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Aloke -Laser- Suresh

xxxxxAloke was recently trapped in an accident caused by his own power going out of control. He now appears to be a man of about 50 years old, with crows feet at his eyes, and stark white hair at his temples. Also, his skin is now constantly glowing with a yellow light.. Most days he's a little hard to look directly at, though sometimes he's actually painful to look at he's so bright.


xxxxxAloke is the quintessential 'professor'. Really, he was born for it. It's lucky that he actually enjoys doing it. Aloke is an Indian-American man in his mid-thirties, but his family must have come to this country ages ago because there is zero trace of an Indian accent when he speaks. Everything about him screams native New Yorker, and everything else pretty much just says, Hello, I am a Teacher. He wears a battered, brown corduroy jacket with patches on the elbows. Under that is either a faded, black Ramones t-shirt, or that of some other 80's punk band. He also wears loose-fitting jeans, and brown converse shoes. Of particular note however, is the amber light which glows from behind his brown eyes. It's more noticeable in low-light conditions, but its always there.


xxxxxAloke grew up as the artistically talented son of a working class family. He was fairly bright, and school was a breeze, which sort of ruined the whole tortured artist thing he was trying for in his awkward adolescence. He feigned not caring about school for a year or so there, but finally gave in. His focus was on art, but he got high marks in most subjects and was eventually accepted into NYAA for drawing and painting. His understanding of light was getting him some attention.

xxxxxAll of this was lonely for him though. He was never sure how to explain the glow in his eyes, or his spectacular reactions to stressful moments, and so he has spent his adult life essentially single. He went on to do graduate work, because it kept him busy, and then after a couple of successful art shows in the New York art community, he accepted a teaching position at NYU. He had been teaching there for about 10 years when Xavier's people found him and offered him a position teaching painting and drawing at the Xavier School. He jumped at the chance to finally be with people who understood what it is to be a mutant.


xxxxxBody of Light: Body of Light: Aloke's power is the ability to turn himself into a coherent beam of light and travel at light speed. This makes him seem to teleport instantaneously, for the most part, but he is actually traveling the distance between two points, and needs a light-permeable path to get there. Normal windows are passable, but heavy tints and reflective surfaces cause problems. Also, while he is in this travel state, due to relativistic time dilation, to Aloke's perception time slows to a halt. He can't do anything to anyone in this state, but it does allow him to look around at a frozen scene, giving him time to think about where he's going, and therefor the illusion of preternatural perception and reflexes.

xxxxxAloke does not need to eat, breathe or sleep while in light form, and could theoretically travel through space, as long he didn't stop while unprotected. Defying any sense within the context of physics (as if his Light Form didn't already), Aloke's 'Body of Light' strains his stamina, physically and mentally. True, he doesn't grow hungry or tired in the traditional sense, but the effort of maintaining this form builds up over time, whether its a long flight around the moon and back, or many flashes in quick succession, Aloke's internal reservoir of energy eventually runs down, leaving him exhausted, and in extreme circumstances, needing a lot of time to rest and recover. Ironically, he grows tired even faster when taking the form in the presence of bright sunlight, as the rays try to scatter his coherent beam.

xxxxxAddendum to 'Body of Light': Aloke is now aware that traveling in this form causes him to age approximately 7.5 days for every second of personal time in Light Form. Most of the time his trips are so brief that this measurement is negligible, however this knowledge has caused him to become very reluctant to use his power except in the most dire need. He is also no longer able to make quick, flitting, multiple trips in quick succession. It's unclear whether this is a mental block, or due to his accident, but he needs up to half a minute sometimes between trips to recover himself. Additionally, after traveling, Aloke would need a full minute to charge his Light Skin ability.

xxxxxNew Power, Light Skin: Aloke's secondary mutation has manifested as the ability to convert just his skin to white hot laser light. This burns off anything he's wearing, and his feet leave burns wherever he steps. In this form, he's able to burn through many types of materials by touching them, though heavy earthen materials like concrete or stone would take so long as to just be impractical. He can cut through normal metals given some time, though adamantium, ceramics, uranium-coated armor plating and other ultra-heavy metals are impossible for him. He would be able to cut through the thin metal of a normal car without any trouble. This form provides no protection from bullets or energy attacks, except for other lasers. It provides some protection in hand-to-hand fighting, but only because Aloke's surface temperature is very hot in this state. Aloke can trigger this form no sooner than a minute after using his travel form. He can maintain the Light Skin form for about ten minutes at best. If he went the full time, he would collapse, utterly exhausted, requiring high calorie foods, water, and a full night's rest. He would not be able to beam travel until he gets that rest. Using the form for 5 minutes or so exhausts him on the level of an average person having just run a marathon. After this, he would need a full minute before he's able to use his travel ability again.


  • Jackson - He gets me. I doubt he'll ever know how much that means.
  • Micah - Possibly the sweetest man alive. Jax and Micah have helped open my inner eye.
  • Mallory - Makes me the luckiest bastard alive.
  • Thomas - His help was invaluable. I hope he doesn't blame himself.


  • Kurt - Sweet guy, hard worker, devoted to the students.
  • Logan - Only met the once. Gruff.


  • Rasa - An insightful young person. I hope to be as helpful to hir someday.
  • Ducky - A mature young lady. More together than she realizes, I think.

And everything in between

  • [[]] - .

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Aloke Suresh
Codename Laser
Birthdate October 17th, 1977
Species Mutant
Affiliation Xavier's School
Powers Light Speed Travel
Occupation Teacher
Alts Luke Cage, Lorna Dane, Kaori Takahashi, Joe Zerah
RP Hooks
Art Teacher - Aloke is a talented educator, and an even more talented artist. He's had his paintings shown in major shows in New york city, and taught art at NYU for 10 years. You might know him from any of those places.
OLD - In his mid-thirties, Aloke is downright ancient. Also, he's been passing in the non-mutant world for 20 years. He has some experience hiding, if you need any pointers.
Indian Hindu - Aloke's family has been in America for many generations, but he was raised in the old ways. He's not particularly religious, but he observes the basics, and maintains a strict vegetarian diet.
Yoga - Raised as a modern Hindu from his youth, one of the few traditions that really stuck with Aloke was the practice of yoga. There are many types and variations of course, but he has dabbled in most of them and remains quite proficient in the basics. His body is flexible and strong from it, and he could easily teach a beginner's class in movement and meditation.
Classes Taught:
  • Introductory/Intermediate/Advanced Drawing (Teacher: Aloke)
  • Introductory/Intermediate/Advanced Painting (Teachers: Jax (Intro), Aloke (Int/Adv))
  • Life Drawing (Teacher: Aloke)
  • Figure Drawing (Teacher: Aloke)
  • Yoga as Meditation (Teacher: Aloke)
  • Vinyasa Yoga (Teacher: Aloke)

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Archived Logs
1..5051..79(79 total)
Date Title Cast Mentions
  • (2014-06-29)
What Dreams May Come Aloke, Mallory
  • (2014-06-01)
Point of No Return Aloke, Mallory, Thomas
  • (2014-04-25)
The Impossible Aloke, Mallory
  • (2014-04-18)
Into the Woods Mallory, Aloke
  • (2014-04-07)
Deuces Wild Aloke, Hank, Lorna, Mallory
  • (2014-03-26)
Save the Date Aloke, Mallory
  • (2014-03-26)
Embracing Chaos Aloke, Jackson
  • (2014-03-23)
Helpful Answers Aloke, Dorian Siccavil
  • (2014-03-18)
Dead On Arrival Peter, Aloke, Spencer, Hank, Karrie
  • (2014-03-16)
Three Hour Tour Mallory, Aloke, Moulik
  • (2014-03-09)
Take The Second Jackson, Micah, Aloke, Mallory, Cage
  • (2014-03-09)
Full Circle Aloke, Mallory
  • (2014-03-02)
Grand Opening Mallory, Aloke
  • (2014-02-19)
The Right Thing Aloke, Mallory
  • (2014-02-11)
Cold Shoulder Aloke, Mallory, Hank
  • (2014-01-26)
Gremlins Mallory, Aloke
  • (2014-01-24)
Burning Curiosity Aloke, Mallory, Thomas, Hank
  • (2014-01-18)
Travel Plans Aloke, Mallory
  • (2014-01-12)
A Prayer for Light Aloke, Micah
  • (2014-01-10)
Rooming Couplets Mallory, Aloke
  • (2014-01-05)
The Newish Teachers Aloke, Mallory, Vanessa
  • (2014-01-04)
Snowy Night Aloke, Mallory, Thomas
  • (2013-12-23)
A Favor to Ask Aloke, Dorian Siccavil
  • (2013-12-20)
Worth Knowing Aloke, Shane, Micah, Jackson
  • (2013-12-16)
Love and Snow Mallory, Aloke
  • (2013-12-12)
Bright Ideas Aloke, Ghost, Shane
  • (2013-12-10)
Enlightenment Mallory, Aloke
  • (2013-12-04)
One Fine Day Mallory, Aloke
  • (2013-12-01)
Taking Time Dorian Siccavil, Aloke
  • (2013-11-21)
Falling Aloke, Mallory
  • (2013-11-20)
Parent-Teacher Conference Micah, Jackson, Aloke
  • (2013-11-20)
Human Beans Aloke, Kelly, Rasa, Sebastian, Shane
  • (2013-11-19)
Outside Point of View Aloke, Sebastian, Shane
  • (2013-11-18)
Tempting Fate Mallory, Aloke
  • (2013-11-17)
School 101 Aloke, Kelly, Lia
  • (2013-11-17)
Family of Choice Mallory, Thomas, Aloke
  • (2013-11-16)
Clay Dolls Aloke, Kelly, Lia
  • (2013-11-14)
Spologies Mallory, Aloke
  • (2013-11-14)
Off the Bench Jax, Aloke
  • (2013-11-11)
The Conquering Hero Jax, Rasa, Kelly, and Aloke
  • (2013-11-11)
Home Is Where the Heart Is Mallory, Aloke
  • (2013-11-07)
He even has his appetite back! Aloke, Kelly, Mallory
  • (2013-11-07)
Carried Mallory, Aloke
  • (2013-11-04)
Comforting Company Aloke, Mallory
  • (2013-10-31)
Which Part is the Costume? Kelly, Rasa, Mallory, Aloke, Kai, Sophie
  • (2013-10-31)
Truths and Roses Kelly, Aloke
  • (2013-10-19)
Hot Water Mallory, Aloke
  • (2013-10-17)
Good People Aloke, Jackson
  • (2013-10-09)
Curry and Conversation Aloke, Mallory
  • (2013-10-08)
Not a Question Aloke, Ivan, Jackson
1..5051..79(79 total)