOT PART OF THIS CONVERSATION. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Maybe when THREE PEOPLE aren't all shoving it to happen - I'M NOT  
<Borg> Someone says, "<< We've all been waiting for this for so long. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< We've all been waiting for this for so long. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Hive's everywhere these days it's harder to NOT kiss him okay. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Hive's everywhere these days it's harder to NOT kiss him okay. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Mel and Jim both were kissing Hive and each other. Didn't you see it? I saw it. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Mel and Jim both were kissing Hive and each other. Didn't you see  
it? I saw it. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "Ohgosh JIVE."
<Borg> Someone says, "Ohgosh JIVE."
<Borg> Someone says, "<< WE ARE NOT CALLING IT JIVE. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< WE ARE NOT CALLING IT JIVE. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< JUMP JIVE AND THEN YOU WAIL >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< JUMP JIVE AND THEN YOU WAIL >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... woah, jumping and wailing has this whole new meaning in this context oh man oh oops SORRY I don't mean to think so loud ohgosh. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... woah, jumping and wailing has this whole new meaning in this  
context oh man oh oops SORRY I don't mean to think so loud ohgosh. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "Jive Jive Jive Jive..."
<Borg> Someone says, "Jive Jive Jive Jive..."
<Borg> Someone says, "<< So wait. What did that Doug kid do? WHY am I bushing right now? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< So wait. What did that Doug kid do? WHY am I bushing right now? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Go splash some water on your face, dude, this is ridiculous. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Go splash some water on your face, dude, this is ridiculous. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< OH GOSH he was talking about us having sex and it was in the MIDDLE of a CROWDED ROOM and I turned RED and someone threw a soda at me it was the WORST DAY. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< OH GOSH he was talking about us having sex and it was in the  
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ...Jive?  Damn, was I only a stand in because you two are just too STRAIGHT to kiss each other directly? >>"
MIDDLE of a CROWDED ROOM and I turned RED and someone threw a soda at me it was the WORST  
DAY. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ...Jive?  Damn, was I only a stand in because you two are just  
too STRAIGHT to kiss each other directly? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, ">:("
<Borg> Someone says, ">:("
<Borg> Someone says, "<< And I was mad at Hive for showing him ME AND MICAH PORN except he didn't? So I guess Doug just made that up to make me blush which is NO FAIR I blush so easily. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< And I was mad at Hive for showing him ME AND MICAH PORN except he  
didn't? So I guess Doug just made that up to make me blush which is NO FAIR I blush so  
easily. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Mel Jim LOVES YOU don't let him hide it. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Mel Jim LOVES YOU don't let him hide it. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< You AND Hive can't you just be polyamorous together? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< You AND Hive can't you just be polyamorous together? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< no comment no comment no comment no comment no comment >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< no comment no comment no comment no comment no comment >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< There's nothing wrong with it sometimes you have TOO MUCH love for one person! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< There's nothing wrong with it sometimes you have TOO MUCH love  
for one person! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Whoa, Jim can love? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Whoa, Jim can love? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< And sometimes you try to hide it under gruffy TREE BARK >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< And sometimes you try to hide it under gruffy TREE BARK >>"
Line 109: Line 145:
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... omg omg omg maple syrup JIM CAN I EAT YOU. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... omg omg omg maple syrup JIM CAN I EAT YOU. >>"
<Borg> Someone would tap that.
<Borg> Someone would tap that.
<Borg> Someone says, "<< So are we going to go punch this kid now or what? >> (fuck I'm using 'we'.)"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< So are we going to go punch this kid now or what? >> (fuck I'm  
using 'we'.)"
<Borg> Someone groooooans. NO PUNS IN HERE.
<Borg> Someone groooooans. NO PUNS IN HERE.
<Borg> Someone says, "No."
<Borg> Someone says, "No."
Line 116: Line 153:
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Doug. Yeah. Punch him. Fuckface. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Doug. Yeah. Punch him. Fuckface. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "Fuck him."
<Borg> Someone says, "Fuck him."
<Borg> Someone says, "<< I bet Doug was just /imagining/ you guys fucking in a shower, anyway. Like, if he likes Jax and can't let it go. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< I bet Doug was just /imagining/ you guys fucking in a shower,  
anyway. Like, if he likes Jax and can't let it go. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< I don't want ot do that! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< I don't want ot do that! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< I do. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< I do. >>"
Line 124: Line 162:
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Hey, no hitting Doug! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Hey, no hitting Doug! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "No hitting, period!"
<Borg> Someone says, "No hitting, period!"
<Borg> Someone says, "This question about Micah does not get an ANSWER so much as a SUDDEN FLOOD of fierce-warm-happy feelings."
<Borg> Someone says, "This question about Micah does not get an ANSWER so much as a SUDDEN  
FLOOD of fierce-warm-happy feelings."
<Borg> Someone says, "<< No hitting. Yeah. That ship's sailed. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< No hitting. Yeah. That ship's sailed. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "(The question about Micah also helpfully gets a supplied mental image. Shirtless stained-glass-glowing Jax. With Micah straddling him on the couch. )"
<Borg> Someone says, "(The question about Micah also helpfully gets a supplied mental  
image. Shirtless stained-glass-glowing Jax. With Micah straddling him on the couch. )"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Right! Okay, that guy. Yeah, he's totally doable. Worth it. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Right! Okay, that guy. Yeah, he's totally doable. Worth it. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Is this the time to make jokes about Jim's Morning Wood yet? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Is this the time to make jokes about Jim's Morning Wood yet? >>"
Line 135: Line 175:
<Borg> Someone says, "Oh, wait, I could just look."
<Borg> Someone says, "Oh, wait, I could just look."
<Borg> Someone says, "GET OUT OF MY BRAIN, ASSHOLE."
<Borg> Someone says, "GET OUT OF MY BRAIN, ASSHOLE."
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... holy SHIT dude, no, I am not broadcasting THAT weirdass shit okay. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... holy SHIT dude, no, I am not broadcasting THAT weirdass shit  
okay. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "D:<"
<Borg> Someone says, "D:<"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< This is gonna be like family-friendly porn come on I mean we're very accepting people here but NO. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< This is gonna be like family-friendly porn come on I mean we're  
very accepting people here but NO. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Is this the time to make jokes about Jim's Morning Wood yet? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Is this the time to make jokes about Jim's Morning Wood yet? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<<...what is family-friendly porn, even???>>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<<...what is family-friendly porn, even???>>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ...dudes, you're totally ruining my perception of grown-ups, c'mon. Okay, maybe not wood-joke person, high-five. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ...dudes, you're totally ruining my perception of grown-ups,  
c'mon. Okay, maybe not wood-joke person, high-five. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<<Ohgosh.  HIVE.  Are there kids in here?>>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<<Ohgosh.  HIVE.  Are there kids in here?>>"
<Borg> Someone says, "D:"
<Borg> Someone says, "D:"
<Borg> Someone says, "D:"
<Borg> Someone says, "D:"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Aw shit man you gonna get all THINK OF THE CHILDREN on me? S'just Shelby. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Aw shit man you gonna get all THINK OF THE CHILDREN on me? S'just  
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Yeah, I'm only underage when it's convenient. And /totally/ legal in this state, I think. >>"
Shelby. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Yeah, I'm only underage when it's convenient. And /totally/ legal  
in this state, I think. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, ":("
<Borg> Someone says, ":("
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Oh my gosh you guys I totally need to tune you all out I can't stop turning RED and I can't go HOME if I am GLOWING oh gosh. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Oh my gosh you guys I totally need to tune you all out I can't
stop turning RED and I can't go HOME if I am GLOWING oh gosh. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... I don't know how to hang up this thing. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... I don't know how to hang up this thing. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Thankfully, you don't have to know. We know. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Thankfully, you don't have to know. We know. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "(There's a lull, across the mental network, a subsiding of voices, tuned down from distinct to soft background murmur. The mental din subsides. For -- now. It might not last. Hopefully Jax subways home QUICK.)"
<Borg> Someone says, "(There's a lull, across the mental network, a subsiding of voices,  
tuned down from distinct to soft background murmur. The mental din subsides. For -- now.  
It might not last. Hopefully Jax subways home QUICK.)"

Latest revision as of 00:36, 20 October 2020

One Of Us
Dramatis Personae

Hive, Jackson, Jim, Melinda, Micah, Shelby

In Absentia


Loud Hivemind is loud.



(Following the scene/texts here...)

<Borg> Someone is thinking VERY LOUDLY in a SOMEWHAT CRANKY okay mostly just kind of 
FREAKOUTTED voice because he can't do angry verywell: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE.
<Borg> Someone stirs from a bored study of biology text. << Is someone sexing again? >>
<Borg> Someone stirs; a quiet ripple of /definitely/ cranky in everyone's minds because oh
 man does /he/ do cranky well. Whatthefuck oh god c'mon Jax at least be pissy properly.
<Borg> Someone can lend you some pissy for real you need practice dude.
<Borg> Someone says, "<< NO nobody is sexing and I am NEVER SEXING AGAIN okay? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Fuck is this some dumbass Lent thing again freaking Catholics. >>"
<Borg> Someone predicts this resolution will last until approximately five minutes after 
the next time you see Micah, man.
<Borg> Someone says, "It won't help anyhow.  Apparently Hive is writing fanfic now."
<Borg> Someone is the only one not getting any.
<Borg> Someone says, "Aside from SHELBY."
<Borg> Someone says, "<< NO okay okay yes okay it's true I ruined the Lent thing but 
c'/mon/ Micah is /so sweet/ and /so pr -- OMG NO WAIT HE CAN HEAR ME okay okay look but 
this time it's serious Hive WHY did you show Doug us HAVING SEX?? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "SHUT UP! I can get some if I wanted."
<Borg> Someone says, "<< IN THE SHOWER too we've never had sex in the shower (omg sex in 
the shower would be nice) (NO WAIT THEY CAN HEAR YOU) WHY did you MAKE UP us having sex 
in the shower JUST to show DOUG??? >>"
<Borg> Someone has been getting /plenty/ with this Borg thing so there.
<Borg> Someone says, "I told you.  FANFIC."
<Borg> Someone says, "Wait. So if we're hived, does that mean Jax getting laid is ALL of 
us getting laid?"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Do you want to be getting any, Shelby, cuz I bet there's plenty 
of guys who'd be down. Or just slap some liquid latex on Bastian I bet he'd be willing. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< YEAH it kind of does, you can feel it if you tune in right. Not. 
That anyone's encouraging doing that. >>"
<Borg> Someone ugghs TEENAGER sex. The clumsiest sex of them all.
<Borg> Someone << Don't even fucking talk about Bastian, /off limits/, dude. Let's talk 
more about Jax-sex. That stained glass thing is /awesome/, man. >>
<Borg> Someone settles back into cranky. << We never showed Doug you fucking in the shower 
anyway, dude, what the fuck. >>
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Making out, sure. No sex though. If he said that he was just 
TRYING to upset you. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ! >> << >:| >> << ! >>"
<Borg> Someone will never sleep with that racked going on >:(
<Borg> Someone says, "<< He said GLORIOUS SURROUND SOUND 3D me and Micah shower sex. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Less sleep, more sex. Seriously, studying is killing me with 
boredom. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Fuck you dude this racket has been every fucking day for the past
 decade suck it up. -- We're serious, though. Never showed Doug you two fucking. Tempted 
to now, though. He was just yanking your chain. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Also, Micah's going over to Jax's tonight. Dinner. Might be 
you'll have some studying-distraction. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< HEY! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Sweet! >>"
<Borg> Someone's furious red can PROBABLY be felt all through the Borgnets.
<Borg> Someone blushes for possibly the first time in fifteen years.
<Borg> Someone ...and does NOT KNOW WHY he's just drinking coffee and reading the news >:|
<Borg> Someone says, "<< That's it. You're all evicted. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Isn't there some way to like draw a privacy curtain in this thing 
come ON guys oh man everyone is the WORST I am NEVER HAVING ANY SEX EVER AGAIN. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "I can I just... not know about sex, please?"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... sorry micah :( >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Gettin' old, dude. You should go cuddle with Mel. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< OH.  I'm not Micah. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Shuttup, you're all Micah. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Oh god Mel I cornered her in her bedroom I'm not going into a 
woman's apartment again. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Do it again! Seriously. She needs ALL THE KISSES. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Oh good lord. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< -want to but I shouldn't I should just read this fucking paper 
I'm too old for this shit. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ! >> << You kissed Mel ohgosh. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Mel did you like to be kissed if you both like to be kissed I 
encourage all the kissing. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Kissherkissherkissherkissher. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Nobody is too old for LOVE! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Wait wait, I'ma go pop some popcorn, then kisskisskisskiss. >>"
<Borg> Someone awwws!
<Borg> Someone says, "Somebody's kissing Mel?  That's sweet."
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Christ save me I'm sharing my brain with a bunch of children. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Get used to it, dude. Want me to have a beer for you? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Oh, shit, right, can't. Fucking jail. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ....... >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< You're a fucking cocktease. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< You like it. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< How are we cockteases if you're getting to observe sex? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< You said ME! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Hive you said ME omg can I give you a hug is there a way to HUG 
through this thing?? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Not everyone is into watching dudes bang. Sorry to tell you. >>"
<Borg> Someone is thinking warm fuzzy happy thoughts REALLY LOUD right now. HUGHUGHUG. 
Care Bears may be involved.
<Borg> Someone has the Care-A-Lot song stuck in their head now, thanks.
<Borg> Someone says, "<< What. In the fuck. Jegus fucking christ man. >>"
<Borg> Someone is RADIATING gruffness (to hide the little 'aw... christ').
<Borg> Someone says, "<< No but no you were WE for so long and now there's LESS of you in 
here and we ALL LOVE YOU okay and you said ME and I MISS YOU please keep being ME. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... I mean keep being YOU oh gosh. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Guys pronouns are confusing. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< I am not sure if it mattered if I liked Jim's kisses.  It took 
THREE PEOPLE who maybe all had feelings for each other for me to get a single kiss.  How 
often is that going to happen? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... had feelings for each other? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... OMG Jim did you kiss HIVE too??? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Maybe. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Maybe when THREE PEOPLE aren't all shoving it to happen - I'M NOT 
<Borg> Someone says, "<< We've all been waiting for this for so long. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Hive's everywhere these days it's harder to NOT kiss him okay. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Mel and Jim both were kissing Hive and each other. Didn't you see 
it? I saw it. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "Ohgosh JIVE."
<Borg> Someone says, "<< WE ARE NOT CALLING IT JIVE. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< JUMP JIVE AND THEN YOU WAIL >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... woah, jumping and wailing has this whole new meaning in this 
context oh man oh oops SORRY I don't mean to think so loud ohgosh. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "Jive Jive Jive Jive..."
<Borg> Someone says, "<< So wait. What did that Doug kid do? WHY am I bushing right now? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Go splash some water on your face, dude, this is ridiculous. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< OH GOSH he was talking about us having sex and it was in the 
MIDDLE of a CROWDED ROOM and I turned RED and someone threw a soda at me it was the WORST 
DAY. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ...Jive?  Damn, was I only a stand in because you two are just 
too STRAIGHT to kiss each other directly? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, ">:("
<Borg> Someone says, "<< And I was mad at Hive for showing him ME AND MICAH PORN except he 
didn't? So I guess Doug just made that up to make me blush which is NO FAIR I blush so 
easily. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Mel Jim LOVES YOU don't let him hide it. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< You AND Hive can't you just be polyamorous together? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< no comment no comment no comment no comment no comment >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< There's nothing wrong with it sometimes you have TOO MUCH love 
for one person! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Whoa, Jim can love? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< And sometimes you try to hide it under gruffy TREE BARK >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< No. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< But everyone knows your squishy maplesyrup center. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Under the treebark is MORE TREEBARK. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "That sounds...sticky."
<Borg> Someone says, "<< But you did kiss her. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... omg omg omg maple syrup JIM CAN I EAT YOU. >>"
<Borg> Someone would tap that.
<Borg> Someone says, "<< So are we going to go punch this kid now or what? >> (fuck I'm 
using 'we'.)"
<Borg> Someone groooooans. NO PUNS IN HERE.
<Borg> Someone says, "No."
<Borg> Someone says, "Who are we punching?"
<Borg> Someone says, "That guy."
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Doug. Yeah. Punch him. Fuckface. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "Fuck him."
<Borg> Someone says, "<< I bet Doug was just /imagining/ you guys fucking in a shower, 
anyway. Like, if he likes Jax and can't let it go. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< I don't want ot do that! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< I do. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< No he likes Micah he's just upset at me. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Let's do it. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Micah's the cute redheaded guy? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Hey, no hitting Doug! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "No hitting, period!"
<Borg> Someone says, "This question about Micah does not get an ANSWER so much as a SUDDEN 
FLOOD of fierce-warm-happy feelings."
<Borg> Someone says, "<< No hitting. Yeah. That ship's sailed. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "(The question about Micah also helpfully gets a supplied mental 
image. Shirtless stained-glass-glowing Jax. With Micah straddling him on the couch. )"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Right! Okay, that guy. Yeah, he's totally doable. Worth it. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Is this the time to make jokes about Jim's Morning Wood yet? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Can we change the channel to hetero porn sometime? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Okay, so Jim and Mel need to get it on. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Am I the ONLY STRAIGHT GUY HERE? >>"
<Borg> Someone can do porn, what's your preference.
<Borg> Someone says, "Oh, wait, I could just look."
<Borg> Someone says, "GET OUT OF MY BRAIN, ASSHOLE."
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... holy SHIT dude, no, I am not broadcasting THAT weirdass shit 
okay. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "D:<"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< This is gonna be like family-friendly porn come on I mean we're 
very accepting people here but NO. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Is this the time to make jokes about Jim's Morning Wood yet? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<<...what is family-friendly porn, even???>>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ...dudes, you're totally ruining my perception of grown-ups, 
c'mon. Okay, maybe not wood-joke person, high-five. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<<Ohgosh.  HIVE.  Are there kids in here?>>"
<Borg> Someone says, "D:"
<Borg> Someone says, "D:"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Aw shit man you gonna get all THINK OF THE CHILDREN on me? S'just 
Shelby. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Yeah, I'm only underage when it's convenient. And /totally/ legal 
in this state, I think. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, ":("
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Oh my gosh you guys I totally need to tune you all out I can't
stop turning RED and I can't go HOME if I am GLOWING oh gosh. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... I don't know how to hang up this thing. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Thankfully, you don't have to know. We know. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "(There's a lull, across the mental network, a subsiding of voices, 
tuned down from distinct to soft background murmur. The mental din subsides. For -- now. 
It might not last. Hopefully Jax subways home QUICK.)"