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Improvise, Adapt, Overcome.

Arrogant, smug, clever. A jerk, a trickster. Killian is as quick to smile as he is to cause conflict, should it benefit his goals- be it to provide cover-ups for his secrets, or to pull the truth out of others. A dangerous ally, a dangerous enemy, either way it’s a toss-up since he’s more than hesitant to dole out trust. Loyalty is gained through respect alone. He can be kind beneath all that cockiness and inappropriate behavior, but with a life of violence on the streets and a span of time as a lab-rat, Killian is quicker to be vicious in the right situations. By nature an antagonist, by preference a tool in the shadows, he will do whatever it takes to get a job done. And probably smile afterwards.


Born in Seattle, Washington of middle-class finances with a father always away (presumably) for military duty and a mother with a loose sense of faithfulness, Killian grew up as the class clown, the kid seeking attention in all the wrong ways. He was a clever kid, a smart kid, but for the sake of not wanting to look like he was trying, he skated by in classes and never got the grades even if it wouldn’t have been all so difficult. He hung out with all the wrong crowds, and had police escort home on more than a few occasions. Loitering in the wrong places, utilizing a five-finger discount from the local markets, small things of that nature. By his mid-teens, he was moved to just outside of Phoenix, Arizona. His predisposition for joining the wrong crowds had yet to resolve, however, and he found himself involved in small-bit gang circles.

He was skilled at fighting, at survival, adapting to the worst of situations. Maybe not the strongest, he was certainly one of the fastest and it garnered no small amount of respect. One of many initiations involved a civilian’s planned murder at a run-down gas station, but the police had been alerted by an unknown snitch and the goal would never be achieved. He was almost caught. The spotlights on him, the panic of being cornered forced his first change into the family dog, a black and white border collie. It was without warning, but the stunned silence wouldn’t prevent his metamorphosis from being caught on tape. Public media made it no small thing, and his identity became newspaper fodder and the scrollbar of the news stations. He ran, the first transformations fickle, hard to keep and hard to get out of all the same. And despite the distance he put between himself and Phoenix with four legs and determination, it wasn’t long before he was captured not by any local police force, but scientists of the Prometheus project.

Some years as an experiment passed, creating a distinct and unquestioned hatred for non-mutants, though during his time it was a simmering, seething thing, marked with poisonous sarcasm. A raid in March 2013 broke him free, leading him to the streets of New York city where current day finds him with a new name, no shared history, and as a zookeeper of Central Park. His affinity for the beasts gave him a sense of job security, his job gave him a plethora of information and species to draw from, and habitats that made due as apartments with interesting roommates. He's remained in silence since his escape, un-involved with society beyond his work, until now.


Animal Metamorphosis

The ability to transform oneself into an animal. Normal, earthly animals. However, his ability doesn’t extend so far as to say he can transform into anything at any time. He must physically see an animal to become it; seeing a hawk rested on the ledge of a building is an example, watching a cat on a windowsill, or- as would he's taken as his occupation for good reason- visiting the zoo. He seems to be able to only hold onto somewhere between 3-5 forms at any given time. It seems to be the difficulty and complexity of the desired change that determines how many, as if maintaining the particular details he needs to memorize evades him if trying to recall too many creatures. Mammals, due to their basic similarity to humans, are easier than birds, which are easier than aquatic creatures, which are easier than invertebrates… and the list goes on.

Changing tends to be quick with no evidence of intermediate stages, but the physical restructuring is uncomfortable. He maintains no physical anthropomorphic abilities when shifted except for the ability to understand when spoken to. Wounds remain whether accrued in human or animal form, though they do seem to become less severe on each transition, until complete resolution. Prometheus demonstrated the ability to grow back a limb if he shifts into a creature that can do so, such as a salamander. He is not able to shift into another person or any humanoid form, or an animal form of another mutant. Telepaths will find a confusing mixture of animal instincts (dog: squirrel!) with a conniving mind beneath that is clearly, distinctly human.

His default shape tends to be a border collie, for the sake of comfort and ease of transitioning into something rapidly familiar. It's important, since he struggles at times. He occasionally shifts under duress into a form he doesn’t call on himself. Or, being unable to shift when pushed to do so. Sometimes, he can’t even call on a secondary form if the situation is bad enough and has to go for a make due with whatever- if anything- is around to collect visuals to replenish his arsenal.

  • Street-smart, adaptable, and a bag full of survival skills: From making a campfire to shaving a piece of metal into a shiv, Killian would be hard-pressed to not be able to make due with what little a situation may provide him.
  • Subtlety fighting, assassination, close-range weapons (daggers, needles, herbs/poisons), espionage, thievery: Not the strongest brute, he’s far more adept at attacking quickly from a position of stealth. While he doesn’t keep animalistic traits in his human form, he grew up with thai boxing, and has otherwise been through enough to be able to hold his own, at least for a while. His mutation makes stealing and spying far too easy given the ability to rapidly shift form and get in and out of spaces. Not to mention, a little rattlesnake bite never hurt anyone. Or, well, maybe it does.
  • Animal affinity and husbandry: One could say walking a mile in another’s shoes (or hooves) offers a breakthrough in understanding, and they would probably be right. He has a natural rapport with beasts for obvious reasons. Guard dogs don’t growl at him, bloodhounds won’t track him, birds don’t fly away from him. At the very least, it makes him good at his job.
  • Rumors among those that know him from Prometheus may include that he 'lost himself' or 'went crazy' immediately following the raid that freed them, and didn't come out of animal form for the greater part of a year, vanishing from the grid.
  • When he'd first made himself known in NYC, he'd been a Zookeeper, sleeping in the habitats of the zoo at night. Recent guard-staff changes and the loss of one of his inside-higher-ups has made it difficult to continue that trend.
  • While he still swings some shifts in the zoo to keep his foot in the door, his prominence in his other job set has grown, which has become something of a 'reminder' or 'attack dog' for dealers or other shady characters who've done their connections wrong. It's better money, anyway.
  • He's given away to at least the BoM ringleader that he wishes to use his skill set for a better cause- the Brotherhood's cause.
  • To other mutants with keen senses, he typically smells like whatever animal he's become, with some odd underlying earthy scent similar across all of them.
  • He has a large black tattoo down the right side of his back which incorporates 'bands' from his shoulder to a triskele that fades at its end points, and a tribal-like dagger that ends at his lower back. It, for some reason, doesn't translate across his forms.

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Killian Fisk
Codename Shifter
Birthdate 1988-04-06 (Believes 1994)
Birthplace Seattle, WA; Family from Drogheda, Ireland
Species Mutant
Affiliation Brotherhood of Mutants
Alignment Neutral Evil
Powers Animal Metamorphosis
Occupation Zookeeper, Hitman
Registration Status Unregistered
Played By Colin O'Donoghue
RP Hooks
Crime Ties - Although his name has changed, he was involved in numerous crime/gang circles of Phoenix, AZ, potentially recognizable.
Lab Rat - A Prometheus subject for four years.
Blade for Hire - Spying, thieving, taking care of a ‘problem’. With the right kind of reward, he's your weapon.
Unexpected Changes - He can transform unintentionally when adrenaline spikes, be it pain, stress, excitement.
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Archived Logs
Date Title Cast Mentions
  • (2016-09-22)
Blood Feathers Killian and Anette
  • (2016-08-09)
Lap Dog Anette and Killian
  • (2016-08-03)
Best Sight in the City Anette and Killian
  • (2016-07-29)
Love/Hate Heartbreak Anette and Killian
  • (2016-06-26)
Welcome Back, Brother Akihiro, Anette, Killian
  • (2016-06-14)
Other Kinds of Looks Anette and Killian
  • (2016-03-29)
LoveHate Heartbreak Anette and Killian
  • (2016-02-20)
The Perfect Lullaby Anette and Killian
  • (2016-02-18)
Stranded Anette and Killian
  • (2016-01-23)
Nothing to Lose Anette and Killian
  • (2016-01-06)
Zombie Survival Party Anette, Killian, Pedro
  • (2015-12-22)
Curing Boredom Anette and Killian
  • (2015-12-16)
Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend Anette and Killian
  • (2015-12-08)
Partnership? Anette and Killian
  • (2015-12-06)
Revenge Killian and Anette
  • (2015-12-06)
Carnage Anette and Killian
  • (2015-11-29)
Flotsam Dusk, Killian, Simon
  • (2015-11-29)
Distancing Discordance Anette, Killian
  • (2015-11-23)
Housemates are Good for Something Pedro, Killian, Anette
  • (2015-11-22)
Campfire Killian and Anette
  • (2015-11-14)
Vignette - Rabid Killian
  • (2015-11-13)
Jaguar vs Owl Anette, Pedro, and Killian
  • (2015-11-07)
Toccata and Fugue Deltressa and Killian
  • (2015-11-05)
Can Only Hope Ion, Killian
  • (2015-11-04)
Scratch Killian, Pedro, Anette
  • (2015-10-29)
In Which The Labrats Have Revelations, Disquiet, And A Distinct Lack Of Cake B, Daiki, Dusk, Flicker, Hive, Horus, Ion, Jax, Joshua, Killian, Matt, Mirror, Rachel, Scramble, Shane, Taylor
  • (2015-10-12)
In the Dark B, Dusk, Ion, Isra, Killian, Regan, Simon
  • (2015-10-11)
Breakfast of Champions Anette Killian
  • (2015-10-06)
Big Trouble in Little Chinatown Anette and Killian
  • (2015-10-05)
Five Hour Energy Kaylynn, Killian
  • (2015-09-28)
Some Sorta Moon Thing Anette, Killian, Simon, and Teague
  • (2015-09-24)
New Family Anette, Daken, Killian
  • (2015-09-24)
Crying Wolf Killian and Anette
  • (2015-09-20)
Bad Dog Killian and Anette
  • (2015-09-18)
Jump In Killian, Regan
  • (2015-09-15)
Old Man Daken Killian
  • (2015-09-02)
Vignette - Concrete Jungle Killian
  • (2015-09-01)
Involved Dusk, Isra, Killian, J.C.
  • (2015-08-24)
Morning After Anette and Killian
  • (2015-08-23)
Fierceness and Fatigue Anette, Killian
  • (2015-07-26)
Angels in the City Anette, Killian, Teague
  • (2015-07-22)
Fetch Kaylynn, B, Killian
  • (2015-07-19)
Chupacabra Dusk, Ion, Isra, Killian, Biteling