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We grew up way too fast, now there's nothing to believe

xxxxxPrometheus stole almost everything from him. He can't get all of it back, so now there's nothing for it but making something new.


xxxxxA biracial Latino with light tan skin, neatly trimmed medium length black hair, and large, dark brown eyes, Jamie stands a wiry 5'7" and sometimes looks even smaller owing to habitually hunching posture. He smiles infrequently and tends to move quietly, which comes off like scurrying when he is anxious (which is often), but can be graceful when he is at ease (which is rarely).


xxxxxBasically unknown outside of Prometheans, who mostly find him difficult or irritating, except for those who have encountered him in the labs, who think he is a despicable collaborator.


xxxxxAs a teenager, Jamie fled his family of origin and their relentless homophobia. He found a new family, only to lose it when a brush with the law sent him to Prometheus. He tried to resist, he tried to escape, and eventually he had little left to him but surviving. Then, after a fateful encounter with the infamous Prometheus raid team, he realized that surviving wasn't enough anymore.


xxxxxJamie can sense, augment, suppress, and even control other mutants' powers. This ability is psionic in nature, and others with psionic powers may be resistant to his control, or at least may have an easier time fighting it. He cannot interface with purely physical mutations, nor can he work through psi shielding.

xxxxxHis maximum range is around 50 feet in a every direction, but the strength of his powers diminish with distance. Realistically his ability to perform complex manipulation only extends for about 20 feet, his ability to augment/suppress selectively fades at around 30 feet, his blanket augmentation/suppression at around 40 feet, and beyond that can only detect the presence of mutant powers.

xxxxxIt is possible to resist his augmentation, suppression, manipulation at range. The difficulty of fighting his control is dependent on distance, the type of powers in question, and his ability to focus. If he applies his full attention at close range to a person with non-psionic powers, there is effectively no chance they can resist. If he is only dedicating part of his attention to a strong and/or adept telepath who is some distance away, they have a reasonably good chance of shaking his control (although he can always try to re-establish it).

xxxxxHe can gain some intuitive knowledge of powers within his range provided he can observe them at work, but without practice his control is crude. He can attempt to control powers without seeing them in action first, but doing so is basically trial-and-error at first and potentially dangerous. In general, he tends to have an easier time picking up types of powers with which he has more experience (which often amounts to common ones), even if the specific one in question is new to him.


xxxxxHaving spent almost his entire adult life in Prometheus custody, Jamie lacks many practical life skills. Over the last couple of years, he has slowly worked toward catching up, but he still cannot drive, manage personal finances, or build a wardrobe. He has, at least, grown more adept at hiding his incompetence as he muddles his own way through learning to adult.

xxxxxA competent if not extraordinary potter, he has some experience helping his aunt's business in manufacturing, sales, and bookkeeping. As long as he trusts the source, he follows instructions very well. He has some rusty desert camping/survival skills from barely-remembered scouting days, and excellent situational awareness.

xxxxxHis greatest strength by far lies in creative writing, his prose lush and immersive, his narratives nuanced and engaging. He is fluent in English and Spanish, and speaks serviceable if halting Mandarin without any memory of how he picked it up.


Magnum Opus


Mainstream Adult Literary Fiction



  • Random facts you think are worth knowing about your character.
  • And more random facts!
  • And more.

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Jamie Francisco Xavier
Codename Number One
Birthdate 4 October, 1993
Birthplace Phoenix, Arizona
Species Mutant
Affiliation Prometheans
Powers Manipulating mutant powers
Occupation Author
Registration Status (currently n/a)
Faceclaim Diego Tinoco
RP Hooks
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
Date Title Cast Mentions
  • (2023-07-07)
Prometheus: TITANFALL - Alpha Charles, Matt, Ryan, Scott Kavalam, Gaétan, Cerebro, Dawson, Hive, Jamie, Jax, B, Erik, Shane, Spencer
  • (2023-03-16)
Triangulation DJ, Matt Dawson, Hive, Erik, Jax, Jamie
  • (2023-01-04)
(Re)connecting? Anahita, DJ Dawson, Polaris, WInona, Maya, Jamie, Leo, Lucien
  • (2021-12-22)
Those who trouble their households will inherit wind, and the fool will be servant to the wise. Jamie, Leo, Polaris
  • (2021-11-07)
Sibling (in Christ) Rivalry DJ, Jamie, Polaris
  • (2021-10-25)
Try Harder Ion, Jamie
  • (2021-10-21)
Somebody That I Used To Know Jamie, Not Joshua
  • (2021-10-09)
Unforgiven Hive, Jamie, Polaris
