xxxxxSocially awkward by personality but socially aware by profession, Rasheed is a respected neurologist in Manhattan. Aside from his private practice, he volunteers his time at a clinic he helped found with some of his then-colleagues at Mount Sinai Hospital. Common Ground Clinic, run under Mount Sinai's auspices, still, is a free- and low-cost center for at-risk populations to receive excellent medical care.
xxxxxA New Yorker from many generations of New Yorkers, Rasheed highly disapproves of those who see his name and ask him where he is from. He is from right here, thank you, the eldest son of the CFO of a pharmaceutical company who hails from the exotic locale of the Upper East Side, by way of Brooklyn. His home life was comfortable, his family life tight-knit. Supportive, encouraging parents and an innate sense of studiousness propelled Rasheed through school with high marks, his thirst for knowledge most intently focused around the sciences.
This thirst led him to an education in medicine, staying close to home and family to attend NYU for his undergrad, though med school took him farther south to Johns Hopkins. With a specialization in neurology, he eventually returned to New York as a neurosurgeon, doing his residency at Mount Sinai Hospital and staying on there even once he was through. All told he was there for a decade -- between residency and afterwards. In his last years at the hospital he helped to found a clinic, catering to those who could not afford medical care otherwise, or found themselves underserved by other systems. Displaced and low-income populations, drug using populations, undocumented immigrants, mutants; the Clinic slowly became known for offering excellent care free of judgments.
In recent years he has gone into private practice, though he still volunteers his time at Common Ground.
And everything in between
- Iolaus Saavedro - Works at his old haunt. Wants to start a clinic, too? Might be an interesting business relationship.
Rasheed Omar Toure
July 17, 1969
Friends of Humanity
Impersonal Evil
Fixing Brains
RP Hooks
The Good Doctor - Volunteers his time at a free/low-cost clinic in Clinton. Works with a lot of underserved populations.
Faith(less) - A lapsed Muslim, he nevertheless has many ties to the community, and still attends mosque if only to please his aging parents.
Hive, Lucien, Matt
Rasheed, Elie, Murphy
Charles, Lucien
Rasheed, Jax, Shane, Dawson, Ian, Scott, Erik
The Weight of Weighing Options
Hive, Jax, Polaris
Joshua, DJ, Lucien, Rasheed, Shane
Jail Support
Jax, Ryan
Hive, Rasheed
Unusual Stresses
Hive, Matt, Rasheed
Sera, Lucien
Matters of Opportunity
Elie, Mirror, David, Zeyta, Daiki, Wendy, Matt, Winona
Lucien, Rasheed, Flèche
Information Gap
Charles, Hive, Matt
Cerebro, DJ, Dawson, Polaris, Rasheed
Grim Prognoses
Hive, Matt, Polaris
DJ, Rasheed, Lucien
Luxury Hospitality
Daiki, David, Mirror
Lucien, Elie, Matt, Rasheed
Lucien, Daiki, Matt, Mirror, Winona, David, Elie, Wendy, Flèche
Rasheed, Emma
Lucien, Winona, Flèche
Fury, Rasheed
Charles, Lucien
Rasheed, Erik, Elie, Matt, Fury, Hive, Ryan, Anahita
Lucien, Mirror, Wendy, Daiki, Winona, Elie, Hive, Kyinha, Emma Frost
Jax, Rasheed, Matt, Sera
Charles, Lucien, Rasheed
Charles, Lucien
Rasheed, Hive, Matt, Jax, Dawson, Fury, Erik, DJ, Sera, Ryan
Lucien, Matt, Flèche
Hive, Charles, Rasheed
Birds of a Feather
Cerebro, Charles, DJ, Flicker
Hive, Dusk, Ryan, Jax, Spencer, Scott, Matt, Isra, Steve, Rasheed
Fury, Lucien
Rasheed, Matt, Gaétan, Jax, Spencer, Ryan, Hive
What You Can Get
Fury, Rasheed
Steve, Lucien, Matt, Jax
Gift Horse
Fury, Rasheed
Jax, Spencer, Malthus, Iron Man
Can't Complain
Jax, Matt, Rasheed
Ryan, Lucien, Gaétan
Lucien, Wendy, Winona
Rasheed, Hive, Dawson, Ryan, Lily, Matt, Spencer
Their hearts knit together in unity and in love one towards another
Hive, Dawson, Charles
Ryan, Jax, Joshua, Dusk, Erik, Rasheed, Cerebro
It Will Be We
Lily, Winona
Rasheed, Dawson, Skye, Ansel, Lucien
Genetic Code
Joshua, Lily, Rasheed, several shitfucks
Dawson, Dusk
Lily, Rasheed
Dawson, Joshua
Vignette - Incident Report
Hapless Lassiter Staff, Spencer, Rasheed
Human Resources
Rasheed, Malthus
Jax, Erik
Have a Care
Polaris, Rasheed
Off the Rails
Matt, Rasheed, Iron Man
The fear of man lays a snare, but he who trusts in the Lord is safe.
Flicker, Leo, Matt, Rasheed, Steve, Flèche
Ghost Stories
Rasheed, Doctor Messer