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I am Cheyenne -- and today is a good day to die!

Dani has the confidence and sense of self that comes from having gone through great life challenges, and come out on the other side of them. Ehem, she's not always as patient as she'd like to be.


Dani’s parents disappeared shortly after she cast a great illusion of their deaths. Her grandfather was the one who contacted Charles Xavier, but died shortly after in a trap intended for the man. With an ability only empowered by her rage, Dani would have slaughtered the stranger responsible were it not for Professor Xavier’s interference. It would be her first of many lessons from him. Together, they turned the villain over to the proper authorities.

Her time as a student at Xavier’s Institute would prove to be no less rocky. Bull-headed and quick tempered, she was lax to accept help from anyone at all. It became her undoing as her powers continued to grow.

As a teen, she was plagued with nightmares of her parents’ death that nearly drove her to suicide. When she attempted to confront these horrors, Dani nearly died. In fact, she would have if it were not for the interference of her fellow classmates, whom she had kept at arm’s length until then. They helped her fight off her demons, and free her very much alive parents from the terrible illusion that trapped them. It was through this experience that an inseverable bond was formed between Dani and her school peers. Learning to use their abilities together, she grew into a natural leader and flourished.

After graduating, she returned home to Colorado to further her education and catch up on lost time with her family. Opportunity to break away from the monotony of everyday life arose when she became involved with the school once more. Dani learned of the plight of a young mutant in nearby Denver. Losing control, the fledgling elemental was arrested over the ensuing havoc. Her father was willing to leave her in jail but Dani interceded and got him to agree to allow her to take the girl to Xavier’s School.

Seeing her good instincts, Charles suggested that she become a teacher at the institute. She has recently returned to claim her place as teacher, mentor, and member of the X-Men.


Dani is an Animal Empath with the additional telepathic ability to create three-dimensional, super-realistic images from the minds of animals as well as people within her range. Specifically, these images are manifestations of her target's greatest fears or desires. Barring telepathic resistance and any given individual’s sheer force of will, these illusions are so believable that they are capable of emotionally crippling just about anyone. By focusing her abilities, Dani is able to project “psychic arrows" well outside of her normal range. Should they hit, her victims would be forced to relive their most traumatic experience or nightmare.

Heeding witness to another experiencing their worst possible fear is incredibly emotionally strenuous. Even some desires are enough to cause residual strife.

  • Ranged Combat Expertise
  • Self-Defense Training
  • Animal Husbandry
  • Wilderness Survival
  • Bowyer/Fletcher
  • History/Philosophy


  • Ororo - Sisters are Doin' it for Themselves


  • Coming soon.

And everything in between

  • Coming soon.
  • Dani's horse is actually a wild stallion. She rescued him from a trap.
  • When Dani or her horse is in a foul mood, she changes his name from "Brightwind" to "Darkwind."
  • Dani is obsessed with Norse mythology. In her fantasies, she is a valkyrie.

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Danielle Moonstar
Codename Mirage
Birthdate 1989
Birthplace Boulder, Colorado
Species Mutant
Affiliation X-Men
Alignment Chaotic Good
Powers Animal Empathy, Dream/Nightmare Projection, Psionic Arrows
Occupation Teacher
Registration Status Registered (3P)
RP Hooks
American History Teacher - A former student, Dani was recently invited back to teach.
Equestrian - Dani currently has a white stallion stabling at Xavier's. He is notoriously aggressive to strangers.
Bow Monkey - An experienced archer, Dani is the staff sponsor for the Archery Club.
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