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xxxxxOverview of your character goes here.


xxxxxRoscoe is five-foot-four and fervently hoping for a growth spurt. This is particularly unfortunate combined with his sinewy build, which just refuses to bulk up despite his best efforts. He has straight black hair cropped short and not very stylishly, dimples when he smiles, and prominent front teeth. He was supposed to get his braces off like a year ago; he’s still waiting.


xxxxxRoscoe has been hanging around Lassiter for over a year now, so he knows his way around, and pretty much everybody knows him. He doesn't command much respect, but doesn't ask to. He's meek with the labcoats, less meek with the guards, but still respectful enough that he gets away with teenagerness. Keeps to himself around the inmates; has a handful of friends who mostly think of him like a kid brother or occasionally a kid. Somewhat scrappy but tends to lose fights.


xxxxxCould have gone to juvie and saved himself all this trouble, but he’s been told they would have gotten him in the end, anyway. Labrat since October 2021, Lassiter lab since February 2022.


xxxxxRoscoe describes his powers as “x-ray vision” but they have little to do with x-rays at all. His vision is exponentially sharper and more fine-tuned than the average human’s, which allows him to see through most solid objects by refocusing his eyes to ignore the particles of matter in the way. His range of vision is not much greater than average, but his visual acuity is something like 20/2.


xxxxxKarate through elementary and middle school, blue belt, sort of out of practice. Minecraft survival mode. Minecraft in general, actually. Chess club – he’s no chess genius, but he does know a ton of terminology. Audiovisual tech support, services, troubleshooting, etc. learned mostly on the job at school assemblies. Various parkour nonsense, self-taught and overenthusiastic. Reading upside-down and backward, reading really fast. Limited conversational Vietnamese.



  • Coming soon.


  • Coming soon.

  • Medical breakthroughs Roscoe has aided in: zero. Every few weeks someone new stumbled across his file and got really excited about the potential, whereupon they would go to Lassiter, run a bunch of tests, either come up empty or get their project nerfed by someone in the CIA, and slink away in disgrace. At least one of them did so like three times. LOL suck it.
  • Good at school. Skipped third grade and was an additional year ahead in math, or at least he was before everything went down.
  • No longer allowed to have pens. Has stabbed three people with pens. Which isn't a lot, but it's a lot to have had a fairly negligible impact on how nonthreatening people seem to find him. One of them wasn't even in Prometheus. But if you bring it up with anyone who was there you'll get a lot of shrugs and "Eh, the guy was asking for it" and he didn't even die anyway, so it was no big.


[[Image:|x150px]] [[Image:|x150px]] [[Image:|x150px]]

Roscoe Brendan Vo
Birthdate May 20, 2008
Birthplace Boston, Massachusetts
Species Mutant
Affiliation Prometheus
Alignment Amogus
Powers X-ray vision
Occupation Labrat
Registration Status Unregistered (underage)
RP Hooks
Legolas, what do your elf eyes see? - Roscoe makes a great lookout, spy, conspirator, etc. He’s also really eager to show this off. He’ll do it for free. Please.
What are those?!? - Roscoe wants to know what’s up with you, what’s up with your powers, what’s up with all your friends, what you’re doing right at this minute, and what you plan to do next. And he will ask about it.
Outstanding move. - Roscoe wants to play chess with you. Or Scrabble. Or cards. Anything but Monopoly.


1..5051..95(95 total)
Date Title Cast Mentions
  • (2024-09-22)
Depth of Field Roscoe, Tok Spencer
  • (2024-09-16)
Bird School Mr. Horus, Roscoe Joshua
  • (2024-09-12)
How to Hero Avi, Nahida, Roscoe Sriyani, Spencer, Quentin, Natsumi, Jax, Scott, Charles
  • (2024-09-09)
Interdisciplinary Studies Dallen, Quentin, Roscoe Horus, Jax, Charles, Bryce
  • (2024-09-04)
We won't get cocky / that would take having some faith / in, well, anyone. Natsumi, Roscoe Horus, Hive, Scott, Tian-shin, Sriyani, Nahida, Joshua, Quentin
  • (2024-08-19)
Fool Proof Roscoe, Tok Hive, Jax
  • (2024-08-08)
Atomweight Championship Roscoe, Tok
  • (2024-08-07)
Re-Cookie Jax, Roscoe
  • (2024-08-05)
Freak Jail Hipsters Roscoe, Shane Spencer, B, Jax, Hive, Daiki
  • (2024-08-02)
We Own the Night Nahida, Roscoe, Sriyani, Quentin Clint, Steve, Sam, Leo
  • (2024-07-24)
Boing Boing Roscoe, Tok
  • (2024-07-23)
Stupid Kid Math Roscoe, Tok
  • (2024-07-10)
Sriracha-lympics Joshua, Roscoe
  • (2024-07-08)
Bug Meat Jax, Roscoe, Tok Charles
  • (2024-07-05)
It Is What It Is Roscoe, Tok Quentin, Scott
  • (2024-07-04)
Of Fingers and Fireworks (Or, Pity Points) Gaétan, Kavalam, Roscoe Steve, Lucien, Matt
  • (2024-07-01)
Geoguesstimate Roscoe, Sriyani
  • (2024-06-29)
Against All Odds Ion, Nanami, Roscoe Gaétan, Sriyani, Ryan, Jax
  • (2024-06-24)
Double or Nothing Roscoe, Tok Leonidas, Ford, Scott
  • (2024-05-24)
The Future is Ours AJ, Leonidas, Roscoe Quentin, Dallen, Charles
  • (2024-05-24)
M(i/a)croaggressions Ford, Quentin, Roscoe Dallen, Sriyani, Nahida, Sera
  • (2024-05-23)
Tomorrow will bring / whatever, really. who knows. / I know we'll have jokes Natsumi, Roscoe Nahida, Leonidas, Sriyani, Sera, Gaétan, Lucien
  • (2024-05-22)
Teenage Mutant Were-Bug-Aliens Roscoe, Tok Avi, Nevaeh, Scott
  • (2024-05-21)
Shoot Your Shot Avi, Roscoe
  • (2024-05-20)
Your hands are shaking / Mine, too. Eyes wide, hearts pounding. / Fear, or bravery? Natsumi, Roscoe, Sriyani, Falcon-cameo Nahida, Nevaeh, Quentin, Dallen
  • (2024-05-17)
Misdirectory Cerebro, Halim, Roscoe
  • (2024-05-16)
What? Yeah, sure, I'm good / sounds like you've had it rough, though / thank god that's not me AJ, Natsumi Roscoe, Leonidas, Nahida, Naomi, Lael, Avi, Charles, Harm
  • (2024-05-13)
Of Clipboards and Capture (Or, "Psionic" Self-"Defense") Kavalam, Tok, Roscoe, Hive, Charles Scott
  • (2024-05-10)
Of Raids and Remembering (Or, Crime School) Joshua, Kavalam, Roscoe Ryan, Halim, Harm, Charles
  • (2024-05-10)
Of Files and Freeloading (Or, Shitfuck Recycling) Halim, Kavalam, Roscoe Kelawini, Charles, Joshua
  • (2024-05-05)
For Future Reference Ford, Hive, Roscoe, Sriyani Ryan, Charles, Scott, Jax, Joshua, Quentin
  • (2024-04-27)
The seeds of friendship / like new flowers sprouting up / amidst the rubble Nahida, Natsumi, Roscoe Sriyani, Naomi, Lael, Avi, Charles, Quentin, Scott
  • (2024-04-27)
Escort Missions Nessie, Sriyani, Quentin, Roscoe, Nick, Bryce, Elizabeth, Dallen, Ford, Kurt, Joshua, Emilia, Scott Nevaeh, Taylor, Dawson, DJ, Nahida
  • (2024-04-27)
Doing Something Quentin, Nessie, Bryce, Emilia, Roscoe, Sriyani, Kurt, Kelawini, Dallen, Ford, Scott Taylor, Nick, Shane, B, Jax
  • (2024-04-23)
Make Them Care Quentin, Scott, Sriyani, Roscoe, Kelawini, Ford, Dallen, Nessie, Bryce, Spencer Charles, Jax, Nanami, Ryan
  • (2024-04-23)
Freaks for Freaktown Quentin, Sriyani, Roscoe, Dallen Jax
  • (2024-04-19)
Of Paganism and Pedagogy (Or, Holy Wars) Kavalam, Nahida, Bryce, Roscoe, Quentin, Naomi, Avi, Dallen, Sriyani, Ford
  • (2024-04-17)
In Which a Hot Dog Has an Unfortunate Beginning and Unfortunate End, and an X-Kid’s Hopes Are Dashed Naomi, Roscoe, Taylor Lael, Spencer, Nick
  • (2024-04-15)
Opening Moves Celestine, Roscoe
  • (2024-04-04)
Constructive Criticism Hive, Leonidas, Roscoe Dawson, Charles, Scott, Sriyani, Natsumi, Shane, Dusk, Steve
  • (2024-04-03)
The moon blots all light / the future is not sure, but / the sun will return Natsumi, Roscoe, Sriyani Matt, Jax, Ryan, Gaétan, Nevaeh
  • (2024-04-01)
Weird/Boring Avi, Roscoe Bryce, Alma, Moab, Nanami, Kelawini, Gaétan, Matt, Ryan
  • (2024-03-31)
Here (Could) Be Monsters Nahida, Quentin, Roscoe Jax, Nevaeh, Sriyani, Erik, Scott
  • (2024-03-27)
Of Ramen and Reunions (Or, Torture Memes for Lassi-Teens) Kavalam, Roscoe Joshua, Nessie, Jax, Gaétan, Lucien, Matt, Nahida
  • (2024-02-26)
Do As I Do Kitty, Roscoe
  • (2024-02-25)
Fear of Missing Out Echo, Roscoe
  • (2024-02-24)
Meerkat Manor Nevaeh, Roscoe, Sriyani Scott
  • (2024-02-13)
Queen's Gambit Leonidas, Nessie, Roscoe
  • (2024-01-25)
Hall of Fame Bryce, Dallen, Roscoe Kyinha, Dawson, Jax, Charles
  • (2024-01-21)
"Support" "Group" Emilia, Hive, Kelawini, Roscoe Joshua, Gaétan, Sera, Matt
1..5051..95(95 total)