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| subtitle =  
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| location = <XS> [[Medical Lab]]
| location = <XS> [[Medical Lab]]
| categories = Medical Lab, Xavier's, Mutants, Citizens, Ash, Peter, Kai, Jackson, NPC-Hank
| categories = XS Medical Lab, Xavier's, Mutants, Citizens, Ash, Peter, Kai, Jackson, NPC-Hank
| log = Peter is in bed. Doctor Hank McCoy is, for now, PLEASED with this arrangement; his bandages have been changed, a /new/ IV has been hooked up to him, and he's looking quite a bit more lively than he did yesterday. Instead of some flimsy little bed-gown, he's now dressed in a clean, crisp blue collared shirt and dress slacks; he's propped up with several pillows and just about half-way through a book entitled 'WRITTEN IN STONE: EVOLUTION, THE FOSSIL RECORD, AND OUR PLACE IN NATURE'. He's got his glasses on and seems pretty intent on eating through this entire book as QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE.
| log = Peter is in bed. Doctor Hank McCoy is, for now, PLEASED with this arrangement; his bandages have been changed, a /new/ IV has been hooked up to him, and he's looking quite a bit more lively than he did yesterday. Instead of some flimsy little bed-gown, he's now dressed in a clean, crisp blue collared shirt and dress slacks; he's propped up with several pillows and just about half-way through a book entitled 'WRITTEN IN STONE: EVOLUTION, THE FOSSIL RECORD, AND OUR PLACE IN NATURE'. He's got his glasses on and seems pretty intent on eating through this entire book as QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE.

Revision as of 17:41, 19 June 2013

Medlab Slumber Party
Dramatis Personae

Ash, Peter, Kai, Jackson, Hank

In Absentia


May not actually be a slumber party. Also, COOKIES!


<XS> Medical Lab

Peter is in bed. Doctor Hank McCoy is, for now, PLEASED with this arrangement; his bandages have been changed, a /new/ IV has been hooked up to him, and he's looking quite a bit more lively than he did yesterday. Instead of some flimsy little bed-gown, he's now dressed in a clean, crisp blue collared shirt and dress slacks; he's propped up with several pillows and just about half-way through a book entitled 'WRITTEN IN STONE: EVOLUTION, THE FOSSIL RECORD, AND OUR PLACE IN NATURE'. He's got his glasses on and seems pretty intent on eating through this entire book as QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE.

Another interesting detail -- the pile of items that represent Peter's things include a brown box with lots of brass canisters in them. One of the brass canisters is sitting out on the table; at least three more of the canisters have disappeared, leaving a conspicuous gap inside of the box. Also, one of Peter's gloves (see: WEBSHOOTERS) are sitting out on the desk; the other glove is currently missing. So is Doctor Henry McCoy.

There /might/ just be the sounds of 'THWPTHWPTHWPing' coming from Doctor Hank McCoy's office. And an occasional chuckle. /Maybe/.

The door slides open, admitting one very /colourful/ Xavier's teacher. Maybe he wasn't a Xavier's teacher /yesterday/ but he is today! Though he could pass for a student, really, with his unprofessional attire (capri jeans, straps dangling from silver d-rings; a green t-shirt with a picture of a girl hugging a cow, brightcoloured armwarmers, mismatched; bright-patterned socks, also mismatched) and neon hair (green and purple.) He's restless with kind of bouncy energy as he enters, backpack slung over one shoulder and a small tupperware container tucked under his arm. He beelines towards Peter's bed as he comes in, but is checked by the chuckling coming from the office. He squints towards the closed door with a puzzled look cutting into his bright smile. "-- Hey, Peter," he finally greets. "How y'doing, hon?"

Ash is bored. He's bored with a capital B, bored. He has been stuck in the med lab due to issues with lacking any immunity to the common cold and the pervasive flu and has been sleeping so much he has caught up on all the sleep he missed out in the past and most likely all the sleep he'll need for next week too. And yet, he's still exhausted. Unfortunately for the med lab staff, he is also now mobile. He's wearing pajamas in the form of red and blue plaid on his bottom half and a brow tee shirt on his top half, with a rather boring medical blue bathrobe over the top. He filters out from the back of the room when he hears activity and comes to investigate quietly, not wishing to be sent back to bed. He starts to smile as soon as he sees people. Grinning so brightly his cheeks might explode, but he's still quiet as he filters forward, taking in the sight of someone so stinking colorful. Apparently, blue doctors really don't fit his criteria of colorful. "oooh. Hey. Did you bring candy? or cookies? Cupcakes would be lovely as well. I don't really care. I'm sorry. I shouldn't presume, but food. You see, I don't get guests and guests are lovely and I'm sorry to barge in on sickinjuredkid, but Hi. I'm Ash. I think I remember you from the grocery store."

The figure entering the medlab isn't unfamiliar in that he's been here before. Kai moves through the space dressed in more presentable than his trademark sweats and t-shirt. Someone has found a pair of jeans that fit him, and green sneakers that don't quite match the blue sweatshirt. He's carrying a single red flower that may or may not have been picked from the Conservatory, and a (very used) comic book clutched to his chest. He walks a bit clumsily, the shoes proving an awkward weight as he makes his way towards Peter's bed. But there are people, and he pauses, eyes widening as he looks them over. Jax, in particular, gets a worried sort of look that gets carried over to Ash. His concern for his friend wins out, though, and he steps forward. "Peter." It's very soft. "Ivan tell me you are down here, now." His speech is halting, and heavily accented, but it is clearly English. "I am glad."

Jackson is now being /flooded/ with teh peoplez. And all of them -- the childrenz! Well, maybe not Ash; Ash is maybe not childrenz anymore. But Ash is so adorable that he will be mistaken as one! "Oh, hey, Mrrrrrhh... Jax. Jax." Peter repeats this word, hammering it into place. Several times. "Yeah, I'm fine, Han... Doctor /McCoy/," he corrects himself in the opposite direction, now -- poor Peter! "--says I should be out in just a few more days." The book drops down a few inches as he peeks over the edge -- both at Ash, and then at Kai. A weak smile to the latter; a bright-eyed blink at the former. Oh HEY he talks more than I do.

"I'm fine," Peter responds to Kai, although his tone sounds a little confused. "You can speak English...?" His nose wrinkles for a moment, before his eyes flicker back between him and Jax. Oh. /Oh/, man, right, this is the... Oh, that's just frigging /awkward/.

"OH, gosh," Jackson /instantly/ looks kind of /distressed/ at Ash's statements, instantly opening the tupperware to reveal a box /full/ of cookies -- half are citrusy sugarcookies packed with lemon-orange-lime, half are mocha drizzled with caramely icing. "Oh, gosh, you haven't had visitors?" He seems to abruptly consider this a /personal/ failing; "I'm sorry, I thought we -- I mean we tried to make sure -- sorry! Yes. Cookies. Cookies for all y'all, I just wanted to check in." The distressed look fades into another smile, warm and quick and bright. "Don't be sorry. Have cookies. Mocha. Or citrus." He offers this to Peter and Ash both. It's pretty easy to tell which is which. Some are pale. Some are brown. "I'm Jax! I'm -- yeah." His cheeks tint a little pink, but he just goes with, "Yeah, I was at the grocery store." His head turns, clancing to Kai when Kai enters with a -- well, he's still smiling, that doesn't change. His grip on the cookies might be a /little/ tighter, and almost involuntarily his right hand moves to his left arm, fingers skimming over the skin there. He does offer the box to Kai, though. "Hey. You starting classes now?"

When Jackson looks distressed, Ash's eyes grow large in an almost mirrored expression. He steps forward, eyeing Jax carefully and examining him closely. "Oh, no. I am sorry. Please don't be upset. I ... I was sick, you see, I was out of it and delirious, I swear. Oh! And sleeping all the time. You could have been sitting by my bedside for a week while I was sleeping and holding my hand and totally being there for me, but I wouldn't have known you from a chair. I'm so sorry! Please. Do not feel bad. Everyone here is so nice. I just never got baked goods. That's okay, right? Not sure I wold have enjoyed them before today anyway." To the pale and brown comment, Ash speaks up cheerfully, "Like People!" He grabs one of each cookie to start. While things seem to be lightening up, they also seem awkward, so Ash turns to Kai. "Hi dragon guy. Would you like a cookie? I bet they are totally tasty and amazing. They smell good." He sniffs one to be sure before presenting both hands to Kai. "Have a cookie." He grins.

Kai seems a bit flustered by Jax, and he skirts the older man with no change in his worried expression as he moves to put the flower and the comic book -- a battered Superman comic liberated from the rec room, clearly -- on Peter's bed. Pete might have to stretch a bit to get them. "I am glad you are fine," he says, offers a small smile, and nodding at the observation. "Doctor Henry gives me CDs," he explains. "And there is...Foom." The name comes out as almost a whisper, and he taps his temple lightly. Then Jax and Ash are speaking to him, and his eyes widen. "Cookie?" he echoes, and looks at the box with a bit of curiosity. "{Oh! /Cookie/!} He offers a nod to Jax, although he takes the citrus cookie from Ash, nibbling at it while regarding Jackson with wide eyes. It looks as if he's listening while he chews.

Oh. /Cookies/. Peter brightens. He has had Jax's baked goods before. The book is promptly slapped /shut/; it proceeds to get shoveled off to the side, on a nearby desk. And then Peter reaches -- sitting up in bed, scooting over -- for CITRUS and MOCHA. One of each. Giving Peter mocha might not be the best idea in the world, though. Once he has retrieved two cookies of each, he proceeds to gobble the first with a steady *CHOMPCHOMPCHOMP*, and then -- peering at Ash -- mentions (after having swallowed one half-way down): "Dude s'okay relax nobody's gonna feel bad also I have not met you yet I'm Peter." And then, to Kai! "Oh hey, /score/," to the Superman comic, but then, at the mention of Foom, Peter gives Kai a look. Not an angry look, but a 'shhh dude not HERE' look. And then...

Doctor Henry McCoy. Blue, furry, labcoat. Armed with a CLIPBOARD. He emerges from his office, peering at labwork -- apparently oblivious to the army that has invaded his domain. Also, there's a bit of unusual gray... webbing? ...clinging to the clipboard, trailing on the floor behind him, dragged along. "Peter?" he says, looking up -- a (silent) smile to Jackson, a nod to Kai, a /look/ Ash's way (one that says 'Aren't You Supposed To Be Resting')... "My apologies for interrupting, but -- I was doing some bloodwork, and I need to talk to you for a moment."

A big furry blue hand descends on Peter's shoulder. Paired up with a big, cheerful smile to the others. "It will only take a bit. Just need to confirm a few things." PULL. Firm, but friendly. Peter yelps, turns red, glances at the others, and waves. DOCTOR SNATCH.

Jackson's smile widens at the sight of Dr. McCoy, his tone polite: "Mornin', Doc -- um. Ha -- um, sir." OK, XS-Student-turned-teacher he /maybe/ has still not figured out the acceptable level of Formality with his former-teachers-now-colleagues. He relaxes at Ash's assurances, though, grinning a little brighter. "I'll bring y'all the baked goods, then. I'm pretty handy in the kitchen." He does not really smile so bright at the mention of Foom, though. His head bows, eye /fixing/ on the cookies he holds. "Cookie," he agrees absently. "Looks like everyone's settling in kinda, then."

Ash has to sneak his hand into Jackson's box one more time to snag a citrus cookie so he can have one of each again. Then, when Peter vacates, he moves to sit down on his bed. See? He's resting. Totally resting. "OHh. That's got to be nice, all handy in the kitchen. I suppose I ought to taste these to make sure they are good instead of just imagining how wonderful they are based on their smell and how interesting their baker is." He is staring at Jax as he takes his first bite of his mocha cookie. As he chews, his eyelids lower and his face starts to turn away, not because of the bad taste, but because it appears, he is being transported to nirvana. "Oh, sweet heaven," he mumbles with a full mouth, "you've made, ohh... merciful heavens, you made something amazing. Can I eat them all? i would like to eat them all. Or at least ten. Ten's a nice number. Just give me a second longer to enjoy this bite and then I'll let you know what I think of the other. Oh... man. I don't know, if the others are good, I might die of deliciousness." And then the moment passes when he mentions death. He straightens up and inhales, stiff. "I... don't actually... mean that. Just. You know. Hyperbole. Deliciousness." He looks to Kai as a distraction. "They're pretty amazing, huh?"

Kai blinks when Doctor McCoy appears, his eyes widening when Peter is snatched away and he's left with two (relative) strangers. One of whom he's injured. Well. Sort of. He looks at the other two with a lift of his eyebrows, and his nibbles on his cookie swiftly turn into actual bites. "Good cookie," he confirms Ash's sentiment around a mouthful, and he might offer something /akin/ to a smile in Jax's direction. It's really more of a twitch of his lips. It fades very quicky, though, whatever it is. "I am sorry," he says softly, and waves his free hand at his own left side. "For him." Yeah. It's just as awkward as it sounds, the younger boy shifting his weight and looking as if he might cry into his cookie. "The doctors..." He clamps his mouth shut. "I am sorry."

"Don't die," Jackson says, but given that he's amused and smiling he doesn't seem to have taken this as a serious worry. "If you die you can't eat /all/ the cookies." He's wiggling the box out temptingly. For More Cookies. "You know where you're stayin', when you get outta here? You ain't a student, are you?" He's eying Ash curiously like trying to gauge his age. His cheeks flush slightly pinker as he adds, a little bashful, "Oh, I ain't that interesting. I just dress bright cuz the world needs a little more colour." His smile fades at Kai's apology, eye dropping to his own -- apparently whole and uninjured! -- left side. "Sorry," he echoes Kai, a little bemused. He doesn't smile, anymore; he sets the cookies down on a table beside Peter's bed. "It weren't your fault," is what he says, careful and very calm as he steps back away from the bed. "I should get, I got a class to teach."

"Sure, you're interesting. You're like a flower in all these very boring and stale environments. It's really quite refreshing. I think everyone should dye their hair now." Ash is not at all bashful it seems. "Oh, No. Not really. I guess I could be, on account of never finishing high school, but to be honest, I wasn't into it when I was in it and now, I'm about a year too old to feel comfortable. I'm going to go ahead and get my GED and move in with that Jim guy. We talked. He said he likes my dirt and I'm not sure who else wouldn't mind that." He looks around smirking. "It's soo clean in here." He tastes the citrus cookie, but keeps his mouth closed about it when Kai apologizes and Jax looks to scram. He just sits there, eating his cookies, happy.

Kai's face doesn't perk up when Jax responds, unable to understand either the syntax or the tone. Instead, he chews on his cookie, looking very much like he might be wishing he'd stayed in his room. Jax's attempt at departure gets a deep frown. "You should get what?" he asks, knitting his brow. "You are teacher?"

"Like a flower?" Jackson's cheeks tinge pinker, his smile returning a little shyly. "I could help you dye it," he offers lightly, "I've had tons of practice an' mine's near's dark as yours, naturally. Jim's a good guy." There's just that much more smile, at this. "So you'll be good." He leaves the cookies, slipping around towards the door, though he stops to offer Kai a small smile and a nod. "Teacher, yes. I teach art. I gotta go. Tell Peter I'll stop by to see him later? See you!" His fingers curl in a tiny (glittery-nailed!) wave, and he scoooots out the door.

Ash hands Kai another cookie. "Here, kid. Mr. Flower teaches art. He also speaks with a Southern dialect. The phrase, 'I have to get' is actually short for, 'I have to get going' which indicates the preparation to leave, sometimes reluctantly. He has to go elsewhere now, but he promised me baked goods, so he'll be back." Ash is super helpful.

Kai brightens a bit at the information that there are art classes, and he even offers a small wave as Jackson takes his leave. Then the realization comes over him, working over his face in a slow, dawning horror. Classes. Right. He's in those, now. He wobbles, as if torn between following Jackson out or staying for Peter's return. Ash's helpful explanation is listened to intently, and Kai nods, reaching out to take the offered cookie. "Thank you," he says, offering a small half-bow. Then he's wobbling again, glancing at the door. "I have to...get," he offers slowly, trying out the new phrase. "Please tell Peter I return soon." Then he offers a small ghost of a smile and a lift of his hand before he, too, is slipping out the door.