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xxxxxOverview of your character goes here.


xxxxxRen is on the paler side due to his sun avoidance. He’s tall, and has a built upper body that isn’t super noticeable since he tends to cover up a lot. He has dark eyes and dark hair. He tends to wear a fabric mask to cover the scarring and damage on the lower half of his face, and he has a slight speech impediment that causes him to have some trouble speaking clearly/articulating from the damage around his mouth if he speaks too quickly. He has some other scarring across his body from the accident as well. He’s missing his left leg (above the knee), and left pointer finger. He alternates between a wheelchair, crutches, or crutches/a cane with his new prosthetic leg he’s getting the hang of.

Ren has an Alien Plant plant fused to his back, with some purple flowers along it. It's similar in look to a Clematis Plant. It’s not super visible if he wears a jacket, but you might be able to see the bumps of it under his shirt. It runs along his spine, and the vines branch across his entire back and merge into his skin, the more sun he gets, the larger the plant will grow. During the Alien Invasion, any life threatening injuries he sustained has vines that automatically "filled in the cracks" when he was bleeding out and have permanently fused there. Some of these points are spots along his chest, his hand, and by his shoulder.

He occasionally has flowers sticking out of his skin, but he’s usually pretty quick about plucking these.


xxxxxWhat (if anything) might others have heard about your character? It's okay if this is 'nothing'. This can also be specific to their faction (maybe they're class clown at their school!) or specific to a niche field (maybe you'd have heard of them if you know a lot about particle physics or cross country skiing, but not otherwise!)


xxxxx The TLDR version: Works as an engineer for helping Develop Sentinels. Had a bad accident, lost his leg, index finger, and got some scarring, Activated his Plant X-gene. Finally recovered and got back to work. Aliens Invaded. This guy can't catch a break. Symbiotically infused with an Alien Plant, who he's actively pretending doesn't exist.

click EXPAND to see BACKSTORY:

Ren Oyama was born and raised in Maine to Japanese immigrant parents. His parents worked long hours, which inspired and pushed Ren to work as hard as he could. His father worked as a florist and ran a flower shop, which Ren would help out at on the side, and his mother worked as a Botanist. Being in Maine and his parents' professions, Ren was constantly surrounded by nature and flowers, but would spend most of his free time online and learning about computers, robotics, and all sorts of up and coming technological advancements. He earned himself degrees in Computer Science and Electrical engineering, with a Masters degree in Mechanical engineering. He published some papers as well as earned himself a few patents on soft robotic and human integrations. He worked a few jobs, but found himself at a high paying, top secret program, working on the new age of Sentinel robots in New York. He helped with developing its recognition software as well as increasing its mobility capabilities. It crossed his mind that maybe it wasn’t the most *moral* job, but it paid well, it was just a job. It’s not like him or his family would ever be affected (you fool, you absolute buffoon).

One day while on his way to work, he was caught in a head on car collision that nearly killed him. In the panic, and Ren nearly dead, his x-gene activated. He was rushed to the hospital, and managed to survive thanks to the doctors. His left leg needed to be amputated, above the knee, he gained scarring on the lower half of his face as well as on his body, and he lost his left index finger.

He spent months in recovery, and was more recently able to return to work in an attempt to make a dent his large sum of medical bills. After months of fighting the insurance companies, he was finally approved for an above the knee prosthetic, which he’s been practicing with after the long process of being fit for one. He's already debating making his own adjustments to it...if it weren't so expensive.

His realization that he was a mutant was a slow one, and at first he chalked it up to side effects of the pain medications he was on. But as he slowly was taken off those, he realized the constant annoying signals and *whining* from plants were there to stay. He began promptly discarding any "Get Well" Flowers he received, unable to deal with the needling noises of the dying plants. His return to work was, unfortunately, short lived, when Literal Aliens From Outer Space invaded New York! The Stark Tower in which he was working at the time, sustained heavy damage, and he was pretty ready to accept his fate as Bug Food when he realized the elevator would probably be out of order. As fate would have it, an alien plant, hitchhiked on one of The Brood aliens as it invaded the city. The alien, while swarming the Stark Tower, gets killed and the plant is left vulnerable in the crumbling tower. The Alien Plant “sees" Ren, see's some sort of mobile plant, and Ren senses The Plant. They can’t understand each other, BUT the one thing they both understand is that they both want to survive. Driven by the pure instinct to Survive, Ren reached out for the plant, not understanding why but knowing it was his only chance. In their moment of contact, Ren's mutation enhanced the The Alien's Plants Synergizing abilities, which allowed it to merge and fuse to Ren's spine. At the same time, the plant then boosted it's energy into ren, enhancing his own mutation, which in turn created a feedback loop that created their Permanent Symbiotic Relationship.

Aliens bombarded the tower, but with the help of The Plant, acting entirely on autopilot to protect it's new home, wrapped Ren in protective vines shielding him from fires, explosions, and attacked any alien that got close. He was able to escape Stark Tower alive, The Plant aiding him with traversing the warzone the city had become. The plant helped fill in his injuries, acting as a living bandage, and kept him alive until he was escorted to safety.

He avoided the doctors after, figuring he'd been through worse, and wanting to avoid drawing any attention to his new plant passenger. He might have recently accepted the fact that he was a mutant, but he wasn't exactly ready for anyone else to know. In terms of the relationship between him the new plant imbedded in his back, Ren is very aggressive in the opinion that there *isn’t* one. The plant sends him signals that he can’t hope and isn’t willing to decipher. In Ren’s opinion, it’s just easier to ignore that it even exists. The plant is just a dirty freeloader, even if it saved his life.


xxxxxDescription of your character's powers.


xxxxxDescription of your character's non-mutation-related skills.



  • Coming soon.


  • Coming soon.

And everything in between

  • Coming soon.
  • Random facts you think are worth knowing about your character.
  • And more random facts!
  • And more.

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Full Name
Codename None
Birthdate None
Birthplace None
Species None
Affiliation None
Alignment None
Powers None
Occupation None
Registration Status None
Faceclaim None
RP Hooks
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
Date Title Cast Mentions
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  • (2024-07-26)
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  • (2024-07-04)
Threat Assessments Halim, Ren
  • (2024-06-24)
Come a Long Way Alestair, Damien Ren
  • (2024-06-22)
⊑⍜⋔⟒ (Home) Alestair, Ren
  • (2024-06-13)
Hubris Lucien, Ren
  • (2024-06-09)
⎎⍀⟟⟒⋏⎅? (Friend?) Alestair, Ren
  • (2024-05-28)
⌇⏃⎎⟒? DJ, Ren Hive, Flicker
