
From X-Men: rEvolution
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xxxxxOverview of your character goes here.


Cambridge was a place with a wide variety of peoples, from scholars connected to MIT to technology company startups, to the working class industrial laborers. The Reid family fell into the second category, with both of Jeremy’s parents working for various web companies and maintaining a life that worked in the area. School was normal, life was normal, everything was hunky dory. At least until middle school that is. Jeremy was one of the late bloomers in his classes, shorter than his classmates until his senior year of middle school. Puberty is rough on middle schoolers, and unfortunately he was one of the ones who would have it worse due to genetics, so on top of body hair, acne and hormones, he had the X-gene, and it decided to go active. It started out as an occasional problem where his voice would crack, and the lights in the classroom would flicker, or when he was shouting at his playstation the power would drop and he’d lose his save game. By the end of the school year, he would refuse to talk, and try and take his meals in his room. His parents however could see what was going on, and knew that there was something terribly wrong with their son. Simply talking or eating would cause such problems to the household that they couldn’t figure out what to do. Thankfully so close to MIT, they went to the scientists there in hopes of finding what to do about him, fully aware of the Mutant situation going on in the world at large.

Scientists and institutions were Glad to help out, though less glad when they found that they couldn’t even run any experiments since anything they tried just ended up dropping their equipment before they could get any measurements, and government members were contacted in hopes of better equipment or sensors being available. Prometheus, in the guise of special government health organizations, stepped in and ensuring his parents it was for his best extracted the young mutant to their own facilities, and disappeared him from records and from anyone who could even have a chance of returning him to the outside world. His powers were fairly interesting to their studies, as it was able to negate just about anything that they could try to analyze it with. Even directed military energy weaponry simply dissipated when subjected to the energy vortex, though when they forced his mouth shut, he was as vulnerable as any other test subject. It was necessary to make a muzzle for him, relying on mechanical forces instead of electrical ones, to be able to control his powers for the testing. Most of the testing was inconclusive at least from a scientific scale, most results based on observation or with primitive tools being used. Mercury thermometers would discover how cold the room would get with the drain left on over time, film cameras would capture the visual aspects of the effects. For now they are unable to figure out much about what precisely it does, aside from being able to negate almost anything, but have no negative impact on humans around them.

For now he remains captive in Prometheus, his communication limited to the sign language or touch screens that the scientists use to get feedback directly from the mutant. Outside of experiments, he is generally kept in a straight jacket to prevent any manipulation of the muzzle by the mutant himself, and kept drugged to keep him placid and easier to manipulate. He’s been there for about two years already, and while the scientists have yet to find a way to understand the power, it is unlikely they are willing to let go of something able to down the power of the entire facility without much effort.


Energy Drain Vortex - All non-biochemical/living energy in the nearby vicinity is drained down the vortex when he opens his mouth. Lights go out, batteries drain, temperature drops, etc. Energy attacks made at him while his mouth is open are sucked in as well. He has no control over the draining effect, causing it to happen if he opens his mouth whether to talk, eat or anything else. This does provide some nourishment, but there does not seem to be any maximum amount to how much energy can be consumed in this manner. The effect continues whether he is conscious or not at the time. The vortex zone of effect seems to extend for five yards around him, sucking in all it can within this area.

Energy types that it works on: Light, Sound, Heat, Magnetism, Radiation, Electricity, Radio, (anything in the EM spectrum),

Energy types it doesn't work on: Kinetic (anything moving around a lot of matter), Psionic (telepathy, telekinesis, etc), Gravity, Biochemical

Not sure: ???



  • Lia - See her less with school, but still nice.


  • Prometheus

And everything in between

  • Kismet - Didn't try and hurt me
  • Dorian - That fuzzy guy

[[Image:|x150px]] [[Image:|x150px]] [[Image:|x150px]]

Jeremy Reid
Codename Drain
Birthdate 1996-09-03
Species Mutant
Affiliation Civilian
Alignment Neutral Quiet
Powers Energy Drain Vortex
Occupation Prometheus Lab rat
RP Hooks
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
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