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{{Tab}}As of right now, she's a bit stubborn and angry at the world. And possibly on her way to super-villain. Only time (and scenes) will tell where she goes from here.
{{Tab}}Currently labelled a terrorist and the most recent mutant blight on the world.

Revision as of 05:35, 26 August 2015

You call me a b**** like it's a bad thing

xxxxxCurrently labelled a terrorist and the most recent mutant blight on the world.


xxxxxBorn in Stevens Point, WI, Anette Eccleston was the only child of a high school history teacher and a housewife. She had a rather quiet and normal childhood, though she never had many friends and preferred spending time with herself, though she was very close with her family.She slowly discovered her powers in beginning in middle school, though she didn't realize that's what they were. At first, she thought she just had exceptional hearing and eyesight, including the ability to see in the dark. However, she realized something was very different when she grew wings on her back. The wings lead to her extensive leather jacket collection. Her parents noticed just as quickly and she was quickly pulled from school. This didn't prevent the bullying and humiliation though. Her parents, unsure of what to do, found Xavier's school. They sent her there and she finished high school, while also discovering her powers.

xxxxxHowever, she found herself at odds with the school's stance on mutant/human relations. She refused to believe it could happen peacefully and felt the only way was to fight back against injustices. She gained very few friends in school this way, though she did gain knowledge of the Brotherhood of Mutants. At 18, once she graduated, she took off for New York to find the Brotherhood and join them.


xxxxxAnette's powers are related to owls. The most obvious sign is the pair of brown feathered wings on her back, though she usually keeps these covered with a jacket. If she chooses to take flight, she can move silently and near effortlessly However, she can only keep up a steady flight for about an hour at a time before tiring, though if she coasts, she can go for quite a bit longer. She can choose to expend her energy into an extremely fast (and short) flight, with the ability to dive towards her target and safely stop herself within inches of hitting it. She also has the ability to see and hear beyond normal human capabilities, including the ability to function perfectly at night. This takes no effort though loud and busy areas can sometimes give her a headache. Couple with the ability to swivel her head 270, she is nearly always well aware of what's going on around her.

She also has the ability to emit a very loud and high-pitched screech. It doesn't do too much, other than travel a relatively long distance and maybe scare or irritate the ears of anyone who wasn't expecting it.

A recent addition to her mutation are the talons that have replaced her hands.



  • Dusk - One of the few carrying the title of "trusted". Maybe it's the wings.
  • Ion - Cute guy on a bike. What's not to be interested in?
  • Teague - Decent guy, understands her.


  • B - No really. Anette's still a bit bitter over B abandoning her and her child when Sentinels attacked. And by bitter, I mean there have been death threats.
  • Rasa - Like B, only worse. Since Rasa is a little more involved with Anette's future death.

And everything in between

  • Billy - They weren't on good terms in school. It hasn't gotten much better. He hates her and she knows it. She enjoys messing with him though; he's the mouse in her cat-and-mouse game. He also responds well to the name "Clorox". Honestly, she doesn't really -hate- him, she just loves watching him squirm.
  • Daken - So this is what Facebook's "It's Complicated" means... Though really, what else is supposed to happen when a psychopath with a fear of commitment and recently reformed immortal murderer fall in love?

Rochelle.jpg Rochelle2.jpg [[Image:|x150px]]

Anette Eva Eccleston
Rochelle rose.jpg
Codename Athena
Birthdate February 12th, 1992
Species Mutant
Affiliation Brotherhood of Mutants
Alignment Lawful Evil
Powers Wings, screech, enhanced sight and sound (including in the dark), 270 degree neck twist. Talons instead of hands. Yellow eyes.
Occupation Whatever she can get.
RP Hooks
Job? - Need a job done? For the right price, Anette will probably help you out.
Classmate? - Xavier Graduate, Class of 2010. Remember Bender and Allison from Breakfast Club? She was a cross between the two. She was the quiet girl in the back of the class and occasional trouble-maker. She also openly disagreed with the "peaceful resolution" beliefs the school tried to promote. She may have also been a bitch to you.
Concerned? - She's in a bad place right now. Really bad. Some might call it self-destructive and if she hid some of her vices before, she's certainly not now. Proceed at your own risk, she's a -tad- temperamental.
Date Title Cast Mentions
  • (2020-07-24)
There is great value in pacing yourself and making preparations or reparations rather than pushing forward. Anette, Natalie
  • (2019-04-24)
Threat Levels Anette, Dusk
  • (2019-03-07)
Gravity and Other Physics-es Anette, Marinov, and Spencer