xxxxx A southern fiesty gal.
xxxxxJade stands at 5'9, lean and jacked with vibrant scarlet red hair with major black highlights, that is messy and almost covers her eyes. She has brown skin, like a milk chocolate.
xxxxxBack in her home state of Georgia, Jade had a reputation in her neighborhood and school of being the scary looking, mean goth girl cause of her loner tendencies. When she moved to New York in another middle class neighborhood, her neighbors perceived the same thing at first. Now most know her as the gal from Georgia, nothing to be afraid of really. Not unless ya piss her off.
xxxxxJade Sorcha was born in very odd conditions one might say.Born to middle class parents,an office worker mother and a butcher father in the state of Georgia,the girl had a pretty normal life for the most part.She was outcasted from some groups throughout her years of school,due to her penchant for fire,it was all that she would think about aside from getting with someone she liked,but she still did considerably well in school.Despite all the little things,she still had loving parents,or so she thought.A night after classes, she found the pair fighting, physically as well as verbally. Rage filled her and she shot fire out of her mouth, putting a wall through the middle of the kitchen. Jade stormed out whilst her parents begged her to stay and that they could work it out. Eventually she ended up in a decent neighborhood in New York.
xxxxxHeat sense, meaning she can sense when a fire is going to happen only when the first few wisps begin.Heat control, as long as the fire isn't engulfing anything she can't see she is mostly able to lower or raise the temperature of fires the low being down to 80°F and the highest being to 120°. Fire propelled leaps and jumps, this depletes her stamina as the fire used has to be quite sufficient to allow her to leap and bound, and it can only be done as long as her stamina is in good shape.Tracking when fire related, as long as an ignitor is present, Jade can track the person who started it depending if it ended up on them. fire teleportation, as long as she can see where she is going, Sorcha is able to teleport in a upturning wind of flame. fire breath, works off of emotion, so it can be small rendering it useless or big rendering it effective.All of these powers work from her emotions and how well she is able to control them. Most of these she has not discovered yet. The only powers she knows she has for sure are Fire breath and limited manipulation of it.
xxxxxCooking and cleaning meat as her father was a butcher, somewhat good at boxing as she took it up out of a whim
And everything in between
- Her southern accent intensifies depending on how angry, frustrated, or even sad she is.
- Jade can cook her ass off. Comes from helping her parents in the kitchen since she could walk and having friendly competitions with the two.
- Zones out at least once a day or every other day thinking about how phones and satellites and other technological marvels work or were even created.
- Has an obsession with the line of sanrio characters, namely Cinnamoroll.
- Somehow has an otherworldly metabolism.
- Jade keeps a small collection of swords.
Jade Sorcha
April 14th, 2002
Augusta, Georgia
None at the moment
Chaotic fire gremlin
Fire breath and a jumble of other caveats
Registration Status
Registered (55E)
RP Hooks
Obliging loner - Jade Sorcha has been a loner for a good while of her life. The reason being she couldn't and or wouldn't confide in people, and the people who would attempt to converse with her always seemed to have ulterior motives.
Spoiling for a fight - While never one for unnecessary brawls and squabbles, when confronted with one, this red haired rocket is always ready, definitely one to keep around in times of physical turmoil. Doesn't help she took up boxing along with her powers.
Lost in the pages or the galleria - While weary of most, this woman chooses to congregate at places that could be swarmed with them at any given time. In this time, she can retreat to one of her two sanctuaries, a book store or an alt fashion store.
Nerd in a goths body - Despite her dark, almost shadowy appearance at times, Jade is quite an outspoken outgoing woman, depending on her environment. Taking refuge in comic book, anime stores, computer stores, with most nerds never seeing a woman like her, it fills her with a sense of happiness.