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Revision as of 15:05, 14 August 2024 by Borg (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{ Logs | cast = Ion, Kiri | mentions = Dusk | summary = "Your dead friend, he gives ''amazing'' party!" | gamedate = 2024-08-13 | gamedatename = | subtitle = | location = <NYC> Riverdale Park - <s>Riverdale</s> Freaktown (pop-up edition) | categories = Ion, Kiri, Mutants, Fight Club, Freaktown, 8 | log = It's a truly lovely evening for a cookout, but ''probably'' the posh Riverdale residents adjoining this swath of the park are none too pleased with toni...")
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Dramatis Personae

Ion, Kiri

In Absentia



"Your dead friend, he gives amazing party!"


<NYC> Riverdale Park - Riverdale Freaktown (pop-up edition)

It's a truly lovely evening for a cookout, but probably the posh Riverdale residents adjoining this swath of the park are none too pleased with tonight's festivities. Ion has been all too pleased to inform complainers that, in fact, they got permits for this event months ago.

Probably the city's permits don't, actually, allow for some of the activities tonight, but as of yet the cops have noooot been in the mood to poke this particular bear. There's a raucous party along the riverside, plentiful food and plentiful dancing. Elsewhere (under a large sign with the word BLOOD written in oddly cheerful string lights), a large area of field has been roped off for a special-edition Tuesday Night Fight Club (currently the tangle of limbs and claws and strange acid secretions in the ring are leaving a whole lotta blood in the grass.) Elsewhere-elsewhere, there's been an extremely large tent set up, and between the Mongrels stringently vetting IDs at the entry and the noises coming from inside and the large sign reading LUST in dripping red letters, it's no particular secret what's going on inside.

Ion is, at this unusual moment, not tending the food or fighting or fucking. He has just been turning away another Neighborhood Busybody complaining about the rowdy mutants who have descended on their peaceful neighborhood, and, grinning broad, is just making his way nearer to Ringside to eagerly inspect the ongoing violence. Today he's got his Mongrels cut on over his bare chest -- the slightly bloody, very tattered remains of the shirt he'd been wearing earlier is tucked into the back pocket of his jeans. "Ey-YO," he's calling brightly to the spectators, "neighbors think we ain't cheering loud enough yet."

Kiri has been spectating and was already cheering on both the combatants with immense enthusiasm, though she almost certainly does not know either of them. At Ion's prompting she cheers louder alongside probably everyone within earshot, then extricates herself from her viewing spot to approach him. She's dressed in a cropped black tank top and cutoff jean shorts, both of which display to good effect her extensive and intricately interconnected geometric tattoos, stark black on her warm brown skin. "Your dead friend, he gives amazing party!" She raises her voice to be heard over the still-elevated volume of the gathered crowd. "What drinks he like? I pour one to thank him!"

Ion is cupping his good hand to his mouth to holler at the fight. When he turns back to Kiri it's with a wicked-sharp grin. "Dusk? Shit," he's nodding towards the match where one person has just landed a deep claw-gouge strike on the other, "-- they already pouring one out for him. My boy a vampire but when he ain't making a snack on people, a good tequila'd do him right." He rocks easily back a few steps as the audience surges to one side to avoid being in the acid-splash-zone of the fight. "You maybe go a round, later?" The back-forth waggle of his hook here could be indicating the fighting ring or the tent opposite, either way.

Kiri dancings back nimbly, a little more wary than Ion when the crowd moves, but then she's rising up onto her toes to see how that splash bodes for the non-acid-spraying fighter. "Ohhh I wasn't sure how serious the vampire thing was!" She sounds surprised and curious but not incredulous. "So best way to thank him, you shoot tequila, then get down, eh?" Her head also tips toward both the fighting ring and the tent. "I never done fights or sex with a lot of people to see." There is a touch of hesitation in this, but after a very brief consideration she concludes, "Hell yeah! What drinks you like?"

"Serious-serious. Boy got fangs, he got big-ass bat wing, he fierce as fuck." Ion is saying this with a kind of delight, his own teeth clack-clacking together in a brief, small mimicry of -- bite? bitebite? "Had a think if we can combine this shits," another waggle between Ring and Tent, "but I think maybe, that crowd be a real specific group." He rolls his head back along his shoulders, eyes tipping over towards the food. "Shit, today? Tequila." He's bouncing, slight and jittery on his toes, a faint skitter of sparks dancing off the ends of his fingertips. "Whole new country, whooole new adventures, huh?"

Kiri laughs, bright and pleased with the description. "Fierce I can see! Look at all this!" Ion has, presumably, already looked at all this, but that does not stop her gesticulating with unvarnished delight at the entire park. "I haven't been in any party for a while but I never been in a party like this." At Ion's suggestion she looks between BLOOD and LUST, more thoughtfully this time. "A good fight get me worked up, maybe I like a good fuck after. I don't know about same time. But you give that party, maybe I try that, too." She follows his glance toward the food. "You want bites? Tequila? Go a round?" Her grin comes easily. "Or two."

"Good life deserve a good fucking celebration." Ion is whooping again as, finally, the clawed competitor taps out, prompting a round of cheering from the gathered audience. He's turning back to Kiri with a grin, head jerking in the direction of the food. "Shit, I take you up on all those. Night's still young."

Kiri is cheering before she can quite seen who's won this round. "Good life." She nods. "I see that, too." She's clapping her hands together and shaking her shoulders out as if getting ready for however many rounds of whatever she ends up getting down to. "Sko get started eh?" Then she's heading foodward, turning around to walk backwards briefly to face Ion again. "You tell me some stories about your bitey boy, too. I got so much catching up to do."