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Flower Boy Brier

Kelly is a short teen with pudgy round features and more than a few extra pounds around his midsection. He has dark red hair, bright green eyes, and skin completely dusted with freckles. But his most striking features are the patches of bark around the back of his neck (as well as scattered across other less visible parts of his body), the thorn covered vines wrapped around his forearms, and the leaves and flower buds that sprout from his hair.


Living up to the family legacy is always hard, especially when the family legacy includes a two star general, a couple of flag officers, and more medals than the latest Call of Duty game’s achievements. Kelly’s family has always been a military family, and the expectation that he would be as rough, manly, and valorous as the rest of the men in the clan, and half the women, was a given. But he wasn’t. Sure he learned the skills, learned to shoot, learned to camp, fight, jog, salute, say the pledge, and live the red white and blue. . . But he was just never that kind of boy growing up. He was a ‘softie’, always a little bit lazy, always a little too friendly, and always a little too chunky.

And his father would simply have none of that. Pushing him to the extremes despite his own internal warring emotions, he resorted to the belt, then the stick, and then his fists when discipline and respect couldn’t shape Kelly to be another scion in the long line of the Walsh.

But then his X-Gene activated at 14. For a year he managed to just keep it hidden. To painfully pluck off the growths in his hair… to keep the bark on his arms, neck, and body covered. He was already used to covering up bruises and scars, and this wasn’t so different. But makeup wouldn’t cover up the vines growing on his arms. He knew he could either come clean to his father, or run away. He chose the latter. He managed to survive on his own for six months, crashing in one shelter and church after the other when he wasn’t completely homeless. Always making his way up the coast, not sure what drew him there, just that it was as far away from the south and the community he couldn’t stand. Until he got to New York.


Brier’s body has been slowly transforming to incorporate vegetation grown and plant like attributes which he can further transform and manipulate. This has also granted him the ability to control plant growth, sense the world through plants he’s in contact with and manipulating, as well as regenerate his own body… all at a cost he’s dreading to pay. Brier’s skin is covered in patches of bark, vines, and wood grain textures, sprinkled with growths of leaves and flowers, especially in his hair. As well as quite a lot of thorns. When he wishes he can shape and transform his body into even more extreme forms, so as causing his arms to warp into barb branches, twist them into vines, root his legs into the earth and so on. Even more benign transformations are easy for him, such as causing his hair to become a carpet of moss or sprout flowers off his back and shoulders. Forest camouflage is rather easy. He can expand his body mass by about a factor of four while doing these transformations, translating to about a 10 yard reach comfortably if he’s going for distance. His effective physical strength is directly proportional to this expansion.

When in direct contact with other plants, he can extend this control to them, incorporating them into his body if he wishes, or simply transforming the plants themselves in place. Having a tree bend down to lift someone up for a nice view, shooting out entangling roots, and of course wrapping someone into a briar patch are examples. The size of the plant doesn’t matter, but he has to be in direct contact with that plant, and can only manage about three different plants at a time. He can similarly expand their mass about four times their size. Brier can regenerate his own body, though doing so is extremely taxing and slow. While he could heal over a scrape or simple cut in a moment, anything as serious as a broken bone or lost limb takes hours or days. Not to mention a ton of food and ample water and sun shine.

Currently Brier still looks mostly human with more skin than plant showing, and he’s able to use long sleeves and baggy clothes to pass for human most of the time… but the transformation keeps growing and spreading and he doesn’t know when it will stop. But every time he pushes his powers to their extremes, and especially every time he’s forced to regenerate or heal himself… it results in a permanent expansion of this appearance.

He requires an enormous supply of water to remain healthy, or he begins to wilt and dry out making it impossible for him to regenerate and extremely difficult to transform or control plants. He also has an aversion to heat and fire for similar reasons, and he is rather flammable. He requires exposure to sunlight at least a few hours a day or he becomes weak and begins to wilt as well. While transformed, his body is as vulnerable as the plant forms he’s assumed, so vines slice easily, branches can be snapped off. Using his powers on himself is no more exhausting than most mutant powers, but transforming other plants is taxing, tiring him out in minutes. Regeneration is downright exhausting.


People I Trust

  • 'Grown Ups'
  • Aloke - Seems really nice, but I think he's seen too many kids like me. Trusted him with my papaw's knife. I don't wanna bather him, but I think he's one of the best.
  • Mallory - She's kinda scary at first, but, I think she's a good teacher. Working too hard, though. Though... will leave me on my own.
  • Isra - Very scary woman, but she saved my life.
  • 'Kids'
  • Ducky - She seems smart, and has been through a lot of the same things I have.
  • Lia - She's gone through everything I worry I had nightmares about. But she helped me when I needed it. I want to make sure she's ok.
  • Rasa - Helped me settle in, knows the place really well. But I think she's(he's?) giving up. I can't... figure out if she's a boy or a girl.
  • Sophie - She was really sweet when I first moved in, but the crisis was too much for her. I think she made a mistake running... but I hope she's alright. So far i think she's still alive.
  • Faelan - Technically he's a grown up, but he doesn't act like it. I think... I think he could be a good friend. But he gets scared easily.

People who'll Hurt Me

  • Thankfully, none yet.

People Who I Just Know.

  • Kai - Seems like a neat kid, and he's from North Korea. Hard to open up to. Not sure what his powers are, though.
  • Shane - Would have been my room mate. Was really angry during the first days of this thing. I haven't seen him since. I think he ran away, because I haven't seen him dead, yet.
  • Ivan - I think Rasa and him are going out. Seriously scary boy. Hope I never make him mad.
  • Lyric - An ok girl, not too scared when I met her. But I don't think I made the best impression.
  • Jeremy - Has possibly the weirdest power I've seen yet, eating... everything? He looks after Lia, I think. Or does she look after him? Hard to tell.

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Full Name
Codename None
Birthdate None
Species None
Affiliation None
Alignment None
Powers None
Occupation None
RP Hooks
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
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Archived Logs
Date Title Cast Mentions
  • (2013-12-11)
Change the World Jackson, Kelly
  • (2013-12-05)
Let Me Go Dex, Jackson, Kelly
  • (2013-12-03)
Planty Kelly, Shane, Sugar
  • (2013-12-03)
Danger Room Run Ghost, Kelly
  • (2013-12-02)
Thrift Shop Fail Kelly, Tess
  • (2013-12-02)
Scandal! Ghost, Kelly
  • (2013-12-01)
Poolside Journalism Ghost, Kelly
  • (2013-11-30)
A Little Cheer Faelan, Ghost, Kelly, Mallory, Sophie
  • (2013-11-27)
Play Kelly, Lia
  • (2013-11-27)
Newsie's are Cool Ghost, Kelly
  • (2013-11-27)
Nerds Saved the World Kelly, Sebastian
  • (2013-11-25)
Transformations Kelly, Rasa
  • (2013-11-24)
Roomies Kelly, Shane
  • (2013-11-22)
Battleship and Friendship Dorian Siccavil, Kelly
  • (2013-11-20)
Human Beans Aloke, Kelly, Rasa, Sebastian, Shane
  • (2013-11-19)
Corpses And Horses Jackson, Lia, Kelly, Sugar
  • (2013-11-19)
30 is Ancient Jackson, Kelly, Mallory
  • (2013-11-18)
Ham Sandwiches Dorian Siccavil, Kelly, Shane
  • (2013-11-17)
School 101 Aloke, Kelly, Lia
  • (2013-11-17)
Pot Calling the Kettle Black Kelly, Mallory
  • (2013-11-17)
Daunting Dorian Siccavil, Jackson, Kelly
  • (2013-11-16)
Clay Dolls Aloke, Kelly, Lia
  • (2013-11-15)
Hope Jackson, Kelly
  • (2013-11-13)
Carrion Kelly, Lia, Ducky
  • (2013-11-12)
Earning Miracles Kelly, Rasa
  • (2013-11-11)
Vignette - Lucky Kelly
  • (2013-11-11)
The Conquering Hero Jax, Rasa, Kelly, and Aloke
  • (2013-11-09)
Ice Cream is Good for Sore Hearts Kelly, Mallory, Thomas
  • (2013-11-08)
Friends Kelly, Lia
  • (2013-11-08)
Ex-Students Isra, Kelly
  • (2013-11-07)
He even has his appetite back! Aloke, Kelly, Mallory
  • (2013-11-07)
Hanging onto Hope Kelly, Mallory
  • (2013-11-06)
Gazelles eating Gazelles Lia, Jeremy, Kelly
  • (2013-11-05)
Survival Tips Sophie, Kelly
  • (2013-11-05)
Checkups and Checkouts Ivan, Kelly, Lyric, Rasa
  • (2013-11-04)
Stay Calm Faelan, Kelly, Rasa, Shane
  • (2013-11-04)
Resurrection Shane, Sebastian, Faelan, Lyric, Lia, Kelly, Sophie, Rasa, Jackson,Taylor, Daiki
  • (2013-11-03)
This Weather is for the Birds Ducky, Kelly
  • (2013-11-03)
Memories of Home Kai, Kelly
  • (2013-11-01)
Treehouse Talks Sophie, Kelly
  • (2013-11-01)
Past and Trust in the Library Kelly, Mallory, Faelan
  • (2013-10-31)
Which Part is the Costume? Kelly, Rasa, Mallory, Aloke, Kai, Sophie
  • (2013-10-31)
Truths and Roses Kelly, Aloke