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*The Danger Room also records all of its sessions by default for later reviewing, though this functionality can be turned off at any point during a session.
*The Danger Room also records all of its sessions by default for later reviewing, though this functionality can be turned off at any point during a session.
*Visitors to the Danger Room are advised to leave electronic devices behind before visiting the sublevel, due to the risk of data loss and hardware failure associated with proximity to the room. Powerful telepaths are likewise advised to speak with Professor Xavier before attempting to use the room.
*Visitors to the Danger Room are advised to leave electronic devices behind before visiting the sublevel, due to the risk of data loss and hardware failure associated with proximity to the room. Powerful telepaths are likewise advised to speak with Professor Xavier before attempting to use the room.

Revision as of 06:16, 13 September 2015


xxxxxThe room is large and circular, a geodesic hemisphere of hexagonal ceramic panels. It is the Danger Room, and is thus often full of danger, but is presently not in use and is thus remarkably danger-free. Safest room in the school, probably.

Notes & Trivia
  • ALL faculty is reminded that the school is here to prepare students for college and adult life, NOT PREPARE SOLDIERS FOR WAR. Intensely graphic or violence-heavy DR scenarios are generally speaking not appropriate for high school students; any exceptions must be cleared through Professor Xavier or Professor Grey.
  • Pretty much a Holodeck, the Danger Room is the X-Men's training facility. It is a simulated reality environment, programmable to create most worlds and scenarios that can be imagined. Possibly some that haven't yet been.
  • By default, it has many safety protocols in place so that any simulated injury that takes place in the DR stays simulated. These can be turned off, though it's not a good idea to override its safety settings.
  • By default, also, X-Men are the only people authorized to use the Danger Room. Their privileges can be revoked if necessary, and other teachers can be granted privileges if necessary. Scott and Xavier are the only people, currently, with the ability to grant or revoke DR privileges. Anyone wanting a DR session on-cam will need to coordinate with one of the PCs who has access. The only PCs with current DR authorization are:
  • The Danger Room also records all of its sessions by default for later reviewing, though this functionality can be turned off at any point during a session.
  • Visitors to the Danger Room are advised to leave electronic devices behind before visiting the sublevel, due to the risk of data loss and hardware failure associated with proximity to the room. Powerful telepaths are likewise advised to speak with Professor Xavier before attempting to use the room.
  • Teachers/Advisors can ICly coordinate with someone who has DR access if they think their students/advisees would benefit from DR training. Students are not by default required to train in the Danger Room ever. Teachers bringing students to DR sessions should use their judgment about what scenarios are appropriate for an individual student's personality and ability; causing physical or emotional trauma to a student will most certainly get DR privileges revoked.
  • The room itself requires both fingerprint and voice recognition to enter, and voice recognition once inside to give it instructions. Students who have powers that can replicate teachers' voices and fingerprints should not take this as license to use the DR. Unauthorized use will be severely dealt with.
  • Once activated, the DR responds to verbal commands. There is a similarly secured Control Room overlooking it where a computer terminal allows greater control over the construction and manipulation of scenarios. The DR has a surprisingly sophisticated ability to parse natural language and follow even vague and implicit instructions, though operators are advised to speak clearly and avoid abusive language. Allegations that the Danger Room has a sense of humor have been neither confirmed nor denied by the administration.
  • DR scenarios can be constructed ad-hoc through verbal commands, though scenarios created and scripted ahead of time may be more useful for instructional purposes. The DR may be instructed to save a scenario for later use.
  • As to its capabilities, the DR functions on a combination of telepathically projected illusions and telekinesis. Illusions are far more efficient and will be defaulted to when possible, including effects distorting distance and position. Only when participants must be interacted with physically will telekinesis be used. While the telekinetic effects are relatively weak and inefficient, the illusory projections are unusually powerful, often overwhelming even otherwise stalwart psychic defenses. While the projections are noninvasive, the experience can be disconcerting for the psychically aware, who are advised to spend a period acclimating themselves to the environment before running simulations.
  • Though few people are aware of this fact, the Danger Room's AI and the network's sysadmin are one and the same -- though the fact that the school's all-seeing sysadmin shares a name with that locked door down the hall has probably clued at least a few attentive souls in. Specifics about Cerebro are difficult to come by, however: faculty will advise students to ask Xavier, and the Professor will advise the curious to ask Cerebro themselves if they truly wish to know. Personal inquiries sent to Cerebro directly are politely rebuffed.
Important Events

xxxxxAnything particularly noteworthy happen in this spot? Note it here!

Danger Room
Neighborhood XS
Mutant-friendliness Xavier's
Date Title Cast Mentions
  • (2024-03-10)
Boom and Zoom Kyinha, Scott
  • (2024-02-29)
NBD B, Cerebro Erik, Mystique, Charles
  • (2023-08-29)
Mutatis Mutandis Charles, Cerebro Hive, Lucien, Ryan
  • (2023-07-20)
Serious People Ash, Kitty Jax, Isra, Erik, Leo
  • (2020-10-31)
Trick and Treat Blink, Katherine
  • (2020-02-17)
On Course Flicker, Tian-shin
  • (2019-06-01)
Collaboration Flicker, Hive, Ion, Jax, Matt, Shane