
From X-Men: rEvolution
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Are you tired of being nice? Don't you just want to go ape shitt?


xxxxxNosy no-goodnik (recovering.)


xxxxxRoscoe is an unassuming Vietnamese-American teenager -- five foot four, skinny, twitchy. He wears almost exclusively athletic clothes, usually with his hood up and earbuds in, looking deceptively like he doesn’t want attention. He's been growing his hair out again, and it's reached an unfortunate length that refuses to lie flat. He has olive-toned skin, thick black hair, dimples when he smiles, and prominent front teeth.


xxxxxAround Xavier's, Roscoe is best known as yet another Nu-Methean recruited to the school in late 2023, and among that cohort he doesn't stand out too much; he's still figuring out how to be in high school instead of the labs. Contemporary ex-labrats might know him as that loudmouth kid from Lassiter Cell Block E, where he spent a year and a half challenging everyone he met to a friendly game of chess, or (less likely) as that loudmouth kid from Lavoisier, where he spent three months taking bribes to snoop around in classified filing cabinets. He is highly sociable but habitually rude; if you don't already know he's from Boston, you will soon.


xxxxxRaised with very high standards and very little supervision, Roscoe Vo spent the first eleven years of his life figuring out how to overachieve without actually doing any of the requisite work. This worked smoothly for everyone involved until Roscoe developed a mutation. Nobody took this well. At some point in the ensuing collapse of his entire life, Roscoe started acting out a little too destructively and ended up detained in the Prometheus Project, where he remained until its collapse, twenty-one months later. Not long after that, he turned up at Xavier's.


xxxxxX-ray vision, like Superman but without the super stuff.


xxxxxPoint karate, sort of out of practice. Minecraft survival mode. Minecraft in general. Fairly good at chess, even better at mind games. Audiovisual tech support and troubleshooting. Reading upside-down and backward, reading really fast. Limited conversational Vietnamese. Cheating at a respectable number of card games, both with and without X-ray vision. Hiding things and then remembering where he hid them.







Xavier's Schedule
  • Fall 2023
    • English: Expository Writing
    • History: U.S.: Colonialism - 1861
    • Mathematics: Transitional Mathematics
    • Science: Biology
    • Phys Ed: Swimming
    • Health: Teen Health Matters
    • Extracurriculars: Chess Club
  • Winter 2024
    • History: U.S.: 1861 - 1941
    • Mathematics: Transitional Mathematics
    • Art: Drawing 1: Methods & Materials
    • Phys Ed: Running
    • Comp Sci: Fundamentals of Computer Science
    • Social Studies: Intro Psychology
    • Extracurriculars: Chess Club
    • Extracurriculars: Martial Arts Club
  • Roscoe has actually contributed fairly little to either military or medical science yet; every so often someone new came across his file, got really excited about it, went to Lassiter, ran a bunch of tests, then had their project quietly nerfed by the CIA as soon as they submitted a proposal to move him to a new lab. LOL suck it!
  • If you look very closely at his eyes you can see a lot of odd discoloration, scarring, damage, so on from infections, medical interventions to treat the infections, complications from the medical interventions, you get the picture. He probably won't let you look very closely at his eyes; for some reason he's kinda twitchy about that.
  • Roscoe has stabbed three people with pens, which maybe isn't a lot, but it's a lot to have had a fairly negligible impact on his reputation.



Roscoe Brendan Vo
Rovo230924 1.png
Birthdate May 20, 2008
Birthplace Boston, Massachusetts
Species Mutant
Affiliation Prometheus, Xavier's
Alignment Amogus
Powers X-ray vision
Occupation Student
Registration Status N/A (Underage)
RP Hooks
Now you see it... Roscoe has a bad case of sticky fingers, mostly for little things: coins, pens, erasers, lighters, snacks, smokes. At least he's staying away from felony larceny this time.
Outstanding move. Roscoe loves games! Please play games with him. He is no longer limited to the games in the rec/wreck at Lassiter. He probably still wants to gamble. He absolutely still wants to trash-talk.
:OmegaLUL: Roscoe is back on the web with a vengeance, armed with a good idea of how easily the Internet can ruin a life and a very long memory for people who've done him wrong. Just as soon as he figures out what the "dark web" is, he's paying it forward.
Legolas, what do your elf eyes see? Roscoe makes a great lookout, spy, conspirator, etc. He’s also really eager to show this off. He’ll do it for free. Please.


start1..5051..100(71 total)
  • (2023-07-24)
We Could Be Heroes
  • (2023-07-19)
Fun and Profit
  • (2023-07-17)
Uno Reverse
  • (2023-07-04)
Of Riots and Rethinking (Or, Best Laid Plans)
  • (2023-07-03)
Of Buddies and Bait (Or, The Very Devout Members of the Lassiter Chapel Youth Group)
  • (2023-06-13)
Of Ramen and Recruitment (Or, All Each Other's Problem)
  • (2023-06-13)
Of Drinks and Dimensions (Or, X-Kid Clown Car)
  • (2023-06-10)
Of Performances and Prizefights (Or, Spencer Fucking Holland)
  • (2023-06-04)
Exit Strategies
  • (2023-05-29)
Faith No More
  • (2023-05-26)
One for the Road
  • (2023-05-22)
Less Economics and Better TV
  • (2023-05-16)
Security Details
  • (2023-05-13)
Cheat Sheet
  • (2023-05-08)
  • (2023-05-06)
Of Games and Glasses (Or, The Lassiter Youth Comedy Hour)
  • (2023-05-04)
Powers Suck
  • (2023-05-04)
Of Raids and Realizations (Or, The Children’s Crusade)
  • (2023-04-20)
Good Trouble
  • (2023-04-17)
Pretty Boring
  • (2021-09-07)
Vignette - Foresight
start1..5051..100(71 total)