Space Holiday
Clint, Rocket
I in Team
Steve, Tony
Bruce, Lucien
Fury, Lucien
Jax, Tony, Rocket, Erik
Operation: T.I.M.E.L.E.S.S.
Natasha, Steve
Clint, Fury
Gift Horse
Fury, Rasheed
Jax, Spencer, Malthus, Iron Man
Can't Complain
Jax, Matt, Rasheed
Ryan, Lucien, Gaétan
Of Cake and Control (Or, Nine Miles of Bad Road)
Fury, Jax, Kavalam
Spencer, Lucien, Gaétan, Ryan, Lucien, Matt
The tide beats in my soul so strong that happiness breaks forth in song,
Kitty, Leo?, Jax, DJ, Steve, Sam, Polaris, Hive, Matt, Fury, Ion, Dusk, Maya, Ryan, FitzSimmons
Operation: S.O.L.S.T.I.C.E.
Wendy, Polaris, Kitty, Ryan, Scramble, Natasha, Clint, Fury, Not Matt, Lucien, FitzSimmons
Jax, Matt, Taylor, B
Joy springs all radiant in my breast; Though pauper poor, than king more blest,
Kitty, B, Hive, Jax, Tag 🤨, Fury, Ryan, Alma, Charles, Scott, FitzSimmons
Blink, Taylor, Tag, Lucien, Dawson
And rings aloud the welkin blue With all the songs I ever knew.
Kitty, Scott, Charles, iʞiɒꓷ, Ryan FitzSimmons
Jax, Hive, Daiki, Gaétan, Lucien, Spencer
For the weapons of our warfare are not merely human, but they have divine power to destroy strongholds.
Jax, Kitty, Leo, Sarabeth Holland, Steve
Erik, Fury, Shane
Something We're Missing
Jax, Scott
Spencer, Gaétan, Elie, Sera
Sword and SHIELD
Fury, Jax, Shane
B, Spencer, Erik, Dusk, Lucien, Malthus
A Light in Dark Places
Jax, Lucien, Matt, Ryan
Erik, Fury, Shane, Tian-shin, Daiki
Jax, Kitty, Lucien, Matt
Ryan, Hive, Dusk, Fury, Scott, Charles, Elie, Sera, Lucien, Gaétan
Fury, Lucien
Jax, Spencer, Gaétan, Elie, Matt
Bones Not Bombs
Jax, Lucien, Steve, Flèche
The Straight Dope
Jax, Ryan, Spencer
Kieow, Leonidas, Dawson, Gaétan, Nanami, Joshua
Of Artwork and Advice (Or, Fury on Ice)
Avi, Fury, Jax, Kavalam, Lael, Naomi, FitzSimmons
Spencer, Lucien, Kitty, Ryan, Kieow, Nanami, Kelawini, Scott, B, Marcus
Split Ends
Alma, Jax, Ryan
Fury, Lucien, Steve
Boundary Setters
Jax, Kitty
Jax, Leo, Lucien, Steve
Fury, Jax, Steve
SHIELD vs. The Power of Friendship
Jax, Joshua, Spencer, Shane, B, Polaris, Matt, Blink, Steve, Rasa, Coulson, Fury, DJ, Dusk, Tag, Kitty
Dawson, Ryan
Jax vs. SHIELD
Jax, Shield NPCs
No Kind of Place
Jax, Steve
Fury, Lucien, Tian-shin
Jax, Lucien
Fury, B, Erik
Sound and Furry
Fury, Jax
B, Shane, Spencer, Lucien, Matt, Flèche, Ryan, Taylor, Hive, Dawson, Steve, Clint
Basic Human Dignity
Fury, Steve
DJ, Fury, Steve
Wild Card
Fury, Steve
Taking Initiative
Fury, Steve
Fury, Lucien
An Olive Branch
B, Fury
Operation: T.E.A.M.
Clint, Natasha, Steve, Agent Coulson
Challenging Proposition
Steve, Fury
Operation: A.G.E.N.T.
Natasha, Nick Fury, Leo Fitz
Clint, Fury
Bargaining Chip
Fury, Steve
Coulson, Steve