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Great negotiator/Observational skills.  
Great negotiator/Observational skills.  
Watched big parties and learned to pick up on social cues/body language
Watched big parties and learned to pick up on social cues/body language

Revision as of 23:43, 23 April 2024

Lumin Vitreous: The Glass Cannon

xxxxxLumin Vitreous is the literal definition of a glass cannon. Made entirely of stained glass, they're extremely fragile, but their glass manipulation abilities can pack a punch.


xxxxxLumin is composed entirely of vibrantly colored stained glass panels held together by a thin, golden framework. The stained glass panels seamlessly shift and bend as they move. Their features are sharp, including their hair which is a bright flash of orange. They give off a slight glow originating from their chest that can only be seen in the dark. They're slightly translucent, so light can pass through them and create rainbows along the surrounding walls and ground. Their general mannerisms alternate between a boundless, almost antsy energy, to a stillness reminiscent of a statue. They move gracefully, almost cautiously. Their eyes are bright, but don't hold much warmth. They tend to stare at people, and even when people notice they don't look away.


xxxxxWhat (if anything) might others have heard about your character? It's okay if this is 'nothing'. This can also be specific to their faction (maybe they're class clown at their school!) or specific to a niche field (maybe you'd have heard of them if you know a lot about particle physics or cross country skiing, but not otherwise!)

People MAY have heard about some rich people's statue being stolen by a "mutant thief" on the news, who is now IMPERSONATING that statue??? (If it doesn't make sense that's because it's not supposed to they never stole the statue.)



click EXPAND to see BACKSTORY:

Lumin was the 3rd youngest of 4 siblings, and grew up in Bronx New York.

Growing up, Lumin was a rowdy kid, always bouncing all over the place and never sitting still for very long. Their parents signed them up for gymnastics, something to get that restless energy out. They found a passion for cooking, and would often happily test drive meals for their siblings when their parents were busy at work. They began taking culinary electives at school, considering going to culinary school after graduating.

Or at least, they would’ve, if their mutation hadn’t begun to kick in when they were around 17.

During a gymnastics competition, while landing a run of the mill routine, they broke their leg. Scans revealed that their bones were significantly more fragile than before, and as the bone healed, odd crystalline structures had begun to replace the bone itself. Their leg eventually healed, but Lumin noticed that rigid glass had begun to spread from their leg across their skin. It left doctors stumped, but it began to become increasingly clear what was happening—or at least why.

Lumin was a mutant.

One night, Lumin overheard their parents discussing what they should do, how could this happen, all sorts of panic. At the mention of ‘Sending Lumin off to a school’, Lumin knew what they had to do. They didn’t know what this ” school” was but they weren’t about to find out! (My sweet summer child they were gonna send you to Xavier’s.)

Betrayed and fearful, Lumin packed their bags and ran away.

Over the course of the next few days, the glass spread. Everything they ate was rejected by their stomach morphing into something no longer capable of digestion. They made it out of the city, no particular destination in mind aside from away from everyone and everything that could damage the increasing fragility of their own skin.

They eventually ended up passing out near the backyard of a mansion from exhaustion.

Upon waking up, they were met with the concerned face of Mrs. Chiaro, who had found Lumin out back and brought them inside. To Lumin’s surprise, she admired the colorful glass that had spread across their skin, and insisted that Lumin live with them, with the promise to always keep them safe.

Lumin agreed.

The Chiaro’s, Lumin was quick to learn, were a wealthy family with their children already old enough and moved out. The Chario’s praised the colorful stained glass slowly suffocating their body, and called Lumin their little gift.

Life at the Chiaro’s was good at first. They brought in private tutors, showered them with gifts, and made sure they always stayed inside so nothing would ever hurt them.

The Chiaro’s little gift, they found, was such little maintenance too! Lumin didn’t need to eat, barely slept, and would never cause much trouble. They didn’t even need to breathe!

Lumin’s new glass form came with an unexpected awareness of the glass around them…and the glass that made up themselves. They found they could sense glass around themselves, and even cause them to move and shift slightly if they focused enough. They would perform little tricks for Mrs. Chiaro, making glittering glass bits float around the air and casting rainbows around a room.

The Chiaro’s would hold magnificent parties, that Lumin was eventually invited to, as a display! Lumin could come of course, but only if they stood perfectly still so the party goers could admire them as a statue. No one would even know they were a mutant! Lumin was hesitant to the idea, but figured it was the least they could do, after all the Chiaro’s did for them.

Lumin acted as a statue for countless parties, charity events, etc. Always being sure to never move an inch out fear of what would happen.

From their glass enclosure, they were able to listen in on hundreds of negotiations, gossip, and simply observe. They would report their findings to the Chiaro’s who were thrilled with the new information they were suddenly privy too. This continued for years, Lumin acting as a mere decoration for hours on end, gathering secrets and learning.

Lumin began spending more time inside the glass case instead of outside of it, at the insistence of the Chiaro’s of course. They would insist it would keep them safer, their precious gift. Lumin agreed.

Lumin began to grow increasingly antsy, and one day when no one was around, they decided to “stretch their legs”, only to realize with horror that they could not leave the box. In one fell swoop, the realization that every restriction imposed on them under the guise of safety by the Chiaro’s was just to keep them imprisoned further. They never were a child to them, they were an object. A decoration. Their gift.

After the following charity event, Lumin asked if they could leave the box, maybe even roam the yard out of sight, but the request was met with outrage and threats to their delicate form. “After all we’ve done for you!” They exclaimed.

They were left alone for countless weeks, Lumin had trouble convincing themself it wasn’t as punishment.

They clawed and pounded on the glass, only to cause mini fractures through their own hand.

The next time they saw them, they were hosting another party, and they were once again expected to remain perfectly still.

They listened to the chatter surrounding them. The secrets the gossip. They hear Mrs. Chiaro’s high pitched laughter rattle through the glass.

Lumin snaps.

Their building rage exploded outwards, the glass cage shattering in an instant. They heard shouts of pain and outrage, but Lumin didn’t give them a moment to react. They raced out of the room, shouts of security close behind. They reached out and shattered windows as they ran, sending shards backwards as a desperate attempt to escape.

They broke their way into the outside for the first time in years, and fled. The soft dirt cushions their racing steps, and they don’t look back.

The Chiaro’s reported to the police that there was some violent mutant that stole their priceless statue, then pretended to be that statue so they could attack the people at their party. The current reports of the statue and the thief are unknown, but the Chiaro’s are very determined to get back what’s theirs.

There have been a few reports of the mutant thief, still impersonating the form of the statue, but they’ve managed to elude capture for now. Reports note they seem to be missing a hand. (Their hand completely snapped off during the escape, and they haven’t had the time to sit down and reattach it. At the moment their carrying around their hand in a bag wrapped in some bubble wrap they fished out of a dumpster.)

Lumin is currently on the run, and looking for anywhere they could be safe. During one of the parties, they overheard some attendees discussing a rumor about mutant scoundrels squirreling away in a maze of tunnels beneath the city. Lumin is determined to find them.



click EXPAND to see POWERS:

General idea/mechanic: Lumin can manipulate glass.

Their body can generate specific frequencies that allow them to resonate with the specialized form of silicate found in glass. They tune into those specific resonant frequencies to manipulate the glass and the atoms as they choose.

They can pull it towards them, push it away, or hold it in place. Finer control of their movements are currently a bit outside of their capabilities, but eventually they should be able to.

Range of glass control: The further away the glass they’re trying to control is from their body, the less fine control they have.

20-30 feet: probably just pushing and pulling. Launching glass from this distance is not very fast.

10-20: can do more fine control of position in space. Launching glass from this distance can allow the glass to gain a bit more velocity.

0-10: can control each piece individually including angle, position in space, etc. Launching glass from this distance allows it to gain maximum velocity.

0-5: This distance allows them to more finely control the composition of the glass itself, so they could meld pieces of glass together, split them apart, reshape it, etc.

Eventually, I’d like it if they’re able to form a glass armor/shield they could meld to their own body that could be used just to provide a small layer of protection.

Fine glass control abilities:


By manipulating the angles of the glass, they can create distortions that can be used to hide people’s faces/identities behind distorted glass, or possibly confuse enemies. Light redirection: Also by manipulating the angles of the glass, they can redirect light, which could be handy for lighting of morlock tunnels!

Glass wings: Because Lumin is a little dramatic they can make big glass wings out of shattered glass. They don’t do anything, they can’t fly, they’re just pretty :)

Velocity glass control abilities: Depending on the starting point relative to their own body, they can launch a spray glass away from themselves. This is uncontrolled and inaccurate.

Shatter Storm!: Shatters glass from their own body to create an explosion of razor sharp glass shards. The power of the explosion scales with the amount of glass sacrificed. They’re left extremely weakened after this, as their body is super fractured, and they need time to recover or else they’ll shatter at the lightest touch. Limited number of uses before their body becomes permanently weakened. They can only do this when they are about 95% put together. So during months where they can take more time to heal themselves, they can shatter more often. During months where they don't have that time, they shouldn't use this. If they only have a few hairline fractures, and no chunks missing they should be good.

They can heal themselves of their fractures, but it requires several hours of intense concentration. They don’t really heal passively over time, they have to commit time to specifically heal fractures.

Physical mutation details: Lumin’s body is made completely of stained glass. light can pass right through to create beautiful reflections of color around them. Their body gives off a slight glow, centered in their chest. It’s not very noticeable aside from pitch darkness. Their body also gives off a very low hum, which isn’t perceptible to the human ear.

Strengths/weaknesses: They’re resistant to extreme temperatures in comparison to regular humans. They CAN melt however, (beginning to soften at around ~500 deg Celsius, and completely melt at 1400 deg Celsius), and colder weather leaves them much more brittle. During the winter months, they tend to spend more time inside. Going from one temperature extreme to another in a short time frame can cause them to shatter instantly.

They do not breathe, which is great for going underwater, HOWEVER if they’re much denser than water and will sink instantly. Their body makes it extremely hard to swim, so if they’re put into water with no easy way back up, they wouldn’t be able to escape.

They cannot not eat or drink, much to Lumin’s frustration, who used to love cooking.

Their body, being made of glass, can actually withstand a high amount of compressive strength! However, once they hit that limit, they would shatter completely into a bunch of pieces. They have a high Hardness rating, meaning they don’t take much damage from friction forces!

Being made of glass, they are EXTREMELY brittle, and can fracture and shatter extremely easily. Jumping, landing, or even running too hard on hard surfaces can cause them to fracture. Pieces of their body break off easily and often, leading them to need to take the time to slowly reattach it.

They also need to take the time to meticulously re-puzzle themselves back together with each tiny piece of glass that breaks off. For very very small pieces that break off, they can sometimes use glass that they find to fill in those spots and it eventually gets assimilated with their body. They pretty much cannot withstand any amount of significant impact forces without fracturing or breaking.

Lumin is unaware of this, but in their chest is their Core. This is essentially their brain, and is what gives off the frequencies that control the glass around them, and essentially puppets their own body. If they move their body, they’re essentially using their powers. Their core is an energized Quartz crystal, about the size and shape of a baseball, and if Lumin were to completely shatter, their core would be exposed. All that would be needed would be to smash/destroy their core, and they would die. Their body is essentially a shield for their core.

Certain frequencies can completely disable and disrupt their abilities, which could paralyze them as long as the noise persists. Lumin would find it extremely painful. The frequency would have to be very loud to completely paralyze them.

While Lumin doesn’t necessarily need to sleep, their core needs to be recharged of energy periodically. They need to spend at least an hour in light per week or else they can no longer move and become a statue. The longer they go without light, the more sluggish and slow they become. If completely trapped without light, they would eventually freeze up like the tin man in Wizard of Oz. “Sleeping” however, increases this time between needing light to about an hour per every 2 weeks.

Powers wise, they would be completely useless in areas without glass. Forests or nature areas would leave them pretty much defenseless, aside from Shatterstorm, which would then leave them vulnerable.

Lumin’s sense of touch is significantly dampened. Aside from vibrations, they have a hard time distinguishing between textures or pressure.

While their hearing isn’t enhanced, their body is much more sensitive and reactive to frequencies, so they might be able to sense frequencies outside of human range.

They’re not the stealthiest, given they’re essentially a walking rainbow. Without anything to dampen the sound, they’d have to move EXTREMELY slowly to not let their glass feet make noise on hard surfaces.

Their voice has an odd ringing sound to it, almost metallic, making it stand out and as inhuman.


xxxxx Great negotiator/Observational skills. Watched big parties and learned to pick up on social cues/body language

Natural charisma




If the environment allows for it, they could theoretically do lots of cool flips and stuff from their gymnastics, HOWEVER given their fragility they don’t really do this. Great body control. They’re good at looking like an inanimate object, standing still for hours at a time.

Mental strength: after spending a significant amount of time in isolation and standing completely still, they’ve become good at keeping their head and keeping themselves from losing it.




  • Coming soon.


  • Coming soon.

And everything in between

  • Coming soon.
  • Random facts you think are worth knowing about your character.
  • And more random facts!
  • And more.

[[Image:|x150px]] [[Image:|x150px]] [[Image:|x150px]]

Lumin Vitreous
ART CREDIT: Art and design by @sticksandsharks on tumblr!
Codename None
Birthdate 10/31/2002
Birthplace Bronx NY
Species None
Affiliation Morlocks
Alignment None
Powers Glass Manipulation
Occupation None
Registration Status None
Faceclaim None
RP Hooks
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
Date Title Cast Mentions
  • (2024-08-25)
Shiny and Kinda Morbid Horus, Spencer, Lumin Jax
  • (2024-07-23)
Over/Under Gino, Lumin, Nessie Anole, Zack, Jax, Ryan
  • (2024-07-17)
S: Pt. states they are "sick and tired of breaking" & has no safety net w/o parents. O: Pt. has been w/Morlocks 3mos. A: Anxieties may inhibit capacity for relationship-building. P: Explore anxiety-mitigation tools (snowsuit, padded armor, bubble wrap?) Gino, Lumin, Zack Anahita, Toni
  • (2024-07-17)
Cut Flowers Anahita, Lumin, Toni
  • (2024-06-30)
Out of Context Anahita, Joshua, Lumin
  • (2024-06-27)
You've Got a Friend in Me Gino, Lumin
  • (2024-06-10)
Light is sweet, and it is pleasant for the eyes to see the sun. DJ, Leo, Lumin
  • (2024-05-23)
Havens For Those Scattered Lumin, Anahita
  • (2024-05-20)
A: Hostile extraterrestrial lifeforms likely incompatible with health of a subterranean community. May still provide significant value as intermittent nutritional supplement. Recommended to monitor for future dietary needs. Anole, Bug, Gino, Lumin, Nessie, Zack
  • (2024-05-07)
Hands On Jax, Lumin, Ryan Taylor, Lucien
  • (2024-05-02)
"Away" Away Lumin, Gino Taylor
  • (2024-04-27)
Passing the Torch Anole, Elizabeth, Lumin, Nessie, Nick Taylor
  • (2024-04-21)
In Which the Sewers of New York Get Some Cheerful New Light Bug, Lumin, Nick, Taylor
  • (2024-04-21)
In Which an Evolve Customer Buys Something They Don’t Need, but Gets Something They Do for Free Lumin, Taylor
