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{{ Logs
{{ Logs
| cast = [[Shane]], [[Sebastian]], [[Faelan]], [[Lyric]], [[Lia]], [[Kelly]], [[Sophie]], [[Rasa]], [[Jackson]],[[XS NPCs|Taylor]], [[NPC-Daiki|Daiki]]
| cast = [[Shane]], [[Sebastian]], [[Faelan]], [[Lyric]], [[Lia]], [[Kelly]], [[Sophie]], [[Rasa]], [[Jackson]],[[NPCs#Taylor|Taylor]], [[NPC-Daiki|Daiki]]
| summary = Excitement in the boys' dorm with revelations about Daiki's illness. (Part of [[TP-Infected|Infected TP]].)
| summary = Excitement in the boys' dorm with revelations about Daiki's illness. (Part of [[TP-Infected|Infected TP]].)
| gamedate = 2013-11-04
| gamedate = 2013-11-04

Latest revision as of 22:36, 8 December 2014

Dramatis Personae

Shane, Sebastian, Faelan, Lyric, Lia, Kelly, Sophie, Rasa, Jackson,Taylor, Daiki

In Absentia

4 November 2013

Excitement in the boys' dorm with revelations about Daiki's illness. (Part of Infected TP.)


<XS> Boys' Hall – FL2

The boys' dormitory is more densely lined with doors than the main thoroughfare, nearly all of which sport some kind of bulletin or dry-erase board, or some manner of poster. This hallway is slightly more cluttered than its counterpart across the hall, with door-hangings prioritizing posters and decorations and dry-erase missives marginally more likely to be composed of crude drawings.

The boys' wing is in somewhat a state of upheaval, at the moment. Quiet upheaval, though; there have been /instructions/ as to who needs to move where and a teacher or two overseeing the process, moving out healthy students and moving in sick ones and in general attempting to corral students away from the door halfway down the hall where Daiki once resided. It's morningtime still, but with classes cancelled there's more students here than usual.

Some are avoiding that room on purpose. Not so for one tiny blue sharklike teenager posted stubbornly outside its door; Shane isn't being allowed /in/ for the moment, at least not until shortly-from-now when Daiki's body has been collected and transported away, and so for lack of ability to sit /by/ his bedside he is instead crouched outside, leaning against the door. He's still dressed like he's ready for class even if class has been cancelled; neat houndstooth vest, dark slacks, bow tie, dress shirt. His face is paler than its usual blue, a little blotching, but his frequent sniffles don't seem so much from tears as just from a perpetually runny nose. Snuffle. Snuffle.

Identical in every way physically, in /dress/ Bastian isn't quite as dapper as his twin. Knee-length black denim skirt over top of silver leggings, a black sweatshirt that reads HERBIVORE on a yellow cross over its chest. He's outside his /brother's/ room, talking quietly with a tall boy with jet-black skin and an enormous wealth of tentacles.

"-- Going to have to pack up his stuff anyway," Taylor is saying, "he might as well stay there."

"But it's -- kind of creepy." Sebastian is less sniffly than his brother, though he'd /been/ pretty severely under the weather all weekend. Perhaps it is passing. "I guess he can't -- get /more/ sick though um. But." He drags his teeth against his lip and then apparently just agrees with Taylor. "I guess they'll be here to get him soon anyway." Unlike his brother, he /does/ look like he's been crying, kind of puffy around his jet-black eyes. He isn't currently, though. Just -- watching Shane in quiet concern.

The door to Faelan's room is wide open! Or at least its invisible. It's occasionally hard to tell with the assistant librarian, and he is busy packing up what he can to make space for others, and so he doesn't have to be surrounded by the plague ridden. The post cards wallpapering the room give a general 'Wish you were here' vibe, and occasionally he pauses in the packing, looking to one or another and letting out a sigh. "Yeah I wish I was there." Grabbing a pile of the books, he shoves them into his messenger bag, nodding to himself. A giant hand sanitizer bottle sits on his desk though, and a bottle of spray lysol, and once he has finished packing each duffle bag full of things, he hoses the bag down with the lysol then squirts out a glob of sanitizer on his hands with a nod. The general feeling of death has kept things fairly morose, and the light in the room was kept dim leaving it all kind of grey and shadowy.

Creep. Creeeep. Lyric isn't supposed to be here, really. The slight sophomore is dressed in her pajamas still, as is fitting for days with no class. Long mint-green flannel pants, a soft pink t-shirt with a pink-and-white plaid flannel long-sleeved shirt over it. Her wealth of poofy hair is tucked beneath a wispy white shawl, and she creeps into the boys' room hallway with large eyes. Searching. She pauses a short way in, just outside Faelan's (open? invisible?) door to peer down towards Daiki's old door with a deep furrow between her brows. Looking from it to Shane and back to the door before she creeps closer. She seems kind of /wary/ of approaching Shane, but she stops nearby him to poke a finger towards the closed door questioningly.

Things have been hectic since Lia arrived on campus, and likely before. There certainly could have been better times to come to Xavier's than Sunday afternoon. Not many people have had the time or energy to expend on handling wide-eyed new students, particularly those who rapidly switch between wide-eyed terror and wide-eyed curiosity. The latter has finally won out for the teen girl, boredom setting in by Monday, though a healthy dose of caution leaves her body back in the girls' dorms where those not showing signs of infection have been stored. Lia has poured her consciousness into a doll, an abandoned Curious George (appropriately enough) whose worn fur shows signs of being well-loved, at least in the past. The light limbs of the stuffed monkey have proven good for exploring the labyrinth-like building, swift and easy to manipulate. The sound of many voices coming from the hallway brings the curious monkey closer, creeping his way around the corner.

Kelly hasn't said a word all morning, simply nodding at the somber news when it eventually made it to his ears, and moving with sluggish but deliberate fashion to stay as far out of the way as he could manage. He hadn't lived in his room for more than two days, and there wasn't anything but an arm full of clothes provided by the school that he's shoved into his canvas sack to worry about. But he hangs by his open door waiting for the opportunity and directions to slip away. He's wearing his thick, stained, and slightly smelly coat again, though the rest of the wardrobe is new, several items of it sporting a Xavier's logo or two. He watches friends comfort friends, boys cry and fret, fear and apprehension, and himself at arms length of all of it, green eyes sympathetic but unknowing. Alone today, and the knowledge that it was probably for once, a better state than most.

Sophie is in /slightly/ better spirits than most, though that's really more as a result of her not having any /personal/ connection to the morning's bad news. She's still definitely feeling down, and is dressed to reflect the somber atmosphere - a black blouse, black-and-grey plaid skirt, black stockings and bare feet. She's also in her 'ghost' form currently, the only indicator of which is the fact that she doesn't make any sound when she walks; for now, she's just quietly observing the proceedings from the sidelines, her hands folded at her waist as she leans slightly against a wall near the exit end of the hallway.

Rasa emerges out of the bathroom, swathed in red flannel pajamas with little presents on it, obviously a nod to December holidays. Over the top and mostly wrapped around hir neck and shoulders is a blanket in soft cotton, colored blue and white, dragging a little on the floor on hir left side. Hir face is a strange shade of magenta, hir eyes a watery blue with yellow 'whites.' Hir face is puffy around the eyes, exaggerating hir cheekbones and brow ridges, as any hint of eyebrow hair has completely disappeared. Hir hair is black and stringy and strangely thin. Ze pads in oversized slippers toward hir roommate first, face bonking his shoulder lightly before moving away to peer at Shane down the hall. "Would he want a hug now?" ze asks quietly of possibly both Taylor and Bastian, but hir attention is slowly drifting toward the animated doll.

Sebastian lifts his arm when he is bonked, curling his hand around Rasa's shoulders loosely. "He wants so many hugs. He's just -- a little twitchy, they won't let him --" He frowns, shrugging uncomfortably.

"Dai's still in there," Taylor volunteers. "They're on their way to take him --" He frowns. "He doesn't have family, where /do/ they take him?"

"Pa's handling it," Sebastian says softly. "S'the closest thing he had to --" He turns, slightly, watching the others coming into the hall though his eyes freeze on the monkey curiously. Probably with less alarm than this sight might cause in other places, though he still stares for a good few seconds. "... Weird," he mutters, "that's -- weird. Weird. I don't think I'm going to get used to..." He trails off with a shake of his head.

Shane tenses abruptly at the approach of a /person/. His eyes snap up, claws lengthening immediately when Lyric approaches, but he relaxes again at the sight of her. "Not allowed in," he says gruffly. "They say." He sounds kind of bitter about this.

Taylor has been briefly distracted by the arrival of newpeople, too. "You alright?" he asks Kelly; the tentacle-laden teenager's voice has a bit of roughness to it that suggests he might also have been crying at some point. And then he notes the monkey with just a stark widening of eyes.

"New labrat," Bastian explains simply.

Lyric fidgets from one foot to the other, eying the door. 'But Daiki,' is all she says at first; in lieu of fingerspelling she gives him a name sign, 'WARM' morphing into an modified form of POLITE using the initial D. 'Here still.' This seems evidently intensely distressing to her. Tentatively, she reaches a hand for the door, giving Shane a questioning look as she does so.

"Yeah..." Kelly manages to force out with a straight mouth to Taylor, letting the vines in his arms shift around in his sleeves nervously. He keeps pulling them back and away as people pass, avoiding an unintentional prick or sting. He offers "I'm really sorry about your friend." in a sincere voice, but he doesn't even know the poor boy's name.

Monkey-Lia tilts her head at the trio of 'Bastian, Taylor, and Rasa. She even lifts her hand to wave at Taylor's wide-eyed look. Knowing the twins from the Lofts makes her a bit bolder than she might otherwise be, approaching the small group at a lope in order to get there faster on such short legs. “There are many people in this hallway,” the monkey observes in a soft girl's voice. “Most of the hallways are empty.”

Hefting a duffle bag, and his messenger bag, Faelan watches people pass his door and watching the monkey go by, he blinks a few times wondering who had a robomonkey. Shaking his head, and when nobody is actually coming by, he reaches out his hand to touch the door rendering it visible once more. This of course makes it easier to grasp the handle, and doing so he slides the door open, letting out the lovely scent of ridiculous amounts of lysol in its flowery glory. Glancing left, then right, he gives a wave to the students down the way, but doesn't seem inclined to approach the sicklies.

"Yes. Very weird. But everything's.. weird right now. I kind of gave Daiki a book and ... I don't really want the book back, because that's the the point. Just want... wish I knew if he read the book... before, you know? A shared thing." Rasa rambles quietly, a warm little heater under Sebastian's arm. A few tears start trickling down hir cheeks, but they stick and evaporate instead of stream. "Hey, Kelly." Ze gives him a nod in lieu of drawing closer for a better greeting, ze slips away toward Shane and Lyric, approaching slowly and keeping an eye on Shane's posture.

Sophie gives a bit of a startled look at the monkey once it starts talking, jumping just slightly, and while she does give a look around to see if anyone else noticed it, once that /does/ seem to be the case she settles down a little. Otherwise, for now she's content to just quietly observe, since there otherwise isn't much she can do that isn't already being done right now.

Shane bares his teeth as Lyric reaches for the door, sharp sharkteeth snapping together once in quick irritation, but he doesn't actually attempt to /stop/ her. He glances down the hall one way and up it the other, and shifts slightly to one side to allow Lyric better access to the handle. "Still here for now," he agrees, haltingly signing the words as he says them.

"Book," Sebastian echoes a little dully. "Book -- what book. It -- the book it might be. In there."

Taylor extends one long tentacle to very gently nudge its tip towards the monkey. "Uh -- whoa. Hi." His eyes open even wider when Lia!monkey /talks/. "I -- don't think we've -- met?" He sounds somewhat at a loss. Like he doesn't make a habit of conversing with stuffed monkeys.

"Lia," Sebastian introduces. "She doesn't always look like a monkey, she usually looks like River Tam."

"About as crazy, too," Shane volunteers irritably from down the hall. And then to Kelly: "Are you a tree? I don't know you." He says /this/ like it's an accusation.

"He's new," Sebastian explains, more gently placating. "Hi. Sorry. This is a weird -- a weird -- a weird." Frown. "Weird -- time to start."

Lyric hesitates a moment longer, shrinking back when Shane bares his teeth but putting her hand on the door once he permits it. She pushes it open just slightly, steeling herself before peeking her head inside for a long moment. Her breath catches first in a small quiet hitch, but a moment later there's a soft shifting inside. She pulls her head back, leaving the door ajar; there's a deep frown on her face. 'Still here,' she signs again, but then shakes her head to sign the hasty correction: 'Not dead. Who said dead? Sleeping?'

Lia offers a paw-hand, as if to shake. “I am supposed to say hello, and shake hands. You have very many arms. Do...I shake?” The paw touches the tip of the extended tentacle. The monkey's head nods at the introduction. “Lia,” she repeats, tapping her free hand to her chest. “Though I am usually not water /or/ a hat. Only dolls.” She raises one fuzzy eyebrow at 'Bastian, as if to question where he gets such ideas. She does not argue Shane's accusations of crazy, however. It might be she has heard such before.

Kelly nods back to Rasa, and can't help but give the girl(?) a dour worried look. And even when he opens his mouth to greet her more realistically, he holds it back to instead answer the tree question with a simple: "Yeah, tree works." Matter of factly, not reacting to the anger he thinks he notices. The talking Monkey gets his attention of course, but he offers it, "This really might not be the best place for you to be right now." Not in an angry voice, but... a polite suggestion.

"Um. The book... book." Rasa fumbles for words. "The one with the water." Ze frowns as ze stops in hir tracks, considering, rubbing at hir eyes with thumb and knuckle of one hand. "Water... The Old Man and The Sea." Ze nods to hirself and continues toward Shane, hir approach slow. Hir hand reaches out and nudges at the side of his hand gently, slower than even hir walk. "Hey." Hir head stays somewhat bowed, but hir eyes study Lyric with little to no understanding of what she is signing, but hir frown grows.

Sophie finally heads a bit further into the hallway, stopping near Kelly to lay an incorporeal hand on the boy's shoulder. "Looks like now might have been a bad time to transfer here after all," she murmurs quietly, hopefully so that nobody else can hear her. She steps forward, then, a bit closer to the group near the door, though she doesn't get quite close enough that she would be able to look inside. Glancing between the twins, Taylor and Rasa, she finally settles on addressing Taylor. "Why.. do you know why he's still, um..." She bites her lip, one arm crossed across her chest to hold the opposite elbow. "Shouldn't they have... why wasn't he at least with Dr. McCoy..?" She starts to choke up at the end of the question, but fights back any further outburst than that.

"River Tam? Can you beat up /everything/?" Taylor -- /almost/ manages a smile at this. Almost. But it dies as soon as he looks back towards Lyric at Daiki's door. "Hm?" He just looks at a loss with the signing.

"Sleeping?" Sebastian looks confused. "Shane, what did she say?" He answers Sophie rather than Taylor: "Seemed like he was getting better. No more symptoms anyway. I guess it changed quick overnight. And he's still here because bodies don't --"

"-- conveniently just fucking vanish when you die," Shane finishes unhappily. "Gotta wait for someone to come /deal/ with them and in the meantime -- here. She says -- not dead. Maybe sleeping?" Shane's scowl deepens, his head turning towards the door. His nostrils flare, and he shakes his head decisively: "No, Lyric, he's dead. Just this morn --" But then he hears that shuffling, and freezes, his eyes wide and a sudden flare of hope in his expression. "Waitwhat. Dai?"

As the door opens onto Daiki's room, Faelan frowns and is about to call out, when there's a sudden change of emotions. "Is everything alright down there? They had kinda wanted us to keep the doors shut..." Setting his stuff back down inside the door frame, he bravely makes his over to the sick masses, though he keeps his distance to avoid it. "Should I get a teacher? Is something going on?"

'Not dead,' Lyric repeats insistently, and now she pushes the door open further. Even waves, inside, a little hopefully. She pokes Rasa gently to get hir to look, too. 'See? Asleep. Awake now.'

Daiki /is/ still inside, dressed still in black pajama pants, a white undershirt, black flannel shirt over top, his long hair pulled back into a neat ponytail. He has been in bed but he's getting up as the door opens -- a little stiffly, a little groggily? There's not a lot of /focus/ in his dark eyes, his movements uncoordinated as he rolls himself to his feet. His head turns towards the voices at the door.

“I am not for the fighting tests usually, no. I'm too little. Sometimes they have me in bigger dolls and then...” Monkey-Lia shakes her head, the little mouth pulling down into a frown. “The girl with the hand-talking says that the person is not dead, just sleeping, and awake now,” she informs helpfully. “People think I am dead when I am not in my body sometimes. Everyone is...upset now?” She glances between the people in the hall and the door that has drawn much attention and apparently prompted much agitation.

"Uhh. That's... weird. Very weird. maybe... weird. They were maybe wrong?" Rasa tilts hir head to one side. When hir hand gesture is ignored, ze doesn't do anything about it, equally distracted by the rising person in the room. Hir eyes narrow a bit as ze licks hir lips and opens hir mouth to say more. "Maybe it was a sick that seemed like death and now he's awake. They... have those." Ze swallows hard and turns to follow Shane in. "Daiki? You okay? You want some... water? Oh. Sorry. sorry. Can I come in?" Ze pauses and hovers in the doorway.

Sophie lowers her eyes, avoiding looking at Shane for a moment, focusing her attention on Bastian as she mumbles, a little meekly, "I just... I figured since we're all here, you'd think teachers would... would have taken care of it by now." She shakes her head a few times, silently, and ultimately just murmurs, "It doesn't matter. I mean. It does, but-- I mean-- it doesn't matter /why/. I'm just not really sure... I don't know what you're supposed to do when things like this-- happen--?" And at this point she, too, is looking up when it seems everyone is turning their attention to the door. Taking a few steps forward, she looks into Daiki's room, raising her eyebrows slightly. "Hey, he's... alright? Should we go get someone?"

The sudden shift in conversation brightens Kelly's mood spectacularly. He straightens up from his slouch and even pulls the hood down from his head to get a better look, a half dozen pink and red flowers blooming quite suddenly on top of his head from the excitement. "Oh thank god..." he whispers under his breath.

"What are you like a fucking vampire you need to be invited?" Shane has slipped easily back into -- well for /him/ it's almost goodnatured, at the sight of Daiki up and walking.

"Might should get a teacher," Sebastian agrees, though he's already taking out his phone to text his father. "Ohgod Dai you scared us all." Though his frown is deepening as Daiki moves around. His nose twitches again. "... is weird," he agrees. "Weird. Really weird."

"Weird," Taylor echoes, and "water. Water -- maybe he could use some. Being dead's probably. Thirsty work."

"Do you think Arjun's really dead?" Sebastian is asking Faelan this question. "He /was/ down with Doctor McCoy, though, I don't think -- don't think he'd have gotten that /wrong/ that'd -- be weird -- weird -- weird also. He's still downstairs I think. They were -- picking them both up together." He fidgets, admitting quietly to Sophie, "I think most of us aren't really sure what to do. This is all just --" He trails off, shrugging a shoulder with a brief look of confusion.

While Sebastian is texting Jax, Faelan pulls his phone out from under his hoodie from his little carrying bag. "Yeah sure I'll call Doctor McCoy. I'm sure he'll want to get up here right away. Do you think Doctor Saavedro is here too?" Holding the phone up to his ear as he waits for Hank to pick up, he looks to the others. "I mean, if Daiki is alright, Arjun should be fine too, he's gotta be." He nods with reassurance, whether or not he feels any.

"Oh, no. but you know, with Daiki's powers, I ... try to ask first. Plus he's polite and..." Rasa fumbles, hir magenta starting to shift a little more red. Ze sniffles and the puffiness in hir cheeks and forehead grows. "Sorry. Sorry, I just... sorry." Ze starts to pad inward. "Does he have any water in here? Maybe you should stay sitting, Daiki. We thought you were dead. Sorry about that. I don't think Dr. McCoy makes mistakes like that, but it could just be this... weird, weird sick."

The one thing Kelly always has with him in his room is water, so this much he can help with. He ducks inside the door to fish an unopened bottle and shuffles towards the edge of the group to offer it out to the first person who might want to pass it along, not wanting to crowd the group more than he already had to. "Here, take this..."

Daiki has stopped, for a moment, a little unsteady on his feet beside the bed. But he straightens when Shane and Rasa enter; his mouth opens at the mention of water, but he only gives a brief soft croak of dry-throated noise before closing his mouth again. He turns slightly more, starting to walk stiffly again towards Shane and Rasa; one arm lifts like he's offering a hug. And hooks around Rasa, pulling hir in as his head tips forward, mouth opening again to clamp his teeth down hard somewhere around the side of hir jaw. The odd emotional pull of his mutation lingers, albeit less strongly than before, but the contact weirdly comes with -- nothing. No telepathic transference.

"I'll stay out here, we probably shouldn't crowd him," Sophie remarks, her tone lifting up a bit from her previous meek one. She does note Bastian texting, though she doesn't snoop to see /who/ he's texting. Instead she starts pacing a little bit, rubbing the back of her neck. "That's probably a good idea, Faelan," she nods to the older teen, with a little smile. "That's kinda-- who I figured we should get ahold of." And at this point in her pacing, she turns just in time to see Daiki /biting/ Rasa, which elicits a sudden scream and perhaps even more sudden complete disappearance of the redhead.

Peeking through the doorway from across the hall, Monkey-Lia just watches the strange boy wandering around his room. “He is moving...wrong,” she observes, head tilting the other direction. “Oh.” The monkey's plastic eyes blink when Daiki and Rasa draw closer. “Is this...kissing?” Her voice is quieter, asking this of the boys nearby. She jumps when Sophie screams, backing up into Taylor with a whimper.

The steps that come down towards the hallway are hurried; Jax isn't quite running but he's definitely rushed, cellphone still in one hand. He's dressed as colourfully as ever, sky-blue UFO pants, a light blue tank top under a silvery long-sleeved fishnet shirt under a rainbow-striped hoodie; together with his brightly painted Chucks (they've been decorated with Dr. Seuss Lorax images), vivid flame-hued dyed hair, he tends to look more student than teacher. "Bastian, is he -- /Dai/ what no stop." His phone is dropped back into his pocket hastily as he /does/ break into a run, heading for the open doorway.

When Rasa screams, it is a deep exclamation of surprise, hir eyes growing wide and hir hands scrambling at him. Ze pushes and shoves for only a moment, something distracted about the movements, but they pause for a moment as ze chokes out, "Oh god." There are tears rolling down hir cheeks when ze starts scrambling in earnest. "No, no, no... no... no!"

"/Daiki/ nowhat --" Shane hisses this out sharply, uncoiling quickly to /launch/ himself at the taller boy, trying to pry him off Rasa, sharp claws retracted fully as he tries to wrestle Daiki's head away.

Sebastian reaches for Kelly's water, though kind of numbly. "-- Thanks --" His eyes are wide, the gills at the side of his neck fluttering quickly. "Pa he's going crazy again." His brows furrow deeply. "This isn't kissing," he assures Liamonkey, "this is -- he's just -- sick." Though he seems kind of sick himself as he says this, nostrils flaring to sniff at the air again. "... it's not always like this," he assures Kelly. /His/ claws extend sharp and long in counterpoint to his brother's, muscles tensed and watching -- Shane and Rasa more than Daiki, a protective /bristling/ to his stance. He retracts the claws of one hand so he can move forward and curl a hand around Rasa's arm, though until Daiki's /teeth/ are unfastened he doesn't try to pull hir back.

"Jeez!" Kelly spurts out in surprise when he hears the screaming, and then sees the biting, he hands going up to his ears as he tries to push back a panic sensation from simply the noise alone. He clears out of the way when hears the colorful teacher enter the field, hands going to scoop up the monkey girl and pull her out of the way as well if he manages. He nods to the offers of explanation, keeping a light face as... he's more than certain they have something much more important to worry about now!

"Hey Doctor McCAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" came Faelan's scream to join in with Sophie's and Rasa's. Eyes wide and adrenaline kicking in the fight or flight instinct, there isn't much choice at all as flight hardwired his system. His field of vision encompassed so much, attacker and victim, friends and foes and his power just envelops one after another and the smell of saltwater air is left behind as the hallway is now four people less than it had before. Shane, Rasa, Kelly and Faelan were just suddenly.... gone.

Monkey-Lia begins to shiver slightly with panic as people become increasingly agitated and it becomes apparent that the boy is actually /attacking/ Rasa. Being scooped up by a stranger without warning in the middle of this results in additional panic, though much less quiet in nature. She shrieks a teenage-girl-in-peril shriek and begins flailing, attempting to punch and kick and bite at Kelly's arms. The attack is quite literally toothless and about as damaging as being smacked with a pillow. Just as suddenly, she finds herself falling with a soft thud on the floor as her captor simply disappears. She is unable to respond at first, just sitting and blinking little black plastic eyes.

Lyric just presses herself back against the wall with this, eyes huge and wide. Her head just shakes -- no no no no no, repeated. 'Bit Rasa, Daiki bit them,' she signs hastily when Jax arrives on scene, scooting back through the doorway to stand against the opposite hallway wall.

Daiki turns his attentions when his prey is abruptly vanished, blood still on his lips as he reaches out towards Jax. Grabbyhands at that brightly colourful sweatshirt, tugging inward, teeth chomping in to try and find purchase on whatever skin he /can/.

Sebastian's teeth bare, a sudden harsh animal /snarl/ as his brother is disappeared. He whirls in place, immediately turning bared teeth, sharp claws, towards Faelan -- but then there is no Faelan and he just growls his anger at the suddenly-empty space where Faelan used to be. "/Dai/." There /is/ a lot to worry about right now, and his next concern is his friend attacking his father -- he launches himself through the open door, claws out and aimed straight for Daiki's throat.

Shortly after the teleportings, Sophie blinks back into existence literally out of nowhere again. She's still in her black garb, though this time her hair is pulled back in a loose ponytail. It takes her a minute to get her bearings - she's swooning a little bit when she shows up - and then she looks around in surprise. "Wh-- where is everyone? --Mr. Holland! Oh jeez, oh jeez, do you guys need me to do-- something-- what should I do!?"

Having arrived on the scene late, Jax doesn't notice Monkey!Lia until she starts /moving/; even then it takes him longer to /register/ this. At first mostly he is concerned with Daiki and the students he is attacking; he hisses out a sharp startled breath when they disappear and a sharper one when Daiki's teeth connect with his arm. He reaches to push Daiki away, pulling his hand back sharply, tugging his sweatshirt away. There's a sudden shimmer in the air, and Sebastian's claws connect with the smooth warm surface of a translucent shield suddenly sprouted into place to block off half of Daiki's room, trapping the boy behind it. "Dai. Dai it's /us/, calm down. -- Sophie, can you get Doctor McCoy? I think -- I think we're --" He reaches for Sebastian, fingers closing around the boy's shoulder. "Think we're gonna need a spot of help. -- oh. Oh gosh." It's only now that he seems to notice the monkey, really, "Lia-honey, maybe you should go back to your own body. An' stay out of this hall."

Lia stays where she has fallen a bit longer, staring at all the rushing people and the shiny forcefield. Then she just nods at the direct instruction. The doll falls backward limply against the wall.

Beneath Jax's hand, Daiki's skin is cold -- not clammy-chill sick but a cool room-temperature nothingness. There's a similar nothingness in his eyes, vacant, his teeth continuing to gnash towards Jax and Sebastian even once he is secure behind the wall.

Lyric watches this with a quiet whimper, and then turns to scurry her way out of the hall in a /hurry/.

"Dr. McCoy right okay yeah good idea. I'll-- yeah I'll go get him." And once again, just as abruptly as she had before, Sophie blinks out of the hallway, vanishing off to do exactly that.