Logs:Prepare war, stir up the warriors. Let all the soldiers draw near, let them come up.: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{ Logs | cast = Lucien, Mirror, Leo, Regan, Hive, Charles, Quentin, Sriyani, Ryan, Spencer | mentions = | summary = "I was just heading over to Genosha, I hear it's great this time of year." | gamedate = 2024-10-12 | gamedatename = | subtitle = | location = a call to arms | categories = Lucien, Mirror, Leo, Regan, Hive, Charles, Quentin, Sriyani, Ryan, Spencer | log = ''9 minutes till crash.'' There's been little enough that L...")
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| gamedatename =  
| gamedatename =  
| subtitle =  
| subtitle =  
| location = a call to arms
| location = [[TP-Mojo's World|a call to arms]]
| categories = Lucien, Mirror, Leo, Regan, Hive, Charles, Quentin, Sriyani, Ryan, Spencer
| categories = Lucien, Mirror, Leo, Regan, Hive, Charles, Quentin, Sriyani, Ryan, Spencer, Mutants, Montage, Inner Circle, Brotherhood of Mutants, X-Kids, X-Men, Mojo's World
| log =  
| log =  
''9 minutes till crash.''
''9 minutes till crash.''

Revision as of 18:23, 14 October 2024

Prepare war, stir up the warriors. Let all the soldiers draw near, let them come up.
Dramatis Personae

Lucien, Mirror, Leo, Regan, Hive, Charles, Quentin, Sriyani, Ryan, Spencer

In Absentia


"I was just heading over to Genosha, I hear it's great this time of year."


a call to arms

9 minutes till crash.

There's been little enough that Lucien could do, in the helter-skelter rush from one dimension into the other. Just watch the tracked progress of the ship as it flees Mojo World, enters this one. His face has been very impassive -- for quite some time, ever since the initial transformation of the ship -- but now, as its small blip-blip-blip of signal arcs down to earth he sits up a little bit straighter and a little bit tenser. His eyes narrow faintly, lips pressing thinner when he sees just where that blip is headed. He's taking out his phone, and doesn't bother with a greeting when the voice on the other side picks up. Just: "Joshua is back. He might need your help."


5 minutes till crash.

It's almost definitely not Spencer who's just appeared on Leo's boat, unless Spencer has for some reason taken very recently to wearing body armor and carrying some fairly heavy weaponry. "Oh heyyy are you busy?" is not actually waiting for answer. "Cuz I was just heading over to Genosha, I hear it's great this time of year. Or actually, what I specifically heard was that Joshua and everyone are about to die horribly there but --" His hands spread. "That's kind of exciting too, right?"


1 minute till crash.

Probably Leo should not be bringing Random People into their super secret terrorism base. Likely that goes double for stray X-Kids, but here he is, chubby dark face behind him as he peeks a little hesitantly through the door (that should lead out to a Jenner hallway but is currently leading into the cabin of his boat.) Then opens it, less hesitantly. "I'm sorry. To be rude. It's just -- a little urgent."


-3 minutes till crash.

As plans go, this has been extremely on-the-fly. What briefing the Brothers have is just a very quick-and-dirty telepathic infodump, while Regan is still properly dressing. It'll have to be enough. She's still pulling an armored vest on over her shirt as she heads for the newly-opened door, and the only remaining pep talk her brethren get is: "Don't die."


-1 minute till crash.

Even for Charles, in all his prowess, Hive's mind has been opaque for some time now -- not so much shielded as simply too vast to fathom, like an ant trying to make the Magic Eye picture resolve while standing on the image. Some part of this is crystallizing clear and sharp and loud, now. A bright spike of vigilance strobing alarm-bright for a moment in the immense murk. Hive does not ask permission, just folds Charles swift into themself. With the connection comes awareness -- a spaceship hurtling to crash-land on a beach, a flurry of violence ensuing. Around the world the long tendrils of Hive's minds are stretching themselves out hungrily across the ocean. << Get in, loser. >>


- 4 minutes till crash.

Startled but unresisting, Charles's own alarm and relief and terror and fury come almost all in the same instant, grounded in their vastness. He does not add much to their reach, but their pathfinding is suddenly more nimble and deliberate. They pick out travelers and diaspora and anyone who knows anything about where they're headed, assembling plans of attack against potential resistance from enhanced psionic abilities. They sweep across Africa, a single blaze of light shining through millions, hundreds of millions, billions of minds, converging fierce and relentless on one little island in the Arabian sea. << (we're going to Genosha) >>


-2 minutes till crash.

The second-string superheroes are pretty used to Quentin's mental batsignal, by now, but this one feels somehow different. There's a sharp intensity to it that his cocky mental voice usually lacks -- where a lot of their mission calls come with a smug undertone of not that I need your help but --, this time he just sounds tense and urgent. << Shit, who's off campus, can we round them up. >> comes sort of overlapping the echoes of mental chatter he's just been eavesdropping on. The violence lighting up the elder telepath's mind, the (terrifying) (awesome) heft of Hive's endless reach and the (terrifying) (awesome) implication if even at that size the other telepath is worried. << Where they're going, they might need backup. >>


-4 minutes till crash.

This door is supposed to lead to a supply closet, but when it opens it spills bright light and bright music out to clash with the niggun being sung inside. Sriyani pokes their head out, wide-eyed and breathless. "I'msosorry I know you all are --" They gesture kind of wide around the gathering. "I wouldn't interrupt if it wasn't important."


-5 minutes till crash.

In the wake of Sriyani's anxious rush of information, a hush has fallen over the event space up here at Evolve. There's small murmurs just starting back up, quiet overall but no doubt clanging loud against Ryan's senses where he's been tucked in a wheelchair in his sharp white suit at the fringe of this group, his machzor still open in his lap. His eyes have fixed momentarily on the words there,' הָפֵר עֲצַת אוֹיְ֒בֵֽינוּ', but then lift to fix -- just for a moment -- on Spence. He's wrenching his gaze away a moment later, unstaying his wheelchair brakes to move forward and address Sriyani, instead: "Can you open a door anywhere near them? Their cops will hunt people down to the ends of the earth but if we can hold a line here they'll at least have somewhere safeish to flee." He doesn't really need to look over the room to start picking people out, gesturing to a few of those he knows with offensive enough powers to start setting up a perimeter line for any hostiles that might get through the portal door.

Spence is also dressed all in white, save for the rainbow tallit he had draped over his head when the service was interrupted and which he is now hastily folding. He hasn't said anything, but to familiar eyes he looks decidedly like he's getting ready to jump right to his father and siblings, no matter the danger. He's returning the tallit to its bag but freezes mid-motion to look up at Ryan, just a split second after his father has looked away. Then at Sriyani, then back at his minyan. He bites his lower lip hard. The tallit bag vanishes from his hands, but he's still here. "What can I do?"

Ryan glances back from where he's started to organize people into formation, blinking in a clear surprise when he sees Spencer still here. He exhales a breath, small and relieved, and then just nods. "There's a ton of medical supplies still at Chimaera. We'll probably need them."