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| cast = [[Dusk]], [[Elliott]], [[Prometheus NPCs|Flicker]]
| cast = [[Dusk]], [[Elliott]], [[NPC-Flicker|Flicker]]
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| gamedate = 2013-10-10
| gamedate = 2013-10-10

Latest revision as of 23:14, 19 December 2013

Nice To Meet You
Dramatis Personae

Dusk, Elliott, Flicker

In Absentia




<NYC> Columbia University - Morningside Heights

Situated in the Morningside Heights neighborhood, Columbia University is one of the most prestigious universities in the nation. This Ivy League school is the oldest university in New York, and attracts students from all over the world to study in its halls. With a generous sprinkling of Greek life and a Manhattan campus, Columbia students need not sacrifice anything by way of social life for their rigorous academic pursuits.

It's late afternoon at Columbia, many classes letting out, others just starting. The campus teems with life, students hurrying to and fro, not many out just /enjoying/ the day. Largely because the day is proving eminently unenjoyable, dreary and cold and intermittently drizzly. Outside one of the science buildings one bench is being given especially wide berth by some of the students -- it's occupied by a young man, jeans and Vans sneakers and patchy denim jacket over a plain blue t-shirt, scruffy beard, scruffy mop of dark hair.

Dusk looks almost like he could fit in with the students on campus, right age, right inattentiveness to dress, right preoccupied air; the enormous dark wings shoved through holes in the back of his jacket probably provide clear enough explanation for the avoidance (with occasional wide-eyed stares) he is getting. He has a laptop on his knees, taking advantage of an intermission in the drizzling to use it; he sits perched on the back of the bench, feet resting on its seat and a skateboard resting on its nose to lean against the side of the bench beside him.

Elliott is emerging from this building, dressed neatly in knee-length grey skirt, green sweater vest, long-sleeved blouse; she has a backpack over her shoulder, and a cellphone tucked to her ear though she is just in the process of saying goodbye and tucking it away. Perhaps it's the cellphone conversation that has led her not to notice Dusk immediately or perhaps she just doesn't /care/; at any rate as she stops to tuck the phone into her backpack she is right by his bench.

Dusk does notice Elliott, at least. Pretty quickly, when she approaches his bench; he looks up with a quick smile that seems almost /expectant/, though it fades when he realizes she is Not Who He Was Waiting For. He's almost looking back down to his laptop when instead he scrutinizes her more closely. "Holy shit," he says abruptly, and then, "-- wow, uh, sorry, miss, I only meant -- holy shit. /You're/ Lieutenant Commander Carruthers."

Elliott raises her brows, looking Dusk over, her eyes lingering on the wings before turning to his face. The smile that slides into place on hers is neat and professional. "And you're up to date on current events." There's a brief tick of her glance around the campus, looking to the people around them before she steps in to offer him her hand. "I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you're not a fan," she says wryly, together with this offered formality.

"What are you talking about?" Dusk leans forward over his laptop, clasping her hand to pump it once and then drop it. "Dusk. I've seen your ads, you've got that -- adorable kid with the fucking tail, you guys are champions of /all/ of us, right?" His smile cuts /thin/ and sharp across his face, accentuated by the twinned pairs of sharp fangs glinting behind his lips. The smile sharpens as he catches that glance around. "Don't worry. I'm just here waiting for a friend. Not staking out my next kill."

"Dusk?" Elliott glances towards the sky for a moment. "I guess it almost is -- oh. Oh, I didn't imagine --" There's the slightest hint of colour creeping into her cheeks. "You're right, though. The measures I support aren't measures to keep anyone down. Only to keep everyone safe."

"Dusk. It's my /name/," Dusk answers with a laugh. "And yeeeah, I've heard that one before. Tell it to the people who locked me up in cages and tortured me for a year. -- Heeeeey, Flicker!" He's looking up to greet the bright-eyed young man, emerging from the nearby building with his own skateboard under an arm. Dusk grins at Flicker as he puts his computer away, sweeping out a hand aftwards with a flourish to introduce, "Elliott Carruthers."

Flicker's eyes widen. /He/ takes a step back -- or maybe he just vanished and /reappeared/ a step back? It's so quick it's hard to tell. His eyes widen like now he thinks /Elliott/ might be here on the prowl, but a moment later he remembers himself, extending a hand politely. "Wow. I didn't think I'd -- Hi. Ma'am."

"You down for Chinese?" Dusk has moved past this CELEBRITY thing already, clearly. He kicks the skateboard down onto all its wheels and gives Elliott a very /lazy/ salute as he steps onto it. "I'd say keep up the good work but I kind of hope you switch sides."

Flicker slings his backpack onto his shoulders more properly. "-- Bye. Ma'am." It's kind of awkward, kind of blushing. 'She's prettier in person,' he signs afterwards to Dusk as he gets onto his own board to push off.

"/Oh/. Dusk. I'm sorry, I've never met another Dusk." Elliott takes a half-step back, when Dusk stands. Her eyes widen, though. "Cages? Torture? Look, I know some people advocate some pretty terrible things, but the registration /we're/ fighting for isn't anything even remotely like that." She does shake Flicker's hand, watching the two men get ready to leave afterwards. "That implies I'm on a different one," she laments, watching them go before turning to head the other direction.