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(Created page with "{{ Logs | cast = Ducky, Horus | summary = part of morpheus tp | gamedate = 2014-02-03 | gamedatename = | subtitle = chocolate rain, yo...")
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{{ Logs
| cast = [[Ducky]], [[Prometheus NPCs|Horus]]
| cast = [[Ducky]], [[NPC-Horus|Horus]]
| summary = part of [[TP-Morpheus|morpheus tp]]
| summary = part of [[TP-Morpheus|morpheus tp]]
| gamedate = 2014-02-03
| gamedate = 2014-02-03

Revision as of 23:31, 16 February 2014


chocolate rain, you guys!

Dramatis Personae

Ducky, Horus

In Absentia


part of morpheus tp


in dreams

The hills below expand out as far as the eye can see, which from this elevation means the rolling verdant landscape fades into a fuzzy horizon in the distance. Clouds overhead cast contrasting shadows onto the rippling sea of green grasses, ocassional bursts of warm, summery sunlight beget thermals that allow for a dizzying variety of birds to wheel about nearby, iridescent feathers glinting a myriad of colors in the rays of the sun above. From the center of this landscape rises a sandstone plateu at a gradual slope, somewhat resembling Pride Rock from the Lion King, even more birds nesting along the crags and crannies of the cliff.

Ducky sits here, at the highest point of the outcropping, her hiking boot clad feet dangling off the edge of the cliff as she leans back to watch the dancing, soaring birds enjoying the thermals. She's dressed in cargo shorts and a hooded t-shirt, her ever present pigeon ompanion nestled into the hood, apparently asleep. Her feet swing slowly back and forth as she seems to mull over the distance between her perch and the ground far below, perhaps debating the posiblility of flying herself, as opposed to plummeting. Beside her, Horus observes the same scene, feathers gently ruffled in the breeze from the up drafts.

Taptaptaptaptap. It's a stylus against a screen, Horus's beak swiping out quicktap message that speaks, not in the tablet's robo-voice but in a low one that carries a strange-soft twittering undertone to it. "Come on," says TabletHorus, stretching his wings in an abrupt eager burst of energy. "Come-on-come-on-come-on-come-/on/ why are we waiting? Done enough waiting done /so/ /much/ waiting. MechaHorus doesn't wait. Mecha/Ducky/ doesn't wait either I bet."

His wings spread, big-wide to cast a dappled shadow on the ground far below. "I think I can have chocolate here. Race you?" And he's /off/, zoom-zoom-zoom , wings tucking in so he can /shoot/ off through the air. Presumably in search of chocolate.

The chocolate might be coming to /him/ before long. There's puffy clouds gathering on the distant horizon. Biiiiig big fluffy brown ones.

From Ducky's back, too, are sprouting large speckled wings, that almost match Horus's, though with their white-brown shades slightly inverted in patterning from his. And with a /metal/ skeleton to them, a faint robotic clank to their movements. But they're just as responsive as though they were a part of her.

Ducky looks startled momentarily at the insistance of /going/, about to protest that she can't fly - but then there are wings. She blinks back at her new wings, fluttering them curiously, uncertain for a moment, before letting out a squee of glee and scrambling to her feet. She spins momentarily, trying to look at them, flexing them curiously. And then she realizes that Horus has gone off without her, towards those distant clouds. "Hey! Hang on! Wait for me!" she squeeks, taking a running start and launching herself off the promonontory in a graceful swan dive, eyes closed tightly in that first moment, as though expecting herself to be failed by the new wings.

Thankfully, the wings spread out to catch a thermal, clicking faintly as they expand and adjust to give her lift on the warm thermals. Her eyes fly open and she yelps in surprise and wonder as they begin to flap, propelling her forward as she gets used to them. "Oh my god. I'm flying. With wings! Eeee!" she squees, making a lazy circle on the thermal and raising herself higher. "Race? Chocolate? I... hey!" she giggles, tucking her limbs in and propelling herself forward with the new wings, before pulling them in for a dive to try and catch up.

Despite his initial burst of speed, Horus circles back around to swoop in behind Ducky, /nudging/ her from behind ahead towards those clouds. "/Race/," he insists, even though now he's behind and perhaps not quite anymore in the proper spirit of racing. He loops around beneath her, voice sounding now without benefit of telepathy /or/ the helpful tablet, despite the fact it is still hanging in its place around his neck. "Over there. /Or/ over there. Or over anywhere. I think you get to choose this time. I just want to -- I don't get to stretch them anymore." His wings unfurl huge and wide to catch a thermal, letting him drift up in a soaring upward glide above Ducky.

The clouds are blossoming all around them. Puffy and large and thick-soft enough to walk on. Raining down fat droplets of gooey rich chocolate. Chocolate milk. Chocolate /mousse/. Chocolate fudge. Chocolate ice cream.

Giggling at the insistance to race, Ducky beats her wings a few times, still apparently getting used to the new appendages as she flies - she spreads them to catch the thermal, spiralling upwards beside Horus. "Fine - race!" she declares as she leans to the side, winging her way towards the nearest cloud, one dispensing chocolate mousse, it would seem. Circling uncertainly and eyeing the cloud, Ducky backwings for a moment, trying to hold her position in the air, before giggling and diving right through the moussey chocolate downpour, mouth wide open, hands cupped to catch additional mousse. She pops up throught the center of the cloud, cupped hands now holding a convenient bowl of mousse for further munching. "Howcome?" she asks, unmuddled despite the mouthful of mousse she is working her way through, tilting her head curiously in her typically birdlike fashion.

Horus divebombs his way back downwards, shooting down through the chocolate-mousse cloud and coming out the otherside with his face a moussey mask. His tongue swipes outward to lick chocolate off his beak, a ruffle of his feathers easily dislodging mousse-covering from his wings as he hovers upwards to scoop more into his mouth. "Been a little tied up," is the light answer he gives. "Just racing now. Just /chocolate/ now. Horus /3.0/. Ducky 3.0?" He lifts back up through the cloud, perching on top of it with a soft nestle down into its chocolatey fluff. Feathers ruffling, legs tucking under him. "It's a good place to nest. We could. Here. Just -- just for a little while, okay?" His beak nudges a small heap of mousse in Ducky's direction hopefully as he scoops out a Ducky-sized hole in the moussecloud beside himself.

Ducky listens, idly licking the residual chocolate mousse off from around her lips, "Ok. I'm kinda not good at racing. But flying is fun. Having wings is /awesome/." She grins, spinning in the sky briefly on the speckled wings, "I can go for that. S'nice," she says, perhaps a little reluctant to let go of flying quite yet. The offered spot gets a smile, and she gingerly settles in, curling her feet under her and taking a moment to arrange her wings behind her. Once settled in, she scoops up the offered mouse with her hands and nibbles on it, before holding it out to offer Horus a bite, too. "S'a pretty place to nest. Also tasty. Very tasty," she agrees with a sage nod, idly nibbling more on a handful of fluff from their chocolatey perch.

Horus scoots in close to Ducky, ignoring the chocolate now in favor of preening, his large beak gentle as it works at her hair. The feathers on her wings. Smoothing into place. "Tastypretty," he agrees softly. PROBABLY smoothing chocolate mousse into her hair.

The cloud is starting to melt away beneath them, but the sudden rush of falling doesn't seem like it's going to end in smashy death. Beneath them the whole /world/ is chocolate.

Horus seems unbothered, at least. He nestles up closer, feathers fluffing up against Ducky in soft pillowing. Still preening, even as beneath the chocolatey ocean rushes closer.

It never hits, though. When morning comes there's a soft patter of chocolate rain hitting against the windows outside. On Ducky's nightstand, though, is a very /familiar/ custom-built tablet -- though it's in an unfortunate state of disrepair, kind of broken-smashed like it's had a very long fall, stylus still attached to it by a stretchy cord. A speckled brown-and-white feather lies across it, shiny-soft and in much healthier shape than the tablet itself.