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{{Tab}}While attending Xavier's, she was known for being a delinquent who loved pulling pranks (some more dangerous than not) on the staff. Tabitha often was often the cause of lots of property damage much to the Professor's dismay. She always skipped, opting to take joyrides with other student's vehicles. Once she dropped out and joined the Fallen Angels, Tabitha was known within the local crime syndicates as the best safe-cracker around, mainly due to her mutation. However, her impatience often made people reluctant to use her. While with the X-Men and going by Meltdown, she was more serious and mature, but once she left the X-Men, she went right back into her old delinquent ways. Recently since her move to New York, she's been an avid clubber and is known within the club scene as being crazy and unhinged even without alcohol. Also has an well-off Instagram and Twitter (@boombo0m) with a couple thousand on each.
{{Tab}}While attending Xavier's, she was known for being a delinquent who loved pulling pranks (some more dangerous than not) on the staff. Tabitha often was often the cause of lots of property damage much to the Professor's dismay. She always skipped, opting to take joyrides with other student's vehicles. Once she dropped out and joined the Fallen Angels, Tabitha was known within the local crime syndicates as the best safe-cracker around, mainly due to her mutation. However, her impatience often made people reluctant to use her. While with the X-Men and going by Meltdown, she was more serious and mature, but once she left the X-Men, she went right back into her old delinquent ways. Recently since her move to New York, she's been an avid clubber and is known within the club scene as being crazy and unhinged even without alcohol. Also has a well-off Instagram and Twitter (@boombo0m) with a couple thousand on each.
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{{Tab}}abitha Smith was born to Marty and Mandy Smith on April 27th, 1996 in Roanoke, Virginia. Since a toddler, she'd always clash with her parents and resented being under any kind of authority. Her father was abusive, both verbally and physically, to both her and her mother. She grew to resent him -- resent everything that he stood for. This only became a catalyst for her mutation which manifested when she was thirteen years old. She originally hid it from her parents, but a school "friend," Bret McAllister, convinced her to use her newfound mutant ability to play a prank on the school. Just a small explosion, to spook them, or so she had intended. The timebomb she had created was too powerful, and accidentally blew the roof of the entire lunchroom. Her parents were appalled at this, and she was expelled shortly after.
{{Tab}}Tabitha Smith was born to Marty and Mandy Smith on April 27th, 1996 in Roanoke, Virginia. Since a toddler, she'd always clash with her parents and resented being under any kind of authority. Her father was abusive, both verbally and physically, to both her and her mother. She grew to resent him -- resent everything that he stood for. This only became a catalyst for her mutation which manifested when she was thirteen years old. She originally hid it from her parents, but a school "friend," Bret McAllister, convinced her to use her newfound mutant ability to play a prank on the school. Just a small explosion, to spook them, or so she had intended. The timebomb she had created was too powerful, and accidentally blew the roof of the entire lunchroom. Her parents were appalled at this, and she was expelled shortly after.

{{Tab}}After putting a small explosive ball in his food, Marty had beaten Tabitha severely and banned her from ever using her mutant abilities. This was the final straw for her and ran away from her parent's home. She was homeless at first and used her ability to blow locks and steal from people's houses, but Charles Xavier had learned about the lunchroom incident and tracked the young mutant. He offered her a place at his school, Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, and with no other viable options, she obliged. At 14, she was a full-time student at the school -- giving herself the codename Time Bomb. During this time, she was known as a juvenile delinquent and often caused problems for the instructors and school in general. She learned how to better control her timebombs as well.
{{Tab}}After putting a small explosive ball in his food, Marty had beaten Tabitha severely and banned her from ever using her mutant abilities. This was the final straw for her and ran away from her parent's home. She was homeless at first and used her ability to blow locks and steal from people's houses, but Charles Xavier had learned about the lunchroom incident and tracked the young mutant. He offered her a place at his school, Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, and with no other viable options, she obliged. At 14, she was a full-time student at the school -- giving herself the codename Time Bomb. During this time, she was known as a juvenile delinquent and often caused problems for the instructors and school in general. She learned how to better control her timebombs as well.
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*She often changes her nickname, one of her more iconic being Madam McSpode.
*She often changes her nickname, one of her more iconic being Madam McSpode.
*Her favorite band is the Sex Pistols.
*Her favorite band is the Sex Pistols.
*She has an Instagram/Twitter where she posts her outfits and things she thinks are neat around the city. Also LOVES to go on political rants on Twitter, often filled with lots of expletives.
! Gallery
! Gallery

Revision as of 19:25, 13 September 2020


xxxxxTabitha is a hedonist with a short attention span -- always looking for something new and interesting to do. Although ultimately goodhearted in her intentions, she has a hard time following rigid rules and an especially hard time taking things seriously. She's impulsive, as well as a known kleptomaniac. However impulsive or head-strong she may be, she will not purposely hurt anyone, but as a consequence of her myopia, people can get hurt unintentionally. Because of her need for constant stimulus, she never stays in one place too long, although she has a knack for always finding her way back to the X-Men.


xxxxxTabitha stands at about 5'6", but her personality makes her seem much bigger. She has messy bright blonde hair, often dyed bright colors every other day, with bright blue eyes often surrounded with equally bright makeup. She's skinny, clothes often loose on her body, and the ones that are fitting are small. She dresses in loud, punk-Esque clothing that often has singes from her time bombs. One item of clothing she wears consistently is her thick sunglasses, which allow her to look at her timebombs more closely while she's creating them.


xxxxxWhile attending Xavier's, she was known for being a delinquent who loved pulling pranks (some more dangerous than not) on the staff. Tabitha often was often the cause of lots of property damage much to the Professor's dismay. She always skipped, opting to take joyrides with other student's vehicles. Once she dropped out and joined the Fallen Angels, Tabitha was known within the local crime syndicates as the best safe-cracker around, mainly due to her mutation. However, her impatience often made people reluctant to use her. While with the X-Men and going by Meltdown, she was more serious and mature, but once she left the X-Men, she went right back into her old delinquent ways. Recently since her move to New York, she's been an avid clubber and is known within the club scene as being crazy and unhinged even without alcohol. Also has a well-off Instagram and Twitter (@boombo0m) with a couple thousand on each.


xxxxxTabitha Smith was born to Marty and Mandy Smith on April 27th, 1996 in Roanoke, Virginia. Since a toddler, she'd always clash with her parents and resented being under any kind of authority. Her father was abusive, both verbally and physically, to both her and her mother. She grew to resent him -- resent everything that he stood for. This only became a catalyst for her mutation which manifested when she was thirteen years old. She originally hid it from her parents, but a school "friend," Bret McAllister, convinced her to use her newfound mutant ability to play a prank on the school. Just a small explosion, to spook them, or so she had intended. The timebomb she had created was too powerful, and accidentally blew the roof of the entire lunchroom. Her parents were appalled at this, and she was expelled shortly after.

xxxxxAfter putting a small explosive ball in his food, Marty had beaten Tabitha severely and banned her from ever using her mutant abilities. This was the final straw for her and ran away from her parent's home. She was homeless at first and used her ability to blow locks and steal from people's houses, but Charles Xavier had learned about the lunchroom incident and tracked the young mutant. He offered her a place at his school, Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, and with no other viable options, she obliged. At 14, she was a full-time student at the school -- giving herself the codename Time Bomb. During this time, she was known as a juvenile delinquent and often caused problems for the instructors and school in general. She learned how to better control her timebombs as well.

xxxxxTwo years at the school and she had enough of the pompous arrogance that she believed the school represented. Too much prep, not enough fight. She dropped out of the school abruptly, leaving a large timebomb in the fountain as a parting gift before she made her way to Los Angeles in pursuit of something new. There, she met the Vanisher, a mutant criminal in charge of a gang of thieves known as the Fallen Angels. She became a member of this gang and officially donned the nickname Boom-Boom which she would use more than her other many nicknames. From the Fallen Angels, Tabitha learned how to steal and use her powers for thieving. The Vanisher was abusive towards Tabitha, egging her on to use her powers for more and more destructive means until after a year with the group, she had enough. She reported Vanisher and the group to the X-Men, where they fought although couldn't apprehend the teleporting criminal. Beast and Iceman convinced her to come back to the school, in which she did.

xxxxxTabitha graduated from Xavier's in 2015 at 19. The second she got her diploma, she ran away as far from the school as possible (which many of the instructors were grateful for). She spent a year hitchhiking across the U.S. as well as Mexico, leaving a trail of chaos in her wake. She eventually got bored and came back to the school, looking for something more permanent and impactful. At this time, she was recruited into the X-Men, although they often didn't take her out on field missions due to her impulsive nature. During this time, she temporarily used the name Meltdown, although after staying with the X-Men for a couple of years, she left -- feeling as if they didn't value her as a team member. She went back to her old nickname, Boom-Boom, and relocated to San Francisco where she sought to make a name for herself without anyone's help. Tabitha used her time bombs to blow up base of operations for local anti-mutant operations, as well as using her thief expertise to shoplift most of her belongings.

xxxxxShe lived with her at-the-time girlfriend, a fellow mutant named Sylvia, who was revealed to be working with the anti-mutant organizations that Tabitha was fighting against. Hurt, betrayed, she ran away from San Francisco and to New York City, where she began falling back into old habits of using her powers for more nefarious means.


xxxxxTabitha can create explosive balls of concussive energy which she calls her "time bombs." Depending on the size of the ball, the more or less concussive force will come from the explosion. The smallest she can create is the size of a marble, which she often used to play pranks or bust open locks. The largest size she can create can be the size of a beach ball that can be capable of smashing trees or metal objects. The larger a bomb is, the longer it takes to make, and the more focus she needs to have. Along with this, she has some control over the amount of time it takes for the bomb to explode but generally is no longer than a few seconds. The delay for the time bomb begins when the energy has hardened into a ball. When hardened, they have a similar consistency to a marble and can be interacted with before detonation. She often throws or rolls the time bombs to their desired location before detonation (or inserts it, if it’s a small bomb).

xxxxxWhen she creates a time bomb, she cups both her hands together where a bright light emits from inside them, and once the bomb is hardened and fully formed, it dims and she opens her hands to reveal it. The larger it is, the wider she will need to open her hands, and the bomb will form in the space between them. This light is white-yellow, although the timebombs themselves are more yellow-orange.


xxxxxTabitha is exceptionally well at pickpocketing and using her time bombs to break locks, and from her time with the X-Men, hand-to-hand combat.



  • Coming soon.


  • Coming soon.

And everything in between

  • Coming soon.
  • Tabitha dots her i's with small explosions
  • She often changes her nickname, one of her more iconic being Madam McSpode.
  • Her favorite band is the Sex Pistols.
  • She has an Instagram/Twitter where she posts her outfits and things she thinks are neat around the city. Also LOVES to go on political rants on Twitter, often filled with lots of expletives.

Boomboom2.jpg Boomboom3.jpg Boomboom4.jpg

Tabitha Smith
Codename Boom-Boom (previously Time Bomb and Meltdown)
Birthdate 04/27/1996
Birthplace Roanoke, Virginia
Species Mutant
Affiliation X-Men, Xavier's, Fallen Angels
Alignment Chaotic Good
Powers Time Bombs
Occupation Local Delinquent
Registration Status (currently n/a)
Faceclaim Ellie Thatcher
RP Hooks
Pleasure Seeker - Tabitha is often bored and looking for something new and exciting regardless of it's legality.
Ex-X-Man - Tabitha was a part of the X-Men for a few years, and a student at Xavier's School. She made quite the name for herself at the school and even those who didn't attend with her know the tales of Boom-Boom.
Clubber Extraordinaire - Boom-Boom loves clubbing, and is known within the club scene as a crazy alt clubber. During the weekends, you can almost guarentee to find her in a mosh pit somewhere.
TBA - To be added!
Date Title Cast Mentions
  • (2020-10-28)
When the sun and moon and stars are gone Kitty, Tabitha
  • (2020-10-28)
Vignette - The Monarch and the Bomb Tabitha, Sylvia
  • (2020-10-17)
Mutants in the Car with Coffee Kitty, Tabitha
  • (2020-10-16)
Better People Akihiro, Tabitha
  • (2020-10-15)
Glitter and Groove Tabitha, Akihiro
  • (2020-10-07)
Boommates Tabitha, Kitty
  • (2020-10-05)
Boom-Boom Rescue: Part II Tabitha, Kitty
  • (2020-09-17)
Try, Try Again Daiki, Tabitha
  • (2020-09-15)
Lake Placid Dawson, Matt, Tabitha
  • (2020-09-14)
Bombs from Above Tabitha, Kurt Wagner 2.0
  • (2020-09-13)
Boom-Boom POW! Tabitha, Daiki, Jean, Kitty